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The reading test assesses reading comprehension and vocabulary for 4th grade students. It includes phonics, vocabulary, and reading passage questions.

The purpose of the reading test is to evaluate students' reading level and placement for 4th grade.

The test includes phonics questions that involve choosing words to complete sentences, vocabulary questions about choosing words that best fit in sentences, and reading comprehension questions about passages.

Grade 4 Page 1

Name ____________________________ Date _____________________

Diagnostic Placement Test

Student Pages
4th Grade
This is a Reading test. Each question in this test has four answer
choices. Read each question carefully. Then choose the best answer.
Fill in the bubble for the answer you choose or circle your answer
choice on the Answer Sheet.
Sample Question
Read the sentence. Which word best fits in the blank?
As the rain started falling, the wind began to _____.









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Grade 4 Page 2

Questions 110. Read each sentence. Choose the word that best fits in the blank.





Franny got very upset, but Jade stayed _____.

A. calm

C. comb

B. camp

D. call

Most of the farmers here grow corn, soybeans, and _____.

F. sheet

H. wheat

G. cheat

J. greet

We stood on the _____ and waved as Casey sailed across the lake.
A. sure

C. shower

B. share

D. shore

Did you _____ your new sweater today?

F. where

H. ware

G. wear

J. were

Members of the band ran onto the _____ and began to play a song.
A. stake

C. stack

B. stage

D. staff

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Grade 4 Page 3






Beekeepers have to be very _____ when they work with bees.

F. cares

H. cared

G. careless



Grandpa said he would be _____ to have us visit him.

A. placed

C. pleased

B. pleated

D. planted

A word that has three syllables is _____.

F. memory

H. neighbor

G. operator



Jack opened the back of the TV cabinet and _____ the VCR.
A. connecting

C. connection

B. disconnected

D. unconnected

Two fishing boats were tied up at the _____.

F. pear

H. pier

G. peer

J. pare

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Grade 4 Page 4

Questions 1125. Choose the word that best fits in each sentence.

Cal gave me his computer but did not _____ that it was broken.
A. paddle
C. mention
B. flutter
D. attend


My favorite flavors are lemon and _____.

F. peppermint
H. emperor
G. rubber
J. brass


The birds in the rain forest are very _____.

A. colorful
C. maple
B. western
D. otherwise


Mom put the plants on the _____ so they would get some sun.
F. shepherd
H. symbol
G. waterproof
J. windowsill


Theo has _____ every morning for breakfast.

A. sapling
C. border
B. cereal
D. lagoon


Mrs. Palmer does not _____ to be at the meeting.

F. adopt
H. combine
G. intend
J. divide


Every year the ducks _____ south before winter comes.

A. knead
C. hitch
B. provide
D. migrate

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Grade 4 Page 5

Mr. Johnson painted a _____ of the mayor.

F. miracle
H. portrait
G. thrush
J. sniffle


Last Saturday, Josh got stung by a _____.

A. hornet
C. garlic
B. darling
D. lasso


Grandpa plans to _____ at the age of 70.

F. clump
H. locate
G. pardon
J. retire


The flashlight doesnt work because the _____ is dead.

A. shovel
C. icebox
B. battery
D. lava


This ring is the most _____ thing I own.

F. numerous
H. valuable
G. weary
J. starry


Bloodhounds have a _____ sense of smell.

A. wobbly
C. keen
B. quaint
D. tribal


Police _____ the robber for several miles before they caught him.
F. furnished
H. devoted
G. pursued
J. interfered


What _____ should I use to find the area of a circle?

A. formula
C. survey
B. gravity
D. zone

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Grade 4 Page 6

Questions 2650. Read each passage and answer the questions. Choose the best
answer to each question.

How Coyote Won His Dinner

Coyote was known as a clever thief, and for good reason. Coyote lived in the
woods near Mr. Hanks ranch. At least three times a week, Coyote sneaked into
the ranch and stole chickens or eggs, or sometimes both. Now Mr. Hank knew
what Coyote was doing, but he could never catch him.
One summer morning Mr. Hank called out to Coyote who was hiding in the
woods. Coyote, how are you able to steal from me so often without getting
Coyote replied, Oh, Mr. Hank, its just so easy for me. Why, its so easy that
I could steal your clothes right out of your room tonight, even with you guarding
Ha, thats impossible, laughed Mr. Hank. You may be clever, but there is
no way you could do that! Then Mr. Hank realized that this could be his
chance to end Coyotes stealing. Coyote, he said, Ill make a deal with you. If
you can steal my clothes tonight, Ill give you three chickens a week for the rest
of your life. If I catch you, you must promise never to steal from me again.
Coyote thought quietly for a minute. Then he answered, Okay, Mr. Hank,
youve got yourself a deal.
That night at bedtime, Mr. Hank told his wife Sarah about the bargain he had
struck with Coyote. Then he put his clothes on a small table in the bedroom. Mr.
Hank sat on one side of the table in his nightshirt, and Mrs. Hank sat on the
other. They waited.
Before long, through the open bedroom window, Mr. Hank heard his horses
running around like something was chasing them. He looked at Sarah and

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Grade 4 Page 7
sighed. Youll have to watch these clothes for a few minutes, he said, while I
go check on the animals.
Now Coyote had just been out with the horses and had started a stampede to
get Mr. Hanks attention. When he saw Mr. Hank leave the house, Coyote called
into the bedroom window. Oh, Sarah, youd better hand me those clothes. That
clever thief might steal them while Im gone.
Mrs. Hank thought it was her husband calling to her, so she handed the
clothes out the window. Coyote grabbed them, and that is how the clever
Coyote earned his dinner for the rest of his life.

Where does this story take place?


G. on a ranch
H. in a desert

in a city

What was Mr. Hanks problem at the beginning of the story?


F. near the sea

A. Coyote was stealing from him.

B. His horses often ran away.
C. Coyote had taken all of his clothes.
D. He did not get along with his wife Sarah.

In this story, Mr. Hank made a bargain with Coyote. A bargain is a ____.



G. check
H. deal


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Grade 4 Page 8

Mr. Hanks horses were running around because _____.


C. some dogs were barking

D. Coyote upset them

F. He fell asleep in the barn.

G. Coyote stole a chicken and two eggs.
H. Coyote promised never to steal again.

Mrs. Hank gave his clothes to Coyote.

How did Mr. Hank probably feel when he got back to the house?


B. there was a full moon

What happened while Mr. Hank was checking on the horses?


A. the barn was on fire

A. upset
B. excited
C. pleased
D. clever

If Mr. Hank keeps his promise to Coyote, he will _____.

F. let the horses go free

G. move to a new ranch
H. give Coyote three chickens a week
J. hide in the woods until he catches Coyote

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Grade 4 Page 9

Most people like peanuts, especially in a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
Peanuts only grow in certain parts of the world, though. Luckily, the United
States is one place where peanuts thrive.
The peanut plant hasnt always grown here. Peanuts probably grew first in
what are now Brazil and Peru. Scientists in those places have found pictures of
peanuts on bowls made as long ago as 1,500 B.C.!
Much later, peanuts were grown in the southern United States. The Souths
warm weather, sandy soil, and rain help peanuts grow well. Peanut vines bear
small yellow flowers. When the flowers fall to the ground, pegs on the flowers
root into the earth and start the nuts growth. The peanuts grow underground.
Peanuts have grown in this country for more than 300 years, but people
didnt eat them at first. Farmers grew them as food for farm animalsespecially
pigsuntil the Civil War. Food for people was scarce in the South at that time,
so people began to eat peanuts. Peanuts have lots of protein, so they fuel the
body well. The soldiers called the peanuts goobers or goober peas. They
even sang songs about eating them.
By the time the war ended, peanuts had become a favorite food in the South.
Then, traveling circuses began selling bags of them, spreading their popularity
beyond the South. Later, they became a popular food at baseball games, too. In
the 1920s and 1930s, Dr. George Washington Carver experimented with more
than 300 uses for peanuts, such as in shaving cream, face powder, and grease.
Most people, however, prefer to do just one thing with peanutseat them!

Peanuts are good to eat mainly because _____.

A. they dont cost very much

B. its easy to make a peanut butter sandwich
C. they have a lot of protein
D. they were once used to feed farm animals

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Grade 4 Page 10

What is the main idea of this passage?


F. Peanuts are an ancient food.

G. Peanuts are eaten at entertainment events.
H. Peanut blossoms drop pegs into the soil.

Peanuts are a useful crop in many ways.

The passage says, The United States is one place where peanuts thrive.
The word thrive means _____.


C. have problems
D. cost a lot


food was scarce during the Civil War

G. farm animals seemed to like them

H. they were called goobers or goober peas

there were songs written about them

How did peanuts become popular outside the South?


B. grow well

People in the South began eating peanuts because _____.


A. taste good

A. Soldiers sang songs about them.

B. Dr. Carver traveled all over the United States.
C. They were sold at circuses that traveled far and wide.
D. People found many uses for peanuts.

According to the passage, peanuts became a popular snack sold at _____.

F. museums
G. baseball games
H. zoos

movie theaters

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Grade 4 Page 11

Ant Watching
Reth liked to study ants. He could sit for hours watching thin lines of tiny ants
march back and forth. He kept a notebook, pencil, and magnifying glass with
him so he could watch the ants closely and keep notes.
The magnifying glass was a great tool. With it, Reth could see the ants antennae wave as they marched along. He did not keep the glass on the ants for too
long, though. It focused the sunlight and could burn the ants. Reth took a quick
look through the glass. Then he scribbled notes. He wrote down what the ants
looked like and what they did.
When Reth had enough notes, he went home and looked in his encyclopedia.
It told about all kinds of ants, from army ants to fire ants. He compared his notes
with the descriptions of ants in the text. Since Reth lived in a suburb, he mostly
saw common garden ants. Sometimes he saw carpenter ants. He hoped to travel to
the jungle one day so he could see giant Amazon ants, farmer ants, and army ants.
One afternoon Reth found a boy named Henry near the anthill. Henry was
poking at the ants with a long stick.
Why are you doing that? Reth asked.
I like to watch them scurry around, Henry replied.
If you disturb the ants, Reth said, they wont be able to get the food they
need to their nest.
So what? Henry asked.
Reth explained to Henry that ants collected food for their young and the
queen, who were unable to leave the nest. He also let Henry look through his
magnifying glass. Then he let Henry read his notes.
Ants are like little people! Henry exclaimed. Reth took Henry to his house
and showed him the encyclopedia.
These army ants sound really cool, Henry said. He and Reth talked about
going to the jungle to see different kinds of ants. From that day on, Reth and
Henry watched the ants together, and Henry had a new respect for the hardworking insects.

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Which word best describes Reth?


B. shy
C. curious
D. fearful

Where does most of this story take place?


A. cruel

F. near Reths home

G. at Henrys house
H. in the jungle

near the Amazon

Which is the best summary of the story?

A. Two boys enjoy watching ants march around.

B. One boy enjoys studying ants and helps a friend understand
them better.

C. Two boys plan to go to the jungle to study ants.

D. A boy watches farmer ants and army ants through a magnifying glass.

Henry says, I like to watch them scurry around. The word scurry
means _____.

F. look carefully
G. run quickly
H. work hard

walk slowly

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Grade 4 Page 13

How did Henry change from the beginning to the end of the story?

A. He thought ants were interesting at first, and then he thought they

were like silly people.

B. He had only seen ants in the encyclopedia, and then he finally

saw them in his yard.

C. He loved watching ants at first, but then he became bored and

decided to do something else.

D. He didnt appreciate ants at first, but he learned about them and

became more interested.

Why was Reth a little disappointed that he lived in the suburbs?


There were too many insects to study.

G. He saw only busy farmer ants.

H. His neighbors wanted to get rid of the ants.

He saw only common kinds of ants.

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Grade 4 Page 14

A Modern Pioneer
You may not have heard of Grace Murray Hopper (19061992), but her work
affects your life every day. Grace Hopper was a pioneer in the world of computers. Like the pioneers who traveled west into unknown lands, she explored a
world no one had ever seen before.
As a child, Grace loved math and figuring things out. She also loved gadgets.
When she was seven years old, she took apart a clock to see how it worked.
Then she could not get it back together. So she got another clock and took that
one apart. By the time her mother saw what she was doing, Grace had dismantled seven different clocks!
When World War II began, Grace Hopper was a college math teacher. She
decided to join the Navy. She was 34 years old at the time and was too small to
meet the Navys size requirements. Grace was determined, though. She convinced the Navy to accept her anyway. Because of her math skills, the Navy put
her to work on the first large-scale digital computer ever built. It was called the
Mark I. This computer was a little different from computers we have today. For
one thing, it was 51 feet long and eight feet high!
One summer day during the war, the Mark I computer suddenly stopped.
Grace Hopper soon figured out that a moth had flown inside the machine and
got stuck. She removed the bug and got the computer started again. Today, a
problem in a computer is called a computer bug. Fixing the problem is
called debugging.
During her years with the Navy, Grace Hopper became known as Amazing
Grace for her skill with computers. She believed that computers should be
easy to understand so that anyone could use them. She worked hard to make
sure that this happened. By 1955, she had invented a system for programming
computers. Her work led to the language called COBOL, which is widely used
in business.
Grace Hopper spent 43 years working for the Navy. In 1985, Grace Hopper
was appointed Rear Admiral by President Reagan. She was one of the highest

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Grade 4 Page 15
ranking women in the military. In 1986 when she retired, she was the oldest
active military officer in the nation. In 1991, Grace Hopper was awarded the
National Medal of Technology by President George Bush. She was the first person ever to receive that medal.

What is the main idea of this passage?


A. Grace Hopper was a computer pioneer.

B. Fixing a computer problem is called debugging.
C. Grace Hopper loved math and figuring things out.
D. She became known as Amazing Grace.

The passage says, Grace had dismantled seven different clocks. The
word dismantled means _____.


G. built
H. taken apart


How was the Mark I computer different from most computers of today?


F. set the time on

A. It was much faster.

B. It was easy to use.
C. It was much larger.
D. It ran on electricity.

Why did the Mark I suddenly stop one day?

F. It got overheated.
G. Grace Hopper took it apart.
H. Grace turned it off.

A moth got stuck in it.

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Grade 4 Page 16

According to this passage, Grace Hopper thought that _____.


A. everyone should be able to use computers

B. moths are the biggest problems in computer work
C. the Navy should not use computers for war
D. computers would never become very useful

When Grace Hopper retired, she was _____.


the only person in the Navy who understood the Mark I computer

G. a personal friend of Presidents Reagan and Bush

H. one of the oldest and highest ranking officers in the military

a college math teacher who loved gadgets

Reading Placement Tests: 4th to 6th Grade Scholastic Teaching Resources


Grade 4 Answer Sheet

Name __________________________________________________ Date _________________________





11. A

26. F

12. F

27. A

13. A

28. F

1. A

14. F

29. A

2. F

15. A

30. F

3. A

16. F

31. A

4. F

17. A

32. F

5. A

18. F

33. A

6. F

19. A

34. F

7. A

20. F

35. A

8. F

21. A

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9. A

22. F

37. A

10. F

23. A

38. F

24. F

39. A

25. A

40. F

41. A

42. F

43. A

44. F

45. A

46. F

47. A

48. F

49. A

50. F

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