Updated CDO Research Manual Cdo
Updated CDO Research Manual Cdo
Updated CDO Research Manual Cdo
Revised 2018
: CID Chief
Lorebina C. Carrasco
Education Program Supervisor
To protect and promote the right of every Filipino to quality, equitable, culture-based, and complete
basic education where:
The Department of Education was established through the Education Decree of 1863 as the
Superior Commission of Primary Instruction under a Chairman. The Education agency underwent
many reorganization efforts in the 20th century in order to better define its purpose vis a vis the
changing administrations and charters. The present day Department of Education was eventually
mandated through Republic Act 9155, otherwise known as the Governance of Basic Education act
of 2001 which establishes the mandate of this agency. The Department of Education (DepEd)
formulates, implements, and coordinates policies, plans, programs and projects in the areas of
formal and non-formal basic education. It supervises all elementary and secondary education
institutions, including alternative learning systems, both public and private; and provides for the
establishment and maintenance of a complete, adequate, and integrated system of basic education
relevant to the goals of national development.
1. Increased Net Enrolment Rate (NER) from 85.09% to 97.00%, Net Intake Rate (NIR) from
66.8% to 97.00% of the 35 elementary and 16 secondary schools and BLP learners from
35.41%to 97%;
2. Increased the National Achievement Test (NAT) performance of the 28 elementary schools
from 52.26% to 97.00% and 32 secondary schools per tested subjects from 45.58% to
97.00%; A & E elementary test takers from 16.00% to 97.00%, in the secondary from 44.00%
to 97.00%; elementary passers from 61.27% to 97.00%, and 69.37% to 97.00% in the
secondary; and
3. Strengthened Public- Private Partnership.
This research manual will facilitate all the teaching and non-teaching personnel
in the planning, processing, presenting and publishing their research papers. The
contents of the manual will enhance the understanding of each personnel in working
both basic and action researches toward a goal of continuous improved school
performance. As stipulated in DO #39, s. 2016, all research papers are anchored to
the key thematic areas of the Department’s research agenda such as Teaching-
Learning Process, Child Protection, Human Resource Development, Governance,
Inclusive Education, Gender and Development and Disaster Readiness and Risk
Reduction Management.
It is hoped that this manual will ultimately guide instructional leaders and
teachers in the quest of improving multidisciplinary research that will eventually lead
to address pressing educational issues and gaps.
Definition of Terms
Action research - is a process of systematic, reflective inquiry to improve educational
practices or resolve problems in any operating unit.
Basic research -is often purely theoretical with the intent of increasing our
Understanding of certain phenomena or behavior but does not seek to
solve or treat these problems
Lead proponent - refers to an individual who will directly coordinate with the
secretariat on administrative and financial matters of the approved
1. Provide directions on research initiatives through the national and local Basic Education
Research Agenda, and other identified priority research areas in the division;
2. Evaluate and approve research proposals and other related research initiatives from
the schools and community learning centers (CLCs) to be funded under BERF;
3. Evaluate and approve research proposals and other related research initiatives within
the schools division to be funded by other fund sources;
4. Forge partnerships with academic and research institutions, government agencies, and
other DepEd offices on education research initiatives and projects;
5. Prepare and submit reports to the RRC on all research initiatives conducted in the
division from all fund sources;
6. Resolve emerging issues on the management and conduct of research;
7. Ensure that cost estimates fall under the existing accounting and auditing rules and
regulations; and
8. Endorse approved school level proposals to the Regional Office for confirmation and
release of funds under BERF.
1. Provide technical inputs in refining the research papers of the teaching and
nonteaching personnel in the school (refer to DO #16, s. 2017);
2. Lead in the formulation of School Research Committee;
3. Conduct initial screening of submitted research proposals and final papers with
the members of SRC (refer to the annexes of D.O. #16, s.2017);
4. Develop strategies in managing school-based researches;
5. Monitor the progress of the basic and action research activities (online/offline
6. facilitate the conduct of school-based research congress/ conference/training/
seminar-workshop/ forum
7. Coordinate with the school heads relative to the
school/district/division/regional/national/international conferences
1. Review the deliverables of the researchers prior to its submission to the regional
2. Provide guidance and assistance in the liquidation process among researchers
prior to the release of the next tranches. Meeting deadlines based on the required
timeline by the regional office shall be met; and
3. Referee the initial and the revised versions of the research papers. For each of
them, provide, as necessary: suggestions for revision, correcting spelling,
grammar, word usage, etc., overall content assessment (i.e, Is there a clear
statement of the research question? Is the research method or approach
relevant? Was it properly executed? Are there mistakes, unclarified, lacks or
problems? Are the results consistent with the research design?).
DepEd seeks to ensure that learning outcomes are achieved by maximizing the
competencies of teachers and potentials of all types of learners. This theme covers the actors,
activities, and fundamental aspects of teaching and learning in various contexts. The Research
Agenda looks into the strategies, best practices, and facilitating and hindering factors relative
to five sub-themes, namely: instruction, curriculum, learners, assessment, and learning
c. Assessment
As the key component of the teaching-learning process, Assessment requires
further study to refine the details of the K to 12 Assessment Framework.
b. Career Development
There is likewise a keen interest on the Career Development of both teaching and non-
teaching personnel in order to surface and address their capacity-building needs, and to
examine various dimensions and determinants of their professional growth.
General Research Questions Topics
How can selection, retention, Career path and progression
assessment, development, promotion, Personal considerations (*gender, age,
and recognition be enhanced to Net Take home pay/Net family income,
support DepEd employees in different work station, health condition)
career stages? Quota system
Item reclassification (*ERF, Step
Mentoring (*LAC Session)
Training and Development (*Prof.
Development, Induction)
Patronage and corruption
Results-Based Performance Management
System (RPMS)
Scholarships and grants
Succession Planning
What kind of capacity building activities Over-all training program
are necessary and most effective in Specialized training program
addressing development needs and Process of capacity-building
improving the work performance of Training strategy
teachers and other DepEd personnel? Selection process
Practical application
Monitoring and Evaluation
Other development options
-Classroom training
-Coaching and mentoring Experience
c. Employee Welfare
The Department seeks to explore monetary and non-monetary strategies as
well as non-traditional mechanisms to keep its personnel, especially teachers,
motivated to perform well.
General Research Questions Topics
What mechanisms are the most Professionalization
appropriate to promote the welfare Salary
of all DepEd employees? Benefits
Incentives (e.g. awards and recognition,
cash and non-cash rewards)
16 Division of Cagayan de Oro City- Research Manual
Non- cash compensation (e.g. service
Protection and safeguards
Grievance mechanism
Teaching load and ancillary services
Employee wellness (e.g. physical, emotional,
spiritual, mental)
Hazard pay
Risk insurance
Monetization program
Gender and Development
What motivates teaching and non- Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
teaching personnel to sustain
commitment and passion to high-
quality teaching, learning, and work
Theme 4: Governance
The theme covers planning, finance, program management, transparency and
accountability, and evaluation, underscores DepEd’s commitment to ensure that its structure,
systems, and processes contribute to the achievement of basic education outcomes.
a. Planning
The Department has already provided internal guidance (DepEd Order 13, s. 2015) for
the development of effective and efficient policies. With this in place, DepEd’s next
concern is to ensure that these policies are implemented and translated into
appropriate programs. Because it governs a very large sector with complex
interrelationships, the Department often encounters challenges in its Planning process.
This section deals with standards and policies that ensure the achievement of the
Department’s goals.
General Research Questions Topics
How can DepEd determine Process Tools
effective and efficient standards -Typologies and classifications
for critical education resources for -Planning considerations for non-formal
schools, community learning education
centers, and other delivery units? -Comprehensive school safety or Disaster Risk
Reduction and Management in Education
Critical Resources
-Teachers, teaching-related, and non-teaching
-Education facilities (e.g. laboratories)
-Tools and equipment
-Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH)
-School Sites
-Health and Nutrition
-Operating Budget
b. Finance
Financial management is a critical component in the governance of basic education.
This highlights the need to closely examine the effects of financial management not just
on program managers, but also on the intended beneficiaries.
General Research Questions Topics
How can DepEd improve its Policies and Practices
process in the sourcing, Issues and challenges
acquisition, disbursement, Timeframe
recording, and reporting of Budget deliberation and complete staff work
program and project funds, Budget execution
consistent with applicable laws, Evaluation and Policy amendment
policies, rules, and regulations? Computation of Maintenance and Other
Operating Expenses (MOOE) to provide
implementing units with accurate funding needs
How does financial performance Fund managers
affect key stakeholders in Target beneficiaries
DepEd? Community
DepEd internal stakeholders
c. Program Management
Program Management, one of the crucial functions of DepEd, focuses on how DepEd
can best develop, implement, monitor, and evaluate programs, projects, and activities.
General Research Topics Additional Explanation
How effective is Program and project
DepEd’s overall development
program Operational efficiency
management Coordination and provision
system? of technical assistance
Monitoring and feedback
Personnel selection
Support structures and
Sustainability and
Networking and Linkages
How can we Bilateral and multi-lateral One area of interest from
maximize external agreements this research question is the
partnerships locally delivery of basic education to
18 Division of Cagayan de Oro City- Research Manual
and abroad to Public-Private Partnership undocumented Filipino
facilitate the delivery (e.g. Build-Operate- learners abroad
of basic education? Transfer, Build Transfer)
e. Evaluation aims to determine if the undertaking produced its intended result in the
best way possible so that decisions can be made to continue, discontinue, or revise
the said undertaking at the appropriate stages of the cycle
General Research Topics
How effective have DepEd Decentralization of basic education governance
policies, programs, and Private schools regulations
projects been in meeting Private sector partnerships
their stated objectives? Community engagement and participation
19 Division of Cagayan de Oro City- Research Manual
Civil society organization (CSO) engagement in
What are the unintended governance
consequences? Human Resource Training and Development
Early language, Literacy and Numeracy (formerly
Every Child a Reader Program)
Multi-grade schools
Regional Science High Schools
Special Science Elementary Schools
Science, Technology, Engineering, and math
Strengthened Technical-Vocational Education
Adopt-a-School Program
Library Hub
School-Based initiatives implemented in various
Temporary Learning Spaces (TLS)
How can DepEd improve Evaluation standards
its evaluation process Professionalizing evaluation discipline
External accreditation of schools and other units
How can DepEd maximize Research utilization
the benefits gained from Partnerships and joint undertakings
the evaluation outputs and Issues and concerns
expertise from within and Roles and responsibilities
outside the department? Capability-building
I. Title Page
II. Abstract
III. Acknowledgment
IV. Introduction of the Research
V. Literature Review
VI. Research Questions
VII. Scope and Limitation
VIII. Research Methodology
a. Sampling
b. Data Collection
IX. Discussion of Results and Recommendations
X. Dissemination and Advocacy Plans
XI. References
XII. Financial Report
I. Title Page
II. Abstract
III. Acknowledgment
IV. Context and Rationale
V. Innovation, Intervention, and Strategy
VI. Action Research Questions
VII. Action Research Methods
a. Participants and/or other Sources of Data and Information
b. Data Gathering Methods
VIII. Discussion of Results and Reflection
IX. Action Plan
X. References
XI. Financial Report
Stage 3 : Act
Step 8: Pilot Solution
Step 9: Roll Out Solution
Step 10: Check Progress
References Cited
CI Structure (if any)
Instruments Used
Approved Request Letters
CI Implementation Plan
Gantt Chart
Sample of Informed Consent Form
Formatting: Paper Size: A4, Font Style: Arial, Font Size: 12, Spacing : Double Space
Margins: Left: 1.25”, Top, Right & bottom (1.00”); Cover Page title: Arial, 16,
bold, Proponent/s Name: Arial, 14; School/Division: Arial, 12
Name of School:
Funding Sources
___________________ _________________
_____________ ______________ (Div. CI Coach) (Div. CI Team Leader)
(Proponent/s) (School CI
Team Leader) Recommended by:
__________________ ASDS
(Div. CI Master (Division Research
Coach) Committee Chairman)
Project Title
School Name
School Head
Team Role: Name:
Composition Team Leader-
Asst. Team Leader-
Records Keeper-
IT Specialist-
Key Customers
Key Process
Project Activity Output Target
Schedule Date 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Assess 1.Get organized
2.Talk with
3.Walk the Process
Improvement Areas
Analyze 5.Do Root Cause
6.Develop Solutions
Improvement Plans
Act 8.Pilot Solutions
10.Check Progress
1. School Heads are encouraged to do research in line with either SIP’s Priority
Improvement Areas (PIAs) or under the themes: Child Protection, Human Resource
Development, Governance and other cross cutting themes as stipulated in DepEd
Order 39, s. 2016.
2. Before conducting a research, the school heads are advised to coordinate with the
School Research Coordinator.
3. When the research proposal is approved, the school heads can then continue with
the conduct of the study with the PSDS which will serve as mentor.
1. Align action/basic research with the school e-SIPs Priority Improvement Areas
(PIAs) or refer to some research topics contained in DepEd Order 39, s. 2016.
2. Have the proposal evaluated by the School Research Committee using the
Evaluation Tool for Basic Research, Action Research (appendix).
3. Submit one (1) hard copy of the proposal with the Approval Sheet (enclosed) and
result of the Evaluation in a transparent folder following the prescribed format.
4. The Chairman of the Research Team is responsible for facilitating the submission
of the proposal to the Division Office through SGOD Planning and Research Section.
5. When the proposal is approved, the proponent can then proceed to conduct the
study whether funded or non-funded.
6. After conducting the study, have the full paper evaluated by the School/District
Research Committee who will facilitate the submission of the full paper with the
result of the evaluation.
1. The maximum research team members for Basic/Action research shall not exceed to
three (3).
2. To address the problem of plagiarism, all researches submitted shall be
Subjected to plagiarism test by the Schools Division Research Committee (SRDC).
3. Only research papers that are presented in DepEd or with approval from DepEd
Officials (either in the Division, Region, National, International level) will be credited
in any ranking process in the division. A Notice of Acceptance of Basic Research/Action
Research/ CI paper with the full copy of the research and Certificate of Presentation
are proofs to be presented during the selection/ranking process.
(for Elementary Teachers/Master Teachers)
(For Secondary Teachers/Master Teachers)
This research proposal/full paper entitled “________________,” prepared and submitted
by _____________________ of _____________________ has been examined and
recommended for acceptance and approval.
Approved: ASDS
(For EPSvr/PSDS/SEPS, EPS II, Division Office Personnel/ Non-Teaching)
Approved: SDS
Approved: SDS
For funded research like BERF, the steps in research management cycle flowchart shall
be strictly followed with the direct supervision of the SEPS for planning and research.
1. Publication in the Online Book of Abstracts with ISSN 2467-6624 and Print Journal with
ISSN 2545-9589. All published research papers are carefully reviewed by the internal
and external reviewers with the use of the standard rubric for publication. All highly
publishable papers will be subjected to anti-plagiarism test (at least 90% originality of
the research work) prior publication.
DepEd Order No. 39, s. 2016 Basic Education Research Agenda (BERA)
DO 36, s. 2013 - Our Department of Education Vision, Mission and Core Values (DepEd, VMV)
DepEd Order No. 4, s. 2016 Amendment to DepEd Order No. 43, s. 2015 (Revised Guidelines
for the Basic Education Research Fund [BERF])
DepEd Order No. 43, s. 2015 Revised Guidelines for the Basic Education Research Fund
DM #279, s. 2017 Duties and Responsibilities of the District Research Officer and School
Research Coodinators
I hereby endorse the attached research proposal. I certify that the proponent/s has/have the
capacity to implement a research study without compromising his/her office functions.
Name and Signature of Immediate Supervisor
Date: ___________________
38 Division of Cagayan de Oro City- Research Manual
Name and Signature of Immediate Supervisor
Date: ___________________
Name and Signature of Immediate Supervisor
Date: ___________________
2. I hereby attest to the originality of this research proposal and has cited properly all the
references used. I further commit that all deliverables and the final research study emanating
from this proposal shall be of original content. I shall use appropriate citations in referencing
other works from various sources.
3. I understand that violation from this declaration and commitment shall be subject to
consequences and shall be dealt with accordingly by the Department of Education and (insert
grant mechanism).
PROPONENT: _____________________________________________
SIGNATURE: _______________________________________
DATE: __________________________
PROPONENT: _____________________________________________
SIGNATURE: _______________________________________
DATE: __________________________
39 Division of Cagayan de Oro City- Research Manual
PROPONENT: _____________________________________________
SIGNATURE: _______________________________________
DATE: __________________________
2. I hereby declare that I do not have any personal conflict of interest that may arise from my
application and submission of my research proposal. I understand that my research proposal
may be returned to me if found out that there is conflict of interest during the initial screening
as per (insert RMG provision).
3. Further, in case of any form of conflict of interest (possible or actual) which may
inadvertently emerge during the conduct of my research, I will duly report it to the research
committee for immediate action.
4. I understand that I may be held accountable by the Department of Education and (insert
grant mechanism) for any conflict of interest which I have intentionally concealed.
PROPONENT: _____________________________________________
SIGNATURE: _______________________________________
DATE: __________________________
PROPONENT: _____________________________________________
SIGNATURE: _______________________________________
DATE: __________________________
PROPONENT: _____________________________________________
SIGNATURE: _______________________________________
DATE: __________________________
Total Score
___________________ ___________________
Co- Chair Chairman
Total Score
___________________ ___________________
Co- Chair Chairman
(Note that points earned in the proposal will be added to the total points earned in the Final Paper)
Name of Researcher/s: School:
Title: Date of Review/Evaluation:
VI.Result and Discussion (15pts.) Score
0 3 5 10
Not -Presented a simple Highlighted and discussed how -Discussed how the results extend
discusse summary of the the result has reinforced what is knowledge about the field by reinforcing
d results and already known about the current thinking.
demonstrated innovation or intervention. -Presented a comprehensive and well-
original thinking. structured discussion making clear
links of what is already known about the
VII.Conclusion and Recommendation/s (15pts.) Score
0 2 3 5
Not -Not clearly - Stated in clear, simple language. -Provided a synthesis of opinions
included stated -Discussed how the findings differ or presented in the paper to show how
-No support those of others and why. these converge to address the problem/s
recommendatio -Indicated opportunities for future and the overall objectives of the
ns offered. study/investigation an in-depth innovation/ intervention.
awareness of the research problem. -Offered synthesis of key points and
recommended new areas for future
NOTE: To qualify for approval in the School/District, the proponent must have a minimum average
score of 70 points (Proposal + Final Paper).
___________________ ___________________
Co- Chair Chairman
This refers to the research proposal you submitted to the [insert governance level] for possible
funding under [insert fund source].
The Research Committee has carefully evaluated the final research proposal entitled
_________________________________________________________________ based on
the criteria prescribed in the Research Management Guidelines and we are pleased to inform you that
the said research proposal was approved for implementation.
In this regard, may we invite you to the [insert name of office / venue of orientation] on [insert
orientation date] for an orientation regarding the implementation of your research proposal. Further,
this will also be a venue for the signing of the Memorandum of Agreement
(MOA) which will contain the details of your engagement.
For clarifications and any concerns, kindly contact [insert contact office, focal person, and contact
We look forward to the successful implementation of your research. Thank you very much!
This refers to the research proposal you submitted to the [insert governance level] for possible
funding under [insert fund source].
The Research Committee has carefully evaluated the final research proposal entitled
_________________________________ based on
the criteria prescribed in the Research Management Guidelines. We regret to inform you that
the said research proposal did not pass the evaluation due to the following reasons:
We thank you for your interest in availing of the [insert research fund]. Kindly take note that
you can still resubmit this research proposal once all the comments and recommendations are
For clarifications and any concerns, kindly contact [insert contact office, focal person, and
contact details].
We look forward to future collaborations with you. Thank you very much!
This Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) is entered into in the [insert location], Philippines
by and between:
WHEREAS, DEPED aims to promote an environment conducive to the ideal of evidence-based decision-
making through the conduct of various research initiatives across all governance levels;
WHEREAS, DEPED has instituted the Basic Education Research Fund (BERF) as a funding
facility for potential research studies to be conducted by eligible DepEd personnel;
WHEREAS, DEPED has evaluated and approved all submitted research proposals to ensure the quality
and relevance of potential research studies and has informed the
research proponents of the results of the evaluation;
WHEREAS, the research proponent, now known as the "GRANTEE", has been oriented on
the systems and processes of the BERF facility.
NOW, THEREFORE, DEPED AND the GRANTEE (collectively known as the PARTIES)
agree as follows:
Section 1.1 All the activities in the approved research proposal to be conducted will be
[national / regional / division / district / school} in scope. The work plan of the approved
research proposal is attached as Annex 1 of this agreement.
52 Division of Cagayan de Oro City- Research Manual
Section 1.2 The implementation of the research study will last for [insert six months to
one year depending on the scope and the approved timeline] as approved.
Section 1.3 Any deviation from the original and approved research proposal will be
immediately communicated to the [insert Research Committee) by the GRANTEE All major
changes warrant the approval of the Research Committee. The approved research topic
cannot be changed by the GRANTEE at any point during the study.
1 This is just a sample MOA. The NRC and RRC may customize this MOA based on agreements
between the
GRANTEE and DEPED or standards on MOA execution within the office.
Section 1.4 In the event that the GRANTEE sees the need for an extension, a letter of
request for extension with justification will be submitted to the [insert research committee].
Valid reasons for extension which will be decided by the [insert research committee] include
illness of the grantee, calamities, disasters, and other extenuating circumstances The request
of extension will be approved provided there will be no additional cost to DEPED. The
GRANTEE will be allowed [insert maximum period of extension as per Research
Management Guidelines].
Section 1.5 In cases where unforeseen circumstances force the cessation of the
implementation of the research, the GRANTEE shall write a letter to the Research Committee
with justification and documentary support.
Section 2.1 The total cost of the approved research proposal is [insert total cost of
research proposal] DEPED will release payment to the GRANTEE in [insert number]
tranches provided that the GRANTEE will submit all the expected outputs. The table of
deliverables per tranches is outline in Annex of this MOA.
Section 3.1 Authorship and Ownership. The GRANTEE will be the sole author of the
research. (The study funded under BERF will be co-owned by the author/s and DepEd)
Written permission from the [insert Research Committee) is required when the research will
be presented in research conferences, forums, and other related events, or be published in
research journals and bulletins Also, in these presentations or publications, the GRANTEE
must duly acknowledge the funding source/s for the study.
Section 3.2 Plagiarism, Fraud, and Conflict of Interest. The GRANTEE will ensure that
the research proposal and final report submitted are original works. Appropriate referencing
and citation must be included in the submitted deliverables. Further, the GRANTEE will ensure that
there will be no conflict of interest during the conduct of the research. The GRANTEE has
submitted declarations of anti-plagiarism and absence of conflict of interest (please see
Any act of fraud and plagiarism will be dealt with accordingly. Further, if the
GRANTEE committed plagiarism or any form of fraud s/he will be blacklisted from availing
any other research grant mechanism in the Department.
Section 3.3 Failure to Complete Research Proposal. In the event that the GRANTEE
failed to complete and submit the deliverables, the research proponent will be required to
return the total amount of research fund s/he has received during the course of the
Section 3.4 Effectivity and Termination of MOA. The MOA will take effect on the date of
signature of both the GRANTEE and DEPED and will end upon the submission of all deliverables and
release of the funds. This MOA shall also be terminated under sections 1.5, 3.2, and 3.3 or any
circumstances that will lead to the non-completion of the research.
________________________________ ___________________________________
[Position of the grantee] [Research Committee Chair]
______________________________ ________________________________
[Secretariat member] [Any Research Committee Member]
Put a check mark if indicator is satisfactorily met. Remarks
Research Agenda and Policy Recommendations
The article is able to address the needs/concerns in education at present
Important and timely
Value or usefulness of the research to the field or profession or to the existing
knowledge in education
Connection to concrete national, regional or global significance
Inclusion of appropriate implications for practice and/or policy
Overall Presentation of Research Paper
Originality of Work
Overall clarity of ideas and expression.
Correct grammatical construction and accurate writing style.
Relevant and well-presented literature review.
Solid connections of theories and concepts in the framework of the study.
Clear and well-formulated research questions.
Clear and detailed data collection procedures: design, sampling, instruments, and
data collection.
Concrete and sufficient data analysis procedures.
Consistency with and use of relevant literature in presenting analysis of data and
Strength of argumentation: clarity of concepts, internal logic and organization.
Precise and accurate interpretation, presentation, and discussion of findings
Adequacy, coherence, and concreteness of tables and figures as used in the
interpretation, presentation and discussion of findings.
Decision: ________________________________________________
_____________________________________ _____________________________________
Rater 1 Rater 2 Rater 3
1. The signed consent forms shall be stored securely by the researcher/s.)
2. If the researchers will conduct interview with pupils/students below 18 years old, the
language used shall be at a level appropriate to the child's age and development.
A. Copyright Policy
Copyrights for journal articles are retained by the authors and co-authors, with first
publication rights granted to the publisher. Authors have rights to republish and
distribute their own articles provided that the publisher is not responsible for
subsequent uses of the work. Authors shall permit the publisher to apply a DOI (Digital
Object Identifier) to their articles and to archive them in databases and indexes
B. Submission Policy
Submission of an article implies that the research work described has not been
published previously in the regional, national and international publishing journals.
BERF and award winning research articles (division, regional and national) will be
prioritized in the review process prior publication.