Education, Curriculum and Learning Policy
Education, Curriculum and Learning Policy
Education, Curriculum and Learning Policy
NQS .......................................................................................................................2
National Regulations ..............................................................................................................................2
EYLF .....................................................................................................................2
Aim .........................................................................................................................................................2
Related Policies ......................................................................................................2
Implementation .......................................................................................................3
Early Years Learning Framework ..........................................................................................................3
Learning and Play ...................................................................................................4
EYLF Learning Outcomes .....................................................................................................................4
Sources ..................................................................................................................4
Review ...................................................................................................................4
Version Control Table .............................................................................................................................5
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1.1.1 Curriculum decision making contributes to each childs learning anddevelopment outcomes
in relation to their identity, connection with community, wellbeing, confidence as learners and
effectiveness as communicators.
1.1.2 Each childs current knowledge, ideas, culture, abilities and interests are the foundation
of the program.
1.1.3 The program, including routines, is organised in ways that maximise opportunities for each
childs learning.
1.1.4 The documentation about each childs program and progress is available to families.
1.1.5 Every child is supported to participate in the program.
1.1.6 Each childs agency is promoted, enabling them to make choices anddecisions and to influence events
and their world.
1.2.1 Each childs learning and development is assessed as part of an ongoingcycle of planning,
documenting and evaluation.
1.2.2 Educators respond to childrens ideas and play and use intentional teachingto scaffold and extend each
childs learning.
1.2.3 Critical reflection on childrens learning and development, both as individualsand in groups, is regularly
used to implement the program.
National Regulations
73 Educational programs.
74 Information about the educational program to be kept available.
75 Information about educational program to be given to parents.
76 Documenting of child assessments or evaluations for delivery of educational program.
All Learning Outcomes under the Early Years Learning Framework will be addressed through
our Policy and practices.
Educators aim to create positive learning environments and guide experiences for each child in conjunction
with their family. Educators will observe children and facilitate their learning to provide each
child with an individualised portfolio by documenting their learning throughout the year.
Children and their families will be encouraged to participate in the ongoing process to promote engaged learning.
The Kids Uni Policies and Procedures apply to Kids Uni North, Kids Uni South, South Coast Workers Child
Care Centre, Kids Uni After School Care and Vacation Care (also known as Kids Uni OOSH).
Related Policies
Additional Needs Policy (CHI-ADM-POL-003)
Child Protection Policy (CHI-ADM-POL-009)
Educator and Management Policy (CHI-ADM-POL-017)
Enrolment Policy (CHI-ADM-POL-022)
Excursion Policy (CHI-ADM-POL-024)
Food, Nutrition and Beverage Policy (CHI-ADM-POL-027)
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O u r E d u c a t i o n a l L e a d e r i s S h a n a e War e .
6.1 The role of the educational leader is to work with educators to provide curriculumdirection and to
ensure children achieve the outcomes of the approved learning framework.
E a r l y Yea r s L e a r n i n g F r a m e w o r k
O u r s e r v i c e i s c o m m i t t e d t o t h e E a r l y Yea r s L e a r n i n g
Framework (EYLF).
7.1 Observations of all children enrolled in our service will be documented and kept forfuture reference and
reflection, through use of portfolios, day books and displays. Childrens portfolios will be available for a childs
family members to view but remains the property of the service for the duration of the childs
7.2 Portfolios will be added to regularly by educators, families and children and reflectedupon by educators
to ensure programming for each child remains relevant to their interests and developmental stage.
7.3 Each childs learning will be based on their voices, interests, development andstrengths and guided by
our educators through spontaneous experiences and intentional teaching.
7.4 Every child will be equally valued and their achievements and learning celebrated.
7.5 Educators will document the individual learning that occurs for each child in a variety of ways.
7.6 Educators will co-program in partnership with children and their families, seeking andrespecting their
input into the educational program. Family values, culture, experiences and traditions will be respected and
incorporated into the program when possible.
7.7 The educational program/curriculum will be linked to the learning outcomes of theEYLF, principles,
practices, NQS and the centre philosophy.
7.8 Where appropriate, the service will liaise with external agencies and support persons tobest educate
and care for children with additional needs.
7.9 The education program (curriculum) will incorporate the childrens voices, individualstage of
development, interests and family and cultural input. Experiences will be a combination of planned intentional
teaching and spontaneous learning opportunities. Individual learning will be documented in a variety of
meaningful ways, such as learning stories, portfolios, displays, day books and art.
7.10 Critical reflection by educators, children and families occurs spontaneously on a regular
basis. Critical refection is also documented in a variety of ways across the Kids Uni Services.
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Education and Care Services National Regulations 2011
National Quality Standard
Early Years Learning Framework
R e vi ew
This policy will be reviewed every 2 years and the review will include Management, Employees, Families
and Interested Parties.
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Ver s i o n C o n t r o l Tab l e
Next Review
Approved by:
Michele Fowler
Manager Kids
Michele Fowler
Manager Kids
March 2016
Michele Fowler
Manager Kids
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