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Power Supply Project: Jason Xu 100564870

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Power Supply Project

Jason Xu

Course Code: CAD 1133

Course Name: CAD for Electronics

Date: April 14th, 2015

Submitted to: Professor Louis Bertrand

Letter of transmittal
To: Louis Bertrand
From: Jason Xu
Date: April 14th, 2015
Re: Power Supply Report
I am pleased to submit this report in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the CAD1133CAD
for Electronics course in the Electronics Engineering Technology program at Durham College. The
report details the design, construction and testing of an electronics workbench power supply.
The attached report is of my own creation. It includes the work of others used by permission and
properly attributed, and I have reviewed its entire contents before submitting it for grading. I
understand what is meant by the terms "academic integrity" and "plagiarism" and guarantee that I
am abiding by Durham College's Academic Integrity Policy #ACAD-101.

The Power Supply Project is dedicated to help students better understand the information
taught throughout the program. Students are to design, and create a functional power supply from
basic resources given. Based on the theory taught in lectures, students must implement their
knowledge in order to succeed in a functional system.
Students begin with creating their circuit schematic. A hand drawn schematic will be the
basis of their project. From there, the students will create the board that corresponds to the
schematic. They will place the components on the border, and attempt to fit them within the
restrictions. Once drafted, the board schematic will be used to manufacture the PCB. All the
components will be soldered in order to match the board schematic. This completed circuit board
will be the entire basis of the power supply.
The students will also have to create the front panel of the power supply. Work in the shop
will be done so that the enclosure will be able to accommodate the circuitry within. Once complete,
minor adjustments and touches will be made to make the unit appealing and operational.

Nick Xidos, for lending and allowing the use of his solder iron, over an extended period of time.
Dave MacKay, for allowing the lending of a transformer for testing the circuit board connections.

Any remaining errors or inaccuracies are the responsibility of the author.

LIST OF FIGURES....................................................................................................................................VII



THE POWER SUPPLY PROJECT................................................................................1


PURPOSE OF A POWER SUPPLY...............................................................................1


OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT.................................................................................1


LAYOUT OF REPORT...............................................................................................2

DESIGN AND THEORY OF OPERATION.....................................................................................3


DRAFT SCHEMATIC.................................................................................................3


CIRCUIT SIMULATION SOFTWARE...........................................................................4


PRIMARY CIRCUIT AND TRANSFORMER.................................................................5


RECTIFIERS AND FILTERS.......................................................................................6


FIXED 5V REGULATOR...........................................................................................7


VARIABLE POSITIVE REGULATOR...........................................................................7


TRACKING NEGATIVE REGULATOR..........................................................................8

PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD...........................................................................................................9


PCB DESIGN SOFTWARE (EAGLE).........................................................................9


COMPONENTS AND LIBRARIES.............................................................................11


SCHEMATIC CAPTURE...........................................................................................12


PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD DESIGN.......................................................................13

POWER SUPPLY ENCLOSURE....................................................................................................15


ENCLOSURE DESIGN.............................................................................................15


ENCLOSURE FABRICATION...................................................................................15

FINAL ASSEMBLY AND TESTING..............................................................................................16


CIRCUIT BOARD ASSEMBLY AND TESTING..........................................................16


ENCLOSURE ASSEMBLY........................................................................................19


COMPLETE ASSEMBLY TESTING...........................................................................22

RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS...................................................................................................23


SUMMARY OF RESULTS........................................................................................23




APPENDIX A: COMPLETE SCHEMATIC...........................................................................26

APPENDIX B: PRINTED CIRCUIT BOARD DRAWING.......................................................28
APPENDIX C: POWER SUPPLY ENCLOSURE DRAWING...................................................30

List of Figures
Figure 2.1a; schematic showing external connections, lacks internal circuitry: Source, Handout

Figure 2.1b; schematic lacks specific circuitry, simplified to "blocks" ; Source, Handout.4
Figure 2.2; A Multisim simulation showcasing the upper half of the circuit, or 2 "blocks".5
Figure 2.3; a more focused look at the primary circuit and transformer from Figure 2.1a. 5
Figure 2.4; Split-phase dual voltage rectifier circuit...........................................................6
Figure 2.5; Fixed 5V Regulator Source: CAD1133 WK7...................................................7
Figure 2.6; Variable positive regulator circuitry Source: CAD1133 ASMT3.....................7
Figure 2.7; Variable Negative Regulator Source: CAD1133 ASMT3.................................8
Figure 3.1a; EAGLE Program window...............................................................................9
Figure 3.2b; Schematic window of EAGLE........................................................................9
Figure 3.1c; The DRC detects a clearance issue................................................................10
Figure 3.2a; 1N4004 found in the CAD1133 library.........................................................11
Figure 3.2b; 1N4004 found under "diode"........................................................................11
Figure 3.3; Connection between 2 Diodes.........................................................................12
Figure 3.4a; Schematic View.............................................................................................13
Figure 3.4b; Board View....................................................................................................13
Table 5.1a...........................................................................................................................16
Figure 5.1a : DMM reading of voltage..............................................................................17
Figure 5.1b : V at max resistance.......................................................................................17
Figure 5.1c : V at min resistance.......................................................................................17
Figure 5.1e : V at min resistance......................................................................................18
Figure 5.1d : V at max resistance.......................................................................................18
Figure 5.1f: Complete circuit, component side.................................................................18
Figure 5.2a : Front Panel with sticker................................................................................19
Figure 5.2b : Panel meter connection................................................................................21

Figure 5.2c : Without top casing........................................................................................21

Figure 5.2d : With top case................................................................................................21
Table 5.3 : Values, comparing Measured vs. Expected......................................................22


1.1 The Power Supply Project

In CAD1133, a Power Supply Project is assigned to the students involved. In this
assignment, students are to craft a power supply unit from scratch. This project complements the
studies taught in CAD, CIRE, as well as ELEC. Students are to design, create, and manufacture
their power supply independently.
The project starts with the theory of the circuit. Students are briefed on the theories that
apply to the circuit. From there, students draft and create their PCBs, as well as the box that the
circuit rests in. Following this, students should be able to piece it all together, and have their own
adjustable power supply at home.

1.2 Purpose of a Power Supply

The purpose of a power supply is to convert the power taken from a standard outlet, into
something that appliances can use. A basic explanation of a power supply is as followed; it converts
AC voltage of a high magnitude, into DC voltage of a much lower magnitude. In this case, the
power supply will also be able to allow the user to adjust the voltage with the help of integrated
circuit (IC) chips.
This new form of voltage can be used by appliances, as well as electronics and circuits used
in labs. Having this power supply allows for students to begin conducting with lab-like experiments
at home. Students would not have to purchase, or go to school if they wanted to mess around with
their own creations.

1.3 Objectives of the Project


To understand the theory behind the systems involved in the circuit


Split-phase dual voltage rectifier circuit

Adjustable positive and negative voltage regulators(IC)
Fixed positive regulator(IC)
Operational amplifier(IC)

To design and draft your own power supply

Draft the schematic in CAD Eagle

Generate and design the board corresponding to the schematic


To have a hands-on experience regarding the production and manufacturing

Produce the PCB

Solder the components
Produce the container

1.4 Layout of Report

This report is divided into six sections. This section, Section 1, contains the introductory
material to this report. Section 2 contains the design and theory of operation, through the use of
schematics. Section 3 contains information regarding the PCB and its production. Section 4
describes the manufacturing of the container. Section 5 entails the testing and final assembly of the
project. Section 6 discusses the findings, and the conclusion to the project.


Design and Theory of Operation

This section discusses the Design and Theory of Operation regarding the circuit board. It
will detail the following in an order as such:

2.1 : Draft Schematic

2.2 : Circuit Simulation Software
2.3 : Primary Circuit and Transformer
2.4 : Rectifiers and Filter
2.5 : Fixed 5V Regulator
2.6 : Variable Positive Regulator
2.7 : Tracking Negative Regulator

2.1 Draft Schematic

Based on the schematic handed out in class, a schematic will be recreated using CAD Eagle.
It will be used to
make reference to
regarding the
theory of
operation, as well
as the circuit board
In Figure 2.1a,
the schematic
distributed is
shown. This circuit
shows less focus
Figure 2.1a; schematic showing external connections, lacks internal

on the circuit, and

circuitry: Source, Handout

more on the

connections to the output and inputs. With three inputs, the circuit also has six related outputs:

An LED to indicate the state of on or off

A potentiometer to adjust the voltage
Fixed 5V
Varying positive voltage

Varying negative voltage

Shown in Figure 2.1b, is the more focused schematic of the "PCB Rectifiers + Regulators"

referenced in Figure 2.1a.

Figure 2.1b; schematic lacks specific circuitry,

simplified to "blocks" ; Source, Handout


Note that the hand drawn schematic does not contain all of the required circuitry. There are
"blocks" that replace what would otherwise be a very cluttered schematic. An additional handout
provided in class acts as an index that explains and details each block.

2.2 Circuit Simulation Software

In order to run dry tests on what should occur with the circuit, Multisim is used to analyze
the circuit. An example of the blocks to be simulated is shown in Figure 2.2a.

Figure 2.2; A Multisim simulation showcasing the upper half of the circuit, or 2 "blocks".
The circuit of the LM7805 and LM117 are what would be inside of the "blocks" shown in
Figure 2.2. The sequence of components placed with a direct connection with either IC's would
represent one block .These two blocks represent the Fixed 5V Regulator, being the LM7805, and
the Variable Positive Regulator, being the LM117. However, note that this power supply uses a
LM317, as opposed to the LM117 shown in Figure 2.2. The two different IC's have the same
function, with different temperate limitations. These two may be used interchangeably given that
the temperate will strictly follow the less lenient of the two.

2.3 Primary Circuit and Transformer

The circuit starts off with the input from an outlet. A switch is used to turn off and on the
system, as well as a 0.5A fuse to keep the circuit safe. The primary circuit is supplied with a
120Vrms at 60Hz. This voltage is brought down to 28Vrms at 1A through the use of a step-down
transformer with a turns ratio of 4.29.

Figure 2.3; a more focused look at the

primary circuit and transformer
from Figure 2.1a


28 V =


2.4 Rectifiers and Filters

A split-phase dual voltage rectifier circuit is
used to control and convert the VAC into a VDC.
The circuit shown in Figure 2.4 shows both the positive and negative rectifiers that make the splitphase dual voltage rectifier circuit. The voltage that comes in will
be split into the positive and negative half-waves. The positive
half-wave will enter through either D1, or D2, at 14V AC, and
be converted into about an average
DC voltage of 12.1V.
This will make up the
positive rectifier circuit
as it converts the positive half-cycle. Similarly, the negative
rectifier will convert the negative half-cycle. The negative
rectifier circuit, composed of D3 and D4, will convert the -14V
AC into a 12.1V DC. The addition of the

Figure 2.4; Split-phase dual voltage rectifier circuit

capacitors are to filter the DC voltage into

something more stable.
All the remaining voltage referenced to in the rest of this report will be DC unless otherwise stated.
The calculations used to find the values are as shown:

Vpeak = Vrms * 2
Vrect = Vpeak/2 - 0.7V

(39.6V/2) - 0.7V

=39.6 V AC
=19.1 V DC

Vdc avg = Vrect*2/


=12.2 DC

2.5 Fixed 5V Regulator

The fixed 5V output of the power supply is controlled by an IC. This IC is the LM7805, or a
fixed 5V regulator. This IC takes the input from the positive output of the rectifier circuit and
outputs a fixed +5V. A filter capacitor is placed to smooth out the output. Additionally, a diode is
placed for safety precautions. Under normal circumstances, the diode would be reverse biased, and

thus, yield no purpose. However, in the event that the connections were reversed, the diode would
start to conduct, and protect the IC. The circuit in discussion,
is shown in Figure 2.5.
Figure 2.5; Fixed 5V Regulator

2.6 Variable positive regulator

Source: CAD1133 WK7

The LM317 is what regulates the variable positive

voltage output. The purpose of the IC is to produce a variable
voltage, ranging from 0V to +15V, with the help of a
potentiometer. At the input, the LM317 is connected to the
positive output of the rectifier circuit. The output of the LM317 is adjusted by a potentiometer. It is
connected such that it is to be adjusted by the voltage divider of a resistor, and the potentiometer,
which is connected to the front panel. The
adjustment of the potentiometer will adjust
the output voltage. The higher the
resistance, the higher the output voltage.
However, there is an inherent 1.25V that
exists across R2. That would mean that the
total voltage drop would realistically be
16.25V. This is fixed through the use of D6
and D7. The two diodes are placed such
that they will have a voltage drop of -1.4V.
This would cancel out the extra 1.25V that
Figure 2.6; Variable positive regulator circuitry

exists. Similar to the Fixed 5V regulator,

Source: CAD1133 ASMT3

the capacitor and the diode share the same



2.7 Tracking negative regulator

Figure 2.7; Variable Negative Regulator

Source: CAD1133 ASMT3

The LM337
produces the 0V to -15V.

is what controls the negative voltage output. It is what

The LM337 is the negative counterpart to the LM317. It

functions in the similar manner, just with a different polarity. The input of the LM337 comes from
the negative rail of the rectifier circuit. Despite the output being variable, it is directly related to the
output of the LM317. The output of the LM337 will match the LM317 in magnitude, but will be
opposite in polarity. This is due to the fact that the negative regulator gets its control voltage
directly from the output of the positive regulator. This is created with the use of a 741 OP-AMP.
Shown in Figure 2.7,the output from the LM317 feeds into the operational amplifier (OPAMP) at the negative of the OP-AMP. The chip's output feeds into the reference of the LM337,
which is how the negative and positive outputs are directly related. This chip acts to main that
voltage out = -VC.
C4 and D9 are used in the same manner as previously mentioned. C4 will help filter out the
voltage and D9 prevents damage in the event that the output is mistakenly connected to a positive
power supply. Note that because this is the negative voltage regulator, the output of the LM337 will
be less positive than ground, which is why C4 and D9 are placed as such.


Printed Circuit Board

This section entails the process of drafting the PCB. Details explaining the program, use of
the program, as well as producing the PCB are section off as:

3.1 : PCB Design Software (EAGLE)

3.2 : Components and Libraries
3.3 : Schematic Capture
3.4 : Printed Circuit Board Design

3.1 PCB Design Software (Eagle)

EAGLE, or Easily Applicable Graphical Layout Editor, is the software used to design the
PCB, which is CAD for electronics. It is less about
drawing every aspect of a design, and more about
designing and placing components in a circuit. It is
a freeware for "non-profit and evaluation purposes,"
that allows the user to create and design circuits.

Figure 3.1a; EAGLE Program



program has built-in functions that help the user with their design. The user starts with drawing
their full schematic. They place their components which
are found in libraries, and complete their circuits. From
there, the user can "Generate" or "Switch to Board"
which will convert their schematic, and replace the schematic equivalents, with their real
counterparts. The components would have all the matching connections, but would have to
be placed by the user for an efficient and effective layout. Shown in Figure 3.1b, the
schematic of EAGLE be seen. The "Generate" function, as well as the ratsnest and DRC is
shown. The "Generate" function is found on the top toolbar, while ratsnest and DRC are
along the left hand side.
Figure 3.2b; Schematic window of

As the user is laying their board out, functions

such as ratsnest and DRC are available to make
designing more polished. The first mentioned

function, ratsnest, is a function that will reroute certain wiring. It will ensure that the connection

with respect to the schematic, will be identical. What changes is how it appears to the user. Instead
of having a connection cross the entire board because it was drawn that way, this function will give
a more optimal alternative. This is very common when moving components on the board. The
grounds for components are easily interchangeable.
The DRC(Design Rule Check) command is a function that will proofread your layout.
However, it is entirely up to the user to determine what the DRC will base the operation on. The
DRC will apply certain restrictions on proximity of wiring, components, and any other restrictions
set. These restrictions are placed so that it will ensure that the board will manufactured correctly. If
certain unrelated coppers happen to be too close, a poor solder or manufacturing can ruin the circuit.
After applying these restrictions, using the command will now alert the using when one of these
boundaries has been breached. It
will inform which parts are not
complying with the parameters. As
seen in Figure 3.1c, the DRC detects
a breach in the parameters set. There
appears to be an issue with the
Figure 3.1c; The DRC
detects a clearance issue

proximately of the two pads.

In this project, the DRC is set with these

where mil = 0.001inch.


40 mil
40 mil
40 mil



40 mil
40 mil

40 mil

3.2 Components and Libraries

The components used in these schematics are derived from libraries. Libraries are
essentially folders where certain components will be placed. Components of similar functions or

Figure 3.2a; 1N4004 found in the CAD1133 library

features are grouped

together in the libraries. Shown in Figure
3.2a, the diodes used for
this project rest under the
CAD1133 library. Many
other components used
for this project are also
found, as they are
grouped for the students'
In addition to
being grouped differently, different libraries may possess the same "component", but the component
may have minor working differences. It is entirely possible that despite being the "same"
component, it will have different pads. A 1N4004 diode found under CAD1133, happens to leads
that are a different size than a 1N4004 found under "diode." Shown in Figure 3.2b, the 1N4004
found under "diode" has much smaller leads. This may not appear to be relevant, but mixing
components, or disregarding the difference may have a notable impact when board is manufactured.

3.3 Schematic
From the window shown
in Figure 3.1a, the user can
chose to enter the schematic
Figure 3.2b; 1N4004 found under "diode"
through, File > New > Schematic. From there, the user will be brought to the window shown in
Figure 3.1b. Here, the user can begin to place and create their circuit board. In order to add
components to the board, the user will go to Edit > Add. This will prompt the window from Figure
3.2a and Figure 3.2b to appear.


After choosing the components that are to be used, the user can now begin to draft their
schematic. The user will connect the appropriate leads of components to one another. This is done
by clicking on the left mouse button on the lead of a component, and make the connection to where
they need it. The user can test to see if the connections are made properly by moving the
components. If the wire will follow the leads, then the connection was made correctly.
Shown in Figure 3.3, D1 and D2 show the initial connection. If the second diode were to be moved
such that they are arranged like D3 and D4, or D5 and D6, two things may occur. If the connection
is made correctly, then the wiring will
follow the diode, as seen with D3 and
D4. If the connection isn't made correctly, then the wire will remain static,
despite moving D6.
Figure 3.3; Connection between 2 Diodes

From the hand-drawn schematic, the student will replicate what is shown in
Figure 2.1b, or

Appendix A2. Everything will be replicated. In

regards to the connections made to

the front panel, they will also be

replicated with a component which may appear as a basic wire. P1, P2, and P3 all appear to be a
basic lead, but are a component that have to be added from the library. P1 are the core outputs of the
power supply. These four connections are taken from the output of the LM7805, LM317, LM337,
and a ground connection. The two connections of P2 relate to an LED. The LED will be placed in
series with the output and the ground. The two connections at P3 lead to the potentiometer. All
mentioned connections will lead to a mounted component on the front panel.

3.4 Printed Circuit Board Design

After the schematic is drawn in the schematic window, the student will use the "Generate"
function to initiate the board design.


Using the function will convert what is seen in Figure


into Figure 3.4b. The program will generate the appropriate components, and
Figure 3.4a;
Schematic View

place them near the bottom left of the board. From

here, the student will place the components based on
where they see fit within parameters set for the

project. Layouts amongst students may

differ, but will have

fundamental similarities. Students will have

to follow restrictions that are

set based on consistency, production,

parameters set are:

and functionality. The

Figure 3.4b; Board View

board must be 100mm wide by

80mm high
a restrict rectangle for the heatsink
o 25mm wide by 55mm high
o placed such that the bottom

left corner is at (80,20) if the

board starts at the origin

The restrict rectangle is dedicated to the heatsink. When the circuit is operational, the IC
chips will heat up. They may get notably hot if the circuit is connected incorrectly. In order to deal
with the heat that is generated, a heatsink is used. The IC chips will be mounted onto heatsink,
which is also connected to the enclosure. This allows for the heat to be distributed to prevent
damage to the chips.
Note the "airwires" that appear in Figure 3.4b. These are lines showing that these pads
should be connected, when they are currently not. The user must use the "wire" function to connect
and replace the "airwires." Very often, after the layout has been determined by the student, there
will exist airwires that are too chaotic to wire. Layouts may have certain components on opposite
sides of the board or not have enough space for wire to go around another component. In these
cases, the design will allow for a "jumper" wire. Up until now, the wiring that has been done are on
the foil, or the bottom side of the PCB. A jumper wire will go across the component, or the top side
of the PCB, for an easier connection.
Refer to Appendix B1, to see jumpers, the board size, and the heatsink. The three regulators will be
placed within the restriction box shown in Appendix B1, but may be interchangeable amongst each
On top of the easier connections, copper filing is also used in the process. It connects the
grounds of all the components so that there is an easily accessible common. It also acts to draw a


large amount of heat, to relieve the system. It can also be seen in Appendix B1, as the large amounts
of copper surrounding all the components.
Following the board layout, the file will go through conversions to prepare for
manufacturing. From the top tool bar, File > CAM Processor will produce a new file. This new file
will go through another conversion, into a PDF, which will be used in the manufacturing process.
This new "PostCam" view can be seen in Appendix B2 and B3.


Power Supply Enclosure

This section details the steps behind the construction of the enclosure. The section is divided
as such:

4.1 : Enclosure Design

4.2 : Enclosure Design

4.1 Enclosure Design

The enclosure of the project is constructed, with an off-the-shelf metal case as the base. This
base is to be modified to meet the needs of the project. The enclosure is to be modified such that it
will match the schematic show in the Appendix C1. These schematics were handed out on the day
off the construction, and contain a less cluttered view of each individual face.

4.2 Enclosure Fabrication

In order to match the schematics, the construction was performed in the lab, under Dave
MacKay's supervision. The holes that the screws were to be placed were made with the drills. The
remainder of the holes were to be punched in with the punchers of varying diameters.
Of the front panel, and total of thirteen holes were to be made. These can be seen on the
"VIEW A-A" of Appendix C1. Holes were made for the switch, potentiometer, front panel, as well
as the various outputs of the power supply.
Of the bottom face, two holes were made for the transformer. These holes had to match the
size of the transformer as these were where the transformer was to be mounted. In this case, the
holes for mounting the transformer did not match the schematic. Additional holes were drilled to
From "VIEW B-B," a total of four holes were to be made. These were made to
accommodate the power cord, the fuse, and the mount for the heatsink.
Many of the holes that needed to be made had sizes and shapes that did not match the equipment. In
these cases, students had to do what they could, and try to match the ideal size with the limited


Final Assembly and Testing

This section discusses the final steps in the project; assembling the components on the
board, as well as the connections amongst the other hardware in the power supply. This is sectioned
of as such:

5.1 Circuit Board Assembly and Testing

5.2 Enclosure Assembly
5.3 Complete Assembly Testing

5.1 Circuit Board Assembly and Testing

After the PCB was manufactured and trimmed, it was ready for assembly. Components were
to be soldered onto the board, but to be done so in an organized manner. Components of a related
system were to be put together, to ensure that smaller systems worked, before testing the collective
The first section to assemble was the rectifier circuit. This includes the following
D1, D2, D3, D4
C1, C2
After assembly, voltages were taken across right after TB as well as the voltage after the diodes.
The findings are shown in the Table 5.1a, below.
After TB

After Diode

Lead 1 to CT

Lead 1 to 3

Lead CT to 3




+ive to

+ive to -ive

Ground to

Table 5.1a
Note that voltage under "After TB" are AC, while voltage under "After Diode" are DC. CT
represents center tap.
The calculations for the intended values after the diode can be found below. The values
calculated here show that the value should come close to 22.3V. The actual value is found to an
average of 21.4V. The voltage in this case, is reasonable.

Vpeak = Vrms * 2
Vrect = Vpeak/2 - 0.7V

(45.9V/2) - 0.7V

=45.9 V AC
=22.3 V DC

The next section to be assembled was the 5V regulator. This section includes the following

After the soldering, the voltage was taken across the output of the regulator, with respect to

ground. The voltage measured was determined to be 5.02 V, and can be seen in Figure
5.1a. The intended output for the 5V regulator is 5V. The actual circuit produces a
voltage of 5.02V. The voltage found here, is accurate.

Figure 5.1a : DMM

The following section to be completed and tested was

reading of voltage

the variable positive regulator. This section is composed of the following components:
R2, R4, R5, R6
Figure 5.1b : V at max
D6, D7,
Figure 5.1c : V at min

Following the
construction, the voltage

was taken across the output

of the regulator in two

instances, at max resistance,

and at minimum. Shown in Figure 5.1b, the voltage reads at 15.4V with the maximum
resistance, is similar to the theoretical output of 15V. The voltage when taken at the minimum
resistance is shown in Figure 5.1c, at -0.06V. The intended value is 0.0V, which is reasonable
when compared with the actual value.
The final section to assemble on the circuit board is the negative variable regulator. This
block consists of:
R1, R7
D5, D9
The voltage was tested across the output of the LM337. The readings can be seen in Figure
5.1d, and 5.1e.
Figure 5.1d : V at max

Figure 5.1e : V at min




voltage at the output of the


voltage regulator, when at the max



-15.41V. There is a

difference of -0.41V from the theoretical results. The voltage when the resistance is at the
minimum, is -0.06V, which differs from the intended 0V. These readings do deviate from the
preferred results, but not enough so to deem them "inaccurate."
Ultimately, the circuit
functions close to what is
expected. The variance in the
outputs and close enough that
they are reasonable. The full
assembly of the component
side can be seen in Figure
The initial set of tests were
conducted using a
transformer borrowed from
Dave MacKay. However, all
the calculated values are
adjusted for, and tested again
after switching to the
transformer intended for the
Figure 5.1f: Complete circuit, component side

5.2 Enclosure Assembly

The enclosure assembly was broken up into four steps. They were done as listed:
Front Panel
Transformer/rear panel

The first thing that was accomplished was placing all the components related to the front
panel. This includes the three leads relating to the transformer output, the four leads relating to the
fixed 5V and variable voltage, the LED, the switch, and the panel meter.
Front view of front panel can be seen in
Figure 5.2a. The potentiometer is
intended to fill the hole in the center, but
is added later with the addition of the
Figure 5.2a : Front Panel with sticker

After the front panel had its

components lain out, the transformer was
mounted. Following this, the rear panel had its components mounted in order to test for the
transformer. The rear panel has the fuse, as well as the power cord prepared. The outer layer of the
power cord was cut to expose the three individual wires. These wires were connected to their
appropriate counterparts: ground to the chassis, and both power wires to the transformer. However,
other components were to be placed in series with the power, before returning to the transformer.
One rail connects to the fuse, and returns to the transformer. The other rail connects to the switch
that is mounted on the front panel, before returning to the transformer. In this case, an error had
been made during the process, and the switch was not connected in this fashion. This will be
expanded upon when discussing the wiring, in the third paragraph below.
The third step was to mount the circuit board to the enclosure. This was accomplished, via
the heatsink. The heatsink is shaped to ensure that the circuit board will be elevated, and not come
into contact with the remainder of the chassis. More testing of the voltages were taken at this point
to see if the transformer had been connected properly. They showed that it was connected correctly.
After all the components had been mounted onto the enclosure, the last step was to connect
the leads of the front panel, to their respective junctions on the circuit board. In all of Appendix A,
as well as Appendix B2, there are six connections that lead to external components, not including
the potentiometer and the transformer. P1 and P2 are the connections that required additional
wiring. P1 was connected to the LED mounted on the front panel. P2 had four connections that
were required. These connections made up the effective output of the power supply; the 5V, variable
voltages, and the ground.

Six other connections, that were discounted previously, are related to the transformer. Three
connections connect the transformer to the circuit board, and three connections that allow the leads
to tap in to the output of the transformer. This is where the error previously mentioned occurred.
The switch is intended to be placed on the primary side of the transformer, but was mistakenly
placed on the secondary side. This means that the switch is only half effective. Two of the three
connections related to the transformer are always live, with the last rail being mistakenly connected.
Finally, the front panel was to be wired. The front panel required the following:
a power source, fixed 5V
o connection across J2, to indicate a 5V input
a voltage to measure, variable voltage
o the voltage input needed to be indicated
o connection across DC, to indicate a DC voltage
o connection across 20V, to indicate display range
connection across P2, sets display to 2 decimal places

These connections can be seen in Figure 5.2b.

Figure 5.2b : Panel meter connection

Now that all the internal

connections are complete, the
top case can be fitted and
screwed. The completed enclosure can be seen in Figure 5.2c, without the casing, and Figure 5.2d,
with the case.

Figure 5.2c : Without top casing

Figure 5.2d : With top case


Complete Assembly Testing

Now that that the power supply looks like it is ready to work, some testing is required to
know that it doesn't just look complete. All the points to be tested have been briefed before. The
outputs to be tested are:
transformer outputs, three
fixed 5V
variable voltage, positive and negative
panel meter
The tested and expected values can be found in Table 5.3.


Top to CT

16.3 V AC

16.5 V AC

Top to Btm

32.5 V AC

33.0 V AC

CT to Btm

16.2 V AC

16.5 V AC

Fixed 5V

5.02 V DC

5.00 V DC

At Max

15.40 V DC

15.00 V DC

At Min

-0.06 V DC

0.00 V DC

At Max

-15.41 V DC

-15.00 V DC

At Min

0.06 V DC

0.00 V DC



Table 5.3 : Values, comparing Measured vs. Expected.

Of the transformer, Top is the top output on the front panel, CT is the center tap, and Btm is bottom
Additionally, other aspects that cannot be tested with numbers were examined. The front
meter and the switch are examples of such. The LED, which indicates that the switch is on, lights


up when expected switch is on. The front meter also displays what it is intended to. It displays the
variable voltage, at the intended range of 0-20V, with the correct decimal count of two.


Results and Conclusions

6.1 Summary of Results

The results of the design were successful. The design took four different iterations to
become what it is. Initially, the DRC was not taken into consideration, which resulted into a
complete overhaul. Other re-takes of the design were due to poor spacing that made wiring
impossible. The final iteration accommodates, and improves on the errors of its past designs.
The fabrication of the board resulted in a correct and functional power supply. The
manufacturing of the board created misunderstandings between what was produced, and what was
designed. After careful analysis, it is apparent that specific holes to be drilled were skipped upon.
These holes were intended for the jumper wires, but the jumper wire in specific became obsolete do
to the copper filing.
Populating the board was a fast process. The board did entire an error that occurred in the
fabrication process. A piece of copper connecting two unrelated components was not properly
removed. This resulted in some concern in the initial testing as the IC chips became notably hot.
Fabricating and assembling the enclosure resulted in some failures, that did not damage the
functioning of the power supply. The switch error noted in 5.2 did not impede the output, but does
compromise the safety it is intended to serve. The hole that dedicated to the fuse was also not
correct. The size did not fit the component, and thus the fuse sticks out from its expected position.
Of all the objectives, the ones relating to the front panel are all correct. The transformer
outputs its intended lower AC voltage; the front meter displays the correct numbers; the
potentiometer interacts with the circuit correctly; and the core outputs of the power supply are
correct. The issues with the supply are issues that can be avoided with cautious use of the power
supply, but do not match with what should occur.

6.2 Recommendations
The main recommendation that can be made regards the enclosure. The holes that were
required to be made may result in components that do not match. It was not stated to bring the
components to test the compatibility. Either state to students to bring the components, supply it at

the lab, or change how the process is done to avoid the conflict. Students should only have to attend
the lab once, and may not always have the spare time to book another lab time.


Floyd, T. L. (2010). Principles of Electric Circuits: Conventional Current Version (9th ed.). Upper
Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall.
Robertson, C. T. (2004). Printed Circuit Board: Designers Reference Basics. Upper Saddle River,
NJ: Prentice Hall.
Texas Instruments Inc. (2013, February). LM317: 3-Terminal Adjustable Regulator. Texas
Instruments Inc.
Texas Instruments Inc. (2013, February). LM337: 3-Terminal Adjustable Regulator. Texas
Instruments Inc.
Texas Instruments Inc. (2013, February). LM7805: 3-Terminal Fixed Regulator. Texas Instruments
Bertrand, Louis.(2015, January). CAD1133 Handout. Durham College
Bertrand, Louis.(2015, March). CAD1133 WK7. Durham College
Bertrand, Louis.(2015, February). CAD1133 ASMT3. Durham College


Appendix A: Complete Schematic

A1.Hand drawn schematic, provided in class. Shows the external connections linking the
user should interact with, and the circuit board.

A2. The "PCB RECTIFIERS + REGULATORS" referenced to in the first schematic. This is
a slightly more detailed look at the internal connections.


A3. The schematic is recreated using CAD Eagle. This schematic features the details of the
blocks shown in A2.

Appendix B: Printed Circuit Board Drawing

B1. The previous
A3 drawing has
been imported to
the board. From
there, a design is
created based on
the placements of
the components.


B2. The PostCam view of the

component side.

B3. The PostCam view of the foil side.


Appendix C: Power Supply Enclosure Drawing

C1: The MultiView schematic of the power supply encosure.


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