Shi-Shi-Etko Memory Bag
Shi-Shi-Etko Memory Bag
Shi-Shi-Etko Memory Bag
Identities: students will build self-awareness around their own personal identities
Skills: students will reflect on what is important to them and demonstrate this using multi-media tools
and writing strategies.
Intellect: students will learn the concepts of diversity through exploration of their peer’s completed
Criticality: students will understand the significance of community and family through exploration of
their own identities and values so that they may gain insight into what was lost through the forced
removal of children to attend residential schools.
Big Ideas:
● Canada’s policies and treatment of minority peoples have negative and positive legacies.
● Digital self-image, citizenship, relationships, and communication
Essential Questions:
What were the impacts for Indigenous people that resulted from being sent to residential schools?
(example: who were they before and what did they lose?)
Curricular Competencies
● Sequence objects, images, or events, and determine continuities and changes between different
time periods or places.
● Use personal experience and knowledge to connect to text and deepen understanding of self,
community, and world
Assessment will use the BC Core Competencies, focusing on the Personal and Social Core Competency
of Positive Personal and Social Identity
o Positive Personal and Cultural Identity involves the awareness, understanding, and
appreciation of the factors that contribute to a healthy sense of oneself; it includes
knowledge of one’s family background, heritage(s), language(s), beliefs, and perspectives
in a pluralistic society.
Instruction (Steps)
1) Have students read step one and two of the instructions sheet which will ask them to:
*(accompanying video explaining instructions)
a) Get a piece of paper and write a list that includes the five senses (smell, taste, touch, sight
and hear) with space next to each word
b) Watch the read-aloud story and while listening, write down something related to each of
the senses next to those words that they hear in the story. For example next to sound I
could write “whistling birds”
2) Once the read-aloud video is done, have the students refer back to the instructions sheet to
complete the remaining steps. The assignment is two parts:
a) Part 1: on the same page (or a different one if their writing is too big) draw a “memory
bag” (see example) where they will draw their own items using the five senses from their
own everyday lives.
b) Part 2: write a paragraph describing the items in your memory bag and explain why you
chose them (why they are important to you). OR present your memory bag and
explanation with a video or in person presentation (or zoom)
c) Part 3: take the draft hand-drawn format and re-create using canva or a platform of
teacher’s choice
● Talk to text as an option for completion of the explanation
● Providing both text and audiovisual instructions
● Instead of drawing, collage or digital memory bag
● Closed captioning on instructional video
● Hardcopy of book available