IStructE Chartered Exam Past Paper
IStructE Chartered Exam Past Paper
IStructE Chartered Exam Past Paper
The written answer to the question selected and any
A3 drawings must bear the candidates number and
the question number at the bottom of the page. Only
the answer sheets supplied by the Institution may
be used. The candidates name should not appear
anywhere in the script.
Notes to Candidates
2. Examiners will only mark work written by hand
during the examination.
3. A fair proportion of marks will be awarded for
the demonstration of an understanding of
fundamental engineering concepts, as distinct
from calculation of member forces and sizes.
NOTE: In the calculation part of all questions,
establishing form and size is taken to mean
compliance with all relevant design criteria, i.e.
bending, shear, deflection, etc.
4. In all questions 50 marks are allocated to Section
1 and 50 marks to Section 2.
Chartered Membership
Examination, a reminder from
your Examiners
The work you are about to start has many features
in common with other examinations which you have
tackled successfully but it also has some which are
As in every examination you must follow carefully the
NOTES FOR CANDIDATES set out for your guidance
on the front cover of this paper; allocate the available
time sensibly and set out your work in a logical and
clear way.
The unusual requirement of the examination is that
you demonstrate the validity of the training and
experience that you have acquired in recent years.
The Institution must be satisfied that you are able to
bring all the various skills you are expected to
possess to the effective solution of structural design
problems whether or not the problem is presented
in terms that are within your actual experience.
Chartered Structural Engineers must have the ability
to design and a facility to communicate their design
intentions. Where you are required to list and discuss
possible structural solutions you must show by brief,
clear, logical and systematic presentation that you
understood the general structural engineering
principles involved.
In selecting and developing your design you should
also remember the guidance given in the
Institutions report, Aims of Structural Design, and in
(1) the structure must be safe,
(2) a good design has certain typical features
simplicity, unity and necessity,
(3) the structure must fulfil its intended function.
If you have difficulty in deciding the correct
interpretation of a question, pay particular attention to
point 6. notes to candidates, on the front cover. The
examiners will take into account your interpretation
and the design you base on this if this is clearly
stated at the beginning of your answer.
A new factory with storage and office facility to be built on a vacant site. See Figure Q1.
The floor to the factory, Level 2, is to be 1.5m above the external ground level, Level 1. The clear internal height required within the
factory is 10.0m and the floor area is to be column free. The client requires six delivery doors to the factory each 5.0m long x 5.0m
high equally spaced along the West elevation.
The storage floor areas are to have a clear internal floor to floor height of 4.0m and are to be column free. Two access cores each
measuring 8.0m x 4.0m are required within the storage floor plan areas.
The office area is to be column free and is to have a clear internal height of 2.8m.
The perimeter of the factory and the storage facility is to be clad with composite metal panels with the columns at a minimum
spacing of 6.0m. The walls to the office are to be clad with glass curtain walling with the columns at a minimum spacing of 6.0m.
Imposed loading
Factory floor
Storage floors
Site conditions
The site is level and located on the outskirts of a large city. Basic wind speed is 40m/s based on a 3 second gust; the equivalent
mean hourly wind speed is 20m/s.
Ground conditions:
Ground level 2.0m
Made ground
2.0m 5.0m
Sand and gravel N = 15
5.0m 8.0m
Stiff to very stiff clay C = 250kN/m2
Below 8.0m
Rock, allowable bearing pressure 1500kN/m2
Ground water was encountered at 4.0m below ground level.
(50 marks)
Prepare a design appraisal with appropriate sketches indicating two distinct and viable solutions for the
proposed structure. Indicate clearly the functional framing, load transfer and
stability aspects of each scheme. Identify the solution you recommend, giving reasons for your choice.
(40 marks)
After the design has been completed the client advises you that he wishes to install two cranes running
east to west supported on the perimeter columns and a central row of columns within the factory.
Write a letter to the client explaining the effect this would have on the work and how his requirement
may be accommodated.
(10 marks)
(50 marks)
Prepare sufficient design calculations to establish the form and size of all the principal structural elements
including the foundations.
(20 marks)
Prepare general arrangement plans, sections and elevations to show the dimensions, layout and
disposition of the structural elements and critical details for estimating purposes.
(20 marks)
Prepare a detailed method statement for the safe construction of the building and an outline
construction programme.
(10 marks)
A new sports hall is required in the shape of a 90 degree circular sector. See Figure Q2.
The playing area is to be 40m radius and 8m high.No structural elements are allowed inside this space.
The sloping seating area is to be 10m wide and extend from ground level to 5m high.No columns or other structural members are
permitted to obstruct the view of the playing area.
An existing reinforced concrete basement slab 0.2m thick has been discovered at 2m depth covering the whole site.
The playing area is to be covered in top soil so no ground floor slab is required. A minimum of 30 per cent of the roof area must
be glazed to allow the growth of grass turf on the playing surface.
Imposed Loading
Roof loading
Seating loading
Site conditions
The site is located in a coastal location. Basic wind speed is 46m/s based on a 3 second gust; the equivalent mean hourly wind
speed is 23m/s.
Top soil
Sand N=10
Concrete slab
Dense Gravel N=30
Loose clayey sand
Sand N=10
Gravel N=20
(50 marks)
Prepare a design appraisal with appropriate sketches indicating two distinct and viable solutions for the
proposed structure.Indicate clearly the functional framing, load transfer and stability aspects of each
scheme.Identify the solution you recommend, giving reasons for your choice.
(40 marks)
After the completion of the Sports Hall the client decides to construct a second hall in another location
where the ground conditions are given by a second borehole.Write a letter to your client advising him of
the implications of this information.
(10 marks)
(50 marks)
Prepare sufficient design calculations to establish the form and size of all the principal structural elements
including the foundations.
(20 marks)
Prepare general arrangement plans, sections and elevations to show the dimensions, layout and disposition
of the structural elements and critical details for estimating purposes.
(20 marks)
Prepare a detailed method statement for the safe construction of the building and an outline construction
(10 marks)
A 2.5m wide footbridge across a waterfall approximately 50.0m high. The bridge should be aesthetically pleasing and should
provide dramatic views over the edge of the fall. See Figure Q3.
A rocky outcrop at mid-span with a plan area of approximately 3.0m x 3.0m may be used for vertical support. No other
foundations are permitted within 5.0m of the edge of the fall.
For safety reasons, the river upstream of the bridge cannot be navigated and cannot be used for any construction activity.
Imposed loading
Site conditions
The site is located in open countryside. Basic wind speed is 46m/s based on a 3 second gust; the equivalent mean hourly wind
speed is 23m/s.
Ground conditions:
Rocky outcrop
(50 marks)
Prepare a design appraisal with appropriate sketches indicating two distinct and viable solutions for the
proposed structure. Indicate clearly the functional framing, load transfer and stability aspects of each
scheme. Identify the solution you recommend, giving reasons for your choice.
(40 marks)
After the design has been completed, investigation shows that the rocky outcrop is not able to be used
for support. Write a letter to your client explaining the implications on your design.
(10 marks)
(50 marks)
Prepare sufficient design calculations to establish the form and size of all the principal structural elements
including the foundations.
(20 marks)
Prepare general arrangement plans, sections and elevations to show the dimensions, layout and
disposition of the structural elements and critical details for estimating purposes.
(20 marks)
Prepare a detailed method statement for the safe construction of the works and an outline construction
(10 marks)
An underground car park 150m long by 100m wide is to be built in a city centre. The car park is four storeys high with one level
above ground level and the other three levels constructed underground. The roof of the car park will be used as a landscaped
garden. See Figure Q4.
4no. light wells are required at each level with a minimum total area of 320m2 per level.
The minimum fire resistance period for the structural elements is 4 hours.
The minimum size of each parking space is 2.5m wide by 4.8m long.
Imposed loading
Site conditions
The site is on flat level ground in a city centre. Basic wind speed is 40m/s based on a 3 second gust, the equivalent mean wind
speed is 20m/s.
Ground conditions:
Ground level - 5.0m
Loose sandy fill
5.0m -12.0m
Silty sand, N values vary from 5 to 8
12.0m- 20.0m
Dense silty sand, N values vary from 35 to 80
Below 20.0m
Rock with compressive strength of 5000kN/m2
Ground water was found at 2.0m below existing ground level.
For the design of basement use cohesion=0 and =35 degrees
(50 marks)
Prepare a design appraisal with appropriate sketches indicating two distinct and viable solutions for
the proposed structure. Indicate clearly the functional framing, load transfer and stability aspects of
each scheme. Identify the solution you recommend, giving reasons for your choice.
(40 marks)
After receiving your completed design, the client wants to add another level of basement (with a floor
height of 4m) to cater for the future increase of cars. Write a letter to your client explaining the effect of
this on your proposed design.
(10 marks)
(50 marks)
Prepare sufficient design calculations to establish the form and size of all principal structural elements
including the foundations.
(20 marks)
Prepare general arrangement plans, sections and elevations to show the dimension, layout and
disposition of the structural elements and critical details for estimating purposes.
(20 marks)
Prepare a detailed method statement for the safe construction of the building and an outline construction
(10 marks)
A new three storey school building with a sports hall. The building is to be built on a sine curve to reflect the schools emphasis on
mathematics. See Figure Q5.
The classrooms are to be located on each side of an internal street which has two windows between the main roof line and the
street roof, see Section A-A. The windows to be 1m high.
Columns and/or walls are allowed on the external elevations and along the line of the internal walls of the classrooms. Clear height
in classrooms shall be 2.7m and a 300mm clear service zone is required below the structural slab. The top storey shall have a
minimum height to underside of roof structure of 3.0m.
A 2.0m wide walkway is required on the upper storeys alongside the classrooms. These walkways shall be connected across the
street with two bridges at each level. Staircases shall be provided between the storeys.
A single storey sports hall is required at one end of the building. This shall be 33m x 18m x 7.6m minimum clear height to
underside of eaves. Columns shall not protrude from the walls.
Imposed loading
Walkway and stairs
Horizontal loading on walkway balustrade
1.5kN/m2 at 1.1m above walkway level
Site conditions
10. Basic wind speed is 42m/s based on a 3 second gust: the equivalent mean hourly wind speed is 20.5m/s, the fundamental value
of the basic wind velocity is 22m/s.
11. Ground conditions:
Ground level 0.5m
Made ground
Below 0.5m
Silty clay Cu=75kN/m2 increasing to Cu=150kN/m2 at 10.0m
Water was encountered at 0.4m below ground level.
(50 marks)
Prepare a design appraisal with appropriate sketches indicating two distinct and viable solutions for the
proposed structure. Indicate clearly the functional framing, load transfer and stability aspects of each scheme.
Identify the solution you recommend, giving reasons for your choice.
(40 marks)
After completion of scheme design for the structure, the client decides to explore the possibility of increasing
the sports hall to 34.8m x 21m x 9.1m high to allow the sports hall to be used in major competitions. Write
a letter to the client, advising on the structural implications of this.
(10 marks)
(50 marks)
Prepare sufficient design calculations to establish the form and size of all the principal structural elements
including the foundations.
(20 marks)
Prepare general arrangement plans, sections and elevations to show the dimensions, layout and disposition
of the structural elements and critical details for estimating purposes.
(20 marks)
Prepare a detailed method statement for the safe construction of the building and an outline construction
(10 marks)
A mountain rescue centre with a basement. The basement is to be used for garaging of emergency vehicles.
The coordinates of the site boundary and the building layouts at level 1 and level 2 are shown in Figure Q6.
A maximum of one row of internal columns is permitted in the basement and at level 1. No internal columns are permitted at level 2.
A minimum floor to ceiling height of 3.0m at level 1and 2.4m at level 2 should be provided.
The basement must have parking space for a total of 18 vehicles and a 6m clear zone must be provided for reversing and
manoeuvring of vehicles. Emergency vehicles require a parking space 3m wide x 8m long x 3m high.
Local regulations stipulate that no part of the building can be more than 9.0m above level 1, all buildings must have a slate
covered pitched roof of not less than 10 degrees and buildings must be clad in natural stone.
Imposed loading
Roof load, level 3
Basement roof load, level 1
Site conditions
The site is situated in open countryside. Basic wind speed is 49m/s based on a 3 second gust; the equivalent mean hourly wind
speed is 23m/s.
Ground conditions:
Ground level to 0.5m
0.5m 1.5m
1.5m to 3.0m
Below 3.0m
Granular fill
Organic silty sand
Sands and gravels N=15
Sand N=30
(50 marks)
Prepare a design appraisal with appropriate sketches indicating two distinct and viable solutions for the
proposed structure. Indicate clearly the functional framing, load transfer and stability aspects of each
scheme. Identify the solution you recommend, giving reasons for your choice.
(40 marks)
After completion of your design the client asks for all columns in the basement to be omitted and a 16m
diameter helicopter landing pad with an imposed load of 5.0kN/m2 to be provided next to the building
above the basement. Write a letter to your client explaining how this might be achieved advising the
structural implications.
(10 marks)
(50 marks)
Prepare sufficient design calculations to establish the form and size of all the principal structural elements
including the foundations.
(20 marks)
Prepare general arrangement plans, sections and elevations to show the dimensions, layout and disposition
of the structural elements and critical details for estimating purposes.
(20 marks)
Prepare a detailed method statement for the safe construction of the building and an outline construction
(10 marks)
A new Pre-Assembled Unit (PAU) containing one production separator and two heat exchangers is required to be installed onto
an existing foundation at an onshore terminal, as part of an expansion project. See Figure Q7.
The PAU deck area is 16.0m by 7.0m, and consists of four levels, as shown in Figure Q7.
All PAU deck levels are to be open-grated, not plated, to allow free ventilation. Note open-grating does not offer lateral restraint to
floor beams.
The East elevation at level 3 must permit a clear withdrawal area for heat exchanger bundle removals.
Internal framing must be avoided to provide open space for facilities and access.
The PAU is to be constructed and outfitted in a North European site and transported across the North Sea by small barge to an
onshore terminal, and lifted onto the foundation plinths by a large capacity site-crane.
Imposed loading
Site conditions
The site is level and is located in a coastal area. Basic wind speed is 55m/sec based on a 3 second gust. The equivalent mean
hourly wind speed is 28m/sec.
(50 marks)
Prepare a design appraisal with appropriate sketches indicating two distinct and viable solutions for the
proposed structure. Indicate clearly the functional framing, load transfer and stability aspects of each
scheme for all temporary and permanent design phases to be considered, ie, loadout, transport, lift and
in-place operation. Identify the scheme you recommend, giving reasons for your choice.
(40 marks)
After completion of your design, a safety review is carried out, that recommends the PAU be designed
to resist an explosion drag pressure of 0.3 Bar (30.0kN/m2) in both directions. Write a letter to the client
explaining the effects this would have on your chosen solution.
(10 marks).
(50 marks)
Prepare sufficient design calculations to establish the form and size of all structural elements for both the
temporary and permanent conditions.
(20 marks)
Prepare general arrangement plans, sections and elevations to show the dimensions, layout and disposition
of the structural elements and joints. Prepare clearly annotated sketches to illustrate details of: lift points on
PAU, support points onto foundation plinths and typical beam to column connection at level 2.
(20 marks)
With the aid of fully annotated sketches describe the installation procedure for the new PAU, from leaving
the Northern Europe construction yard to final installation on terminal foundations.
(10 marks)
The client requires a six-storey car park with a restaurant on the top floor to be constructed in a prestigious shopping centre close
to the centre of a major city in an area of high seismicity.
The site is sloping between the main roads. The car park is a flat deck car park with semi - circular external vehicular access
ramps from the front road. See Figure Q8-1.
Only one line of internal columns is permitted in the car parking floors. Clear space between columns is to be 7.2m.
The clear floor heights to be 3.0m for restaurant and 2.3m for car park zones. The total height of the building should not exceed
26m, including a 1.5m high outward inclined parapet (architectural feature).
The roof is flat in lightweight construction. Externally the building is to be clad with full height lightweight architectural panels and
fully glazed at the top restaurant floor.
Imposed loading
Site conditions
The site is located in an inner city area. The basic wind speed is 46m/s on a 3-second gust; the equivalent mean hourly wind
speed is 23m/s.
Ground conditions (depths measured with respect to natural soil level at each location):
0.0m - 1.5m
Made Ground
Below 1.5m
Very dense sand and gravel (N=50)
No ground water was encountered.
10. Figure Q8-2 shows the design 5% damped seismic response spectrum for the region. It applies to level ground for a 475 year
return period, assuming the ground surface is rock with a shear wave velocity of not less than 800rnls.
(50 marks)
Prepare a design appraisal with appropriate sketches indicating two distinct and viable solutions for the
proposed structure. Indicate clearly the functional framing, load transfer and stability aspects of each scheme.
Identify the solution you recommend, giving reasons for your choice.
(40 marks)
After completion of scheme design for the structure, the client inquires whether it will be possible to increase
the clear floor height in the ground floor to 4.0m to accommodate a shop floor assuming that the overall
building height can be exceeded by the same amount. Write a letter for the client, advising on the structural
implications of this change, with a description of ways of accommodating it.
(10 marks)
Prepare sufficient design calculations to establish the form and size of all the principal structural elements
including the foundations.
(50 marks)
Prepare general arrangement plans, sections and elevations to show the dimensions, layout and disposition
of the structural elements and critical details for estimating purposes.
(20 marks)
Prepare a detailed method statement for the safe construction of the building and an outline construction
(10 marks)