0 Report
vanessa willie
A note of caution: Because many of your StrengthsFinder responses were neutral, the themes listed
are based only on the pairs of descriptors to which you did respond with something other than a
neutral response. Some people do not choose one descriptor from any given pair because they feel
that neither or both descriptors fit them well. While this is acceptable, it does mean that any
feedback you might receive that is based on these results may not be as personalized as it would be if
your results were stronger. Please keep this in mind when you consider how well you feel your top
five themes describe you.
Section I: Awareness
Shared Theme Description
People who are especially talented in the Deliberative theme are best described by the serious care
they take in making decisions or choices. They anticipate the obstacles.
1. As you read your personalized strengths insights, what words, phrases, or lines stand out to
2. Out of all the talents in this insight, what would you like for others to see most in you?
Shared Theme Description
People who are especially talented in the Restorative theme are adept at dealing with problems. They
are good at figuring out what is wrong and resolving it.
1. As you read your personalized strengths insights, what words, phrases, or lines stand out to
2. Out of all the talents in this insight, what would you like for others to see most in you?
Shared Theme Description
People who are especially talented in the Intellection theme are characterized by their intellectual
activity. They are introspective and appreciate intellectual discussions.
1. As you read your personalized strengths insights, what words, phrases, or lines stand out to
2. Out of all the talents in this insight, what would you like for others to see most in you?
Shared Theme Description
People who are especially talented in the Empathy theme can sense the feelings of other people by
imagining themselves in others lives or others situations.
1. As you read your personalized strengths insights, what words, phrases, or lines stand out to
2. Out of all the talents in this insight, what would you like for others to see most in you?
Shared Theme Description
People who are especially talented in the Connectedness theme have faith in the links between all
things. They believe there are few coincidences and that almost every event has a reason.
1. As you read your personalized strengths insights, what words, phrases, or lines stand out to
2. Out of all the talents in this insight, what would you like for others to see most in you?
1. How does this information help you better understand your unique talents?
2. How can you use this understanding to add value to your role?
3. How can you apply this knowledge to add value to your team, workgroup, department, or
4. How will this understanding help you add value to your organization?
5. What will you do differently tomorrow as a result of this report?
Ideas for Action:
You have naturally good judgment, so consider work in which you can provide advice and
counsel. You might be especially adept at legal work, crafting sound business deals, or
ensuring compliance to regulations.
Whatever your role, take responsibility for helping others think through their decisions. You
can see factors that others may not see. You will soon be sought as a valuable sounding
Explain your process of careful decision making that you highlight risk in order to take
control and reduce it. You dont want others to misconstrue your Deliberative talents for
tentativeness or fear of action.
You inspire trust because you are cautious and considerate about sensitive topics. Use
these talents by taking on opportunities to handle delicate issues and conflicts.
Rather than take foolhardy risks, you are apt to approach a decision cautiously. Trust your
instincts when you believe that something is too good to be true.
During times of change, consider the advantages of being conservative in your decision
making. Be ready to explain these advantages to others.
Dont let anyone push you into revealing too much about yourself too soon. Check people
out carefully before sharing confidential information. You naturally build friendships slowly,
so take pride in your small circle of good friends.
Partner with someone with strong Command, Self-Assurance, or Activator talents.
Together you will make many decisions, and these decisions will be sound.
Temper the tendency of others to haphazardly move into action by declaring a
consideration period before decisions are made. Your caution can serve to steer others
away from folly and toward wise conclusions.
Give yourself permission to withhold your opinion until you get all the facts and have an
opportunity to ponder your stance. You are not someone who embraces change
immediately; you are apt to reflect on possible outcomes so that all the angles are
covered. As a deliberative person, you function as a brake for more impulsive types who
wish to move quickly.
1. Which of these action items speak to you? Highlight the actions that you are most likely to
2. How will you commit to taking action? Write your own personalized action item that you will
take in the next 30 days.
Ideas for Action:
Seek roles in which you are paid to solve problems or in which your success depends on
your ability to restore and resolve. You might particularly enjoy roles in medicine,
consulting, computer programming, or customer service.
Dont be afraid to let others know that you enjoy fixing problems. It comes naturally to you,
but many people shy away from problems. You can help.
Give yourself a break. Your Restorative talents might lead you to be overly self-critical. Try
to redirect this either toward things about yourself that can be fixed, such as knowledge or
skill deficits, or toward external, tangible problems.
Let other people solve their own problems. You might want to rush in and solve things for
them, but by doing that, you might hinder their learning. Watch out for this, particularly if
you are in a manager, coach, teacher, or parent role.
Turnaround situations activate your natural fort. Use your Restorative talents to devise a
plan of attack to revitalize a flagging project, organization, business, or team.
Leverage your Restorative talents not only to tackle existing problems, but also to
anticipate and prevent problems before they occur. Share your foresight and your
solutions with others, and you will prove yourself a valuable partner.
Study your chosen subject closely to become adept at identifying what causes certain
problems to recur. This sort of expertise will lead you to the solution that much faster.
Think about ways you can improve your skills and knowledge. Identify any gaps you have
and the courses you can take to fill them.
Constant improvement is one of your hallmarks. Seek opportunities to enhance your
abilities through a demanding field, activity, or endeavor that requires exceptional skill and/
or knowledge.
Use your Restorative talents to think of ways to problem proof your work. Identify existing
and potential issues, and design systems or processes to prevent errors in the future.
1. Which of these action items speak to you? Highlight the actions that you are most likely to
2. How will you commit to taking action? Write your own personalized action item that you will
take in the next 30 days.
Ideas for Action:
Consider beginning or continuing your studies in philosophy, literature, or psychology. You
will always enjoy subjects that stimulate your thinking.
List your ideas in a log or diary. These ideas will serve as grist for your mental mill, and
they might yield valuable insights.
Deliberately build relationships with people you consider to be big thinkers. Their
example will inspire you to focus your own thinking.
People may think you are aloof or disengaged when you close your door or spend time
alone. Help them understand that this is simply a reflection of your thinking style, and that
it results not from a disregard for relationships, but from a desire to bring the most you can
to those relationships.
You are at your best when you have the time to follow an intellectual trail and see where it
leads. Get involved on the front end of projects and initiatives, rather than jumping in at the
execution stage. If you join in the latter stages, you may derail what has already been
decided, and your insights may come too late.
Engaging people in intellectual and philosophical debate is one way that you make sense
of things. This is not the case for everyone. Be sure to channel your provocative questions
to those who similarly enjoy the give and take of debate.
Schedule time for thinking; it can be energizing for you. Use these occasions to muse and
Take time to write. Writing might be the best way for you to crystallize and integrate your
Find people who like to talk about the same issues you do. Organize a discussion group
that addresses your subjects of interest.
Encourage people around you to use their full intellectual capital by reframing questions
for them and by engaging them in dialogue. At the same time, realize that there will be
some who find this intimidating and who need time to reflect before being put on the spot.
1. Which of these action items speak to you? Highlight the actions that you are most likely to
2. How will you commit to taking action? Write your own personalized action item that you will
take in the next 30 days.
Ideas for Action:
Help your friends and colleagues be more aware when one of your peers is having a
difficult time. Remember, most people do not have your ability to pick up on sensitive
Act quickly and firmly when others behave in a way that is unhealthy for themselves or
others. Understanding someones emotional state does not mean that you must excuse
this behavior. Be aware that when your empathy turns to sympathy, others might see you
as a bleeding heart.
Partner with someone with strong Command or Activator talents. This person will help you
take needed action, even though peoples feelings might suffer as a result.
Consider serving others as a confidante or mentor. Because trust is paramount to you,
people are likely to feel comfortable approaching you with any need. Your discretion and
desire to be genuinely helpful will be greatly valued.
At times, your empathy for others may overwhelm you. Create some rituals that you can
use at the end of your day to signal that work is over. This will help buffer your emotions
and prevent burnout.
Identify a friend who has strong Empathy talents, and check your observations with him or
Sensitive to the feelings of others, you readily gauge the emotional tone of a room. Use
your talents to forge a bridge of understanding and mutual support. Your empathy will be
especially important during trying times because it will demonstrate your concern, thereby
building loyalty.
Witnessing the happiness of others brings you pleasure. Consequently, you are likely to be
attuned to opportunities to underscore others successes and positively reinforce their
achievements. At each opportunity, deliver a kind word of appreciation or recognition. In
doing so, you are likely to make a profound and engaging impression.
Because you are observant of how others are feeling, you are likely to intuit what is about
to happen before it becomes common knowledge. Although your intuitions may at times
seem nothing more than hunches, take conscious note of them. They may turn out to be
valuable assets.
Sometimes empathy does not require words at all. A kind gesture may be all someone
needs to be reassured. Use your Empathy talents to nonverbally comfort others with a
glance, a smile, or a pat on the arm.
1. Which of these action items speak to you? Highlight the actions that you are most likely to
2. How will you commit to taking action? Write your own personalized action item that you will
take in the next 30 days.
Ideas for Action:
Consider roles in which you listen and counsel. You can become adept at helping other
people see connection and purpose in everyday occurrences.
Explore specific ways to expand your sense of connection, such as starting a book club,
attending a retreat, or joining an organization that puts Connectedness into practice.
Within your organization, help your colleagues understand how their efforts fit in the larger
picture. You can be a leader in building teams and helping people feel important.
You are aware of the boundaries and borders created within organizations and
communities, but you treat these as seamless and fluid. Use your Connectedness talents
to break down silos that prevent shared knowledge.
Help people see the connections among their talents, their actions, their mission, and their
successes. When people believe in what they are doing and feel like they are part of
something bigger, commitment to achievement is enhanced.
Partner with someone with strong Communication talents. This person can help you with
the words you need to describe vivid examples of connection in the real world.
Dont spend too much time attempting to persuade others to see the world as a linked
web. Be aware that your sense of connection is intuitive. If others dont share your
intuition, rational argument will not persuade them.
Your philosophy of life compels you to move beyond your own self-interests and the
interests of your immediate constituency and sphere of influence. As such, you see the
broader implications for your community and the world. Explore ways to communicate
these insights to others.
Seek out global or cross-cultural responsibilities that capitalize on your understanding of
the commonalities inherent in humanity. Build universal capability, and change the mindset
of those who think in terms of us and them.
Connectedness talents can help you look past the outer shell of a person to embrace his
or her humanity. Be particularly aware of this when you work with someone whose
background is very different from yours. You can naturally look past the labels and focus
on his or her essential needs.
1. Which of these action items speak to you? Highlight the actions that you are most likely to
2. How will you commit to taking action? Write your own personalized action item that you will
take in the next 30 days.
1. Talk to friends or coworkers to hear how they have used their talents to achieve.