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Skeletal and Muscular Systems LP

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Name: Halle Fessler

Class: ELED 3221

Date: 10-27-15
edTPA Indirect Instruction Lesson Plan Template
The Skeletal and Muscular Systems
Central Focus/Big Idea: Structures and Functions of Living Organisms
Subject of this lesson: The Skeletal and Muscular Systems
Grade Level: Third Grade
NC Essential Standard(s): 3.L.1.1 Compare the different functions of the skeletal and muscular
Next Generation Science Standard(s): 4-LS1-1 Construct an argument that plants and animals
have internal and external structures that function to support survival, growth, behavior, and
21st Century Skills: Collaboration- Students work collaboratively with others, both in small and
large groups, in their science classroom.
Flexibility & Adaptability- Students can provide illustrative examples of science as an ongoing
process that includes expanding, revising, and sometimes discarding theories based on new
evidence, and that our understanding of a topic can change as more research is completed.
Academic Language Demand
Language Function: In the table below highlight the one most important language
function for your lesson. Explain why you chose this one.






Scientific Vocabulary: Voluntary, Involuntary, Skeletal System, Muscular System, Bones,

Muscles, Protect, Skull, Ribs, Heart, Lungs, Brain

Instructional Objective: After the lesson, students should know the functions of the skeletal and
muscular system, and what they do for the body. Students will be able to describe the function of
the bones and muscles of the body and their names on the final assessment with 80% accuracy.
Prior Knowledge (student): Students should know basic names for body parts (arms, legs, head,
etc.) They should also know how to take notes, label, and trace.

Content Knowledge (teacher): The teacher should have a clear understanding of the names of
the bones and muscles of the body and their function.
Accommodations for special needs (individual and/or small group): Students will work in pairs
so that ELL students who need help labeling and reading can have assistance. ELL students can
also receive read aloud for the worksheet as needed. Students who have trouble reading the board
will sit at the front for the videos and PowerPoint.
Materials and Technology requirements:
Smart board (1)
Projector (1)
Computer (1)
Large, life-size piece of paper for children to trace their bodies on. (1 for every pair)
(Approximately 9)
Masking Tape (1 roll for every pair)
Glue (1 stick for every pair)
Labels of human bones (1 set for every pair)
Science notebooks (1 for every child)
PowerPoint of Skeletal and Muscular Systems (1)
Structure and Function of Living Organisms Worksheet (1 for every child)
(Approximately 20)
Additional Websites:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch/?v=abgJD054sds
- https://jr.brainpop.com/health/bodies/bones/zoom.weml
Total Estimated Time: 3-4 class periods of 30 minutes
Source of lesson: Brain Pop, YouTube, Interest
Safety considerations: I will cut the paper off the roll for the students so they do not hurt
themselves doing so. I will also precut all of the bone labels so students do not cut themselves.
Students are also to rip the tape off the roll not cut it so as they do not accidently cut themselves.

Content and Strategies (Procedure)

1) Begin by asking students What do you know about bones? and What is the role of
bones in our body? Let students explain what they know about bones and what their
functions are.
2) Play the Brain Pop video:
https://jr.brainpop.com/health/bodies/bones/zoom.weml Throughoutthe
The students answers to these questions can serve as an assessment
on any prior knowledge students may have.
1) Separate students into pairs of two (there will be one group of three). Pick one member of
the group as student a and one member as student b. Student A will trace
student b on a large sheet of paper. Students will then create the
skeletal system on the drawing with masking tape. After students have
created the skeleton, they will take the labels of bone names and glue
them in the appropriate spot. An example will be hanging at the front of
the room for reference. Before completing the project, we will discuss
the bones and students will stand up and touch where each bone is on
their body. I will walk throughout the classroom while students are
working and ask: What do these bones do for our bodies? Can you
think of an activity where you use your [insert bone name]?
1) Students will share their models of the skeletal system by hanging them up around the
2) I will show students a PowerPoint about the Skeletal and Muscular system. Go over each
slide and ask students to popcorn read the bullet points on the slide. After going over
the skeletal system portion of the slideshow, ask students: How can we connect what we
just read with our models that we made? Can you point out on your model the bone
that protects your brain?
3) Continue on with the Muscular System portion of the PowerPoint. Have students stand up
and touch the muscle on their body that we are going over. Ask students: What are some

examples of times you use your muscles? Can someone give me an example of an
involuntary muscle? What about an example of a voluntary muscle?
1) PlayMuscularsystemSimonSays.FortheSimonsaysdirections,usemuscularsystem
2) Say:Simonsaysmoveyourshouldermusclesupanddown
1) Give out the Structure and Function of Living Organisms worksheet. Explain to students
that they may look at the models they used but the worksheet should be done
2) The summative assessment will be the Structure and Function of Living Organisms
worksheet. Students should be able to complete this assessment with at least 80%
Answer Key:
1. B
2. D
3. The lungs and heart
4. The skull
5. Voluntary Muscle- (multiple answers are accepted) ex. Arm muscles
Involuntary Muscle- (multiple answers are accepted) ex. Lungs
3) The formative assessments will be questions asked throughout the lesson, model students
made, and action throughout the Simon says game.
CT signature/confirmation: _________________________________ Date: ________________

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