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Cornell Notes 3

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Cornell Notes


Name: Hugo Bustamante

Class/Period: P5

The general names of what we learned


Essential Question: To investigate how Earth and its inhabitants have changed over time
How many years
ago did mammals
start to develop?
Who were the first
living organisms?
When did oxygen start to
What were the first
conditions on
What is a species?

What is Life?
-First we have to define Life
-Organized as cells
-Respond to stimuli
-Regulate internal processes
-Use energy to grow
-Change & mature within lifetime
-Adaptation & evolution
-Special Creation
-Was life created by a supernatural or driven force? (Not
-Estraterrastrial Orgin
-Was the orginal source of organic (carbon) materials comets &
meteorites striking early earth? (Testable)
-Spontaneous Abiotic Orgin
-Did life evolve spontaneously from inorganic molecules?
-Extremophiles = Live in extreme env.
-plants & animals

Summary: What I learned from this week is that how much little the time human started to develop. All the other
parts of the time had a big gap. 4 bya the earth developed and had some different conditions. They all had to do
with oxygen. Oxygen played a big factor for things to develop. So this week was more about of development.


-Kingdom Bacteria
-Kingdom Archaebacteria
-Kingdom Protista
-Kingdom Plantae
-Kingdom Animallea
Conditions on Early Earth
-Atmosphere full of gases
-Water vapor(H2O)
-Lots of available H
-No free oxygen
-Energy source
-Lightning, UV radiation, volcanic
Key Events in Origin of Life
-Key events in evolutionary history of life on Earth
-3.5 to 4 bya
-Prokaryotes: first living organisms
Oxygen Atmosphere
-Oxygen begins to accumulate 2.7 bya
-oxidizing atmosphere
-evidence in banded iron in rocks=rusting
-Photosynthetic bacteria (blue- green alge)
First Eukaryotes
-Development of internal membrance
-Evolution of eukaryotes
-Orgin of mitochondria
-Engulfed aerobic bacteria, but did not digest them
-Mutually benetical relationship
Cambrian Explosion
-Diversification of Animals
-Early Mammal Evolution
-125 mya mammals began to radiate out and fill inches
-Gradualism: evolutionary change is slow, gradual, and continuous
-Punctuated Equilibrium: A theory of the time frame required for
evolution that assumes that evolutionary change occurs in burts
with long periods of relative stability
-Species: A group of living organisms consisting of similar
individuals capable of exchanging genes or interbreeding
-Extinction: Occurs when the environment changes and the
adaptive characteristics of a species of a species are insufficient to
allow its survival


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