Community Medicine MCQ
Community Medicine MCQ
Community Medicine MCQ
of Printed Pages: 3 + 2
Third Year B. Physiotherapy
Community Medicine
Total marks: 80
Theory Paper
Time: Three hours (10:30 am to 1:30pm)
Date: 61h January 2014
Supervisor's Signature
Examination No.
Instructions: For MCQ Answer Sheet.
1. All questions are compulsory and carry one mark, no negative marks.
2. Encircle@ the most appropriat~.single answer from the options ~vailable
3. Encircling two answers, overwriting or not attempting will entail zero mark
(20 marks)
Question 1 MCQ
. '
c. Primary Prevention
b. Secondary Prevention
d. Tertiary Prevention
c. Nutritional'indicator
b. Utilization rate
d. Health assistants.
c. Pistia plant
d. Artificial collection ofwater
c.3 weeks
d.l6 weeks
c: Monitoring
d. Secondary prevention
12. By ILO definition, Pneumoconiosis is
a. accumulation of dust in the lung
b. Any damage to lung
I3. The receiver of a communication is in stress. Here the stress forms a --------------- in
a. Facilitator
c. Barrier
d. Both as a facilitator and barrier
b. No impact
I4. Presumptive treatment for malaria as per the National Malaria Drug Policy (20 II) is
a. Chloroquine
b. Quinine
15. The country that is not a member of WHO-South East Asia region is
a. Bangladesh
c. DPRKorea
b. Bhutan
d. Pakistan
c. Cohort study
d. Experimental study
17. Vaccines to be given at one and half months of age, if not vaccinated by now are
a. OPV 1,
c. Pentavelent 1, measles
d. OPV 1, Pentavelent 1
c. Symposium
b. Demonstration
d. Group discussion