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pISSN: 0976 3325 eISSN: 2229 6816



Karam Padma1, Samir D Bele2, Trupti N Bodhare2, Sameer Valsangkar3

graduate student, 2Assistant Professor, 3Lecturer Department of Community Medicine,

Prathima Institute of Medical Sciences, Karimnagar, Andhra Pradesh

Dr. Karam Padma,
Department of Community Medicine,
Prathima Institute of Medical Sciences,
Karimnagar, Andhra Pradesh - 505417
Email: karampadma@gmail.com Mobile: 9393014307

Background: Poor awareness and practices among diabetic patients are some of the important
variables influencing the progression of diabetes and its complications, which are largely preventable
through education and involvement of the patient.
Methods: A hospital based cross sectional study was conducted among type 2 diabetics attending
diabetes clinic in tertiary care hospital. Knowledge and self care practices were evaluated using a
semi structured questionnaire. Statistical methods used included frequencies, proportions and chi
square test.
Results: A total of 117 diabetic patients consented and participated in the study of whom 63 (53.85%)
were male and 54 (46. 15%) female. Majority of the respondents (45.30%) between the age of 41-50
years,75 (64.10 %) belonged to lower class, and 60 (51.28 %) had a duration of disease between 1 to 5
years. 71 (61.68%) were aware of importance of exercise for the control of disease while 88 (75.21%)
said that modification in diet is essential for the control of the disease. 75 (64%) of the respondents
had achieved glycemic control. Among self care practices, following a controlled diet (p = 0.04),
regular exercise (p = 0.04) and compliance with drugs (p = 0.03) were significantly associated with the
achieving glycemic control.
Conclusion: As evidenced by the study, patients who were regularly involved in self care practices
have achieved better glycemic control.
Key words: knowledge, self care practices, type 2 diabetes, glycemic control

The prevalence of the diabetes is increasing at an
alarming rate particularly in developing
countries. Estimate of global diabetes prevalence
predict 6.4%, affecting 285 million adults in
2010, and will increase to 7.7% and 439 million
adults by 2030.1 India harbors the largest
number of diabetic patients in the world. The
International Diabetes Federation (IDF) reported
that the total number of diabetic subjects in
India is 41 million in 2006 and that this would
rise to 70 million by the year 2025.2 Increased

prevalence in India is attributed to the lifestyle

industrialization and lifestyle changes.3
Poor awareness and practices among diabetic
patients are some of the important variables
influencing the progression of diabetes and its
complications, which are largely preventable.
Compared with the general population
incidence of Coronary heart diseases and stroke
are more among patients of diabetes. Quality of
life further impacted by complications like
diabetic renal disease and diabetic retinopathy

National Journal of Community Medicine Vol 3 Issue 1 Jan-March 2012

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pISSN: 0976 3325 eISSN: 2229 6816

and neuropathy which are frequently occurring

among the patients having poor glycemic
control. Developing countries which are already
overburdened have to muddle through with the
additional challenges posed by the chronic non
communicable disease. Sub-optimal treatment,
inadequate health education and follow up
leads to the poor glycemic control and increase
the toll of unnecessary disabilities among the
people4. It is therefore essential to provide
comprehensive services including health
education regarding the self management of the
disease in order to prevent the debilitating
complications which in long term reduces the
enormous financial burden on the health care
system. Helping patients to achieve their best
possible level of glycemic control will require
the utilization of appropriate therapy,
appropriate monitoring, and comprehensive
instruction in diabetes self-management. Selfcare in the form of adherence to diet and drugs,
blood glucose monitoring, foot care, exercise,
recognition of symptoms is crucial elements in
secondary prevention. Interventions to promote
improvements in blood glucose control and
advantageous in preventing the long term
complications of type 1 and type 2 diabetes as
demonstrated by various studies 5,6,7,8. Diabetes
self-management education is teaching people
to manage their diabetes has become an
important part of the clinical management of
diabetes however the process is often complex,
demanding and not given much emphasis at
professional level because of the time constraint
of clinicians. Assessment of patients knowledge
and practices about diabetes is imperative in
developing various intervention strategies and
educational material.
The study aimed to evaluate the role of disease
knowledge and self care practices and their role
in achieving glycemic control and disease
A cross sectional study was conducted among
patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus attending
the diabetes clinic in a teaching hospital during
September, 2010 were included in the study. The
purpose of the study was explained and
informed consent was obtained from the
respondents. Privacy and confidentiality was
ensured during the process. 117 patients were

consented and participated in the study. A semi

structured questionnaire was administered
which consisted of the following parts A).Sociodemographic information, B) Diabetes specific
information C)Knowledge regarding diabetes
among patients D)Self care practices followed by
the patients. Socio-demographic information
including patients age, gender, and educational
status. Socioeconomic status of the patient was
classification including total family monthly
income, occupational and educational status of
the respondents9. Diabetes specific information
including the duration of the disease, glycemic
levels, mode of treatment and medical care
personnel. Knowledge of the respondents was
assessed by questions related to the nature of
the disease, method of detection of diabetes,
importance of diet, exercise and drug
compliance in controlling the disease etc. Self
care practices were assessed by patients
behavior regarding testing blood sugar,
following healthy eating plan, exercise,
compliance to the drugs and checking feet
regularly etc.
Patients were classified into those who had
achieved glycemic control and those who did
not, based on the fasting blood sugar levels <
than 110 mg/dl based on Consensus Statement
on Guidelines for Glycemic Control provided by
American College of Endocrinology10. Self care
practices were compared across the two groups
and significant associations evaluated. Statistical
methods used included frequencies, proportions
and chi square test.
Baseline characteristics of the respondents are
depicted in table 1. A total of 117 diabetic
patients consented and participated in the study
of whom 63 (53.85%) were male and 54 (46. 15%)
female. Age ranged from 34 years to 66 years in
the sample with majority of the respondents
(45.30%) between the age of 41-50 years.
Socioeconomic status was assessed by
categorizing the patient into lower, middle and
upper class, 75 (64.10 %) belonged to lower
class, 30 (26. 64%) to the middle class and 12
(10.26 %) to upper by Kuppuswamy
classification. Most of the respondents, 60 (51.28
%) had a duration of disease between 1 to 5
years whereas 9 (7.6%) of the people were
having duration less than one year. On the
knowledge regarding diabetes questionnaire, 78

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pISSN: 0976 3325 eISSN: 2229 6816

(66.67%) correctly answered regarding the

hereditary nature of the disease, 105 (89.74%)
correctly answered regarding non infectious
nature of the disease. Regarding mode of
investigation of the disease, 109 (93.16%)
answered that diabetes can be diagnosed by
blood sugar examination. 71 (61.68%) were
aware of importance of exercise for the control
of disease while 88 (75.21%) said that
modification in diet is essential for the control of
the disease. 73 (62.39%) said that quitting
smoking or alcohol is beneficial for control.
Drugs should be continued even after control of
blood sugar was the response from the 88
(75.21%) while diabetes cannot be cured was the
response from 74 (63.25%) of the respondents.
Tables 1: Baseline characteristics of sample
< 40 years
41-50 years
51-60 years
> 60 years
Socioeconomic status
Upper class
Middle class
Lower class
Duration of onset of
Diabetes mellitus
< 1 year
1-5 years
5-10 years
> 10 years

Numbers (n=117) (%)

17 (14.53)
53 (45.3)
35 (29.91)
12 (10.26)
63 (53.85)
54 (46.15)
12 (10.26)
30 (26.64)
75 (64.10)

9 (7.60)
60 (51.28)
33 (28.21)
5 (4.2)

75 (64%) of the respondents had achieved

glycemic control based on their fasting blood
sugar levels less than 110 mg while 42 (36%) had
not. Among self care practices, following a
controlled diet (p = 0.04), regular exercise (p =
0.04) and compliance with drugs (p = 0.03) were
significantly associated with the achieving
glycemic control.
The present study is a hospital based cross
sectional study conducted among subjects
having type 2 diabetes attending diabetes clinic
in tertiary care hospital and mainly focus on

evaluation of knowledge among diabetes patient

and their self care practices and its relation with
glycemic control. Majority of the respondents
(45.30%) belonged to the age group of 41-50
years as the disease usually comes in light after
middle years of life however the age group of
the patient is little younger compared to the
findings of the studies conducted by priyanka et
al and shah et al11, 12. This variation may be
because of selection bias as we recruited the
cases from the tertiary care hospital. 51.28% of
the patients suffering from diabetes from
Table 2: Respondents correct knowledge
regarding diabetes mellitus
Is diabetes Hereditary?
Is diabetes Infectious?
How can diabetes be detected?
Is exercise beneficial for
Is dietary modification
beneficial for control?
Stop smoking / alcohol is
Once controlled drugs should
be stopped?
Diabetes can be cured?

Numbers (%)
78 (66.67)
105 (89.74)
109 (93.16)
71 (61.68)
88 (75.21)
73 (62.39)
88 (75.21)
74 (63.25)

1-5 years and 64.10% belong to lower

socioeconomic strata. One of the promising
findings of our study is good number of
respondents had positive knowledge regarding
diabetes. Change in the knowledge brings
change in the practice to bring desirable changes
for controlling the disease. Highest scores were
obtained on mode of detection of diabetes (93.16
%). Almost two third respondents were aware of
importance of exercise, diet control and drug
compliance. These findings are consistent with
the finding observed by shah et al and priyanka
et al 11, 12. Significant numbers of the
respondents, 75 (64%) achieved glycemic control
in the present study. As evidenced by the study,
there is a significant association between the
patient following a healthy diet, involved in
regular exercise and compliant to the drug
therapy with their glycemic control and these
findings are in consistent with the studies
conducted by Wyun Nyunt S et al and Jones H
et al 5,6.

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pISSN: 0976 3325 eISSN: 2229 6816

Table 3: Self care activities and its association with glycemic control
Test blood sugar regularly
Follow healthful eating plan
Participate in exercise
Good Drug compliance
Check feet
Carry quick acting sugar

Glycemic control
achieved (75)

As evidenced by the study, patients who were
more self aware about the disease, having
knowledge and regularly involved in self care
practices achieve better glycemic control and
better management of the disease. Regular
inculcation of health education, making the
patient aware regarding the disease and
encouraging self care management during
treatment will reduce health care burden and
help achieve optimal control of the disease with
minimal long term complications.

Glycemic control
not achieved (42)

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P value


Glycemic control was evaluated based on
Fasting blood sugar. Data regarding self care
practices was mainly on verbal responses.


10. American College of Endocrinology: Consensus

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