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BPT1501 e-portfolio
Student Number:
Unique number




NOTE: I hereby declare that this compilation of my e-portfolio is my own

effort and sources that have been used have been acknowledged in the

1: Introduction

2: My observations and
reflections of my school visit
........................ 4
3: reflection and analysis of
online discussions
................................................ 5-6
4: My views on being an effective
teacher in the classroom, Mind-map and
discussion thereon
............................................. 7-8
5: my reflection on the bpt1501 module
and my philosophy on teaching
...................... 9-10
6: MY mission statement at present
7: bibliography

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1: Introduction
My name is
and I am currently studying towards my Bachelor of Education degree through
Unisa. Why you may wonder? Well I want to empower children with the tool of a good education so
that they are empowered and equipped to fulfil and realise their dreams, aspirations and
ambitions. A brighter future begins with a better education!
Growing up I wish I had teachers who motivated and encouraged me so that I could have been
empowered to strive towards elevating myself and achieving my dreams. I therefore want to enrich
my life by pursuing something worthwhile that is of value and benefit to children hence I am now in
my thirties and pursuing my dream of becoming a teacher.
As they say, better late than never.
I chose this module as my aim is to become a professional teacher. I was initially apprehensive
about beginning studies
(it has been a while) and constantly mulled over my decision, but in
completing this module I was able to let go of all reservations and firmly commit to pursuing my
journey to becoming a professional teacher. The school visit was an amazing experience and
helped to reinforce and further motivate me to follow this chosen path. The online discussions were
inspiring and led me to evaluate and assess myself and reflect on the type of teacher that I aim to
This portfolio contains my reflections and summarisations of certain discussions and assignments
that I have completed. It is also a tool for me to be assessed. I have also been able by completing
this portfolio to outline the wealth of knowledge that I have gained and help mould me into the
best teacher that I can be.
The completion of this module has helped me to realise that the wise and valuable teacher is the
one who never shies away from learning themselves. To be an inspirational and effective teacher, I
need to assume the responsibilities of many roles. Being a teacher entails a lot more than just
being a facilitator of knowledge. I aim to constantly evolve, learn and improve thus ensuring a
continuous journey of discovery and growth. Living is learning.

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2: My observations and reflections of my school

Observations of school visit
Assignment four required us to organise a school visit and observe a class for two weeks. The
school that I chose to complete my school visit was the
Primary School, a tidy well maintained
and substantially resourced school in
. It is a school where a diversity of cultures and
backgrounds come together. The personnel were friendly, helpful and passionate about teaching.
The learners were tidy, respectful, and courteously welcomed me. They were cooperative and
obliging and were instrumental in making this experience memorable. I am humbled by the help
and support that I have received from the learners and teachers at this school.
As I entered the school premises on my first day I was very apprehensive and unsure of what to
expect as the only experience that I had of school was as that of a pupil many moons ago. The
principal welcomed and introduced me to the grade four social sciences teacher Mrs Smit class I
would be observing. Mrs Smit was friendly, supportive and kindly accommodated me. I entered the
classroom and noticed that forty learners were comfortably accommodated. The classroom was
well equipped. Mrs Smit maintained respect and dignity in her classroom and was respectful to her
learners. She has been a teacher for over thirty years. She has evolved and adapted to suit the
needs of her learners. She was an excellent role model who incorporated a variety of teaching
styles. She followed an integrated approach to teaching which blended her personality and
interests with students needs and curriculum stipulations. She demonstrated the skills and
outcomes to be attained and guided her learners to apply the knowledge gained. She combined

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being an authority, facilitator and demonstrator of learning outcomes. She assumed the dual role
of teacher and learner so that the learning experience was not restrictive and enjoyed when her
learners contributed facts or objects relevant to the lesson. The presentation and delivery of her
lessons were well executed and learner participation was encouraged. Many resources e.g. charts,
music, laptop, chalkboard etc were used in her teaching depending on the time available and on
the structure of her pre-planned lesson. Her passion for teaching shone through as she never tired
of explaining concepts and details to learners encouraging them to think critically and not just
accept and regurgitate information.

Reflections on school visit:

While observing Mrs Smits class I noticed that it is a challenge to keep learners focussed. A
teacher cannot monotonously deliver the lesson but has to be innovative, keep subject matter
relevant and adopt many roles as was depicted through the progression of this course. This module
illustrated how various resources e.g. laptops, chalkboard, charts, apps to enhance learning etc can
be introduced to complement teaching. Peer discussion for ideas on teaching methods to
implement in the classroom will be beneficial. Teaching is a continuous effort, and this module
articulated that aspect. I noticed during my observation that children strive to impress the teacher
that they are fond of. This can be beneficial in making the learning and teaching experience a
successful and productive one. Respect and acknowledgement of the teacher and learners in the
classroom is conducive to a pleasant and successful learning and teaching environment.
Some learners came from underprivileged backgrounds and struggled with reading and writing.
This was disheartening for me as it was difficult for them to manage in all their subjects. I became
aware of the need for teachers in our country and of the difficulties and challenges that so many
learners face. The roles and responsibilities of a teacher became evident and I gained an
understanding of why assignment two was an essay thereon. Mrs Smit did not solely deliver
lessons, sometimes children would come to her and just want a hug or to tell her about their day.
This was important and essential to those learners to ensure that they are receptive to learning. I
realised that a teacher cannot just be a facilitator of knowledge but also has to be a guide,
substitute parent, mentor, protector, assessor etc and each role has to suit the needs of the
learner. This was also demonstrated in this module. Learners will not enjoy learning if their
attention is not captured and so learning should include and be made relevant to the learners. I
learnt that a teacher needs to adapt, be innovative and implement different methods of teaching to
suit their teaching environment and assess what works. There is no example of the type of teacher
to be. Every learner and situation is different. We have an influence on the young lives and minds
we are moulding so should thread with caution. Maintaining discipline in the classroom can be very
challenging, but if respect is given to learners it is reciprocated. I noticed that Mrs Smit treated
learners kindly and used a reward chart to discipline which was effective. I shall treasure the
wealth of information and tips that I gave gained by fulfilling this assignment and will incorporate
every aspect in my teaching. I enjoyed this experience tremendously as it gave me an insight into
the teaching profession. A sneak preview into what to expect as a professional teacher!

3: Reflection and analysis of online discussions

The online discussion that left a lasting impression and which was most pertinent to me was the
discussion forum of assignment five. We had to discuss the use of technology to enhance teaching
and learning in the classroom, and suggest different ways in which technology could be used to
enhance reading and writing.

I was hesitant to embrace change and inculcate technology into my life unless absolutely
necessary. I favoured the old methods myself and was a firm believer of the saying if it aint broke,
why fix it, (I still possessed my old nokia cellphone). Participating in an online discussion was for
me a new experience. I am very old fashioned in that I am not very computer savvy and preferred
the old pen and paper limiting computer usage to rarely. This module made me explode out of

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my comfort zone. It literally pushed me to explore new dimensions. I must admit that I really
enjoyed the online discussions and the opportunity I had to get an insight and perspective on a
variety of viewpoints. The topics were very relevant to becoming a professional teacher especially
the one on the best teacher which was discussion one. It helped me gain a perspective of the type
of teacher that I would like to become realising that I do not just want to deliver knowledge but be
an outstanding teacher who incorporates aspects of care, motivation ,innovation and sincerity in
my career . The online discussions allowed me to interact with others and explore differing views. It
was less demanding as I had a chance to read and reflect then respond. In order to effectively
participate in the discussion on technology I was forced to research the benefits of technology in
the classroom. As the discussion progressed I had to embrace changing my view and acknowledge,
explore and welcome technological advances and the benefit they could have on the education
system. I am so much more open- minded and yes, iPhone here I come! The group discussed the
many benefits of technology as opposed to the older restrictive methods where children could not
be interactive. I learnt of so many fun apps and programmes that are available to enhance learning
and teaching e.g. sound note and Scriblr. I realised that technology can be beneficial and
usage can be monitored for safety as well. The pros far outweighed the cons.

I really learnt so much form the discussion on technology. Previously I was technologically shy, and
even sceptical. I was a student many years ago and I wasnt familiar with using technology like
tablets and computers or even cds and dvds in the classroom. There was no need for me to change
my way of thinking until I enrolled for this online module. This discussion helped me to realise the
endless benefits and convenience of embracing technology not only in teaching but also in
everyday living. I was particularly struck by Shera, a group members input on the discussion
forum and have pasted parts of her response which I found relevant, informative and thought
Back in the days teachers:
Spent half of the period, writing notes on the board and did not get enough time to explain the written notes. (My social science & Life
orientation teacher in primary & high school)

Had to draw pictures to demonstrate things they are teaching.

Teachers prepared their lessons on plain paper with a pen.

As the years went by, technology improved.

Teachers are able to use computers, laptops, projectors, or, and printers in their classrooms.

Helps teachers meet the individual needs of students.

Teachers are able to use projectors instead of chalk which can cause health complications.

Teachers are able to quickly surf the internet to find examples of their lessons to help students understand easily (E.g. Images or

Easy for them to prepare and save their notes for the next lesson.

Saves teachers time and gives them a variety of information.

The use of technology also excites the teacher, which in return arouses enthusiasm.

Teachers can play music in to keep calmness.

Teachers are able to use videos, images, audio and other graphic texts.

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Technology helps teachers be confident and organized in their classroom.

I was motivated to research and delve into the benefits of technology and the different apps that
were available to enhance reading and writing. I was amazed. What an awakening from the
stagnant slumber I had been in. This was so much more exciting and less restrictive than the
mundane piece of paper or chalkboard to practise writing. A variety of books was easily and readily
available at my fingertips. Researching online was so much easier, unrestrictive and extensive. I
became passionate instead of being sceptical and realised that as a teacher I could use technology
as an added benefit to my lessons and a complement to my teaching strategy. I can hardly wait to
implement the use of my ideas involving technology in the classroom e.g. a lesson can be planned
and delivered using a laptop, a new dimension can be added to the content and an abundance of
information and visuals which incorporate sound and movement will be easily available to learners.
The one dimensional picture has been given a facelift. I began thinking out of the box. I am excited
and realise that there is so much to learn about. I was also made aware by participating in the
discussions of the benefits of discussion. I shall definitely implement discussion in my teaching.

The discussion on the use of technology could also have been taught by incorporating a few
practical examples on the use of technology. We could have as a task or part of the assignment
been asked to use some of the relevant apps that can enhance reading and writing, and then give
a detailed summary of our experiences thereof. We could have compared and discussed if we
preferred the older methods or the newer technologically advanced apps. I would have also loved
to be able to introduce these apps to the learners who were struggling with reading and writing
that I encountered during my school visit and to be able to monitor and gauge their reactions and
take note of any improvements. Being afforded the opportunity to interview a few teachers of
various ages and request their opinions on the incorporation of technology in the classroom could
be beneficial. The teacher could also demonstrate and explain a lesson which incorporates
technology in their teaching. As part of the discussion we could have interviewed teachers from
two different schools and describe differences in teaching methods, the incorporation of technology
in each school, and the availability of resources to apply technological improvements etc. We could
also explore the different ways in which technology is incorporated in each school and discuss,
compare and assess the success thereof in essay form. A lesson plan on a specific topic which
incorporates the use of technology in the lesson could be a requirement. This would demonstrate
how as a teacher I would use technology in my classroom. This could add so much more depth to
the discussion and a higher degree of learning could take place as we would have a realistic and
hands on experience on the uses of technology in the classroom.

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4: My views on being an effective teacher in the

I firmly believe that in order for me to be an effective teacher the most important thing is for me to
be qualified, a positive role model and to and accept and respect all learners. This module and the
completion of all the assignments gave me an insight into what being a professional teacher
entails. I feel that in order for me to be an effective teacher in the classroom it is imperative that I
should be knowledgeable and skilful in my chosen subject of teaching. I also feel that I should be
friendly and my lessons should always be prepared in advance. As I completed this module I have
come to believe that an effective teacher is one who loves teaching, is charismatic, professional,
neat, qualified, respectful, innovative and able to communicate well with her learners and their
parents as well as participate in issues affecting the community. I will aspire to maintain these
merits. Certain other qualities that I would embrace to ensure that I am an effective teacher would
be; to be passionate about the subject matter and imparting of knowledge, to be empathetic and
considerate of my learners and their backgrounds, to be helpful and to always assess and improve
my teaching methods. I would also love to incorporate technology into my lessons to add value and
benefit to the content. I want to be a guide to my learners and I want constantly to challenge
myself and them. I hope to embrace change and always be willing to learn and adapt to suit my
learners needs. I am looking forward to being in the classroom and seeing what would work and
what I can implement into my teaching to make me an effective teacher. The theory is only worthy
if practised.

Mind-map of my ideas on how to be an

effective teacher:

progress ,
stimulate and

Be skilful,
capable and

lessons in


lve capture,

Facilitator of knowledge



How to be an

care and be
helpful to

learn grow

Life-long learner
Be willing to
adapt and
reflect on ways
to improve
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A discussion on each point:

In my opinion being qualified and skilful in your chosen subject is pivotal to being an effective
teacher. Every teacher has to be knowledgeable in the subject they are teaching in order to be able
to effectively be a facilitator of that knowledge. I would aspire to be able to answer learners
questions regarding the subject that I am teaching correctly. I want to have the skills required to
effectively run my classroom so as to create an environment which is safe and also conducive to
learning and teaching. I want to be able to maintain discipline and keep my learners focussed and
enjoy the subject that they are learning. I would continuously assess and monitor learner progress
and use this as an indication of the effectiveness of my teaching methods and to determine if there
are learners experiencing difficulties. I would communicate with my peers discussing our teaching
methods and I would appreciate their input and ideas from their experiences and assess whether it
will be beneficial to implement or not. As a qualified teacher I will be neat, tidy and professional. I
would also like to choose to teach a subject that I am passionate about so that I can love what I am
teaching and thus inspire my students.
As an effective teacher who aspires to effectively be a facilitator of knowledge I will plan lessons in
advance in order to be focussed on learners and to help them gain the knowledge and skill they
need to understand lessons and ensure learning outcomes are attained. This will give me the
ability to interact more with learners, to maintain discipline in the classroom, to concentrate on
difficulties learners are experiencing with certain concepts as my preparation would be complete
and I would know in which direction I would like to proceed regarding my learners and the lesson.
By preparing my lessons in advance I will be able to spend time thinking about the lessons and
how I would like to present them to fully benefit the variety of learners that I have in my class. I can
make the lessons more exciting by utilizing different strategies and by being creative and adapting
my lessons to reach learners and keep them focussed and interested. I will incorporate technology
to add value and enhance my lessons. A laptop will be an invaluable asset in my classroom as I can
prepare, present my lessons thereon, gather information and visual concepts can be explained
easier to learners using pictures and videos on my laptop. A variety of equipment will not be
required. Advance preparations will afford me the time to research my lesson so as to be
innovative and capture the attention of my learners. Example, a lesson on the ocean can be
researched in depth and I can get learners excited by asking them to bring in objects like shells or
holiday pictures of a trip to the sea. I can play a video where the roar and feel of the ocean is
brought into the classroom. Learners can be given salt water to taste and have an idea of what the
ocean tastes like. The use of the internet on my laptop will give me an opportunity to immediately
research and answer any questions learners may have on the lesson.
I will be flexible and adapt to suit the needs of my class. I want to continuously learn and improve
and I believe there is always room for improvement and learning no matter at what stage or age an
individual may be. Time passes and things change and I will embrace this change rather than be
stagnant and close minded thus cheating myself from improving or even learning of better
strategies and developments that I could use and adapt my lessons so that it is always interesting
for me as well as my learners. I came to this realization after my online discussion on the uses of
technology in the classroom. By stagnating and not acknowledging technology in my life I had only
cheated myself form a vast resource and convenience. My learning shall be continuous keeping me
passionate and focussed. This will ensure that I am effective and I hope to always be aware in my
classroom, monitoring learners and if I see learners having difficulty or being bored than I should
improve that lesson plan and my approach in the future. I need to broaden my horizons and be
willing to understand that in it is essential for me to question peers, and ask for help if needed. I
will research and update my knowledge on my subject matter as well as on being a professional
teacher and on teaching methods. After all I am there to ensure that my learners are learning and
are enjoying learning.
I hope to be a teacher that is helpful, accepting and understanding of my learners so that I inspire
them to look at me as a positive role model. We are all different but it has been inculcated in me

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from a young age to be respectful of everyone and I believe that if I respect my learners they will
respect me in return. I want my learners to feel safe and secure in my class. By building a rapport
with learners a trusting relationship will develop and learners will feel comfortable to discuss any
issues or difficulties that they may be experiencing. I will therefore be able to guide, nurture and
protect my learners and give meaning to the reason behind pursuing this career path. As an
effective teacher I want to connect with my students and maintain a relationship with them by
discussing their interests, hopes and ambitions. I will keep communication open and be available to
learners and their parents if they wish to discuss anything. I would love for my learners to
remember me in a positive light for the rest of their lives. Each learner should feel that they matter
and that their efforts are acknowledged in my classroom and that I have faith in their abilities.

5: my reflection on the bpt1501 module and my

philosophy on teaching
Reflection on BPT1501 module:
I found this module to be very insightful, interesting and relevant. I have gained a wealth
of knowledge and information. I was able to gain an insight into the realities of being a
professional teacher. This module helped reiterate the fact that this is the path and
career choice that I would like to follow in my life.
I thoroughly enjoyed the first discussion that we had on the difference between a good
and an outstanding teacher. It forced me to reflect and assess the kind of teacher that I
should strive to be. Would this merely be a job or a life altering path to inspire and help
children? I have walked away from the discussion truly inspired. I am so humbled by the
efforts of so many outstanding teachers and teachers to be. Enrolling for this module has
made me realise that a good teacher is one who would make sure that the learner
understands the subject and is fully equipped to move on to the next stage of learning
while an outstanding teacher would leave a lasting impression, forever ingrained in the
mind and heart of the learner because of their inspirational method of teaching. They not
only educate but they also fully immerse of themselves into their teaching and care and
inspire learners. Each learning unit covered a variety of aspects all relevant to becoming
a teacher. The teacher as a professional, the roles and responsibilities of the teacher, the
teacher as a community member which demonstrated that teaching is not an isolated
profession but a social one, the teacher as a knowledge worker, the teacher as a
resourceful innovator (I enjoyed this learning unit most as it was very challenging for me
personally and I was forced to think out of the box and unleash my creative side which
had been buried for ages), and lastly the teacher making a difference , which illustrated
the impact that a teacher has on their learners as well as society. This unit helped me to
reflect and gain a more realistic approach to teaching, realising that teaching would not
just be being a facilitator of knowledge but it is more demanding and in depth. My aim is
to put into practise everything that I have learned and to become an outstanding teacher
forever held in high esteem and cherished by my learners.

My philosophy on teaching:
I firmly believe that as a teacher I should continue to grow and strive to be better and
more knowledgeable about my profession, always be willing to learn more about the
subject that I am teaching, care and inspire learners, adapt to suit the needs of my
teaching environment and the learners that I am teaching. I should be an innovative
teacher and make a difference in the lives of each learner. I want to be a teacher that is
fondly remembered of because I taught with passion and cared about every little life that

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I was fortunate enough to have an impact on. I want to always remain a positive role
model in my learners lives and hope that my learners will forever make use of the
values, knowledge and guidance that I have imparted to them. I aim to always be
passionate and inspired by teaching and I believe the rest will naturally follow suit.
I aim to be a professional teacher who is neat, tidy, fully qualified and well respected
amongst learners. I aim to live my life always conscious of the fact that I am a
professional teacher and as a teacher to always be aware of the consequences my
actions and decisions will have in every aspect of my life. It is very important to me to
instil morals, values, etiquette and respect in my learners irrespective of their
backgrounds or any challenges they may face. Each learner should know that they are
acknowledged and their input in my class is valued. I will accept responsibility to be the
best facilitator of knowledge that I can be and my lessons will be prepared and my tasks
always completed. I want to always update myself on the latest developments regarding
my career and I would enjoy peer discussions so as to gauge ways in which to improve as
a teacher.
In todays society where many homes are single parent households or where many
parents work very demanding hours, children lack substantial adult interaction from their
parents and look to their teachers to fulfil this role and working together with parents and
caregivers I can better understand the needs of my learners. Having an understanding of
learners and their backgrounds will help me to be able to adapt to suit the needs of my
learners. I aim to work with community members to fundraise and help improve facilities
at the school if needed. Successful community involvement and integration will
contribute to my success as a teacher.
I aim to manage my teaching and learning environment as a worker of knowledge. My
classroom should be a safe environment where learners feel comfortable to air their
grievances, thoughts and contributions. I hope to attain this by always making learners
aware of how I value their input and all comments will be acknowledged and none will be
considered as insignificant. I am passionate about becoming a teacher and will continue
to strive to improve my knowledge and to ensure that I deliver the knowledge of the
subject that I am teaching to my learners using the best methods and resources that are
available to me. Each lesson that I deliver should be a new experience and captivate and
involve my learners. Learner input will be valued. I will ask learners what aspects of the
lesson they enjoyed so as to assess my teaching methods and gain a better
understanding of my learners.
I am so excited about embarking on my career as a teacher in order to incorporate the
various ideas I have and to implement them in my classroom. I want to make learning
more exciting than what it was for me. My goal is to capture the attention of my learners
and I hope to be innovative and incorporate technology into my lessons. I am a great fan
of the benefits of using a laptop to deliver my lessons and begin a new endeavour and
experience. I want to use media cds, dvds and all resources that are available to me to
better my lessons as I realise that for effective learning to occur it is essential to keep
learners focussed.
Becoming a teacher for me has been a much thought about choice. I want to do
something meaningful with a lasting benefit in my life. Naturally I want to have a positive
impact and make a difference toward betterment in each childs life. I have experienced
the impact it has when you have teachers who consider their career nothing more than a
job to complete. I therefore plan to inspire, patiently encourage and motivate my learners
to succeed. I want them to never stop trying and every effort will be acknowledged and

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praised. As a teacher I will be an influence and play a pivotal role in their daily lives and
thus I will aspire to be a good role model who brings positivity into their lives. I want to
be aware of the needs of my students and create an environment that is conducive to
learning and growing as individuals for my learners. What better difference as a teacher
can I make than to ensure that learners strive to and enjoy pursuing an education in
order to facilitate a better future for themselves and in turn contribute to an improved

6: My mission statement for my life at present

In summarisation I chose this as my mission statement because

as I reflect upon my life I realise that every journey that I
undertook was of benefit and a learning experience. While
travelling this path I was inspired to reflect and realise that I
want to become a teacher. As a teacher I can inspire, be a
positive influence and make a worthy difference in the lives of my
learners so that their future can be better and I shall be making a
valuable and lasting contribution to the future. It is never too
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late to follow a new path and I want to maintain and impart

hopefulness and positivity. I aim to continue my lifes journey
never stagnating always being inspired to learn and to continue
to better myself in every aspect thereby inspiring my learners
and instilling a love of learning. I aim to be a teacher who is
knowledgeable, qualified, cares about learners and the difficulties
they are experiencing due to their backgrounds, delivers
interesting and relevant lessons, who is a positive influence and
motivator of hope and improvement. I want to live and tackle any
challenges in my life with faith and determination. Life is
temporary but education symbolises living and hope for the
future. I want my life to have meaning and I want my contribution
to the future to be a precious and worthy one.

7: Bibliography
1: website: http://www.online-distance-learning-education.com/effectiveteacher.html#.VT5QUdKqqko
2: website: http://www.edutopia.org/discussion/11-habits-effective-teacher
3: website: http://teaching.about.com/od/pd/a/Qualities-Of-An-EffectiveTeacher.htm
4: website: www.googleimages.com
6: website: http://study.com/articles/10_Ways_Teachers_Make_a_Difference.html

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