Public International Law Notes
Public International Law Notes
Public International Law Notes
International Law is the law which governs the Relations of sovereign independent States inter se
Municipal law or State law or national law is the law of a State or a country and in that respect is opposed
to International Law which consists of rules which civilized States consider as binding upon them in their
mutual relations. Kelsen observes that national law regulates the behavior of individuals International law
the behavior of States or as it is put whereas national law is concerned with the international relations the
so called domestic affairs of the State. International Law is concerned with the external relations of the
State its foreign affairs.
Legislature and court systems are different on the international and municipal levels. Where the municipal
level uses a legislature to help enforce and test the laws, the international court system relies on a series
of treaties without a legislature which, in essence, makes all countries equal.
Enforcement is a major difference between municipal and international law. The municipal courts have a
law enforcement arm which helps require those it determines to follow the rules, and if they do not they
are required to attend court. The international court system has no enforcement and must rely on the
cooperation of other countries for enforcement.
There is a divergence of opinion on the question as to whether International Law and Municipal Law on
the various national laws can be said to form a unity being manifestations of a single conception of law or
whether International Law constitutes an independent system of law essentially different from the
Municipal Law. The former theory is called monistic and the latter dualistic.
Monistic Theory: Monists assume that the internal and international legal systems form a unity. Both
national legal rules and international rules that a state has accepted, for example by way of a treaty,
determine whether actions are legal or illegal. In most monist states, a distinction between international
law in the form of treaties, and other international law, e.g. jus cogens is made. International law does not
need to be translated into national law. The act of ratifying the international law immediately incorporates
the law into national law. International law can be directly applied by a national judge, and can be directly
invoked by citizens, just as if it were national law. A judge can declare a national rule invalid if it
contradicts international rules because, in some states, the latter have priority. In other states, like in
Germany, treaties have the same effect as legislation, and by the principle of lex posterior, only take
precedence over national legislation enacted prior to their ratification. In its most pure form, monism
dictates that national law that contradicts international law is null and void, even if it predates international
law, and even if it is the constitution.It maintains that the subject of the two systems of law namely,
International Law and Municipal Law are essentially one in as much as the former regulates the conduct
of States, while the latter of individuals. According to this view law is essentially a command binding upon
the subjects of the law independent of their will which is one case is the States and in the other
individuals. According to it International Law and Municipal Law are two phases of one and the same
thing. The former although directly addressed to the States as corporate bodies is as well applicable to
individuals for States are only groups of individuals.
Dualistic theory: Dualists emphasize the difference between national and international law, and require
the translation of the latter into the former. Without this translation, international law does not exist as law.
International law has to be national law as well, or it is no law at all. If a state accepts a treaty but does
not adapt its national law in order to conform to the treaty or does not create a national law explicitly
incorporating the treaty, then it violates international law. But one cannot claim that the treaty has become
part of national law. Citizens cannot rely on it and judges cannot apply it. National laws that contradict it
remain in force. According to dualists, national judges never apply international law, only international law
that has been translated into national law. According to the dualist view the systems of International Law
and Municipal Law are separate and self contained to the extent to which rules of the one are not
expressly or tacitly received into the other system. In the first place they differ as regards their sources.
The sources of Municipal Law are customs grown up within the boundaries of the State concerned and
statutes enacted therein while the sources of International Law are customs grown up within the Family of
Nations and law making treaties concluded by its members. In the second place Municipal Laws
regulates relations between the individuals under the sway of a State or between the individuals and the
State while International Law regulates relations between the member States of the Family of Nations.
Lastly there is a difference with regard to the substance of the law in as much as Municipal Law is a law
of the sovereign over individuals while International Law is a law between sovereign State which is arrived
at an agreement among them. The latter is therefore a weak law.
Besides the above two theories, Starke makes reference to two other theories namely, the
Transformation Theory and Delegation Theory.
Transformation Theory: According to this theory it is the transformation of the treaty into national
legislation which alone validates the extension to individuals of the rules set out in international
agreements. The transformation is not merely a formal but a substantial requirement. International Law
according to this theory cannot find place in the national or Municipal Law unless the latter allows its
machinery to be used for that purpose.
This theory is fallacious in several respects. In the first place its premise that International Law and
Municipal Law are two distinct systems is incorrect. In the second place the second premise that
International Law binds States only whereas municipal law applies to individuals is also incorrect for
International Law is the sum of the rules which have been accepted by civilized states as determining
their conduct towards each other and towards each others subjects. In the third place the theory regards
the transformation of treaties into national law for their enforcement. This is not true in all cases for the
practice of transforming treaties into national legislation is not uniform in all the countries. And this is
certainly not true in the case of law making treaties.
Delegation Theory: According to this theory there is the delegation of a right to every State to decide for
itself when the provisions of a treaty or convention are to come into effect and in what manner they are to
be incorporated in the law of the land or municipal law. There is no need of transformation of a treaty into
national law but the act is merely an extension of one single act. The delegation theory is incomplete for
it does not satisfactorily meet the main argument of the transformation theory. It assumes the primacy of
international legal order but fails to explain the relations existing between municipal and international
It is settled by the leading English and American decisions that International Law forms part of the
municipal law of those countries. The United States has unambiguously applied the doctrine that
International Law is part of the law of the land. All international conventions ratified by the USA and such
customary International Law as has received the assent of the United States are binding upon American
Courts even if they may be contrary to the statutory provisions. There is a presumption in cases of
conflict that the United States Congress did not intend to overrule International Law.
Position in India
In India, SC has held in several cases such as Vishakha vs State of Rajasthan, Randhir vs Union of India,
Unnikrishnan vs State of Karnataka, that domestic laws of India, including the constitution are not to be
read as derogatory to International law. An effort must be made to read the domestic law as being in
harmony with the international law in case of any ambiguity. At the same time, the constitution is still the
supreme law of the land and in case of any directly conflict the constitution will prevail.
Q. What are the peaceful means of settlement of international disputes? Describe the constitution,
function, and jurisdiction of International Court of Justice. How does it differ from permanent
court of Arbitration and Permanent court of International Justice? Evaluate the role of ICJ in
establishment of World Peace. What is Advisory Jurisdiction of ICJ?.
This created a general obligation on the member states to adopt ways to resolve international disputes
peacefully. In particular, it obligated that States parties to a dispute shall continue to observe in their
mutual relations their obligations under the fundamental principles of international law concerning the
sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of States, as well as other generally recognized
principles and rules of contemporary international law.
It obligates the States to seek in good faith and in a spirit of co-operation an early and equitable
settlement of their international disputes by any of the following means: negotiation, inquiry, mediation,
conciliation, arbitration, judicial settlement, resort to regional arrangements or agencies or other peaceful
means of their own choice, including good offices. In seeking such a settlement, the parties shall agree
on such peaceful means as may be appropriate to the circumstances and the nature of their dispute.
While both arbitration and mediation are usually private dispute resolution procedures based on a party
agreement they differ in a number of important aspects. Arbitration is an adjudicative procedure and in
this respect resembles court litigation. Once the parties have submitted a dispute to arbitration, neither
party can opt out unilaterally, and any decision rendered by the arbitral tribunal will be binding on both
Mediation in contrast, is a voluntary process which depends on the continuing cooperation of both parties
since either party can withdraw at any time.
Employed over the years in diplomatic matters, recently parties have begun using mediation to resolve
transnational business disputes prior to binding dispute settlement alternatives or litigation.1 This
alternative is particularly popular among Asian cultures. The mediation mechanism may be generally
defined as the intervention of an unbiased third party in a dispute so as to facilitate party resolution of
differences on a voluntary basis. The process differs from conciliation and arbitration with respect to the
involvement and powers of the third party. Notwithstanding this definition, currently no consensus exists
about the specifics of transnational mediation or its procedures, thus further complicating matters when it
is employed as the only contractual means of dispute settlement. More specifically, when international
parties use mediation exclusively, there is no guarantee of a binding or definitive outcome at all.
International dispute resolution organizations offer procedural rules for mediation. Since mediation has
only recently come to the forefront, however, these rules remain vague in many areas. For example, the
mediator's duties are not detailed specifically. The International Chamber of Commerce Rules of Optional
Conciliation merely state that the mediator has discretion to conduct the proceedings as he or she sees
fit. The only restriction imposed on the mediator by many of these rules is that the mediator operate under
the principles of impartiality, equity and justice. Mediators are left to determine the contents of these
Given the lack of rule specificity and the discretion granted to the mediator, the success of the mediation
often depends on the talents and temperament of the mediator. His or her ability to get the disputants to
negotiate and work towards compromise is of utmost importance.Ultimately, if these techniques fail and
the parties are not satisfied with the settlement, they can pursue other methods of dispute resolution,
such as traditional litigation or arbitration.
2. Conciliation –
In conciliation, the conciliator plays a relatively direct role in the actual resolution of a dispute and even
advises the parties on certain solutions by making proposals for settlement. In conciliation, the neutral is
usually seen as an authority figure who is responsible for the figuring out the best solution for the parties.
The conciliator, not the parties, often develops and proposes the terms of settlement. The parties come to
the conciliator seeking guidance and the parties make decisions about proposals made by conciliators. In
this regard, the role of a conciliator is distinct from the role of a mediator. The mediator at all times
maintains his or her neutrality and impartiality. A mediator does not focus only on traditional notions of
fault and a mediator does not assume sole responsibility for generating solutions. Instead, a mediator
works together with the parties as a partner to assist them in finding the best solution to further their
interests. A mediator’s priority is to facilitate the parties’ own discussion and representation of their own
interests, and guide them to their own suitable solution- a good common solution that is fair, durable, and
workable. The parties play an active role in mediation, identifying interests, suggesting possible solutions,
and making decisions concerning proposals made by other parties. The parties come to mediator seeking
help in finding their own best solution.
Also the role of the attorneys is different in mediation. Attorneys are more active in mediation in
generating and developing innovative solutions for settlement. In conciliation, they generally offer advice
and guidance to clients about proposals made by conciliators.
Conciliation and mediation both look to maintain an existing business relationship and to rekindle a lost
balance of power between two parties. These concepts are sometimes used as synonyms, but they do
indeed vary substantially in their procedures. In mediation, the mediator controls the process through
different and specific stages: introduction, joint session, caucus, and agreement, while the parties control
the outcome. By contrast, in conciliation the conciliator may not follow a structured process, instead
administering the conciliation process as a traditional negotiation, which may take different forms
depending on the case.
Composition of ICJ - The ICJ is composed of fifteen judges elected to nine year terms by the UN
General Assembly and the UN Security Council from a list of persons nominated by the national groups in
the Permanent Court of Arbitration. The election process is set out in Articles 4–12 of the ICJ statute.
Judges serve for nine year terms and may be re-elected for up to two further terms. Elections take place
every three years, with one-third of the judges retiring (and possibly standing for re-election) each time, in
order to ensure continuity within the court.
Should a judge die in office, the practice has generally been to elect a judge of the same nationality to
complete the term. No two may be nationals of the same country. According to Article 9, the membership
of the Court is supposed to represent the "main forms of civilization and of the principal legal systems of
the world". Essentially, this has meant common law, civil law and socialist law (now post-communist law).
Differences with Permanent Court of International Justice - The Permanent Court of International
Justice, sometimes called the World Court, was the international court of the League of Nations,
established in 1923. Between 1922 and 1940 the Court dealt with 66 contentious cases between States
and delivered 27 advisory opinions. It was replaced in 1946 by the International Court of Justice when the
United Nations was organized.
Differences with PCA - Unlike the ICJ, the PCA is not just open to states but also to other parties. The
PCA provides services for the resolution of disputes involving various combinations of states, state
entities, intergovernmental organizations, and private parties. The PCA administers cases arising out of
international treaties (including bilateral and multilateral investment treaties), and other agreements to
arbitrate. The cases conducted by the PCA span a wide range of legal issues, including disputes over
territorial and maritime boundaries, sovereignty, human rights, international investment (investor-state
arbitrations), and matters concerning international and regional trade.
Hearings are rarely open to the public and sometimes even the decision itself is kept confidential at the
request of the parties. Many decisions and related documents are available on the PCA website.
Jurisdiction of ICJ
As stated in Article 93 of the UN Charter, all 192 UN members are automatically parties to the Court's
statute. Non-UN members may also become parties to the Court's statute under the Article 93(2)
procedure. For example, before becoming a UN member state, Switzerland used this procedure in 1948
to become a party. And Nauru became a party in 1988. Once a state is a party to the Court's statute, it is
entitled to participate in cases before the Court. However, being a party to the statute does not
automatically give the Court jurisdiction over disputes involving those parties. The issue of jurisdiction is
considered in the two types of ICJ cases: contentious issues and advisory opinions.
The International Court of Justice acts as a world court. The Court has a dual jurisdiction : it decides, in
accordance with international law, disputes of a legal nature that are submitted to it by States (jurisdiction
in contentious cases); and it gives advisory opinions on legal questions at the request of the organs of the
United Nations or specialized agencies authorized to make such a request (advisory jurisdiction).
Contentious Issues -
In contentious cases (adversarial proceedings seeking to settle a dispute), the ICJ produces a binding
ruling between states that agree to submit to the ruling of the court. Only states may be parties in
contentious cases. Individuals, corporations, parts of a federal state, NGOs, UN organs and self-
determination groups are excluded from direct participation in cases. The key principle is that the ICJ has
jurisdiction only on the basis of consent. Article 36 outlines four bases on which the Court's jurisdiction
may be founded.
First, 36(1) provides that parties may refer cases to the Court (jurisdiction founded on "special
agreement" or "compromise"). This method is based on explicit consent rather than true compulsory
jurisdiction. It is, perhaps, the most effective basis for the Court's jurisdiction because the parties
concerned have a desire for the dispute to be resolved by the Court and are thus more likely to comply
with the Court's judgment.
Second, 36(1) also gives the Court jurisdiction over "matters specifically provided for ... in treaties and
conventions in force". Most modern treaties will contain a compromissory clause, providing for dispute
resolution by the ICJ. Cases founded on compromissory clauses have not been as effective as cases
founded on special agreement, since a state may have no interest in having the matter examined by the
Court and may refuse to comply with a judgment. For example, during the Iran hostage crisis, Iran
refused to participate in a case brought by the US based on a compromissory clause contained in the
Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations, nor did it comply with the judgment. Since the 1970s, the use
of such clauses has declined. Many modern treaties set out their own dispute resolution regime, often
based on forms of arbitration.
Third, Article 36(2) allows states to make optional clause declarations accepting the Court's jurisdiction.
The label "compulsory" which is sometimes placed on Article 36(2) jurisdiction is misleading since
declarations by states are voluntary. Furthermore, many declarations contain reservations, such as
exclusion from jurisdiction certain types of disputes ("ratione materia"). The principle of reciprocity may
further limit jurisdiction. Of the permanent Security Council members, only the United Kingdom has a
declaration. In the Court's early years, most declarations were made by industrialised countries. Since the
Nicaragua Case, declarations made by developing countries have increased, reflecting a growing
confidence in the Court since the 1980s. Industrialised countries however have sometimes increased
exclusions or removed their declarations in recent years. Examples include the USA, as mentioned
previously and Australia who modified their declaration in 2002 to exclude disputes on maritime
boundaries (most likely to prevent an impending challenge from East Timor who gained their
independence two months later).
Finally, 36(5) provides for jurisdiction on the basis of declarations made under the Permanent Court of
International Justice's statute. Article 37 of the Statute similarly transfers jurisdiction under any
compromissory clause in a treaty that gave jurisdiction to the PCIJ.
In addition, the Court may have jurisdiction on the basis of tacit consent (forum prorogatum). In the
absence of clear jurisdiction under Article 36, jurisdiction will be established if the respondent accepts ICJ
jurisdiction explicitly or simply pleads on the merits. The notion arose in the Corfu Channel Case (UK v
Albania) (1949) in which the Court held that a letter from Albania stating that it submitted to the jurisdiction
of the ICJ was sufficient to grant the court jurisdiction.
Examples of contentious cases include:
A complaint by the United States in 1980 that Iran was detaining American diplomats in Tehran in
violation of international law.
A dispute between Tunisia and Libya over the delimitation of the continental shelf between them.
1. Advisory Jurisdiction –
An advisory opinion is a function of the Court open only to specified United Nations bodies and agencies.
On receiving a request, the Court decides which States and organizations might provide useful
information and gives them an opportunity to present written or oral statements. Advisory Opinions were
intended as a means by which UN agencies could seek the Court's help in deciding complex legal issues
that might fall under their respective mandates. In principle, the Court's advisory opinions are only
consultative in character, though they are influential and widely respected. Whilst certain instruments or
regulations can provide in advance that the advisory opinion shall be specifically binding on particular
agencies or states, they are inherently non-binding under the Statute of the Court. This non-binding
character does not mean that advisory opinions are without legal effect, because the legal reasoning
embodied in them reflects the Court's authoritative views on important issues of international law and, in
arriving at them, the Court follows essentially the same rules and procedures that govern its binding
judgments delivered in contentious cases submitted to it by sovereign states. An advisory opinion derives
its status and authority from the fact that it is the official pronouncement of the principal judicial organ of
the United Nations
Advisory Opinions have often been controversial, either because the questions asked are controversial,
or because the case was pursued as an indirect "backdoor" way of bringing what is really a contentious
case before the Court. Examples of advisory opinions can be found in the section advisory opinions in the
List of International Court of Justice cases article. One such well-known advisory opinion is the Nuclear
Weapons Case.
Arbitration is today most commonly used for the resolution of commercial disputes, particularly in the
context of international commercial transactions (International Commercial Arbitration). It is also used in
some countries to resolve other types of disputes, such as labour disputes, consumer disputes, and for
the resolution of certain disputes between states and between investors and states.
As the number of international disputes mushrooms, so too does the use of arbitration to resolve them.
There are essentially two kinds of arbitration, ad hoc and institutional. An
institutional arbitration is one that is entrusted to one of the major arbitration institutions to handle, while
an ad hoc one is conducted independently without such an organization and according to the rules
specified by the parties and their attorneys. The following are various avenues for International
1. Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) - The Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA), is
an international organization based in The Hague in the Netherlands. It was established
in 1899 as one of the acts of the first Hague Peace Conference, which makes it the oldest
institution for international dispute resolution.
The creation of the PCA is set out under Articles 20 to 29 of the 1899 Hague Convention
for the specific settlement of international disputes which was a result of the first Hague
Peace Conference. At the second Hague Peace Conference in 1907, the earlier
Convention was revised and improved by the 1907 Convention for the Pacific Settlement
of International Disputes.
2. International Commercial Arbitration (ICA)
3. International Centre of Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID)
4. WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Center (World Intellectual Property Organization)
5. WTO Dispute Settlement System
6. Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAC)
7. Society of Maritime Arbitrators (SMA)
a. Ad Hoc Inter-State Arbitration
b. The Iran-US Claims Tribunal
c. The International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes
d. Settling Disputes about Human Rights
e. Dispute Settlement in the Law of the Sea
f. Settlement of International Economic Disputes
g. Regional Organizations and Dispute Settlement