Bioenergetics of Exercise and Training
Bioenergetics of Exercise and Training
Bioenergetics of Exercise and Training
• Essential Terminology
Key Terms
• Phosphagen System
– Provides ATP primarily for short-term, high-intensity
activities (e.g., resistance training and sprinting) and
is active at the start of all exercise regardless of
Biological Energy Systems
• Phosphagen System
– ATP Stores
• The body does not store enough ATP for exercise.
• Some ATP is needed for basic cellular function.
• The phosphagen system uses the creatine kinase
reaction to maintain the concentration of ATP.
• The phosphagen system replenishes ATP rapidly.
– Control of the Phosphagen System
• Law of mass action: The concentrations of reactants or
products (or both) in solution will drive the direction of the
Biological Energy Systems
• Glycolysis
– The breakdown of carbohydrates—either glycogen
stored in the muscle or glucose delivered in the
blood—to resynthesize ATP
• Glycolysis
– The end result of glycolysis (pyruvate) may proceed
in one of two directions:
1) Pyruvate can be converted to lactate.
• ATP resynthesis occurs at a faster rate but is limited in
• This process is sometimes called anaerobic glycolysis (or
fast glycolysis).
Biological Energy Systems
• Glycolysis
– The end result of glycolysis (pyruvate) may proceed
in one of two directions (continued):
2) Pyruvate can be shuttled into the
• When pyruvate is shuttled into the mitochondria to undergo
the Krebs cycle, the ATP resynthesis rate is slower, but it
can occur for a longer duration if the exercise intensity is
low enough.
• This process is often referred to as aerobic glycolysis (or
slow glycolysis).
Biological Energy Systems
• Glycolysis
– Glycolysis and the Formation of Lactate
• The formation of lactate from pyruvate is catalyzed by the
enzyme lactate dehydrogenase.
• The end result is not lactic acid.
• Lactate is not the cause of fatigue.
• Glucose + 2Pi + 2ADP → 2Lactate + 2ATP + H2O
Cori Cycle
• Glycolysis
– Glycolysis Leading to the Krebs Cycle
• Pyruvate that enters the mitochondria is converted to
• Acetyl-CoA can then enter the Krebs cycle.
• The NADH molecules enter the electron transport system,
where they can also be used to resynthesize ATP.
• Glucose + 2Pi + 2ADP + 2NAD+ → 2Pyruvate + 2ATP +
2NADH + 2H2O
Biological Energy Systems
• Glycolysis
– Energy Yield of Glycolysis
• Glycolysis from one molecule of blood glucose yields a net
of two ATP molecules.
• Glycolysis from muscle glycogen yields a net of three ATP
Biological Energy Systems
• Glycolysis
– Control of Glycolysis
• Stimulated by high concentrations of ADP, Pi, and ammonia
and by a slight decrease in pH and AMP
• Inhibited by markedly lower pH, ATP, CP, citrate, and free
fatty acids
• Also affected by hexokinase, phosphofructokinase, and
pyruvate kinase
– Lactate Threshold and Onset of Blood Lactate
• Lactate threshold (LT) represents an increasing reliance on
anaerobic mechanisms.
• LT is often used as a marker of the anaerobic threshold.
Key Term
• Glycolysis
– Lactate Threshold and Onset of Blood Lactate
• LT begins at 50% to 60% of maximal oxygen uptake
in untrained individuals.
• It begins at 70% to 80% in trained athletes.
• OBLA is a second increase in the rate of lactate
• It occurs at higher relative intensities of exercise.
• It occurs when the concentration of blood lactate reaches
4 mmol/L.
Biological Energy Systems
• Phosphagens
– Creatine phosphate can decrease markedly
(50-70%) during the first stage (5-30 seconds) of
high-intensity exercise and can be almost eliminated
as a result of very intense exercise to exhaustion.
– Postexercise phosphagen repletion can occur in a
relatively short period; complete resynthesis of ATP
appears to occur within 3 to 5 minutes, and
complete creatine phosphate resynthesis can occur
within 8 minutes.
Substrate Depletion and Repletion
• Glycogen
– The rate of glycogen depletion is related to exercise
• At relative intensities of exercise above 60% of maximal
oxygen uptake, muscle glycogen becomes an increasingly
important energy substrate; the entire glycogen content of
some muscle cells can become depleted during exercise.
Substrate Depletion and Repletion
• Glycogen
– Repletion of muscle glycogen during recovery is
related to postexercise carbohydrate ingestion.
• Repletion appears to be optimal if 0.7 to 3.0 g of
carbohydrate per kg of body weight is ingested every
2 hours following exercise.
Section Outline
• Interval Training
– Interval training is a method that emphasizes
bioenergetic adaptations for a more efficient energy
transfer within the metabolic pathways by using
predetermined intervals of exercise and rest periods.
• Much more training can be accomplished at higher
• Difficult to establish definitive guidelines for choosing
specific work-to-rest ratios
Table 2.7
Metabolic Specificity of Training
• Combination Training
– Combination training adds aerobic endurance
training to the training of anaerobic athletes in order
to enhance recovery (because recovery relies
primarily on aerobic mechanisms).
• May reduce anaerobic performance capabilities,
particularly high-strength, high-power performance
• Can reduce the gain in muscle girth, maximum strength,
and speed- and power-related performance
• May be counterproductive in most strength and power