Educ 5324-Technology Plan - 2 Zs
Educ 5324-Technology Plan - 2 Zs
Educ 5324-Technology Plan - 2 Zs
Date: 07.16.2015
The plan should guide the LEAs use of education technology for the next three
List specific start and end dates (7/1/xx to 6/30/xx). Provide a brief overview of
the LEA, its location and demographics and/or share a link to the LEAs website.
Start and end dates:
8/1/2015 to 8/1/2018
LEA Title: Bicentennial Elementary School
LEA Region: 6
City, State Zip: Nashua, NH 03062
Phone: (603) 594-4382
Number of Students: 472
Percent of Economically Disadvantaged Student: 38 %
Website of the LEA:
Describe how a variety of stakeholders from within the LEA and the communityat-large participated in the planning process.
List of stakeholders within LEA:
The Principal:
Assistant Principal:
IT Manager:
Computer Teacher:
Local Universities:
Community stakeholders:
Parents Teachers, team leads, department heads Instructional Coaches All these
stakeholders listed above arranged meetings regularly and communicated with each
other on how to plan and what to include in the plan once in every month.
Summarize the relevant research and describe how it supports the plan's
curricular and professional development goals.
Summarize the plans major curricular and professional development outcomes
that are supported by research.
Describe and cite the relevant research that supports the plans outcomes.
Describe the connection between the research and the plans goals.
Describe information gathered from site visits, including best practices.
Existing Hardware: Bicentennial School has a Local Area Network and T-1 Line
hooked up through the Nashua Office of Education with at least one computer in every
classroom, twenty-one computers in the lab, 4 computers in the library, and five
computers in the office. Most classrooms contain a television, videocassette
recorder/DVD player, headphones/listening center and overhead projector and screen. All
classrooms have telephones and the school has a school wide all call system.
Describe students' current access to instructional technology and current use of
digital tools. Include a description about the LEA policy, practices, and/or
replacement policy that ensures equitable technology access for all students.
Is technology currently available to all students?
Yes, In addition to this classroom based technology, there are numerous other pieces of
equipment. A digital camera and a digital video camera are available for teachers and
students to use. This usage is dictated by need of teacher and/or students and the projects
they are working on. A scanner is located in the computer lab and is also utilized by both
students and teachers when working on multimedia projects and as needed. All
equipment checked out to students is through their project teacher for the duration of time
deemed necessary by the teacher.
What replacement cycle has been built into the plan; and what funding is
needed to support the replacement policy?
The District policy has been, and will continue to be, to use equipment for as long as
possible. This use it until it dies approach is necessary due to a lack of funding for
regular replacement of any items. It is clear however that some software programs and
some hardware items do need to be replaced each year. Those parts and items of
hardware that need to be regularly replaced will be included in the replacement budget as
indicated above. The current equipment replacement budget ($1000 annually) will be
used to replace computers in the computer lab. Grant funds and other donations received
will be used for a similar purchase as available, as well as to acquire new software.
Describe goals and an implementation plan, with annual activities, for using
technology to improve teaching and learning. Describe how these goals align to
the LEA's curricular goals that are supported by other plans. Describe how the
LEA's budget (LCAP) supports these goals, and whether future funding
proposals or partnerships may be needed for successful implementation.
What are the LEAs curriculum goals and plans for assisting students to meet
technology literacy and information skills?
All teachers use the New Hampshire Department of Education English Language
Development Standards for their ELL students and the Handbook of Goals and
Objectives Related to the Essential State of New Hampshire Content Standards when
working with special education students. The district also has specific Student
Technology Standards for all students. All textbooks series are standards-based.
What LEA adopted curriculum supports the acquisition of technology and
information literacy skills?
During the spring of 2013, the Technology Committee will meet with the literacy
providers to share information about the schools technology plan, to learn how they are
currently incorporating technology into their classes, and to discover how we may
collaborate to better provide services to our students, our parents and our general
community. Possible assistance may include providing facilities so classes may be
integrated into their curriculum, collaboratively pursuing literacy funding resources,
offering technology professional development courses to adult literacy staff, and assisting
them in locating online adult literacy providers such as LEA classes.
100% of Bicentennial School children will be competent in safely using the Internet. The
district will provide the students with knowledge on Cyber Bullying Prevention, Social
Networking and Personal Safety on the Internet either by writing lesson plans or by using
plans from Safe Internet Surfing (
Describe goals and an implementation plan, with annual activities, for providing
professional development opportunities based on your LEA needs assessment
data and the Curriculum Component of the plan.
How will teachers and administrators be trained and provided on-going
support in the effective integration of technology into curriculum?
Teachers will receive training in the use of data and in the use of data base materials to
inform instruction. Teachers will be trained in the use of the school web site in order to
have an up to date web page that is useful to parents and students. Teachers will
participate in email in-service training to utilize technology to make themselves more
accessible to district announcements, county professional development opportunities, and
to be more accessible to parents and community members.
What professional learning will be available so teachers and administrators
can make informed decisions using data to meet individual student academic
The computer tech will provide in service to teachers in the use of database, spreadsheet,
and presentation software as needed. All teachers will be proficient in database,
spreadsheet, and presentation software. Computer tech will provide training on an
ongoing basis to teachers who need to improve their skills in database, spreadsheets, and
presentation software.
Internet Access: Bicentennial School has Local Area Network Line through Comcast
hooked up through the Nashua Office of Education with content filtering that will meet
(CIPA) of 2000 to provide staff and students with internet use. The school has three
The goal of the district is to introduce and practice basic computer/technology skills in
grades kindergarten through second. The goal of the district is to have all classes, grades,
first through sixth, use the Accelerated Reader program to increase students reading
ability and comprehension. In the area of language arts, the goal is to use technology to
continue helping the students improve their reading, writing and listening skills.
Leveled computer software will be used to increase fluency, decoding, vocabulary and
reading comprehension skills, and to enhance word processing, spelling, punctuation,
grammar and editing skills. Leap Pads will be used to assist students in development of
reading and listening skills.
Where will the technology be placed to effectively support the Curriculum and
Professional development components?
Each spring the teachers and the Superintendent/Principal discuss the staff development
opportunities presented for that school year and also discuss needs for the coming school
year. Technology training needs are included in this discussion. Additional data comes
from the Technology Assessment Profile that the Superintendent/Principal and the
teachers take in January/February of each school year. Currently, the topics of databases,
spreadsheets and presentation software are areas in which teachers have either expressed
a need for more information or have performed at the low intermediate level.
Describe the process for evaluating the plan's overall progress and impact on
teaching and learning.
How will the LEA know whether implementation of this plan has made a
positive impact on teaching and learning?
As described in the Single School District Plan for Nashua Elementary School District
and Bicentennial School, there are clear academic standards for language arts,
mathematics, science and social studies. In addition, all teachers use the New Hampshire
Department of Education English Language Development Standards for their ELL
students and the Handbook of Goals and Objectives Related to the Essential State of New
Hampshire Content Standards when working with special education students. The district
also has specific Student Technology Standards for all students. All textbooks series are
1. Instructional Material: State board adopted materials will be used for all classes.
Teaching staff will teach the core components of this material with fidelity and rigor.
Students who have not scored proficient or who are recommended by teachers will
receive the opportunity for intervention support.
2. Instructional Time: Appropriate time is allocated to support both reading and math
3. Student Achievement and Monitoring System: The teachers will use Star Reading
and Star Math to monitor progress in both ELA and Math. Assessments will be scheduled
approximately once every trimester.
Describe the process to coordinate the individual evaluation component.
The District will regularly monitor and evaluate technologys impact on the core
curriculum, as well as its impact on classroom and school management. In addition the
success of the schools computer/technology curriculum will be monitored and assessed.
Student progress toward achieving grade level standards with the districts
computer/technology curriculum will also be assessed. The technology instructor will
work with the applicable classroom teachers to evaluate the success of the students
toward meeting district expectations. In addition, the districts partner junior high school
and high school will be contacted to attain assurance that Wilson students are coming to
them adequately prepared in computer skills and technology-based curriculum. All of this
information will be shared with the technology committee.
Describe the schedule for evaluating the effect of plan implementation, including
a description of the process and frequency of communicating evaluation results
to tech plan stakeholders.
How often will data be collected and summarized? Who is responsible?
The meetings between the Superintendent/Principal and the teachers will occur at a
minimum of three times a year. The staff meeting discussions will occur each trimester
and the annual surveys will be completed in the spring of each school year. The
information gathered will be reviewed and evaluated during each trimesters meeting of
the schools technology committee. At the end of each school year the members of the
Technology Committee will be responsible for presenting an annual report to the School
Site Council and the District Board of Trustees on the topic of technology and its impact
on student learning. As part of those presentations and discussions, any identified
program weaknesses will be addressed for implementation in the following school year.
How often will the status of plan implementation be reported to the LEA
superintendent and the stakeholders?
Technology and its effectiveness with the core curriculum will be included in the regular,
annual surveys of parents, students and staff. In addition, anecdotal evidence will be
collected from teachers. This information will be gathered during discussions between the
Superintendent/Principal and each individual teacher as they review student success, as
well as during the regular staff meeting discussions on the topic of computers and
technology. This information will be shared with the technology committee. The use of
technology for classroom management, as well as for classroom instructional strategies,
will be a part of the standards-based teacher evaluations used in the District.