Ict Lesson Plan
Ict Lesson Plan
Ict Lesson Plan
Lesson Plan.
On the Move: Pushes and Pulls.
Name: Myriah Smith (2108100), Denielle Atkin (2107113) & Taylar Cox
Year Level: Reception
ACARA Science Content Descriptor:
Science Understanding > Physical Sciences > The way objects
move depends on a variety of factors, including their size and
shape (ACSSU005).
Science as a Human Endeavour > Nature and development of
Science > Science involves exploring and observing the world
using the senses (ACSHE013).
Science Inquiry Skills > Planning and conducting > Explore
and make observations by using the senses (ACSIS011).
Science Inquiry Skills> Processing and Analysing data and
information > Engage in discussions about observations and
use methods such as drawing and representing ideas
Science Inquiry Skills> Communicating> Share observations
and ideas (ACSIS012).
ACARA ICT Content Descriptor:
Select and use hardware and software: Identify and safely
operate ICT systems to complete relevant, simple, specific
tasks, and seek help with encountering a problem.
Identify the impacts of ICT in society: Identify how they use
ICT in multiple ways on multiple devices.
ACARA Numeracy Content Descriptor:
Estimate and Measure with metric units: Measure by comparing
objects and indicate if these measurements are the same or
Interpret data displays: Recognise how to ask and answer simple
data questions and interpret data in drawing or picture graphs.
Recognise and use patterns, and relationships: Describe and
continue patterns.
Required Resources:
- Primary Connections On the Move.
- SMART Notebook.
- BBC Interactive Learning Game:
Inquiry Question: How far do things roll with a soft and hard push?
This part of the lesson should take 5 minutes.
5 min
This part of the lesson plan involves making learning personal and creating a
learning climate. Objectives are clearly defined, with connections between what
they already know and what they will know and have learnt by the end of the
lesson. Whole class discussion, interactive activities are used to stimulate
memorization of prior knowledge.
Lesson Steps:
1. Introduce and play the interactive game Pushes and Pulls using the IWB:
2. Help students become aware of prior knowledge by facilitating discussion,
pointing out key words students are using and asking questions such as:
- Why does that object move?
- What is a push? What is a pull?
- What do you think will happen if we do a hard push instead of a soft
- Why is there a difference?
3. Discuss the idea that pushing is moving something away from you, and
pulling is moving something towards you.
4. Participate in the Interactive game using Smart Notebook. Students are to
match pictures of a movement to the correct word (push/pull).
Teaching strategy: Questioning.
The teacher is to use class discussion and the use of questioning to facilitate
learning. Using questions can help students to identify the numeracy and then
to apply the mathematics. The use of open questions can also provide
Activa te
This part of the lesson should take 20 minutes.
20 min This part of the lesson plan is where students begin to explore new knowledge, with
students engaging in investigations for them to experiment with themselves.
1. Word wall:
Ask students to describe the ways things move, and to recall key words they
have used in discussion.
2. Explain in this unit students will investigate things that move and how
they move:
Explain students will investigate how far a toy car will go using both a hard
and a soft push. Introduce the investigation equipment. Ask students to
predict what will happen with a soft push, and what will happen with a hard
Model how to set up a starting line to test the soft and the hard push. Model
how to use the starting line (by placing the toy car up against the starting
line) and demonstrate a push.
Discuss the differences between a soft push and a hard push. Record
predictions and reasoning on SMART board.
Model an unfair test by placing the toy car over the starting line to begin the
push. Discuss what is meant by the word fair in science (that the same
things are to be kept the same) for example, releasing the object from the
same point every time.
Discuss that only one thing is changed during the experiment to keep it fair.
For example, the soft and hard push of the toy car.
Model how students will record videos, similar to previous lessons. Review
how to open the camera and select video mode. Model how to record a
video by pressing record and pointing the camera at the object in which
they wish to record. Explain this will be used to share their observations
with their classmates.
20 min This phase is where students demonstrate and share their new knowledge as
they head into deeper understanding. Students have activated knowledge and
are beginning to form conclusions.
Explain that the students will push their toy cars and use streamers, string or
Lego to measure how far they go. Demonstrate this with a streamer, by placing
one end of the streamer at the starting line, and tearing the other end where the
toy car landed, at the front of the car.
Explain the students will measure one hard and one soft push to record on the
class table on the SMART board.
Review how students will conduct fair tests. For example, the measurement is
from the starting line to the front of the car.
Students will chose a video of both a soft and a hard push to share with another
Students will now share their videos with another pair. Explain they will need to
discuss, what they did, what they observed, what they changed and how they
Consolidate / Plenary
This part of the lesson should take 10 minutes.
10 min
This phase is where students reflect on what they have learnt, and to evaluate
their new knowledge. They start to make connections to the content and what
they might do with it elsewhere; in other subjects or in real life. The learning
learnt today is used to create the learning objectives for the following lesson.
Invite the students to a class discussion about what they discussed in their
Students will review the collected data in the table. Prompt the students to see
and understand the patterns that have emerged, for example the soft push is
always a smaller number than the hard push.
Discuss words that were used throughout the investigation and add to the word
What is a push? What is a pull?
What have you learnt about pushes/pulls?
How are you feeling about what you have learnt/done so far?
What do you know now that you didnt before?
What would you still like to find out?