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USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Grade Level Being Taught: 2 Subject/Content:

Lesson Content What Standards (national or state) relate to this lesson? (You should include ALL applicable standards. Rarely do teachers use just one: theyd never get through them all.) Essential Understanding (What is the big idea or essential question that you want students to come away with? In other words, what, aside from the standard and our objective, will students understand when they finish this lesson?)

Name: __Sabrina Schaller__________________________________ Group Size: 3 Date of Lesson:

CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.RF.2.3.A Distinguish long and short vowels when reading regularly spelled one-syllable words.

Students will understand how to create a variety of long vowels and sounds to create words.

Objectives- What are you teaching? (Student-centered: What will students know and be able to do after this lesson? Include the ABCDs of objectives: action, After students practice using long vowel words with ea, igh, and ai they will be able to complete each of behavior, condition, and degree of the first school years worksheets with 90% accuracy. mastery, i.e., "C: Given a sentence written in the past or present tense, A: the student B: will be able to rewrite the sentence in future tense D: with no errors in tense or tense contradiction (i.e., I will see her yesterday.)." Note: Degree of mastery does not need to be a percentage.) Rationale

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Grade Level Being Taught: 2 Subject/Content:
Address the following questions: Why are you teaching this objective? Where does this lesson fit within a larger plan? Why are you teaching it this way? Why is it important for students to learn this concept? Evaluation Plan- How will you know students have mastered your objectives? Address the following: What formative evidence will you use to document student learning during this lesson? What summative evidence will you collect, either during this lesson or in upcoming lessons?

Name: __Sabrina Schaller__________________________________ Group Size: 3 Date of Lesson:

This objective is being taught because the three students grouped together have a hard time with long vowels according to their spelling inventory. Once students are able to distinguish how to sound the vowels out based on how they appear they can read words in a text much more fluently. I am teaching it this way because it provides a visual, auditory, and hands on approach to the lesson so that the students can really comprehend the lesson. Students must learn this so that when they read they will look at the combinations of the letters and remember the sounds and tools to create the meaning of the word.

Formative: Teacher will look to see that students are writing the words correctly based on their vowel structure and completing the worksheets correctly. Summative: Teacher will collect worksheets and check for 90% accuracy on each worksheet.

What Content Knowledge is necessary for a teacher to teach this material?

The teacher needs to know that the middle within word pattern stage is the stage where they can spell most one-syllable short-vowel words. During this stage they are learning how to spell long-vowel patterns and learn words that dont always fit the expectations like come and bread. Teacher needs to know the sounds igh, ei, and ai make (see worksheets attached at bottom for words). Students learn complex consonant sounds including tch (match) and dge(judge) and less frequent vowel patterns such as oi/oy (boy), au (caught), etc.

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Grade Level Being Taught: 2 Subject/Content:
What background knowledge is necessary for a student to successfully meet these objectives? How will you ensure students have this previous knowledge? Who are your learners? What do you know about them? What do you know about their readiness for this content? What misconceptions might students have about this content?

Name: __Sabrina Schaller__________________________________ Group Size: 3 Date of Lesson:

Students need to know the letters of the alphabet and the different sounds they make. They need to know how to write their letters as well as use prior knowledge on blends and diagraphs. My learners are on level readers. They enjoy reading and arent easily frustrated. These students will most likely require quite a bit of practice on long vowels until they master the different ways of spelling and word usage.

Students may confuse spelling patterns and spell meet as mete and reverse the order of letters, like form and from. They may also confuse the long vowel sounds like neighbor as neybor or eight as ate.

Lesson Implementation Teaching Methods (What teaching method(s) will you use during this lesson? Examples include guided release, 5 Es, direct instruction, lecture, demonstration, partner word, etc.)

Direct modeling and group work will be my teaching methods for this lesson.

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Grade Level Being Taught: 2 Subject/Content:
Step-by-Step Plan (What exactly do you plan to do in teaching this lesson? Be thorough. Act as if you needed a substitute to carry out the lesson for you.) Where applicable, be sure to address the following: What Higher Order Thinking (H.O.T.) questions will you ask? How will materials be distributed? Who will work together in groups and how will you determine the grouping? How will students transition between activities? What will you as the teacher do? What will the students do? What student data will be collected during each phase? What are other adults in the room doing? How are they supporting students learning? What model of co-teaching are you using? Time Who is responsible (Teacher or Students)?

Name: __Sabrina Schaller__________________________________ Group Size: 3 Date of Lesson:




Intro: We are going to learn about long vowel sounds. They tend to have a few letter buddies with them but are super silent and together make only one sound. Teach them: When vowel teams go walking the first one does the talking Lets dive in to see what they are! We are going to watch a video on the long vowel sound ai first.: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=boN78Nto2Gc Explain to student how to create the word journal. They will write ai, ea, and igh on separate sticky note and paste the words underneath them on a page in their journal. Lets look at all the words we can make with the two vowels a and i. (look at attached worksheet) Tell students to paste words they like. As they are pasting them make sure to reinforce that they are saying them. Watch video on ea: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgwzMNMP9ig allow students to paste some words. Next have students watch video on igh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMOZZr3BPbg allow them to paste words Once finished students need to complete the ea worksheet first and once finished they can do the ai worksheet and if time permits the crossword worksheet. These need to be done in this specific order.


What will you do if

a student struggles with the content? I will check to see what the student is struggling with and create an intervention strategy based on ability.

What will you do if

a student masters the content quickly?

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Grade Level Being Taught: 2 Subject/Content:

Name: __Sabrina Schaller__________________________________ Group Size: 3 Date of Lesson:

Meeting your students needs as people and as learners

Depending on which vowel they master quickest the student will need to use the computer to find other vowel pairs that make the same sound for example ai and ay and distinguish the different words byt writing them down. If applicable, how does this lesson connect to the interests and cultural backgrounds of your students? English is a language that has been around for a long time and without the fundamentals it will be hard to read it. If applicable, how does this lesson connect to/reflect the local community? Reading is all around us and without the ability to read and determine the various vowels students wouldnt be able to read billboards or any local news. How will you differentiate instruction for students who need additional challenge during this lesson (enrichment)? Student will create words using paper letters. How will you differentiate instruction for students who need additional language support? NA

Accommodations (If needed) (What students need specific accommodation? List individual students (initials), and then explain the accommodation(s) you will implement for these unique learners.) Materials (What materials will you use? Why did you choose these materials? Include any resources you used.


http://www.firstschoolyears.com/literacy/word/phonics/vowels/resources/ai%20word%20bank.pdf (ai) http://www.firstschoolyears.com/literacy/word/phonics/vowels/worksheets/igh%20wordsearch.pdf (igh worksheet)

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Grade Level Being Taught: 2 Subject/Content:
This can also include people!)

Name: __Sabrina Schaller__________________________________ Group Size: 3 Date of Lesson:

http://www.firstschoolyears.com/literacy/word/phonics/vowels/resources/igh%20word%20bank.pdf (igh) http://www.firstschoolyears.com/literacy/word/phonics/vowels/worksheets/ai%20words%20missing %20vowels.pdf (ai worksheet) http://www.firstschoolyears.com/literacy/word/phonics/vowels/resources/ea%20word%20bank.pdf (ea) http://www.galacticphonics.com/longvowels/ea/resources/eapictures.pdf (ea worksheet) pineterest.com http://www.corestandards.org/ELA-Literacy/RF/2/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMOZZr3BPbg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CgwzMNMP9ig https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=boN78Nto2Gc


USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Grade Level Being Taught: 2 Subject/Content:

Name: __Sabrina Schaller__________________________________ Group Size: 3 Date of Lesson:

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Grade Level Being Taught: 2 Subject/Content:

Name: __Sabrina Schaller__________________________________ Group Size: 3 Date of Lesson:

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Grade Level Being Taught: 2 Subject/Content:

Name: __Sabrina Schaller__________________________________ Group Size: 3 Date of Lesson:

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Grade Level Being Taught: 2 Subject/Content:

Name: __Sabrina Schaller__________________________________ Group Size: 3 Date of Lesson:

USF Elementary Education Lesson Plan Template (S 2014) Grade Level Being Taught: 2 Subject/Content:

Name: __Sabrina Schaller__________________________________ Group Size: 3 Date of Lesson:

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