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Course Outline Math 2015

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Math Cycle 1

Mathematics 100 and 200.
Classes will occur during six periods in the student timetable of 9 days.
The goal of the Cycle 1 mathematics program is to prepare students to live and be
productive in an ever-increasing mathematical world. In order to accomplish this goal,
the program will follow the Quebec Educational Program. Students will be encouraged
to develop competencies in the following two areas during the two-year cycle one
Competency 1: Solving Situational Problems - students will be expected to give
oral or written explanations showing that they understand a situational problem, to
use appropriate mathematical knowledge to solve a situational problem, and to
develop an appropriate solution to a problem.
Competency 2: Using Mathematical Reasoning students will be expected to
formulate conjectures appropriate to a situation, to use the correct concepts and
processes appropriate to a situation, to use reasoning that is appropriate to a
situation, and to justify the steps taken or reasoning taken to reach a particular
Students are expected to communicate clearly their mathematical knowledge by
interpreting mathematical representations and producing clear work using proper
mathematical language. Mathematics plays a role in everyday life, not only as
consumers but it allows students to expand their world view. Each level in high school
examines the different branches of mathematics: arithmetic and algebra, geometry, and
probability and statistics.
It is with this goal in mind that the content of the Cycle 1 Mathematics curriculum is
divided into themes for the two-year cycle.

Year 1 (Grade 7)

Number Theory
Perimeter & Area
Geometry Properties

*Concepts from year 1 are built upon in year 2.

Year 2 (Grade 8)

Algebraic Equations
Modes of Representation
Rates, Ratios & Proportions
Polygons and Circles
Solid Geometry
Probabilities & Statistics

Math Cycle 1
By the end of Cycle 1, students will have achieved competencies in solving situational
problems and using mathematical reasoning. Students' success in their other subject
areas will be enhanced as students become proficient at using reasoning to solve
Teaching strategies will be based on the needs of the students in the class and can
include: whole class lectures, group and individual discovery activities, use of hands on
manipulatives, use of technologies, and use of the smartboard.

Students will be given evaluations at the end of the class study of each of the topics.
Students will have reasoning (skill) type tests as well as application tests and
situational problem tests.


Course packages are used and will be distributed throughout the year as needed.
Teachers will provide students with notes on mathematical concepts.
Students should have a geometry set and a calculator .
Students are evaluated each term on the two competencies mentioned above. The
term marks are determined by taking 30% of the situational problem mark and 70% of
the reasoning mark. 15% of each competency evaluation will be formative evaluation
(class work, quizzes, IXL, projects as determined by the teacher.
Students final grades will be based on 20% of the Term 1 mark, 20% of the Term 2 mark,
and 60% of the Term 3 mark as for all other courses.
Final Exams count for 25% of the Term 3 mark per competency.

Year 1 Teachers
Jodi Coleman (colemanj@edu.etsb.qc.ca
Patrick Dubois (duboisp@edu.etsb.qc.ca)
Jessica Ledoux (ledouxj@edu.etsb.qc.ca)
Tracey Comeau (comeaut@edu.etsb.qc.ca)
and Jarrod Sharman
Jennifer Hall (hallj@edu.etsb.qc.ca) and
Adriana Lyons (lyonsa@edu.etsb.qc.ca)

Year 2 Teachers
Patrick Dubois (duboisp@edu.etsb.qc.ca)
Paul Gella (gellap@edu.etsb.qc.ca)
Kevin Shea (sheak@edu.etsb.qc.ca)
Todd Smith (smithto@edu.esb.qc.ca)

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