Multi-National Coordinating Centre (MNCC)
Multi-National Coordinating Centre (MNCC)
Multi-National Coordinating Centre (MNCC)
The Proposed Multi National Coordination Centre (MNCC) building for Directorate of
Development and Works Service (DDWS) - Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) is located at Muara Naval
Base. The MNCC is the hub for the planning and conduct of multinational operations or exercises. This
building houses Commander Center, Briefing Room, Planners Room, Workstation Areas & Commander
Room for Multinational operations. The MNCC building is single storeyed structure with Mezzanine floor
(Partly) Commander Room. Raised floor is provided in Commander room, Server Room, Workstation
areas for Wiring/Cables. The length and breadth of the building is 38.5m X 24.5m respectively.
Project Duration - March 2013 - May 2013 (3Months Fast Track Projects)
Project Cost - 3.2 Million Brunei Dollars