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Talisman City

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TALISMAN CITY “Be it known, though our Sovereign Lord, the good King Nialls, does not approve of that Quest which ‘men call The Search For The Grown Of Command, nor shall permit any mischtef to come of it, be does, in regal right, recognise that some shall seek to partake of the Quest. In recognition of this fact, his Mlustrious ‘Majesty revokes the previous order restricting access to the City for those of an adventurous disposition. “Commencing forthwith, the gates of the City are open. THE CITY ‘The Talisman City isa compact, densely- populated place, It is many things to many people -sea of the King s government, port, market- place and religious centre. From here, the King’s writ expands t0 cover all of the Kingdom, but itis oaly within the walls of the City itself that the Watch truly maintains a semblance of order. ‘The City presents boundless opportunites for those quick enough ‘of mind to seize them and strong enough of arm to hold them. Employment, trade, financial assistance - all of these, and many more, can be found within the City Gates, Some adventurers are born tothe City. Some come tothe City less through choice thanas the result oftheir earlier adventures. Some are brought in chains. For all who seek their way to the Crown, of Command, however, the City offers an alternative statcgy. ‘Those who walk its path do not do so in the hope of finding a short-cut to the Middle Region of the Kingdom and beyond, although itis but a short boat ride from the City Wharf to that, Region's shores. Nor can they expect to find Magical Objects lying, about in the streets. However, for al of those who believe Gold will aid their passage, then the City is their goal, for unparalleled, ‘opportunities exist there to make fortunes - and to lose them, Just as importantly, the City offers lucrative poststo the most able las ‘The path to each is diferent, but ll being the sume reward- greater power with which to challenge the world outside. By approaching the officers of the Royal Castle, you might receive the rank of Sheriff. As wells freedom of movement i the Cit, this post entitles you to substantial discount on arms and armour Ifyou can fin, challenge, and defeat the present incumbent, you ‘can become the Master Thief. Money will come freely t0 You, but you will be trapped within the City until you ean obtain your release by more subtle means than the City Gates. The post of High ‘Mage isalso vacant; the Wizards’ Guild awaits the first Mage who ‘can bring wo them asignificant new magic item for thle repository Finally, rumour has it that the King himself walks the strcets, seeking benevolent souls who can be knighted as the King's ‘Champion, ‘These aside, the City brings word t00 ofthe Valkyrie, 2 warrior: ‘woman of the spirit world, for whom souls ight, and the awesome Minotaur, 2 grim being of great strength who chooses the Crags for his home. ‘But mostly, the Cty is about money. The chance to buy and sl the chance to gamble. Ifyou can leave the City with asuit of Plate Mail, a Warhorse and a purse full of Gold, then your time will {indeed have been well spent, RUS re a om the main pas) '@ 20 Purchase Cards @ 10 Spells Cards @ 5 Loan Cards COMPONENTS: talisman city should conti the following components: ‘© 1 Talisman City game board, @ 72 Blsman City Adventure Cards @ 7 Talisman Adventure Cards to he merged withthe Adventure deck “hlisman Dungeon Cards (to be merped with the Dungeon deck frm the llama Dungeon expansion se) ‘warrant Cards 186 Paying Piece Stands © I Rulebook (You'e reading it) '@ 6 charcter Cards @ 6 Paying Pece Cards SETTING-UP Place the Talisman City board alongside the main Talisman board. It is best if you can arrange things so thatthe corner on the main. board marked City is next to the comer ofthe Talisman City board, marked City Gate ‘Shuffle the Valkyrie and Minotaur Characters into the main, (Character Card deck. Place the Sheriff, King's Champion, High Mage and Master Thief in a separate pile to one side. |Add the new Purchase Cards to the existing Purchase deck. (remembering to keep the Talisman Timescape Purchase Cards ‘separate) Shuffle the new Spell Cards into the main Spell deck ‘Add the new Adventure Cards to the main Talisman deck, and the ‘new Dungeon Cards to the Talisman Dungeon deck. Place the Warrant Cards and Loan Cards to one side, intwo separate piles. ‘That should leave you with the Talisman City Adventure Cards, Shuffle these into anew deck, and place them somewhere close to the City board, Finally if you have a Character who begins the game in the City, place the Character on the Town Square space ofthe Talisman City, board. City Adventure Cards ‘City Adventure cards work in the same way as ordinary Adventure ‘cans, with the exception of the Event/Law cards; sce Warrants ‘and Arrest New Spells Note that none of the new Spells will affect a Character who is in possession of the Amulet, even if he wants them to. THE CITY’S LOCATIONS ‘An important concept in Talisman City is that of Locations. A Location is defined as any named place On the City board that is, nota street. The following isa complete list ofthe City's Locations, ‘The City Gate -Equivalentto the City space, the Gate isthe main ‘entry point into the City. ‘The Town Square -A hive of activity. The Watch are particularly active here, checking people going in or out ofthe Cty. A nominal, tent fee is supposed to be levied on all transit to and from the (City, bu the Watch let many passthrough the Square unmolested, preferring to pester those who linger. ‘The Stables - Honestly and securely run, a safe haven for pack animals and riding beasts. The owners also runa trading operation, although they do not always have riding animals in stock. ‘The Armoury -The finest repair workshop in all the land, and the only source of high-quality armour and weapons. If pushed, the owners will buy your east-ofs. Doctor's Surgery -The City’s most prominent physician, doing 4 roaring trade teating adventurers in pursuit of the Quest, ‘The Anarchist’s Guild -A Guild for those who follow the precept that theres balance in ll things. The Guild has its own Physicians, who provide free medical atention. It also has regular sittings of ' Council, who are known to believe that if anyone is going 10 ‘get the Crown of Command, it had better be amember. Assistance {Savailable to those who prove themselves potential ictorsin the Quest ‘The Six Fates Inn -Most famous of the City's taverns; handy for the port, and.an adventures Every night, player sit in fon the biggest games of Six Card Snakebite in the Kingdom. ‘The Wharf -Gateway to the world, Itis from here that ships ply their trade~ occasionally with acargo they are unaware of. A.cargo tac has a Warrant out for It ‘The Bank - Financial institutions the world over have proved very Jnterested in the Quest, but here alone will they invest in your ‘enterprise. Unsecured loans are available Just don't try to leave ‘own without paying them back, unless you want to become toad. Magic Emporium - Where else can you find a shop that will sell, {You off-the-scroll magic at such cheap prices? Connoiseurs may browse for particular, premium-priced items. ‘The Enchantress -A unique enterprise Vist the Enchantress 10 be transported to new worlds, orto Seek your fortune inthis. Does, she foretell fortunes, or create them? ‘The High Temple - The centre of religious observance. You will begiven every opportunity to make a donation to the Roof Fund, ‘The favoured may even see earthly reward for theie prayers. ‘The Apothecary ~The owner's a tetchy devil, but a renowned collector and potion-brewer. He'll buy just about anything you have for good gold, which you can then spend on his marvellous, ‘brews. Busty clear of Grimwood s Olde Throat-burn- it's killer. ‘The Royal Castle - Ignore the keep in the backwaters of the Kingdom, this s where the real seat of power lies; magnificent residence and house of government. Come here 282 tourist and, leave marvellingat the architecture; come 2s a supplicant, and leave ‘with your enemies charged; come with alent, and youmay leave asan officer ofthe King. Come asa prisoner, and you'll probably ‘not leave a all, NEW CHARACTERS ‘Talisman City introduces 6 new Characters to the Talisman game. ‘The Misiotaur and Valkyrie are standard new Characters, tobe used inthe same way asany other normal Character. The remaining, four, however, are slighty different. ‘The High Mage. King's Champion, Master Thief and sheriff are ‘not available as Characters at the beginning of the game, and their ‘cards should be kept separate from the others (they have different backs to help sor them). Instead, players willhave the opportunity, toplay these Characters when they take part in certain Encounters, fn the City ‘To become the High Mage, a Character need do no more than, be the first to present a Magic Item to the Magician's Guild. The Guild headquarters is the Magic Emporium, so, providing a (Character is willingto donate a Magic tem, this isa pretty sraight- forward pos 10 apply for ‘The King’s Champion is chosen by the King, and will pursue the slighily eccentric goal of defeating law-breakers nd bringing chivalrous charm to the and. Although the King doesn't approve (of the Quest for the Crown of Command, he's happy enough that bis man should win i. “The King has chosen to find his Champion ina slightly odd way. Disguised asa beggar, His Majesty wanders the street, looking for ‘aworthy individual. Ihe finds someone who is charitable enough, he will appoint him at once. In other words, one ofthe beggars in the City might be the King: and ifyou're lucky enough to give the right one some money, you'll stand 2 good chance of becoming the King’s Champion ‘The opportunity to become Master Thief will arise as 2 result, fof a chance encounter with the current holder of the post. By ‘defeating the current Master Thief, any Character can take his place, providing a healthy income for life. ‘The drawbacks are that you'll become Public Enemy Number 1 for a while - which means getting out of the City will be tricky + and someone is bound to come after you wanting the same jb. ‘The Sheriffs appointed in more conventional fashion. A player ‘wanting to take-up this Office should go tothe Royal Castle, and follow the instructions given there. This may lead to the post of Sheriff being offered tothe Character - perhaps only after small, ‘consideration has been given. The Sheriff has great powers within the City, and can make life pretty miserable for other players. In all cases, you should continue with the new Character from the same space that your old Character had reached. All of the old Characters Strength, Craft, Lives, Gold, Followers, Objects, fete are carried forward to the new Character. ‘The only complication comes ifthe new Character hasa different, ligament; fs0, check all Followers, Objects etc for compatibility Ian Alignment change means you cannot keep one of the cards ‘you hold, discard it - leaving it in the space your Character is occupying ‘A Character can resign as King’s Champion or Sheriff at any time; simply go back to using your old Character, The Character loses, the StrengthiCraft gains, and al the Special Abilities thatthe new Character gave him. A Character can also resign as Master Thief, tunder the same conditions, but retains any Warrant that he is, holding. You may not resign as High Mage It is not possible for more than one person to hold any one of these Offices atthe same time. In the ease of the High Mage this, is no problem, as only the first Character to offer a’Magic Item to the Magicians” Guild is given the post ‘The King’s Champion is replaced whenever the King chooses another Character tobe his Champion; the original Champion goes back to using his old Character, and the Champion card is passed, fon to the new holder of the Office. ‘The Master Thief will nly ose the post if he is defeated in Combat, ‘whether by the Master Thief if his card is redrawn, or by one of the Characters challenging the present holder of the ofice ‘The Sherif can only lose his job by resigning, there is no way in which another Character can assume the role of Shersif unless the post is already vacant Characters and the City |Asageneral rule the City canbe considered tobe part ofthe Outer Region, and obeys the normal rules for that Region. Where the Special Ability of Character does not seem to apply toasituation in the City, bear this rule in mind Here are a few examples: 4) The Pirate may still plunder the Doctor - even though the Doctor's Surgery is now a separate location in the City. The Pirate may also continue to plunder the Castle in the Middle Region, yet hhe may not plunder the Royal Castle or the Bank, as his eard docs not mention these two locations, ) The Leprechaun may teleport into oF out of the City, © any square of the player's choice. «€) The Amazon continues to roll two dice to discover how far she ‘can move, even though she is in the City. {)"The Gladiator may tran the Errand Boy or the Urehins, but the latter will not leave the City £6) The Soldier continues to replace his Helmet and Sword, iflost, by reaching the City space on the main board: he does not have 1o enter the City itslt IN THE CITY ‘The following major changes to the general rules are caused by the introduction of the Talisman City expansion set. 1. The information on the City space of the main Talisman board {is redundant 2 Allactions inthe City are governed by the Law; after committing anillegalact (sce The Law) during an Encounter players are required {fo draw an additional Adventure card to see ifthe Watch arrives; see Warrants and Arrest 3. Mules, Horses, Cats, Dragons and any other oversize tems may ot be taken into any of the City's Locations apart from the Stables or the Wharf, and must be left in one of these two Locations, in, the street, or beyond the City Walls 4. No fighting is possible in any of the City’s Locations, except Where indicated on the board, Unless stated otherwise, combat may only take place in the Street spaces. 5. Inall other cases, the City remains part of the Outer Region. Anything which affects the Outer Region. affects the City. Allrules, applying wo the Outer Region apply tothe City unless specifically replaced by the rules given in this book: ENTERING THE CITY ‘The Talisman City board is a replacement for the City space in ‘one corner of the main Talisman board. Specifically, the City Gate ‘pace on the new board can be considered as being one and the ‘same as the City space on the originalboard.Itfollows, therefore, that a Character who occupies the City space on the main board is standing at the City Gates ‘Tomer the City, a Character must finish his or her move on the ‘City space of the main board - ie must land exactly on the City, space, without any movement left over. The Character is then, transferred to the City Gates space on the Talisman City board, ready to enter the City next turn Entry tothe City by boat isalso possible. When you were setting: 'p, you shuffled some River Barge cards into the main Talisman ‘deck; ifa Character draws one of these cards during his turn, he ‘may take a ride on the barge - disembarking at the Wharf space ‘on the City board. Note that this is the only way to get into the City by river; a Character cannot build a Raft w enter the City MOVEMENT AROUND THE CITY Ingeneral, while in the City a Character follows the existing rules or moving in the Outer Region ofthe main board: you roll dice, and must move the Character that many spaces, without reversing, inany direction. However, the following changes must be made ‘when moving around the Talisman City: a) Any Character moving into a Location ends his movement for, that turn there, ) Although they may appear to be adjoining, its impossible 10 fet from one Location to another without frst going through the ‘©, You may not choose to stay in a Location; you must move if you are able to do so. LEAVING THE CITY ‘o leave the City by road, a Character must be able to reach the City Gates from within the City. Once there, the Character can ‘be moved across othe City space on the main board. A Character Who wishes to leave the City does not have to finish his move at the City Gates; any additional movement is taken on the main board ‘once the Character has been transferred across, {is impossible for a Character to leave the City by road if he Is, inpossession ofa Warrant (see Warrants and Arrest) Ife atempts to do so, the Watch will attempt to arrest him. He must fight 2 ‘Combat against a unit of the Watch (Strength 7) Ifthe Character loses he is taken prisoner and thrown into the Donjon, if the Character wins, of the result is a Stand-Off, he escapes arrest although he may not leave the City. It is also possible to leave the City by catching a boat from the Wharf Ifa Character is at the Wharf atthe begining of his turn, the may pay 2G to be transported to any space of your choice in, the Outer Region; or pay 4G tobe transported to any space of your choice in the Middle Region. Although, again, i snot possible fora Character to leave by this route if he holds a Warrant card, ‘However, ifa Character’ does not wish to pay passage om the boat, ‘ors unable to leave in the normal way because he has a Warrant ‘card, he may become a Stowaway on the Boat. A Stowaway doesn't have to worry about having Warrant on his person, bu the player {0 your right chooses which Outer Region space the Character {s taken to before he is discovered and thrawn off the boat ‘You will also have shuffled two Dungeon Doorway cards into the ity Adventure deck. These can provide access to the Talisman, Dungeon espansion set if you are using it. A Character with a ‘Warrant can leave freely by this method. Finally, the rules given in the Talisman Timescape expansion set state that the Enchantress, under certain cigcumstances, will open Warp Gate that will transport Characters to the Timescape board, ‘whether they possess a Warrant or not ‘This cule still applies when using the Talisman City expansion, Sei, even though the Enchantress now has her own location. THE LAW “The Watch are very strict, and have a long list of crimes that they’ keep an eye out for. The following are the illegal activities you ‘can commit in the City, and which carry the risk of the Watch Intervening. Ifyou break one of these Laws during an Encounter inthe City, deawa City Adventure card (and pray isa the Watch) STATUTES OF THE CITY Itis illegal to take part in Combat whilst on the City Streets. It is of no importance who started it. nor who was involved: any and all fighting is forbidden. Ii is forbidden to fire of throw any form of missile weapon. as this is considered to be another form of fighting. Karate, Assassination, Secret Strikes andlor Killer Biows are als illegal: these are nothing more than alternate names for fighting. 4. Kein illegal to Tiade in the Streets without a license. Licenses may be obtained. giving 3 years notice. from the Dept of Licenses: please apply in triplicate. (Casting Spells in the Steet. from any source is illegal. 5. 6. Beguiling, Charming. Corrupting and Enchanting are all considered to be spells. and are therefore crimes. It is illegal to Plondes. ‘Troll of + Warrior of Chaos. |. Tei illegal to have no money at all. The undards to msintain, 1 8 Wiiepl wo Seat Pp Isle to bes Cyborg. Choo Hobgoblin, On WARRANTS AND ARREST Representatives of the Law are very active in the City, and come. down very hard on wrong-doers. They have a very sophisticated procedure for making sure that watch officers can recognise ‘miscreants and wanted men. "The procedure for running the Watch is as follows: During the normal course of play, a Character with a Warrant ‘draws City Adventure card, and this is one ofthe Law cards, the ‘Watch will sek to make an arrest (obviously, itis any other kind ‘of card, resolve itas normal). The Character must fight a Combat, ‘against the Watch. If they win, the Character is taken at once to the Donjon, and must follow the instructions there. Ii isa Stand- (Off, or the Character wins, then he has escaped arrest this time; hhe docs, however, retain the Warrant card, “The Watch will also seek to arrest anyone who has just committed crime, whether or not they hold a Warrant Card, After cesolving aan Encounter which involved breaking one of the Stautes of the ity (see The Law), draw a City Adventure card. If this is a Law card, the Watch will try and make an arsest in the same way as above; if tis any other type of card, discard it Warrants can be purchased at the Royal Castle and immediately given to other players, who may not refuse to take them. Thisallows those low-down trouble-makers amongst you to spoil other ‘Character’ chances of completing the Quest by laying false charges against them, Note that two of the cards - The County Patrols - that you have shuffled into the main Adventure deck are Law Cards, which means a Character can be arrested outside of the City - although the ‘County Patrols will only atempt to arrest Characters who are in, possession of a Warrant Finally, other Characters may turn someone with a Warrant card ‘over to the hands ofthe law, Ifthe Charaeter in possession ofthe ‘Warrant canis defeated by another Character in Combat, the victor ‘may send him to the Donjon instead of taking an Objector a Life ‘The normal way in which a Character can get rid of a Warrant areas follows. Once a Character is taken tothe Donjon he has three ‘options; bribery, escape, or judgement. If he decides to bribe the Judge, or accepts the sentence given, then the Warrant Card is ‘discarded upon leaving the Donjon. A Character who manages to escape retains his Warrant Card, as he is tll marked for arrest. ‘Thus, only someone who escapes need have anything to fear. for hae fas not paid his due to society LOANS Any Character can obiain a Loan by landing on the Bunk space ‘ACharacter taking out Loan should ake a Loan card and 3 Gold, ‘which can then be spent in the normal manner. However, the (Character must repay a total of 4 Gold, in one payment, before he leaves the City. He can repay the loan at any time, and from wherever he isin the City, Should he attempt to leave the City, before making repayment, the Bank's Wizard will cast a Spel to turn him into a Toad - follow the normal rules for such a transformation, OPTIONAL RULES The following are some optional rules which apply to all of the Talisman products, developed from players questions and, ‘comments. Before starting game all players must agree on which, if any, of the following rules are being used. Spells ‘A-number of people have pointed out that itis possible for a Character to cast hala-dozen or more spells t once. The following ‘optional rules solve this problem 4) A Character can only cast spell in his ow tuen - unless they ae defensive spells designed to protect the Character from attack, in which case they can be cast at any time within the restrictions ‘given on the card. yA Character can casta maximum of one Spell at atime - within, the restrictions given on the card, Objects Asthe rules stand, aMule, and other similar Objects that are used for transporting goods, enable a Character o carry any number ‘of objects, no matter how big they are. ‘We suggest that a limitation is placed on the size of the Objects, that can be carried in this fashion. Ift is obvious that an Object is too big to be carried by 2 Mule - or put ina sack etc -then that ‘Object cannot be taken unless the Character himself has less than 4 Objects For instance, itis impossible to have more than 4 Mules, as this, {isthe maximum the Character himself can ake-an additional Mule ‘would have to be carried by one of the other Mules, which is ‘Obviously impossible, Note that inthis case, the Characters other ‘Objects if they aren't t00 big may be carried by the four Mules, taking the total carried by the Character to over 4 ‘TALISMAN CITY ‘Salona Box rw Davi Gagner Bo Are ot Blanche cara Art: ho Nah & Dat Caper ‘Sto, Ay oo ate hein yay Sa @Angs Woaslop

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