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CH 11

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The passage discusses monosaccharides, disaccharides, and polysaccharides. It focuses on their structures, properties, and examples.

The main carbohydrates discussed are monosaccharides like glucose and fructose, disaccharides like sucrose and lactose, and polysaccharides like cellulose, glycogen, and starch.

Glucose has a six-carbon structure that can exist as both an alpha and beta anomer in solution. It commonly exists as a ring structure with an alcoholic hydroxyl group.

Chapter 11: Sugars and Polysaccharides




























1. Glucose, with its four chiral carbons, has ______ possible stereoisomers.
Ans: K
Level of Difficulty: Easy
Section: 11-1. Monosaccharides
2. The smallest aldose is ______.
Ans: H
Level of Difficulty: Easy
Section: 11-1. Monosaccharides
3. The monosaccharides -D-galactose and -D-galactose are ______.
Ans: E

Level of Difficulty: Easy

Section: 11-1. Monosaccharides
4. Bulky ring substituents preferentially occupy ______ positions in the chair conformation.
Ans: M
Level of Difficulty: Easy
Section: 11-1. Monosaccharides
5. The ______ sugars are monosaccharides in which a hydroxyl group is replaced with a
Ans: B
Level of Difficulty: Easy
Section: 11-1. Monosaccharides
6. The disaccharide commonly found in dairy products is ______.
Ans: G
Level of Difficulty: Easy
Section: 11-2. Polysaccharides
7. Both (14) and (16) bonds can be found in the plant product______.
Ans: I
Level of Difficulty: Easy
Section: 11-2. Polysaccharides
8. The main component of a bacterial cell wall is a ______.
Ans: C
Level of Difficulty: Easy
Section: 11-3. Glycoproteins
9. An example of a homopolysaccharide in liver and muscle is ______.
Ans: L
Level of Difficulty: Easy
Section: 11-2. Polysaccharides

Multiple Choice

10. At equilibrium in solution, D-glucose consists of a mixture of its anomers. Which statement
most accurately describes the solution?
A) The solution consists of approximately equal amounts of the - and -anomers.
B) The straight-chain form is present in high concentration.
C) The -anomer is more stable and is slightly preferred over the -anomer.
D) The -anomer predominates over the -anomer by a ratio of approximately 2:1.
E) None of the above.
Ans: D
Level of Difficulty: Easy
Section: 11-1. Monosaccharides
11. Which of the following sugars is not a reducing sugar?
A) glucose
B) ribose
C) sucrose
D) starch
E) galactose
Ans: C
Level of Difficulty: Moderate
Section: 11-2. Polysaccharides
12. How many stereoisomers are possible for an aldopentose such as ribose?
A) 2
B) 4
C) 8
D) 16
E) 32
Ans: C
Level of Difficulty: Easy
Section: 11-1. Monosaccharides
13. How many stereoisomers are possible for a ketopentose such as ribulose?
A) 2
B) 4
C) 8
D) 16
E) 32
Ans: B
Level of Difficulty: Easy
Section: 11-1. Monosaccharides

The figure below is used in questions 14-16:

14. Which of the sugars shown in the figure are L sugars?

A) A and B
B) B and C
C) C and D
D) A and D
E) None of the above
Ans: C
Level of Difficulty: Moderate
Section: 11-1. Monosaccharides
15. Which sugar is the enantiomer of sugar A?
A) B


B and D
none of the above

Ans: C
Level of Difficulty: Moderate
Section: 11-1. Monosaccharides
16. Which two sugars shown in the figure are epimers?
A) A and B
B) B and C
C) C and D
D) A and D
E) None of the above
Ans: A
Level of Difficulty: Easy
Section: 11-1. Monosaccharides
17. The transformation of a monosaccharide into its ______ occurs easily and does not require
the assistance of a catalyst.
A) epimer
B) anomer
C) sugar alcohol
D) diastereomer
E) none of the above
Ans: B
Level of Difficulty: Moderate
Section: 11-1. Monosaccharides
18. Which of the following is an example of a heteropolysaccharide?
A) cellulose
B) chitin
C) starch
D) glycogen
E) glycosaminoglycan
Ans: E
Level of Difficulty: Moderate
Section: 11-2. Polysaccharides

19. Which of the following polysaccharides cannot be digested by mammalian salivary, gastric,
or pancreatic enzymes?
A) cellulose
B) amylopectin
C) amylose
D) glycogen
E) starch
Ans: A
Level of Difficulty: Moderate
Section: 11-2. Polysaccharides
20. Proteins that bind specific carbohydrates are called ______.
A) pectins
B) oligonucleotides
C) glycosaminoglycans
D) lectins
E) chitins
Ans: D
Level of Difficulty: Easy
Section: 11-3. Glycoproteins
21. Bacterial cell walls are constructed of _____.
A) pectin
B) chondroitin sulfate chains
C) peptidoglycans
D) heparin
E) all of the above
Ans: C
Level of Difficulty: Easy
Section: 11-3. Glycoproteins
22. O-linked oligosaccharides are commonly attached to the oxygen of _____.
A) ribose
B) tyrosine
C) lysine
D) threonine
E) glycine
Ans: D

Level of Difficulty: Easy

Section: 11-3. Glycoproteins
23. Hyaluronic acids would not be good energy storage polysaccharides because
A) enzymes cannot cleave (14) linkages.
B) hyaluronic acids are always short polymers (<250 units).
C) hyaluronic acids are too insoluble.
D) solutions of hyaluronic acids have a very large osmotic pressure.
E) none of the above
Ans: D
Level of Difficulty: Easy
Section: 11-2. Polysaccharides
24. Glycoproteins
A) are only found in bacteria.
B) are extremely homogeneous.
C) are typically <1% carbohydrate by weight.
D) are assembled under strict genetic control.
E) are relatively heterogeneous.
Ans: E
Level of Difficulty: Easy
Section: 11-3. Glycoproteins
25. Chitin differs from cellulose due to
A) inversion of configuration at the anomeric carbon.
B) sulfonation of the C2 OH group.
C) a much greater prevalence of branching.
D) replacement of the C2 OH group by an acetamido group.
E) replacement of the C6 OH group by an amino group.
Ans: D
Level of Difficulty: Easy
Section: 11-2. Polysaccharides
26. Which polysaccharide is found in a helically coiled conformation?
A) chitin
B) -amylose
C) cellulose
D) lignin
E) none of the above

Ans: B
Level of Difficulty: Easy
Section: 11-2. Polysaccharides
27. Uronic acids
A) are aldoses where the aldehyde is oxidized.
B) are aldoses where the 1 alcohol is oxidized.
C) can be found in the pyranose form
D) A and C are both correct
E) B and C are both correct
Ans: E
Level of Difficulty: Easy
Section: 11-1. Monosaccharides
28. The sialic acids
A) are important constituents of glycoproteins and glycolipids
B) are N-acetyl glucosamine derivatives
C) incorporate a succinic acid derivative
D) all of the above
E) none of the above
Ans: A
Level of Difficulty: Easy
Section: 11-1. Monosaccharides
29. The bonding of alcohols to the anomeric center of a carbohydrate results in the formation of
a(n) __________ bond.
A) anomeric
B) amide
C) glycosidic
D) ester
E) hydrogen
Ans: C
Level of Difficulty: Easy
Section: 11-1. Monosaccharides
30. A saccharide that has free aldehyde group is called a(n) _____________.
A) ketose
B) non-reducing sugar
C) reducing sugar

D) aldohexose
E) alditol
Ans: C
Level of Difficulty: Easy
Section: 11-1. Monosaccharides
31. N-linked oligosaccharides can be covalently linked to proteins at the amino acid
A) gly
B) ser
C) glu
D) tyr
E) asn
Ans: E
Level of Difficulty: Easy
Section: 11-3. Glycoproteins
32. The most abundant disaccharide is
A) lactose
B) cellulose
C) -amylose
D) saccharin
E) sucrose
Ans: E
Level of Difficulty: Easy
Section: 11-2. Polysaccharides
33. Artificial sweeteners are popular with dieters because
A) they cannot be readily metabolized.
B) they are peptides and provide important amino acids.
C) they have fewer calories than sucrose.
D) they are much sweeter than sucrose.
E) all of the above
Ans: D
Level of Difficulty: Easy
Section: 11-2. Polysaccharides
34. Cellulose is
A) a linear copolymer of glucose and galactose


a branched polymer of glucose

a linear polymer of glucose with (14) linkages
a linear polymer of glucose with (14) linkages
sometimes called starch

Ans: C
Level of Difficulty: Easy
Section: 11-2. Polysaccharides
35. Unlike proteins and oligonucleotides, polysaccharides
A) are readily metabolized in the absence of specialized enzymes.
B) often have branched structures.
C) are achiral.
D) are always very water soluble.
E) are components of every known living organism.
Ans: B
Level of Difficulty: Easy
Section: 11-2. Polysaccharides
This figure is used in questions 36-40.

36. Which of the structures is galactose?

A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
E) None of the above
Ans: C

Level of Difficulty: Easy

Section: 11-1. Monosaccharides
37. Which structure(s) represent reducing sugar(s)?
A) D
B) A
C) B and C
D) A, B, and C
E) A, B, C, D
Ans: D
Level of Difficulty: Easy
Section: 11-1. Monosaccharides
38. Which structure is a ketohexose?
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
E) None of the above
Ans: D
Level of Difficulty: Easy
Section: 11-1. Monosaccharides
39. Which is ribose?
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
E) None of the above
Ans: A
Level of Difficulty: Easy
Section: 11-1. Monosaccharides
40. These structures are represented as
A) Fisher projections.
B) Haworth projections.
C) space-filling projections.
D) ball and stick models.
E) None of the above

Ans: A
Level of Difficulty: Easy
Section: 11-1. Monosaccharides

This figure is used in questions 41-44.

41. Which of the structures is a glucopyranose?

A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
E) None of the above
Ans: A
Level of Difficulty: Easy

Section: 11-1. Monosaccharides

42. Which structure is a ketose?
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
E) None of the above
Ans: E
Level of Difficulty: Easy
Section: 11-1. Monosaccharides
43. Which structures are glucoses?
A) A
B) A, B
C) A, C
D) A, B, C
E) None of the above
Ans: B
Level of Difficulty: Moderate
Section: 11-1. Monosaccharides
44. Which is deoxyribose?
A) A
B) B
C) C
D) D
E) None of the above
Ans: E
Level of Difficulty: Easy
Section: 11-1. Monosaccharides
45. In which cellular location does the synthesis of N-linked oligosaccharides take place?
Ans: A

Golgi apparatus
mitochondrial matrix
It depends upon the specific cell type/species.

Level of Difficulty: Easy

Section: 11-3. Glycoproteins

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