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gr3 Poetry Ubd

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Unit Planner Grade 3 Date: 1st Oct.

2015 Unit length: 5 weeks

Stage 1 Desired Results
Established Goals: Learners will develop an understanding that poetry is a creative channel
of communication that is used to achieve a range of social purposes.
Conceptual Understandings:
Essential Questions:
Students will understand that . . .
What is poetry for?
Poetry expresses feelings and
reflections on experiences, people
What are some different forms and
and events
characteristics of poetry?
Poetry works mainly through our
emotions, sensory experiences and
imaginative perceptions
How are feelings and reflections (best)
The poets choices of words and order
expressed through poems?
of words enhances meaning in the
Students will know . . .(Knowledge)
Students will be able to . . . (Skills)
forms and characteristics (including
Respond to poems by observing,
powerful words, word choice) of
interpreting and creating their own
poem based on their personal reaction
and interpretation
that people respond to and interpret
Compose poems, containing:
poems differently
o Purpose, structure and
language features that are
appropriate to the poem type
that poetry can be used to express
selected (couplet, quatrain,
diamante, palindrome)
personal feelings and reflections
o Word choices and word order
that enhance the meaning of
their poem
Stage 2 Assessment Evidence
Pre-Assessment: Students create an independent poem of their choice. (Prior to being given
any input on poetry).
Performance Tasks:
Other Evidence:
Students create and respond to original
Discussions of different kinds of poems
poems (can be tied to a piece of art). They
and possible meanings (response/
will write and record a poem of their own,
and swap their poem with a peer. Students
Sharing own poems with the class
will deliver their poem in front of an
(creation/expression of meaning)
Moderation of assessment: within grade and cross grade with grade 2
Stage 3 Learning Plan
Learning Activities: (include differentiation)
Students use NSW samples and Writing Fun samples to experience and understand
poetic forms
Use of graphic organizers to analyze and to create poems (Analyze a Poem to Write a
Reading and listening to poems written by poets
Envelope poetry
Creating poems to music and art pieces
As Soon as Its Fall by Aileen Fischer poem with cloze activity
Reconstruction of cut up couplets and quatrains, diamante and palindromes
Reading and performing poems of their own, and favourite poems by poets
Building up word banks that can be used when writing poetry

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