Plant Lesson Plan
Plant Lesson Plan
Plant Lesson Plan
ELED 3221
edTPA Indirect Instruction Lesson Plan Template
Plant Survival
Central Focus/Big Idea: Plants
Subject of this lesson: Basic needs for plants survival
Grade Level: First Grade
NC Essential Standard(s): 1.L.2. Summarize the basic needs of a variety of different plants
(including air, water, nutrients, and light) for energy and growth.
Next Generation Science Standard(s): 1-LS1-1. Use materials to design a solution to a human
problem by mimicking how plants and/or animals use their external parts to help them survive,
grow, and meet their needs.
21st Century Skills: Creativity and Innovation: I chose this word because students will be
drawing pictures of plants and the things that a plants need to survive.
Flexibility and Adaptability: I chose this because I will be pulling the students over by groups,
so they will be interrupted on their plants while doing the exploration part of the class. They will
have to be flexible while planting there plants and be able to adapt to go back into their
individual work and do that quietly while I work with the other groups.
Academic Language Demand
Language Function: In the table below highlight the one most important language
function for your lesson. Explain why you chose this one.
Compare/contrast Describe
I chose the word describe, because the students should be able to describe the different things
that a plant needs for survival by the end of the lesson.
Scientific Vocabulary: Plant, sun, water, air, soil, survive/survival, needs, space,
Instructional Objective: By the end of the lesson students will be able to identify what the five
things are the plants need to survive. Students will be able to identify and draw at least 7 out 10
on the work sheet given which asks them to identify and then draw the different things a plant
needs to survive.
I have a youtube video to help explain what exactly plants need to survive and its a song so Im
hoping this will help it stick with you and you can better remember it
So who can raise their hand and tell me what does a plant need to survive?
Lets talk about how your plants are getting what they need in the greenhouses that we made.
Questions to ask to check for understanding:
-What was the first thing we put in the cup?
-Why did we do that?
-How do we put the seeds in?
-Did we put them in right next to each other or did we give it the seeds space to grow?
-Why do you think it is important to give the seeds/plants space?
-What did we do next to ensure that the plants will grow?
-Can we stop watering the plants now that its in the greenhouse?
-When do we know to take the top cup off?
-What kinds of things does the plant need when it is too big for the green house?
-Why did it not need water and sunlight when it was first growing?
Elaborate: What opportunities will there be for students to apply newly learned ideas, concepts,
and skills? (Another activity is ideal)
Pass out blank white paper.
Instruct the students to draw a plant-any kind of plant. Tell them that they need to draw
everything that the plant needs to survive and label each thing that the plants need. Remind them
to think about the song if they get stuck.
Questions to ask during circulation:
-What did the song we listen to say that plants need to survive?
-What are some different ways for plants to get water?
-How do plants get light?
-When we were planting the seeds, what did we smush the seed into?
-How did we arrange the seeds? Why?
Evaluate: Students will be given a worksheet as the summative assessment for homework.
Formative assessment will be given through questioning during each section of the
See next page for attached worksheet