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Probation Report 2015 s1

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Jo is developing into an excellent English and SOSE teacher. She values collaboration and providing high-quality feedback to students.

Jo has engaged in professional learning around MAZE, Accelerus, Google Docs, report writing, Schoology, gifted and talented education, and mental health topics like iTalk Mental Health and Mind Matters.

Jo provides ongoing feedback to students by regularly collecting and commenting on their classwork. She also uses digital platforms like Google Docs and Schoology to provide timely feedback.


Interim (6mth) Report ____ OR

Final (12mth) Report ____

Panel formation, lesson observations and reflective discussion

should commence early in the semester.
Please scan completed form to HR People Services at ETDTeacherReports@act.gov.au

Jo Cook
John Dickson
Jason Holmes

Harrison School
James Malone
TQI Status (full, provisional, permit)

Meeting Date
Date of report
Contract Period

School Specific Context (Please provide information regarding the setting in which the teacher has worked. Include
year levels and or subjects taught)
Harrison School is a P-10 School in. Jo is a member of the year 9/10 team and has taught students from year 710 English and Studies of Society and Environment.

General Comments (please complete eg. suggestions for developing potential)

Jo is highly valued member of the Harrison School team, and is developing to be an excellent English & SoSE
teacher. Her collaborative planning practices are excellent and her ongoing written feedback to students is of a
very high standard. Jo has been an integral member of the team setting up sustainable planning and
standardised assessment practices at a new school. She is highly organised with a strong passion for teaching
and learning.

Contract Teachers Comments

I have enjoyed my time at Harrison school, and have found that the learning has been constant due to the
focus on using technology in the classroom as a learning aid. I am still consolidating learning with regards to
using Google Docs as a feedback tool that students and parents can have access to at all times. This skill will
become even more important as the school is moving towards e-portfolios, which will be an amazing
opportunity for students to combine all work samples in one place, and reflect on their learning.
I am enjoying the diversity of students in my classes, and try to integrate their backgrounds where possible into
the learning of each unit. In addition to this, the collaboration for each unit this year has been excellent, and I
have felt very supported in my teaching practices.

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Professional Knowledge Refer to the AITSL National Professional Standards for Teachers
Know students and how they learn

On-going Development


Demonstrated Strength


Physical, social and intellectual development and characteristics of students

Understand how students learn
Students with diverse linguistic, cultural, religious and socio-economic backgrounds
Strategies for teaching Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students
Differentiate teaching to meet the specific learning needs of students across the full range of abilities
Strategies to support full participation of students with disability
On-going Development
Demonstrated Strength
Know the content and how to teach it

Content and teaching strategies of the teaching area

Content selection and organisation
Curriculum, assessment and reporting
Understand and respect Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people to promote reconciliation between Indigenous
and non-Indigenous Australians
Literacy and Numeracy strategies
Information and Communication Technology (ICT)

Jo currently works with a diverse range of students from years 9-10 in a combined English and SoSE learning
environment. Jo has collaboratively created integrated units which combine the knowledge and skills of the SoSE
curriculum with the English outcomes. For example, depth studies on WW2 that used a range of creative and
historical texts to add to students understanding of the era.
Jo plans around specific learning outcomes from the Australian Curriculum's Achievement Standard - and uses
this to guide and focus her teaching practice. Jo is passionate about English and has taken a lead role in the team
planning for the 7-10 English curriculum. Jo regularly looks for learning opportunities to develop respect and
understanding for Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander histories through music, song, poetry and short visual texts.

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Professional Practice Refer to the AITSL National Professional Standards for Teachers
Plan for and implement effective
teaching and learning

Demonstrated Strength

On-going Development


Demonstrated Strength

On-going Development


Demonstrated Strength

Support student participation

Manage classroom activities
Manage challenging behaviour
Maintain Student safety
Use ICT safely, responsibly and ethically

Assess, provide feedback and

report on student learning


Establish challenging learning goals

Plan, structure and sequence learning programs
Use teaching strategies
Select and use resources
Use effective classroom communication
Evaluate and improve teaching programs
Engage parents/carers in the educative process

Create and maintain supportive

and safe learning environments

On-going Development

Assess student learning

Provide feedback to students on their learning
Make consistent and comparable judgements
Interpret student data
Report on student achievement

Jo has developed thorough and highly organised planning documentation through collaboration with peers. Jo's
planning reflects explicit teaching of target skills for students and is driven by assessment of students. Jo has
worked with the literacy coordinator to develop a scope and sequence for years 7-8 English and SOSE which is
being implemented across the high school. Jo uses digital platforms such Schoology for planning and online
discussion, Google Docs for feedback and record keeping, and uses applications such as Mindomo for mind
mapping, Padlet for a digital word walls, and Notability for annotation.
Jo has established strong routines and classroom structures with all of her class. Jo developed class
expectations with the students and uses this regularly as a point a referral to make students accountable for
their learning.
Jo uses ongoing assessment by regularly collecting all classwork and providing feedback on work. Jo actively
communicates through the digital platform (Schoology) in her time off to provide feedback in a very timely
manner. Jo has good movement in the classroom and ensures that she has 1-1 or small group time with all
students to provide verbal feedback. Jo has developed concise feedback tools such as rubrics to provide formal
feedback on student assessment items.

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Professional Engagement Refer to the AITSL National Professional Standards for Teachers
Engage in professional learning


Demonstrated Strength


Demonstrated Strength

Identify and plan professional learning needs

Engage in professional learning and improve practice
Engage with colleagues and improve practice
Apply professional learning and improve student learning

Engage professionally with colleagues,

parents/carers and the community

On-going Development

On-going Development

Meet professional ethics and responsibilities

Comply with legislative, administrative and organisational requirements
Engage with parents/carers
Engage with professional teaching networks and broader communities

Jo has engaged in school based professional learning including, MAZE, Accelerus, Google Docs, report writing
and Schoology. In all instances there has been clear evidence that Jo has incorporated her learning into her
practice. Jo has completed departmental beginning teacher PL such as OH&S and (in line with school vision)
mandatory reporting and has completed a Gifted & Talented PL. Jo has a strong interest in mental health, and
has completed iTalk Mental Health (2014) and Mind Matters (2015) training. Jo has engaged in collegial lesson
observations and used suggested professional reading to improve her practice.
Jo has established strong relationships with staff, parents and students. Jo communicates with parents via email
updates for her classes, over the phone where needed and in person. Jo invited all parents to meet in person
and involved parents in setting student learning goals during Term 1, and used this opportunity to give one-onone feedback to students on a sample of their work.

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This section must be completed if any significant areas of concern are identified.
The concern(s) must be drawn to the attention of the teacher prior to the completion of this report.
Please note the date/s the teacher was notified and whether this was oral or written notification.
An action plan has been developed with the teacher
Details of the area to be addressed
Required actions / behaviour / outcome
Please attach the action Plan to this report.


Timeframe for improvement

Support available

Additional Comments:

Human Resources notified:


Human Resources Use:

Follow-up with school:

Yes Date:

Panel signatures (must be originals)

Probation Teacher



Principal (or Delegate)

I certify that all prescribed probationary procedures have been undertaken.

Panel recommendation to Confirm Appointment


Panel recommendation to Extend Probation





Report accepted
Comment: (if required)

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