Holograohic Memory3
Holograohic Memory3
Holograohic Memory3
Presented By:
S.Anwar Hussain
Why we use?
Ø Cpu can perform an instruction execution every
nanosecond, which is six orders of magnitude faster
than a single magnetic disk access.
Ø Much research has gone into finding hardware and
software solutions to closing the time Gap between
CPUs and data storage. Some of these advances
Include cache, pipelining, optimizing compilers, and
Ø Holographic memory is a promising technology for data
storage because it is a true three dimensional storage
ØIn Holographic Memory data can be
accessed an entire page at a time
instead of sequentially, and there are
very few moving parts so that the
limitations of mechanical motion are
ØHolographic memory uses a
photosensitive material to record
interference patterns of a reference
beam and a signal beam of coherent
ØThe nature of the photosensitive material is such that the
recorded interference pattern can be reproduced by
applying a beam of light to the material that is identical to
the reference beam.
How it works?