Art Integration Lesson Plan Template: (Please Circle)
Art Integration Lesson Plan Template: (Please Circle)
Art Integration Lesson Plan Template: (Please Circle)
Lesson Title & Big Idea*: Your Impact on the World Around You (Big Idea: IMPACT)
Lesson Overview/Summary*: (This is like an abstract of the structure and procedures section) The most powerful
tool to changing the world is education. Students need to have knowledge to understand whats
going on around the world and feel passionate about issues. My goal for this lesson is to create an
understanding of ways to prevent further climate change and to be aware of consequences if we
dont, and make it child-friendly. Reading The Lorax will get my students thinking about how just
one person can have an impact their surroundings.
Key Concepts for each area (1-2 each): What you want the
students to know.*
1. Visual Art: You dont need fresh supplies to make art,
reusing items is a great way to make artwork. Also, art is
useful, not just for looking.
2. Literacy: Stories teach lessons. Every story has something
that you can take away from it.
3. Science: Our Earth is in danger and we must take action to
save it. There are so many ways that anyone can help.
Grade Level: 2
Class Periods Required:
(please circle)
it, making a bird feeder, and a planter, will reflect what they
have (or havent) learned about the environment and
sustainable living.
What student prior knowledge will this lesson require/draw upon? (what do they need to already know)
A few ways that they can be environmentally friendly. When we brainstorm a list of ideas, they should have a general
understanding of what is good or bad for our environment. They are probably aware of recycling and some other basic ideas of
being eco-friendly.
Technology Instructional and/or assistive technology incorporated into the lesson to enhance instruction and student learning
We will use the classroom SmartBoard when we brainstorm a list of ideas for helping the environment. To make this project
more green we will turn the lights off while using the board, so that we arent using too much electricity. I would also like to
use natural lighting and maybe just turn one light on while students to create art work to demonstrate ways the children can
reduce their energy consumption.
How will this lesson allow for/encourage students to solve problems in divergent ways?
Students have the opportunity to ask the teacher for help, any teachers aide (if applicable), as well as each other. This allows
them to use each other as a resource, which is an incredible tool for learning. Also, this project allows for creativity, so they
can decorate however they choose, which helps to avoid problems because it is individualized.
How will you engage students in routinely reflecting on their learning? (How will the students know they have learned something?)
Written responses as well as a class discussion will help students and the teacher to realize what the students have taken
away from this lesson.
Differentiated/Accommodations/Modifications/Increase in Rigor To help meet the needs of all learners, learning differences,
cultural and language differences, etc.
For students with ADHD, I will allow them to take a break whenever necessary. Also, if they need to stand up instead of
sitting during work, they are allowed to do so.
Students that have limited mobility or autism will be assisted by a paraprofessional in order to construct these projects.
Students that are English language learners will have access to a translation app.
I will walk students through the projects step-by-step so that students can follow along (auditory learners), as well as
having pictures of the each step on the SmartBoard, so students can follow that as well (visual learners).
The seeds are sent home with the students and peanut butter will not be provided because it is an allergy risk.
10 Eco Friendly Artists That Will Blow Your Mind - Eluxe Magazine. (2015, January 24). Retrieved December 1, 2015,
Biodegradable Toilet Paper Roll Seedling Pots. (n.d.). Retrieved December 3, 2015, from