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TOSD Endorsement Program Danielson Framework Lesson Plan Template

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TOSD Endorsement Program


Teacher Candidate: Jillian Hochuli
Date: December 7, 2015
Lesson Essential Question: What letter
comes after G? What sound does the
letter H make?

Subject/Grade/Program Type: Small

group; Self-Contained Preschool
Title of the Lesson: Letter Friend of the
Week: H introduction
Topic or Big Idea: Small group time is a
chance for students to work together and with
one or two of their peers to succeed in certain
areas. For my particular small group, students
will focus on the letters of the alphabet, the
sounds the letters make, and begin to identify
some words that start with those letters.

Unit Essential Question: What are the

letters of the alphabet? What sounds do
those letters make?

Extending Thinking

Assessment Lesson

**The delivery of your lesson is always contingent upon the content you intended to deliver. Sometimes you
may address all of the elements in the template and sometimes you may not. This template is a guide to
ensure you are addressing the essential elements of a lesson plan to ensure students will be able to
demonstrate enduring understanding.**


Core Focus

Statement of Objective What should students know and do as a result of

the lesson? (Component 1C)

Students will be able to identify the letter H and name some words that
start with the letter H. Students will be able to determine if a word starts
with the letter H by listening to the beginning sounds of the words.
Relevance/Rationale: (Why are the outcomes of this lesson important in the
real world? Why are these outcomes essential for future learning?) (Components

The skills learned in this lesson are widely important, not just in school, but
in everyday life. Learning the letters and sounds of the alphabet is the
basic skill, which leads to all other language and literacy skills that the
students will learn in their school years. Without learning these skills,
students will unable to learn how to decode words and therefore, unable to
learn to read.

SOC.PK.0.1.2: Express Ideas for activities and initiate discussions

SOC.PK.0.1.3: Actively engage in activities and interactions with teachers

and peers
SOC.PK.0.2.4: Attend to tasks for a period of time
SOC.PK.0.4.1: Engage appropriately with peers and teachers in classroom
RF.PK. 1.a,b,c,d: Begin to demonstrate understanding of basic features of
print (Following words from left to right, top to bottom, page by page.
Recognize that spoken words can be written and read. Recognize that
words are separated by spaces. Recognize and name many upper and
lower letters of the alphabet)

with ESL

y Set

y / Short

Statement of Language Objective: How will the student demonstrate

understanding using the four domains of reading, writing, speaking, and/or
listening? (Components 1B, 1C)

Students will demonstrate understanding by providing answers to

essential questions, listening to directions, and using their prior knowledge
to determine the sounds of letters and decoding the sounds of words.
Students will also demonstrate understanding by listening to the words
that are being spoken and determining whether or not the word starts with
the letter H. Furthermore, students will demonstrate understanding
Do Now / Warm-up - How will you engage students in learning? How will you
connect the lesson to their prior knowledge? (Component 1E)

Students will be introduced to the lesson by asking what the new letter
friend is, which is something that will have been discussed during the
Circle Time period. Students will turn to the board for help if necessary.
After the students answer the question, the mystery H bucket is used. My
students and I will discuss the things that are in the bucket, with the
students using their words to express what it is, being able to physically
touch it and hold it, and then putting them in a visible location. After the
bucket is empty, the students put the items back in the bucket. I will then
start giving them clues as to what object I am talking about. Students take
turns taking the things out of the bucket and placing them in front of them.
Teacher Directed Activities: ( Teaching of the new concept)
How will you aid students in constructing meaning of new concepts? How will you
introduce/model new skills or procedures? What instructional strategy(ies) will you
introduce, re-introduce or utilize to ensure comprehension? (Component 1E)

Students are then shown how the letter H is made, with both capitals and


lowercase, using the Handwriting without Tears wooden sticks. Students

take turns making the letters using the sticks. After each student has had a
turn, the students are giving the worksheet. The teacher reads the riddle
and the students color the picture.
Teacher-Monitored Activities:
What will students do together to use new concepts or skills? How will you assist
students in this process? (Component 1E)

The students then carefully cut out the four pictures from the bottom of
the page. Once students have cut out the pictures, they discuss the
pictures they see and whether or not the word starts with H. Students glue
the pictures that start with H to the circles on the picture. The students are
required to say what each picture is, emphasizing the H sound at the
beginning of the word.
t Practice
or Activities

Practice Activities, Refinement, and Extension: What opportunities will

students have to use the new skills and concepts in a meaningful way? How will
students expand and solidify their understanding of the concept and apply it to a
real-world situation? How will students demonstrate their mastery of the essential
learning outcomes? (Components 1E, 1F)

Throughout the whole week, students are given the opportunity to use the
skills and concepts that they learned in this lesson. The week is centered
around the letter H and students are encouraged to answer essential
questions, ask questions if they have any, and use the new vocabulary
words they learned. The students complete a worksheet at the beginning
of each day that is focused on the Letter Friend of the week. The
worksheets are sent home every day. Also, I have about 5 minutes of
individualized time with each student every morning, where we work on
various skills. This time usually includes tracing or writing our letter friends
independently on the back of the morning worksheet. Parents are
encouraged to work on the letter friend with their students.
What does
success on
this lessons
outcomes look

Assessment: How will
you & your students know
if they have successfully
met the outcomes? What
specific criteria will be met
in a successful

Closure Activities:
How will you assist
students in reflecting
upon what they
learned today and are
preparing for
tomorrows lesson?
What homework will
be assigned to help
students practice,
prepare, or elaborate
on a concept or skill

Summative Assessment:
How will you ensure that all
students have mastered the
identified learning
indicators? How will you
assess their learning daily?
How will you assess their
learning at the end of a unit?

If students are able to

identify the pictures
that they cut out, and
determine which three
needs to be glued to
the worksheet, with

On an individual
basis, students will
be asked to remind
us what our Letter
Friend is for the
week. They will also

It is difficult, especially at
the preschool level to
ensure that the students
have mastered the skill.
However, it is my hope
that when the students

minimal assistance, and

can identify the letter H
on their morning
worksheets, I feel as if
they have successfully
met the learning


be asked to look at
their paper and tell
us one word that
they know starts
with the letter H.

come in the next day,

they will be able to
identify the letter H. Also,
when completing circle
time activities, if a
student determines a new
word that starts with H, or
it comes up in daily
conversation, I feel as if
the students have
succeeded with the lesson
and skill.

What texts, digital resources, & materials will be used in this lesson? (Component

There is potential for a technology component if deemed necessary. The

app Starfall does a great description of each letter that students can
watch on the iPad, if something more interactive is needed.
Access for

How will you ensure that all students have access to and are able to engage
appropriately in this lesson? Consider all aspects of student diversity ELL, IEP, &
Gifted, etc. (Components 1B, 1C, 1E)

The focus level of the students is something I battle with on a daily basis.
There are some students who have a difficult time sitting through small
groups for 45 minutes. However, we attempt to make each small group
interactive and interesting so that the students are encouraged to focus
and pay attention. For my group, it is the most academic based group out
of the 3, so it will be a struggle to engage appropriately. However,
reminders are given, and my cooperating teacher often sits with the
students who we believe will have a difficult time focusing and engaging.
This immediate reminder and support is helpful.

What curriculum modifications and/or classroom accommodations will you make

for Students with learning differences in your class? Be as specific as possible.
(Component 1B, 1D)

Low achieving students will receive more one-to-one instruction during the
small group than others. These students may need assistance with cutting,
coloring, and writing letters. High achieving will be given a little more
independence during this lesson and may even be asked to help students
who are struggling.


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