Summary of The Geneva Convention
Summary of The Geneva Convention
Summary of The Geneva Convention
History of International
Humanitarian Law
April 2011
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Art. 9
This Convention, like the others,
recognizes the right of the ICRC to
assist the wounded and sick. Red Cross
and Red Crescent national societies,
other authorized impartial relief
organizations and neutral governments
may also provide humanitarian service.
April 2011
Art. 12
The wounded and sick shall be
respected and protected without
discrimination on the basis of sex, race,
nationality, religion, political beliefs or
other criteria.
Art. 12
The wounded and sick shall not be
murdered, exterminated or subjected to
torture or biological experiments.
Art. 15
The wounded and sick shall receive
adequate care.
Art. 15
The wounded and sick shall be
protected against pillage and ill
Arts. 15-16
All parties in a conflict must search
for and collect the wounded and sick,
especially after battle, and provide the
information concerning them to the
Central Tracing and Protection Agency
of the International Committee of the
Red Cross (ICRC).
Arts. 12, 18
This Convention mandates that parties
in battle take all possible measures
to search for, collect and care for
the wounded, sick and shipwrecked.
Shipwrecked refers to anyone who is
adrift for any reason, including those
forced to land at sea or to parachute
from damaged aircraft.
Art. 14
While a warship cannot capture a
hospital ships medical staff, it can hold
the wounded, sick and shipwrecked as
prisoners of war, providing they can be
safely moved and that the warship has
the facilities to care for them.
Art. 21
Appeals can be made to neutral
vessels, including merchant ships and
yachts, to help collect and care for the
wounded, sick and shipwrecked. Those
who agree to help cannot be captured
as long as they remain neutral.
Art. 22
Hospital ships cannot be used for
any military purpose. They cannot be
attacked or captured. The names and
descriptions of hospital ships must be
conveyed to all parties in the conflict.
Arts. 36-37
Religious, medical and hospital
personnel serving on combat ships
must be respected and protected. If
captured, they are to be sent back to
their side as soon as possible.
April 2011
Arts. 50, 54
Arts. 13-14, 16
Prisoners of war must not be subjected
to torture or medical experimentation
and must be protected against acts of
violence, insults and public curiosity.
Art. 17
POWs are required to provide to their
captors only their name, rank, date of
birth and military service number.
Art. 23
Female POWs must be treated with the
regard due their sex.
Arts. 25-27, 30
Captors must not engage in any
reprisals or discriminate on the basis
of race, nationality, religious beliefs,
political opinions or other criteria.
Arts. 82, 84
Prisoners are subject to the laws of
their captors and can be tried by their
captors courts. The captor shall ensure
fairness, impartiality and a competent
advocate for the prisoner.
Art. 118
When the conflict ends, all POWs shall
be released and, if they request, be sent
home without delay.
Art. 125
The ICRC is granted special rights to
carry out humanitarian activities on
behalf of prisoners of war. The ICRC
or other impartial humanitarian relief
organizations authorized by parties
to the conflict must be permitted to
visit with prisoners privately, examine
conditions of confinement to ensure the
Conventions standards are being met
and distribute relief supplies.
April 2011
Arts. 33, 49
Arts. 89-91
Art. 106
Art. 54
Arts. 13, 32
Civilians are to be protected from
murder, torture or brutality, and from
discrimination on the basis of race,
nationality, religion or political opinion.
Art. 14
Art. 40
Art. 55
Occupying powers are to provide food
and medical supplies as necessary to
the population and maintain medical
and public health facilities.
Arts. 55, 58
Art. 18
Arts. 24, 25
This Convention provides for the care of
children who are orphaned or separated
from their families. The ICRCs Central
Tracing and Protection Agency is also
authorized to transmit family news
and assist with family reunifications,
with the help of Red Cross and Red
Crescent national societies.
Art. 27
The safety, honor, family rights, religious
practices, manners and customs of
civilians are to be respected.
Arts. 33-34
Pillage, reprisals, indiscriminate
destruction of property and the taking
of hostages are prohibited.
Art. 59
Art. 64
Public officials will be permitted to
continue their duties. Laws of the
occupied territory will remain in force
unless they present a security threat.
Arts. 79-135
If security allows, civilians must be
permitted to lead normal lives. They are
not to be deported or internedexcept
for imperative reasons of security. If
internment is necessary, conditions
should be at least comparable to those
set forth for prisoners of war.
Art. 132
Children, pregnant women, mothers
with infants and young children, the
wounded and sick and those who have
been interned for a long time are to be
released as soon as possible.
Common Article 3
All four Geneva Conventions contain
an identical Article 3, extending
general coverage to conflicts not of an
international character.
In the case of armed conflict not of an
international character occurring in the
territory of one of the High Contracting
Parties, each Party to the conflict shall
be bound to apply, as a minimum, the
following provisions:
1. Persons taking no active part in
the hostilities, including members
of the armed forces who have
laid down their arms and those
placed hors de combat (out of
the fight) by sickness, wounds,
detention, or any other cause, shall
in all circumstances be treated
humanely, without any adverse
distinction founded on race,
color, religion or faith, sex, birth or
wealth, or any other similar criteria.
Arts. 17, 81
The ICRC, national societies or other
impartial humanitarian organizations
authorized by parties to the conflict
must be permitted to provide
April 2011
Art. 35
Use of weapons that cause
superfluous injury or unnecessary
suffering, as well as means of warfare
that cause widespread, long-term,
and severe damage to the natural
environment are prohibited.
Arts. 43-44
Protocol I seeks to clarify the military
status of members of guerrilla forces
in the following manner: It includes
provisions granting combatant and
prisoner of war status to members
of dissident forces when under the
command of a central authority. Such
combatants cannot conceal their
allegiance; they must be recognizable
as combatants while preparing for or
during an attack.
Arts. 51, 54
It outlaws indiscriminate attacks on
civilian populations and destruction of
food, water and other materials needed
for survival.
Arts. 56, 53
Dams, dikes and nuclear generating
stations may not be attacked, nor can
cultural objects and places of worship.
Art. 77
Recruitment of children under age 15
into the armed forces is forbidden.
Art. 85
It is a war crime to use one of the
protective emblems recognized by the
Geneva Conventions to deceive the
opposing forces or to use other forms
of treachery.
April 2011
Art. 4
Protocol III
Art. 7, 9
Art. 4
Persons who do not take a direct part
or who have ceased to take part in
hostilities are entitled to respect. In all
circumstances, they are to be treated
humanely. Protocol II specifically
prohibits violence to the life, health
and physical or mental well-being of
people. In particular, it prohibits acts of
murder and cruel treatment, terrorism,
hostage-taking, slavery, outrages on
personal dignity, collective punishment
and pillage. These protections are
considered fundamental guarantees for
all persons.
Art. 5
Art. 18
Impartial humanitarian relief
organizations, such as the ICRC,
are to be permitted to continue their
humanitarian services.
April 2011
Red Crescent
Red Crystal