Final Template George
Final Template George
Final Template George
Teacher: A
Student: A
A is a cheerful, quiet and friendly member of our class. He is an inquisitive class member.
When prompted, George asks insightful questions and at times shares perceptive and
imaginative insights. He is a cooperative student who usually works well with his peers. A
responds positively to encouragement and support to attempt set tasks. He is working
towards becoming a more attentive listener during class, particularly when sitting on the
floor during class discussions. A is continuing to develop his knowledge of letters and their
sounds and their use within reading and writing. When writing, A is beginning to understand
their use but is reluctant to sound out unknown words independently. He is developing his
ability to use this knowledge when reading and has begun to build a bank of common sight
words. A is able to recognise and name numbers up to 10 and is developing his ability to
count sequentially up to 20. He understands directional language such as beside, behind and
front of. A is
developing his ability to create and repeat patterns.
School Administration
With Support
Works independently.
Follows instructions.
Starts work promptly.
Demonstrates good organisational skills.
Participates in class activities.
Copes with change.
Talks about how they feel.
Concentrates on the task at hand.
Co-operates in group activities.
Respects the rights of others.
Interacts confidently with a variety of people.
Displays courteous behaviour.
Is responsible for own belongings.
Behaves appropriately in a variety of situations.
Responds positively to discipline.
Uses class equipment correctly and safely.
Gives their personal best.
By the end of Transition, students predict and question to make meaning from texts.
They understand that there are different types of texts and identify links between
texts and their personal experience. They read short, predictable texts with familiar
vocabulary and supportive images. They identify the letters of the English alphabet
and listen for rhyme, letter patterns and sounds in words. Students understand that
their texts can reflect their own experiences. They identify and describe preference
about familiar texts, objects, characters and events. Students communicate in group
and whole class settings. They retell events and experiences and use familiar sounds
and words in writing.
Speaking and Listening
simple questions.
By the end of Transition, students make connections between number names,
numerals and quantities up to 10. They compare objects using mass, length and
capacity. Students connect events and the days of the week. They explain the order
and duration of events. They use appropriate language to describe location. Students
count to and from 20 and order small collections. They group objects based on
common characteristics and sort shapes and objects. Students answer simple
questions to collect information.
Number Sense
With Support
With Support
During the units on Lent and Easter, the students begin to develop awareness that there
are special times in the year of the church and that there are specific things that we do to
recognise and celebrate them. Students also study how they develop a relationship with
God through trusting relationships with others. They explore Gods love through the
sharing of The Great Flood story. The students are also exposed to the stories Jesus told
about how to act towards others.
At Standard
Students sequence significant family information and use simple historical terms
related to the past, present and future. They pose questions about the past and
present an oral narrative using pictures or photographs. Students explore their
personal and family history and share stories about the past.
George is able to recognise the differences and similarities between students' daily
lives and life during their parents and grandparents childhoods. With support,
George posed questions about the past using the sources provided. He is able to
sequence familiar objects and events.
Below Standard
Above Standard
At Standard
Students develop their understanding of place. They explore reasons why some
places are special to people, and how they can be looked after. Students explore
the places people live in and belong to, their familiar features and why they are
important to people, including Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples. They
investigate maps and their location and features.
Below Standard
Above Standard
At Standard
Students learn that all living things have basic needs for their survival- food, water,
shelter and air. They identify the needs of humans such as shelter, food and water.
Students explore and make observations by using the senses. They engage in
discussions about observations and use methods such as writing and drawing to
represent ideas and findings.
Below Standard
Above Standard
At Standard
Students identify and strengthen their social and emotional capabilities in order to be
successful in school, experience wellbeing and have positive relationships. Students
engage in the You Can Do It! program. In PE students identify different settings where they
can be active and learn how to move and play safely. They describe how their body
responds to movement. Students use personal and social skills to include others in a range
of activities. Students perform fundamental movement skills and solve movement
Below Standard
Above Standard
At Standard
The Arts
Students have opportunities to develop their visual art skills through a wide range of art
and craft activities. They create art pieces and produce an array of artworks using different
materials, processes and technologies. In music, students have been experimenting with
percussion instruments and the different ways in which they can be played. They
discovered that an instrument can make a variety of sounds when it is played in different
ways. Children have been echoing basic rhythmic patterns using body percussion as well
as instruments. Recently they have been learning to identify high and low sounds, and long
and short notes.
Below Standard
Above Standard
At Standard
Students use materials, components, tools, equipment and techniques to safely make a
bird feeder. During ICT, students learn the features of a computer, logging on/off, mouse
manipulation, opening and closing web pages and how to use programs such as Reading
Below Standard
Above Standard
At Standard
By the end of Level 1, students identify key words and well known phrases in spoken
language. They reproduce and practice the target language relying on contextual support.
Students are able to interpret and respond to short written texts with support and write
using key words and well known phrases. Students recognise that Bahasa Indonesia is the
national language of Indonesia and that it is similar to English in its alphabet and sound
Below Standard
Above Standard
At Standard