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Community Medicine Ospe

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Community Medicine OSPE Questions

Cheat Sheet (2016) by Dynamo

1. Iron Containing Foods
Egg yolk, peas, beans, dried nuts, green leafy vegetables, liver, red meat
2. Names of occupational health hazard
Lung diseases (pneumoconiosis, bronchial asthma, allergic alveolitis, eosinophilic pneumonia); Skin
diseases (contact dermatitis, burns, ulcers, keratitis, cancer); CNS disorders
3. Vaccine Given in Pregnancy and Its Schedule
Most imp is Tetanus Toxoid. Other vaccines given in pregnancy are for whopping cough, flu vaccine, and
hep B vaccine.
For Unimmunized Pregnant Women (2 doses)
1st dose (0.5 ml IM) As early as possible during pregnancy after 1st
trimester [usually 7th month]
2 dose (0.5 ml IM) At least 1 month later and at least 3 weeks before
delivery so that antibodies are formed [usually 8th
For Non-pregnant women of child bearing age (15-45 years)—5 doses
TT1 At any time
TT2 1 month after TT1
TT3 6 months after TT2
TT4 1 year after TT3
TT5 1 year after TT4
4. Standard Deviation
1 SD = 68.3 %, 2 SD = 95.5%, 3 SD =99.7 %
5. Mean, Median, Mode
All are measures of central tendency. Mean= Sum of all observations/total no of observations.
Mode=Most commonly occurring value in data. Median= Middle most value that divides data in two
halves: one above this value and one below [for odd data, median is middle value. For even data, take
average of the two middle values].
6. Referencing
For Journal: firstly name authors (first 6—surname followed by initials), then apply full stop. After that
write full title of article followed by another full stop. Then write journal title or title abbreviation
followed by yet another full stop. Then observe the pattern  YEAR, followed by semi colon (;) followed
by VOLUME (ISSUE) followed by a colon (:) followed by page number. Lastly write DOI if available.
Example: Kwan I, Mapstone J. Visibility aids for pedestrians and cyclists. Accid Anal Prev. 2004; 36(3):
For Book: firstly author name (surname then initials) with full stop. Then title of book and another full
stop. Then edition if available with full stop. Then PLACE OF PUBLICATION followed by a colon (:), then
PUBLISHED followed by a semicolon (;) and then YEAR followed by full stop.
Example: Afzal S. Concepts in Community Medicine. 2nd ed. Lahore: Zubair Book Depot; 2017.
7. Why MMR Not given before 9 months?
Because of residual immunity provided by maternal antibodies that persists for up to 6-9 months after
birth. If we give measles vaccine while maternal antibodies are there they will interfere with the
development of vaccine mediated immunity. In case of epidemics of measles we give doses at 6 as well as
9 months. In areas with mass immunization like West, it can be given at 12-15 months.
8. EPI Schedule at different weeks
9. Contraindications for oral contarceptives
Age > 40 or >35 (smoker), H/O of IHD, HTN, Jaundice,, irregular bleeding, breast lump, liver disease,
thromboembolism, dyslipidemia or in lactating mother.
10. RHC Services
MCH and family planning, EPI Services, school health services, diarrheal disease control, health education,
,Vita sanitation, improvement of nutritional status, CDC, ARI, DOTS, Sputum microscopy, training of Dai’s.
11. Causative agents of Plague (Yersinia pestis), Scabies (Sarcoptes scabiei), Yellow Fever (yellow fever virus),
Pertussis (Bordetella pertussis), Chickenpox (Varicella Zoster), German Measles (Rubella virus), Rabies
(rabies virus—rhabdovirus)
12. Contraceptive Measure to protect against STDS: Condoms, Diaphragm (protects against STDs but not
13. Causes of LBW (Low birth weight) babies
Preterm birth (most imp cause), small for date babies, IUGR, multiple births, racial factors, mothers age
(increased LBW with teenage pregnancies), health and nutritional status of mother
14. Maternal Causes of Child Mortality
Nutritional deficiencies, infectious diseases (TB, malaraia), anoxia, ABO incompatibilities, maternal drug
use, smoking, alcoholism, malformed pelvis
15. After Birth Baby’s Weight doubles in how much time: 5 months. Triples by end of 1st year and quadruples
by end of 2nd year.
16. CPR
Couple protection rate/contraceptive prevalence rate: percentage of eligible couples effectively protected
against childbirth by one or the other improved methods of family planning. In Pakistan: CPR is 21%.
17. Which Type of Study is Used for rare diseases: Case Control Study
18. Vitamin A deficiency: Night Blindness, Xeropthalmia
19. Case Mortality Rate: No of deaths from specific disease over specific time period/total no of diagnosed
with disease during specific period * 100
20. Homemade/Indigenous ORS: 1 teaspoon salt with 8 teaspoons sugar plus flavoring agent (drops of
lemon) in 1 liter of water.
21. Food Fortification Def with Examples: the practice of deliberately increasing the content of particular
micronutrient in a food irrespective of whether nutrient was in food before processing or not, so as to
improve nutritional quality of food supply and to provide public health benefit with minimal risk to health.
Ex: iodized salt, iron fortified milk
22. P value: probability under null hypothesis of obtaining a result equal to or more extreme than what was
actually observed. P value ≤ 0.05 is considered statistically significant.
23. Type of Errors
24. BCG dose for 5 months child: Above 4 weeks the dose of BCG vaccine is 0.1 mg in 0.1 ml volume. Below 4
weeks is 0.05 mg.
25. Kcal for egg and glass of milk: 240 Kcal
26. MOA of OCPS: prevent release of ovum from ovary; increase thickness of cervical mucus; inhibit tubal
motility and block sperm transport
27. Principles of PHC: equity and equitable distribution of health resources, community participation, inter-
sectoral coordination. Appropriate technology
28. Formulas of incidence and prevalence

29. Rabies Vaccines Types

Nervous tissue vaccine, duck embryo vaccine, cell culture vaccine
30. ORT: Oral Rehydration Therapy
31. BCG Vaccine Side effects: ulceration, suppurative lymphadenitis, osteomyelitis, disseminated BCG
infection, death
32. S/E of OCPs: hypercoagulable state, menstrual irregularities, increased risk for breast and endometrial
CA, decreased libido, breast tenderness, nausea, headache
33. Classification of Vitamins: Fat soluble (A, K, E, D) and water soluble (B complex and C vitamins)
34. Commonly Used Pasteurization Technique: HTST (high temperature short time)—heat to 72 degrees C
for 15 seconds and UHT (Ultra high temperature processing)—heat at 138 degree sC for minimum of 2
35. Services of BHU: MCH services and advice on food and nutrition; immunization through EPI, diarrheal
disease control, malaria control; sanitation; family planning; health education; outreach services to
pregnant mothers via TBAs
36. Vitamin D deficiency diseases: Osteomalacia (pot belly, bowing of legs), Rickets
37. Daily protein requirement: 1g/kg/day
38. Head of BHU: Medical Officer
39. Head of RHC: Senior Medical Officer
40. Head of THQ: Medical Superintendent
41. Foods High in Protein: milk, egg, meat, fish, pulses, cereals, beans, oils, seeds
42. Obesity Hazards: renal failure, hypertension, gallbladder disease, obstructive sleep apnea,
steatohepatitis, PCOS, stroke, cancer, severe pancreatitis, phlebitis, osteoarthritis, gout
43. Standard Mortality Rate:

44. Endemic Diseases of Pakistan: polio, malaria, TB, hepatitis, typhoid, dengue, cholera
45. Characteristics of Normal Distribution Curve: Bell shaped; mean, median, mode coincide; total area is 1;
mean is 0; SD is 1; unimodal; it is theoretical probability distribution
46. Classification of IUCD: Non medicated (1st generation—Lippes Loop); Medicated (2nd [with metallic
copper]and 3rd generation[hormone releasing diseases])
47. Couple with 6 month old kid, 3 methods of contraception to be suggested to couple: IUCD, barrier
protection; abstinence; breast feeding
48. Qualities of a manager: accountability, efficiency, positive attitude, prioritization, competence, honesty
49. Disease eradicated from world: Smallpox
50. Two recent epidemics in Pakistan: dengue, chikungunya
51. 5 levels of prevention: health promotion and education; specific protection; early diagnosis and
treatment; disability limitation; rehabilitation
52. Formula of SD

53. Iron deficiency: Anemia; Flourine deficiency: Dental Caries; Flourine Excess: Flourosis; Iodine Excess:
54. Yellow Fever Vaccine: single dose injection IM of 17D strain is given to people going to endemic areas, or
coming from yellow fever areas. Provides immunity for 6-10 years.
55. MCHC facilities: antenatal care, intranatal care, postnatal care, infant care (under-five clinics,
immunization, nutritional disorders) , training programs, health education
56. Stages of demographic cycle: 1st (high stationary), 2nd (early expanding), 3rd (late expanding), 4th (low
stationary), 5th (declining stage)
57. BMI Values: 17, 18 (underweight <18.5); 22 (normal); 30 (overweight); 36 (obese)

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