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Unit Plan

Teacher Candidate: Alyssa Serfling and Shayla Simons

Grade Level: Middle School
Subject: Colored Pencils and Watercolors

Experiment with the basic watercolor, watercolor pencil, and colored pencil techniques and
explore a wide variety of subject matters.

Class Dates:
11/4/15 4:00-5:00 pm
11/11/15 4:00-5:00 pm
11/18/15 4:00-5:00 pm
12/2/15 4:00-5:00 pm
12/9/15 4:00-5:00 pm
National Core Arts Standards http://www.nationalartsstandards.org//
State Standard(s): http://doe.sd.gov/contentstandards/

Goals/ Outcomes (minimum of 4 based on the NVA standards)

Anchor Standard: Generate and conceptualize artistic ideas and work.

Creating: VA:Cr1.1.7: Apply methods to overcome creative blocks. Utilize newly learned
techniques in artwork.

Presenting: VA:Pr5.1.7: Based on criteria, analyze and evaluate methods for preparing and
presenting art.

Responding: VA:Re8.1.7: Interpret art by analyzing art-making approaches, the

characteristics of form and structure, relevant contextual information, subject matter, and use
of media to identify ideas and mood conveyed.

Connecting: VA:Cn10.1.6: Generate a collection of ideas reflecting current interests and

concerns that could be investigated in art-making.

Learning Objectives

L1. VA:Cr1.1.7: Students will be able to apply one of each of the newly learned techniques
including the watercolor techniques of wet on wet, wet on dry, flat wash, and salt, as well as
the colored pencil techniques of circle blending, line blending, burnishing, and paint thinner
blending on a specified project sheet.
L2. VA:Cr1.1.7: Students will be able to create a composition distinguishing watercolor
background and at least three watercolor pencil abstract foreground objects utilizing newly
learned watercolor, watercolor pencil, and colored pencil techniques.
L3. VA:Pr5.1.7: Students will be able to produce a neat mounted version of their abstracted
piece on construction paper to display in the classroom.
L4. VA:Re8.1.7: Students will be able to identify different ideas and moods being conveyed in
abstract works by examining works together in class and offering their own input; students
will then compare and contrast each other's abstract works, searching for techniques they
could utilize in their next project.
L5. VA:Cn10:1.6: Students will be able to explain how their landscape project reflects their
current interests.



According to Lowenfelds growth and creative stages, this age group is concerned with
drawing realistically and compare their works with others, often seeing the criticisms of
their art but not the elements they did well. The watercolor and colored pencil blending
techniques that the students will learn and implement will help them succeed in the
realism they want to achieve. Starting with abstract and moving on to the landscape will
help them achieve a solid foundation in techniques that they can build off of. Eriksons
stages of psychosocial development states that students of this age are also struggling
with identity. The students will be choosing a landscape that appeals to them and that
they connect with. Middle school students are more willing to tackle new techniques and
materials at this stage, and they are also becoming more technically proficient
regarding hand-eye coordination; this bodes well for learning new techniques and
employing them in increasingly more realistic projects.

L1. Name-card assignment - Students will begin the class by playing with watercolor and
colored pencil materials to decorate their name. This will give students a chance to
experiment with materials before trying out techniques.

L1. Students will complete an assignment sheet exampling each technique the teachers
demonstrate in class. The assessment will allow students to replicate each of the
techniques learned in class and further the ultimate goal of teaching and experimenting
with various watercolor and colored pencil techniques.
L2. Students will begin an abstracted project utilizing tape to mask out their objects.
Students will proceed to demonstrate their knowledge of techniques from the previous
lesson, referring to their completed watercolor techniques sheet to choose techniques
to utilize for the background of their new project.
L3. Students will be able to answer questions regarding the names and applications of
techniques, and will be able to point out the techniques they are utilizing in their
abstract pieces.
L4. Students will be able to neatly mount their abstract pieces and point out to the class
which colored pencil or watercolor techniques they utilized.
L5. Students will be able to point out the foreground, middle ground, and background
within their landscape pieces to the class.

L1. Evaluate technique assessment sheet via a checklist detailing each technique.
Students must satisfactorily complete each technique with good craft.
L2. Evaluate students work by assuring that all students have made significant
progress on the watercolor backgrounds of their abstract pieces, as well as have
blocked off a minimum of 2-3 abstract objects with tape.
L3. Evaluate students work by assuring that all students have completed or are within
close range of completing abstract pieces and presenting them in matted form.
L4. Evaluate students work by assuring that all students have presented their abstract
piece in mounted form with their name on the bottom. Evaluate students work by
assuring that all students have started and made significant progress towards
completing their landscape project.
L5. Evaluate students work by assuring that all students have completed a landscape
project utilizing good craft and a number of techniques equal to or exceeding the
required number.

Key Vocabulary:

Technology needed:

List words that you will either introduce or

review which build background/schema
relevant to the content area.

How will you use technology to engage

students in authentic learning
How will you address diverse learning
needs through technology?

L1. Watercolors, colored pencils,

burnishing, solvent
L2. Foreground, background, watercolor
pencils, tape/masking fluid, abstract
L3. Landscape, middle ground
L5. Critique

We will utilize a computer, a television,

and an HDMI cord to display a video
showing different techniques for creating
artwork to attain student interest.


Cultural exemplar: Helen Frankenthaler

Computer, television, HDMI cord,

watercolors for every pair of students if
possible, watercolor brushes, sponges,
painters tape, white crayon, salt, paper
towels, watercolor paper, colored pencils,
mineral spirits, construction paper.

We will have to make accommodations for the students from Northwestern School who
will be arriving a bit late each lesson due to their drive time; we will have to arrange
each lesson so that they dont miss any pertinent instruction, or redo said instruction
when Northwestern students arrive.
We will have to make accommodations for an individual with special learning needs in
our classroom by giving them extra help and guidance as needed.

Scope: and Sequence of experiences:

L1. Introductions, introduce new techniques (colored pencils and watercolors)

-Introductions: Students will create their own name tags using the watercolors and
colored pencils freely. Go around the room and have each student introduce themselves.
-Watercolor: how to do watercolor painting, how to mix paint, different ways to apply
paint (wet on dry, wet on wet, splatter), abnormal techniques (sponge, salt, rice, etc.)
-Colored Pencils: how to do colored pencils, light vs. hard applications, burnishing, paint
thinner/oil blending
-Project: Students will replicate each watercolor and colored pencil technique shown by
the instructors
-Open Project: experiment with techniques however they want/create a new name tag
utilizing at least 2 of the new techniques we learned (time permitting)

L2. Demo Watercolor pencils, masking fluid/tape. Demo how to make a background,
different techniques. Students begin project with watercolor as background and
watercolor pencils as object (abstract) (progress to next class). Have a small sheet of
paper for them to experiment with certain techniques on before they progress to their
larger project. Students should utilize different watercolor and watercolor pencil
techniques for their background. Students should also block off areas where they will go
in later with tape before they put watercolor down; colored pencils will be used to fully
define objects and add finishing touches in the next class period.

L3. Continue working on abstracted project. Review colored pencil techniques at the
beginning of class time. Remove tape and block in abstracted objects with colored
pencils, fill in, and utilize blending techniques. Assist students individually as needed
with colored pencil techniques, or background touch-ups. Mount abstracted projects if
they are dry and present. Close with telling class to think about landscapes they could
do for a project next class; bring a picture for the next class.

L4. Landscape project (bring our own examples) demonstrate how to lay out
foreground, middle ground, background show watercolor for background, watercolor
pencils middle ground, colored pencils for foreground. Help students lay out their project
landscape, block in objects. Work on project. Students must include at least 3 different
watercolor techniques and 3 different colored pencil techniques in final project.

L5. Students add finishing touches to landscape project. Critique; go around to each
project and talk about what they like, what they learned, what theyd do differently next
Example Questions: For example, how could you have used a different technique to
create the same object? Or where could you have added another object to create more
balance in your piece? Why did you choose to depict a cityscape vs. mountains?


Lesson 1: Learning the Basics

I Do, You Do, We Do

L1. VA:Cr1.1.7: Students will be able to apply one of each of the newly learned
techniques on a specified project sheet.

L1. We will activate student interest by our opening activity. Students will create their
own name tags using techniques they already know, using colors that represent
themselves. This will transition into presenting new techniques to the students
following completion of introductions.


I Do: Instructors will show art technique video via television hookup to demonstrate
some of the techniques. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cpjFAjj8C9o
Instructors will then go through each technique step-by step, leading into guided
practice. Instructors will show one or two techniques, followed by students
replicating that technique. Instructors will cover the colored pencil techniques of
burnishing, colorless blending pencil, and using mineral spirits, as well as the
watercolor techniques of color mixing, flat wash, wet on dry, wet on wet, and salt.

We Do: Students will replicate each technique the teachers demonstrate as they
demonstrate it, utilizing good craft and organization within their project technique
sheet. Teachers will walk around to make sure students know exactly what to do.
Upon completion of the project technique sheet, students will keep it at the ARCC to
refer to throughout the class.

You Do: Students will continue to experiment with newly-learned techniques in

colored pencils and watercolors. Time permitting, students will recreate their small
name card utilizing some of the new techniques they have learned.

Lesson Closing: Teachers will review new techniques with students by asking them
questions about procedures involved with each technique. Teachers will
clarify/answer any questions students have.
Lesson 2: Beginning in Abstract

I Do, You Do, We Do

L2. VA:Cr1.1.7: Students will be able to create a composition distinguishing

watercolor background and at least three watercolor pencil abstract foreground
objects utilizing newly learned watercolor, watercolor pencil, and colored pencil

L2. We will activate student interest by doing a demonstration involving blocking off
watercolor paper with tape or masking fluid. We will also demonstrate different
watercolor pencil techniques. Students will do each technique with us before we dive
into the project.

I Do: Instructors will demonstrate at beginning of class different techniques involving

watercolor pencils and watercolor techniques utilizing masking fluid and tape.
Students will do each technique following each individual demonstration. Instructors
will then show students how to make a background utilizing watercolors and
watercolor pencils, as well as how to block off objects you may want to fill in with a
different medium later. Instructors will introduce the abstract project.
We Do: Students will each receive a large sheet of paper for their project handed out

by the teachers. They will also use their smaller sheet of paper they used for
practicing the techniques to continue to practice techniques before doing them on
their actual project paper. We will assist students as needed in lightly sketching out
abstract objects, then taping/masking over them.
You Do: Students will fill in their backgrounds utilizing watercolor techniques and
watercolor pencils techniques. Students will utilize 2 different watercolor techniques
from the first day of class in their background to create space, depth, and texture.
Lesson Closing: As students near the end of class, teachers will review new
techniques with students by asking them questions about procedures involved with
the techniques. As students clean up their areas and set their work aside to dry,
teachers will ask them questions regarding masking fluid/tape and watercolor
pencils. Teachers will remind students to be thinking of how to depict abstract
objects for the next class period in their projects.
Lesson 3: Displaying Your Work

I Do, You Do, We Do

L3. VA:Pr5.1.7: Students will be able to produce a neat mounted version of their
abstracted piece on construction paper to display in the classroom.

I Do: A. Review of watercolor pencil and colored pencil techniques will begin class. I
would demonstrate these again and check for understanding. Give requirement of at
least 2 colored pencil techniques for each so they have something they are working
toward on their abstract project.

We Do: I will demonstrate how to remove tape and block in abstracted objects with
watercolor pencils, fill in, and utilize blending techniques. You Do: Students continue
to work on abstracted project. Assist students individually as needed with colored
pencil techniques, or background touch-ups.

We do: With our direction, students will mount abstracted projects if they are dry.
They will do this by gluing project onto colored construction paper.

Lesson Closing: I would have them show their work and discuss the types of
techniques that they have used during their project. Close with telling class to think
about landscapes they could do for a project next class; bring a picture for the next
class. Students who finish early can begin to brainstorm and sketch landscape ideas.

Lesson 4: Learning About Landscapes

I Do, You Do, We Do

L4. VA:Re8.1.7: Students will be able to identify different ideas and moods being
conveyed in abstract works; students will then compare and contrast each other's
abstract works, searching for techniques they could utilize in their next project.

The day will start with hanging up the previous project and having the students
describe their projects to the rest of the class.

I Do: Begin the lesson with presenting example projects and objectives for the
lesson. We will demonstrate how to lay out foreground, middle ground, background.
We will show how we did watercolor for background, watercolor pencils middle
ground, colored pencils for foreground. Present PowerPoint on landscape to help
generate interest and inspiration.

We Do: Help students lay out their project landscape, block in objects. The students
can use a photo that they have or one that we provide.

You Do: Work on project. Students must include at least 3 different watercolor
techniques and 3 different colored pencil techniques in final project.

Lesson Closing: The class will close with the students cleaning up as we review the
requirements of the project and answer question.

Lesson 5: Final Landscapes and Mini Critique of Landscapes

I Do, You Do, We Do

L5. VA:Cn10:1.6: Students will be able to explain how their landscape project reflects
their current interests.

L5. We will activate student interest by encouraging them to get as closed to finished
as possible with their projects in order so that they can take a look at everyones
finished projects before we begin a casual critique.

I Do: Instructors will walk around the room and assist students as needed with
finishing up their landscape projects.

You Do: Students will finish up their landscape projects utilizing watercolors,
watercolor pencils, and colored pencils, trying to meet all criteria.

We Do: Upon completion (or close to completion), instructors will do a casual critique
with students, asking them to briefly comment on each others works; what they did
well, what they like, what they could do differently next time to improve, etc.
Students will be able to name each technique they used in their project and point out
specifically where it is utilized in their landscape.

Lesson Closing: We will wrap up the class by finishing up a very casual, short critique
and thanking each student for attending our class. We will make sure each student
has their finished work to take home with them and that the classroom is cleaned up
and ready for the next people who use it.
Lesson Closing

L1. Teachers will review new techniques with students by asking them questions about
procedures involved with each technique. Teachers will clarify/answer any questions
students have.


L2. As students near the end of class, teachers will review new techniques with students
by asking them questions about procedures involved with the techniques. As students
clean up their areas and set their work aside to dry, teachers will ask them questions
regarding masking fluid/tape and watercolor pencils. Teachers will remind students to be
thinking of how to depict abstract objects for the next class period in their projects.
L3. Close with telling class to think about landscapes they could do for a project next
class; bring a picture for the next class. Students who finish early can begin to
brainstorm and sketch landscape ideas.
L4. We will close with reviewing landscape terms including foreground, middle ground,
and background, as well as reminding students that the next class period will be our last
to work on projects.
L5. We will wrap up the class by finishing up a very casual, short critique and thanking
each student for attending our class. We will make sure each student has their finished
work to take home with them and that the classroom is cleaned up and ready for the
next people who use it.


Reflect on your effectiveness as a teacher based on the analysis of students

List two things you feel you did well to plan, implement, or assess instruction.
I felt we did well in terms of progressing to different techniques throughout the unit


plan. We started with a plethora of basic techniques, then moved onward to more
complex techniques that required more planning on behalf of the student.
I think that the projects we chose were good for these students. The nonobjective gave
them the ability to easily experiment with the materials and to help give them more
knowledge and confidence for the landscape piece.
Describe the changes you would make if you were to teach this lesson again.
I felt as though the students were more interested in the landscape project and had
worked on that project more slowly and more diligently. If I were to do this again, I would
have the nonobjective project be a day and a half and the landscape project be two and
a half days.
I also think I would include a worksheet for each student where they have to label
foreground, middle ground, and background during the landscape lesson.

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