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M.Tech. Geotechnical Engineering (Tentative )


I Semester


Name of the Subject

14CGT11 Theory of Elasticity and Plasticity

14 CGT 12 Site Investigation and Improvement
14 CGT 13 Design of Shallow foundations
14 CGT 14 Advanced Soil Mechanics

Elective - I

Advanced Geotechnical Engineering

Laboratory -I
14 CGT 17 Seminar
14 CGT 16

Elective 1
14 CGT 151 Critical state soil mechanics
14 CGT 152 Pavement design and Management
14 CGT 153 Advance design of Foundations
14 CGT 154 Case histories in Geotechnical Engineering

Teaching hours/week
Practical /
Field Work /

Marks for
Duration of
Exam in Hours





































M.Tech. Geotechnical Engineering


II Semester


Teaching hours/week
Practical /
Field Work /

Name of the Subject

Finite element analysis and its

Apllications in Geotechnical
14 CGT 22 Soil Dynamics

Marks for
Duration of
Exam in Hours











14 CGT 23 Reinforced soil structures




14 CGT 24 Design of deep foundations





























14 CGT
14 CGT 26

Advanced Geotechnical Engineering
Laboratory -II

14 CSE 27 Seminar
**Project Phase-I(6 week Duration)
Elective 2
14 CGT 251 Rock Mechanics
14 CGT 252 Environmental Geotechnixcal Engineering
14 CGT 253 Pavement mechanics

** Between the II Semester and III Semester, after availing a vocation of 2 weeks.


M.Tech. Geotechnical Engineering




No. of Hrs./Week
Practical /
Field Work


Seminar / Presentation on Internship

14CGT31 (After 8 weeks from the date of

Marks for

Duration of the
Exam in Hours










14 CGT

Report on Internship


Evaluation and Viva-voce








* The student shall make a midterm presentation of the activities undertaken during the first 8 weeks of internship to a panel comprising Internship Guide, a
senior faculty from the department and Head of the Department.
# The College shall facilitate and monitor the student internship program.
The internship report of each student shall be submitted to the University.
**Between the III Semester and IV Semester after availing a vacation of 2 weeks.


M.Tech. Geotechnical Engineering


IV Semester


No. of Hrs./Week
Field Work /
Assignment /


Marks for
Duration of
Exam in Hours





Earth and Rockfill Dams








14 CGT 43 Evaluation of Project Phase-I



14 CGT 44 Evaluation of Project Phase-II












14 CGT

14 CGT 45

Evaluation of Project Work and


Grand Total (I to IV Sem.) : 2400 Marks; 94 Credits

Elective 3
14 CGT 421 Foundations in Difficult ground
14 CGT 422 Expansive soil Engineering
14 CGT 423 Remote sensing And Applications of GIS in Civil Engineering

1) Project Phase I: 6 weeks duration shall be carried out between II and III Semesters. Candidates in consultation with the guides shall carryout literature
survey / visit to Industries to finalize the topic of dissertation.
2) Project Phase II: 16 weeks duration during III Semester. Evaluation shall be taken during the Second week of the IV Semester. Total Marks shall be 25.
3) Project Evaluation: 24 weeks duration in IV Semester. Project Work Evaluation shall be taken up at the end of the IV Semester. Project Work
Evaluation and Viva-Voce Examinations shall be conducted. Total Marks shall be 250 (Phase I Evaluation: 25 Marks, Phase II Evaluation: 25
Marks, Project Evaluation marks by Internal Examiner (guide): 50, Project Evaluation marks by External Examiner: 50, marks for external and 100
for viva-voce).
Marks of Evaluation of Project:
The I.A. Marks of Project Phase I & II shall be sent to the University along with Project Work report at the end of the Semester.
4) During the final viva, students have to submit all the reports.
5) The Project Valuation and Viva-Voce will be conducted by a committee consisting of the following:
a) Head of the Department (Chairman)
b) Guide
c) Two Examiners appointed by the university. (Out of two external examiners at least one should be present).


Subject Code
No. of Lecture Hrs./ Week
Total No. of Lecture Hrs.

: 14CGT11
: 04
: 52

IA Marks
Exam Hrs
Exam Marks

: 50
: 03
: 100

The objectives of this course is to make students to learn principles of Elasticity and Plasticity ,To implementthese
principles through different methods and to analyse various types stresses.
Course Outcomes: On completion of this course, students are able to
Achieve Knowledge of design and development of problem solving skills.
Understand the principles of Elasticity and Plasticity
Design and develop analytical skills.
Summarize the Solution techniques
Understand the concepts ofStresses and Strains.
1.Introduction to the general theory of elasticity, Assumptions and Applications of linear elasticity. Definition and notation of
components of stress and strain. Fundamental laws of theory of elasticity.
2. Analysis of Stress - Stress tensors, two-dimensional state of stress at a point, principal stresses in two dimensions, Cauchys
stress principle, direction cosines, stress components on an arbitrary plane, stress transformation, Principal stresses in three
dimensions, stress invariants, equilibrium equations in Cartesian and polar coordinates for two and three dimensional states of
stresses, octahedral stresses, Spherical and distorsional stresses, Mohr's stress circle, construction of Mohr Circle for two and
three dimensional stress systems, General state of stress in three-dimensions in Cartesian and polar coordinate systems,
Boundary conditions, Numerical examples.

Analysis of Strain - Types of strain, strain tensors, strain transformation, Strain Displacement relationship, Principal strains,
strain invariants, octahedral strains, Mohrs Circle for Strain, equations of Compatibility for Strain, Rectangular and Delta strain
rosettes. Numerical examples.
3. Stress-Strain Relations - Generalised Hookes law, transformation of compatibility Condition from Strain components to stress
components. Strain energy in an elastic body, St. Venants principle, uniqueness theorem.
Two Dimensional Problems in Cartesian Coordinate System Plane stress and plane strain problems. Airy's stress functions,
stress function for plane stress and plane strain cases. Solution of two-dimensional problems with different loading conditions by
the use of polynomials. Numerical examples.
4.Two Dimensional Problems in Polar Coordinate System - straindisplacement relations, compatibility equation, stress- strain
relations, stress function and biharmonic equation. Axisymmetric problems, thick walled cylinders, rotating disks of uniform
thickness, stress concentration, effect of circular holes on stress distribution in plates. Numerical examples.
5.Torsion of Prismatic Bars - General solution of the torsion problem, stress function, torsion of circular and elliptic cross
sections. Prandtls membrane analogy, torsion of thin walled and multiple cell closed sections. Numerical examples.
Elastic Solutions in Geomechanics - Solutions to the problems of Kelvin, Boussinesq, Flamant, Cerrutti and Mindlin.
PLASTICITY : General concept, yield criteria, flow laws for perfectly plastic and strain hardening materials - simple
applications, Elasto-plastic analysis for torsion and bending of bars, Theories of failure, Mohr Coulomb failure theory,
Romberg Osgood Model.
Reference Books:
1. Timosheko and Goodier, "Theory of Elasticity" 3rd Edition, McGraw Hill, New York, 1951.
2. Valliappan S., "Continuum Mechanics Fundamentals", Oxford IBH, New Delhi, 1982.
3. Venkataraman and Patel, Structural Mechanics with introduction to Elasticity and Plasticity, McGraw Hill, 1990.
4. Shames, Introduction to Solid Mechanics 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall, 1989.
5. Sitharam T.G. and L. Govinda Raju, Applied Elasticity, Interline Publishing, 2005.


Subject Code
No. of Lecture Hrs./ Week
Total No. of Lecture Hrs.

: 14CGT12
: 04
: 50

IA Marks
Exam Hrs
Exam Marks

: 50
: 03
: 100

The objectives of this course is to make students to learn principles of Soil Investigations , To design different types of
foundations structures. To evaluate performance of the soil behaviour
Course Outcomes: On completion of this course, students are able to
Achieve Knowledge ofof soil below ground level and development of problem solving skills.
Understand the principles of soil improvement techniques
Design and develop analytical skills.
Summarize the principles of foundation Design
Understands the soil performance.

1. Site investigation: Planning and experimental programme, investigations, exploration for preliminary
design, exploration for detailed design, geo-physical exploration, soundings, probings, boring, boring
methods, excavation methods for exploration, ground water investigations, representative, disturbed and
undisturbed samples, samplers, rock boring, miscellaneous exploratory techniques, preservation,
shipment and storage of samples, bore logs, supervising exploration programs, sub-surface exploration
2. Site improvement: Soils of India, their distribution, problematic types of soils.General methods of
stabilization - shallow and deep. Factors to be considered in the selection of suitable method.
3. Compaction: standard methods, equipment, control techniques.Drainage: Soil and filter permeability,
filter criteria, drainage layout pumping system.Pre-compression and consolidation: pre-compression
principles, sand drains, pore pressure distribution, electro-osmotic consolidation, chemical osmotic
4. Grouting: Injection and principles, grouting pressure criteria, grouting equipments, injection chemicals.
Chemical stabilization, lime, cement, bitumen, chemical etc.Thermal methods of stabilization: Heating
and cooling effects on soils, equipments.Other methods like moisture barriers, and preventing

Reinforced Earth Technique, Principles, concepts and mechanism of reinforced earth. Materials. Design consideration for
reinforced Earth structures-retaining walls, embankments, bearing capacity problems and pavements. Reinforced earth
construction for control of heaves. Soil nailing. Design examples.Geosynthetic materials, functions, property charaterization,
testing methods for geosynthetic materials, Geotextiles, Geomembranes, Geogrids, Geonets and Geocells.

References Books:
1. Koener R.M., Construction and Geotechnical Methods in Foundation engineering, McGraw-Hill Pub. Co., New York,
2. Hausmann M.R., Engineering Principles of Ground Modification, McGraw-Hill Pub. Co. New York, 1990.
3. Ingles O.G. and Metcalf J.B., Soil Stabilization: Principles and Practice, Butterworths, London, 1972.
4. Bell F.G., Methods of Treatment of Unstable Ground, Newnes-Butterworths, London, 1975.
5. Nelson, J. D. and Miller, D.J. Expansive Soils, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1992.
6. Koerner .R.M., Designing with Geosynthetics, Prentice-Hall Pub. 1994.
7. Jones. C. J. E. P., Earth Reinforcement and Soil Structures, Butterworths, London, 1996.
8. Koerner. R. M. and Welsh. J. P, Construction and Geotechnical Engineering Using Synthetic Fabrics, Wiley Interscience,
New York, 1980.
9. Bell. F.G., Ground Engineers Reference Book, Butterworths, London, 1987.
Winterkorn H.F. and Fong H.Y. Foundation Engineering Hand Book, Galgotia Book Source, New Delh


Subject Code
No. of Lecture Hrs./ Week
Total No. of Lecture Hrs.

: 14CGT13
: 04
: 50

IA Marks
Exam Hrs
Exam Marks

: 50
: 03
: 100

1. General requirements of Foundations Types of shallow foundations, Modes of shear failure, allowable
bearing pressure, Ultimate Bearing capacity of concentrically loaded foundations, Influence of ground
water table, Bearing capacity of footings on layered soils, steps involved in proportioning of footings
2. Contact pressure under footings Contact pressure under rigid rectangular footing, strip foundation,
rigid circular footing, Principles of footing design, Design of non rigid combined footings.
3. Bearing capacity from SPT, CPT and Field load tests, Building codes, Safety factors in foundation
design, Bearing capacity of foundations on slopes, with uplift or tension forces.
4. Permissible settlements Settlements for shallow foundations, settlement components, Immediate
settlement, Consolidation settlement, Time rate of consolidation settlement, loads for settlement
calculations, Designing footings on equal settlements, Reliability of settlement computations, Structures
on fills, Structural tolerance to settlement and differential settlement

Allowable bearing pressure for permissible total settlement, approaches based on N values from SPT,
Terzaghi Peck approach for footings on sand, settlement prediction for foundation on mixed soils.

Joseph.E . Bowles Foundation analysis and Design McGraw Hill, International edition
S.P. Brahma Foundation Engineering Tata McGraw Hill publishing company Ltd, New Delhi.
Narayana M. Nayak Foundation design Manual DhanpatRai Publications (P) Ltd
Purushotham Raj Geotechnical Engineering Tata McGraw Hill publishing company Ltd, New Delhi.
Gopal Ranjan and A.S.R Rao Basic and Applied Soil Mechanics New age International Publications


Subject Code
No. of Lecture Hrs./ Week
Total No. of Lecture Hrs.

: 14CGT14
: 04
: 50

IA Marks
Exam Hrs
Exam Marks

: 50
: 03
: 100

1. Factors influencing nature and formation of soils. Soil as a multiphase material. Complexity of soil nature,
Typical soil deposits with special reference to Indian soils. Soil structure - Types of bonds, important clay
minerals, atomic structure and symbolic representation. Base exchange capacity. Guoy - Chapman diffuse
double layer theory, clay structure measurement.
2. Lambe's compaction theory, structural and engineering, properties of Compacted soils. Elastic theories
of stress distribution in soils - Boussinesq, Westergaard, Burmister and Mindlin's theories. Different
conditions of loading.
3. Shear strength parameters of cohesionless and saturated cohesive soils, principle of effective stress, effect
of rate of strain on shear parameters, stress - strain relationship, pore pressure coefficients, concept of stress
path, effect of over consolidation on shear parameters.
4. Immediate settlement - methods of determination. Estimation of pre-consolidation pressure. Three
dimensional consolidation, pre-compression of clay deposits with and without sand drains, secondary
consolidation - factors affecting.
5. Rheology - Rheological elements, basic and composite rheological models, examples of compound
models used to explain soil phenomenon secondary consolidation, creep etc. Stability analysis of slope Effective vs total stress analysis, Bishop's rigours analysis, short method.


Fundamentals of soil behaviour by J K Mitchell

Soil Mechanics by Lambe and Whitman
Foundation Engineering design by J E Bowles
Soil Mechanics by Terzaghi and Peck
Foundation Engineering by Kasmalkar

Subject Code
No. of Lecture Hrs./ Week
Total No. of Lecture Hrs.

: 14CSE151
: 04
: 50

IA Marks
Exam Hrs
Exam Marks

: 50
: 03
: 100

1.Basic Concepts introduction, Sedimentation and Sieving in Determination of Particle Sizes, Index Tests, Soil Classification,
Water Content and Density of Saturated Soil Specimen, The Effective Stress Concept, Some Effects that are Mathematical
rather than Physical, The Critical State Concept. Stresses, Strains, Elasticity, and Plasticity Introduction , Stress, Stressincrement, Strain-increment, Scalars, Vectors, and Tensors, Spherical and Deviatoric Tensors
2. Two Elastic Constants for an Isotropic Continuum, Principal Stress Space, Elasticity (including anisotropy) . Plasticity and
yielding (yield surface, hardening law, flow rule), volume changes under isotropic stress states or one-dimensional straining
(normal compression line, swelling lines), Alternative Yield Functions, The Plastic Potential Function and the Normality
Condition, Isotropic Hardening and the Stability Criterion.
3.SeepageExcess Pore-pressure, Hydraulic Gradient, Darcys Law, Three-dimensional Seepage, Two-dimensional Seepage,
Seepage Under a Long Sheet Pile Wall: an Extended Example , Approximate Mathematical Solution for the Sheet Pile Wall,
Control of Seepage. One-dimensional Consolidation, Spring Analogy, Equilibrium States, Rate of Settlement, Approximate
Solution for Consolidometer, Exact Solution for Consolidometer, The Consolidation Problem.
4. Granta-gravelIntroduction, A Simple Axial-test System, Probing, Stability and Instability, Stress, Stress-increment, and Strainincrement, Power, Power in Granta-gravel, Responses to Probes which cause Yield, Critical States, Yielding of Granta-gravel
Family of Yield Curves, Hardening and Softening, Comparison with Real Granular Materials Taylors Results on Ottawa Sand,
Undrained Tests
5.Cam-clay and the Critical State Concept Introduction, Power in Cam-clay, Plastic Volume Change, Critical States and
Yielding of Cam-clay Yield Curves and Stable-state Boundary Surface Compression of Cam-clay, Undrained Tests on Cam-clay,
The Critical State Model, Plastic Compressibility and the Index Tests, The Unconfined Compression Strength
Text Books:
1. Schofield, A.N. and Wroth, C.P., Critical state soil mechanics, McGraw-Hill, 1968
2. Wood, D.M., Soil behaviour and critical state soil mechanics, Cambridge University Press, 1990.
3. Atkinson, J.H., An introduction to the mechanics of soils and foundations, McGraw-Hill, 1993.
4. Atkinson, J.H. and Bransby, P.L., The mechanics of soils: an introduction to critical state soil mechanics, McGraw-Hill,
5. Potts, D.M. and Zdravkovic, L., Finite element analysis in geotechnical engineering, Vol. 1: Theory, Thomas Telford, 1999.
6. Muir Wood, D., Geotechnical modelling, Spon Press, 2004.

Subject Code
No. of Lecture Hrs./ Week
Total No. of Lecture Hrs.

IA Marks
: 14CGT152
: 04
Exam Hrs
: 50
Exam Marks

: 50
: 03
: 100

1.Road Pavements and pavement layers - types, functions, choice

Factors affecting design and performance of flexible and rigid pavements Pavement design factors, loads axle load
distribution, ESWL, EWL,VDF due to varying loads and CSA , Subgrade support - CBR and plate bearing tests, Resilient
Modulus, fatigue tests, permanent deformation Pavement material Characteristics, climatic, drainage and environmental factors,
their effects and evaluation. Factors affecting design and performance of airport pavements.
2.Stresses and Deflection / strain in flexible pavements: Application of elastic theory, stresses, deflections / strains in single,
two and three layer system, Applications in pavement design. Problems .
3.Flexible pavement design:Emperical, semi empirical and theoretical design approaches, principle, advantages and application.
Design steps by CBR method as per IRC, outline of other common design methods such as AASHTO and Asphalt Institute
methods, Problems.
4.Rigid pavement design: General design principle, Stresses in rigid pavements, stresses due to wheel loads and temperature
variations, design of cement concrete pavements (joints and slab thickness) as per IRC guidelines. Design features of CRCP,
SFRC and ICBP, Problems.
5.Pavement management system Introduction to Pavement deterioration, objects and Principle of pavement management.
1. Yoder and Witczak, Principles of Pavement Design, John Wiley and sons Inc, Second Edition, 1975
2. Yang, Design of functional pavements, Mc Graw Hill Book Co.
3. Huang, Pavement Analysis, Elsevier Publications
4. David Croney, Paul Croney, Design & Performance of Road Pavements- Mc Graw hill Book Co.
5. W.Ronald Hudson, Ralph Haas and Zeniswki Modern Pavement Management- Mc Graw Hill and Co.
6. Khanna and Justo Highway Engineering- Nemchand& Bros, Roorkee.
7. IRC 37-2001, IRC 81-1997, IRC 58 2002, IRC 59 1976, IRC 101-1988, Indian Roads Congress

Subject Code
No. of Lecture Hrs./ Week
Total No. of Lecture Hrs.

: 14CGT153
: 04
: 50

IA Marks
Exam Hrs
Exam Marks

: 50
: 03
: 100

1.Bearing capacity of soils Generalised Bearing Capacity Equation; Field tests for Bearing Capacity and settlement estimation;
Settlement of shallow foundations - Elastic and consolidation settlements; Settlement estimates from penetration tests; Settlement
tolerance; Allowable bearing pressure.
2.Design parameters for substructures Factors influencing selection of depth of Foundation; Structural design considerations;
Winkler hypothesis and Beams on Elastic Foundation Approach; Soil Line Method;
3.Finite Difference approaches for the analysis of shallow foundations (strip and mat) Codes of practice. RCC Design of spread
footings, Combined footings, Strip footings, and Raft Foundations; Unsymmetrical Footing.
4.Pier and Well foundations Types of Well Foundation, Open Caisson, Box Caisson and Pneumatic Caisson, Components of
well foundation, Design of different components of well foundation, Analysis of well foundation, Construction of well foundation,
Well sinking, Remediation of Tilt and Shift, Design examples.
5.Special foundation problems - Foundations for Transmission Line Towers, Foundations on expansive soils, Earth retaining
structures Retaining walls, sheet piles and reinforced earth structures.
References Books:
1. Bowles. J. E. Foundation Analysis and Design, 5th edition, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc, New York, 1996.
2. Das.B.M., Principles of Foundation Engineering, Thomson Brooks / Cole Publishing Company, Singapore, 2004.
3. Tomlinson.M.J., Foundation Design and Construction, ELBS, London, 1984.
4. Swamy Saran, Analysis and Design of Sub Structures, Oxford and IBH Publishing Co., Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1996,
5. Varghese P.C. Foundation Engineering Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2005.
6. Gulhati S.K. and Datta M. Geotechnical Engineering, Tata McGraw Hill Co., Ltd., New Delhi, 2005.
7. Winterkorn H.F. and Fong H.Y. Foundation Engineering Hand Book, Galgotia Book Source, New Delhi, 2000.
8. Relevant IS Codes of Practice.

Subject Code
No. of Lecture Hrs./ Week
Total No. of Lecture Hrs.


IA Marks
: 14CGT154
: 04
Exam Hrs
: 50
Exam Marks

: 50
: 03
: 100

1. Geotechnical problems in civil engineering. Foundations - soil as construction material in slopes and
excavations. Underground and earth retaining structures.
2. Soil as different types of material in behaviour, design and construction.Past and future of applied soil
3. Role of calculated risk and safety factors in applied soil mechanics and foundation engineering.
4. New concepts in consolidation, settlements and bearing capacity.
5. Case histories: Typical cases of performance/ failure of representative soil engineering projects namely
shallow foundations and piles, slope stability, earth dams, retaining structures, machine foundations etc.


Fundamentals of soil behaviour by J K Mitchell

Soil mechanics by Lambe and Whitman
Foundation engineering design by J E Bowels
Soil mechanics by Tezarghi and Peck
Current literature for case histories in geotechnical engineering


Subject Code
: 14CGT 16
IA Marks
: 25
No. of Lecture Hrs./ Week
: 03
Exam Hrs
: 03
Total No. of Lecture Hrs.
: 48
Exam Marks
: 50
2. Identification of Soils and Determination of Index properties
- Gravel type, sand type, silt type and clay types soil,
- Tests for determination of Specific gravity (for coarse and fine grained soils) and Water content (Oven
drying method).
- Grain size analysis of soil sample (sieve analysis and hydrometer test).
- Consistency Limits Liquid Limit (Casagrande and Cone Penetration Methods), plastic limit and
shrinkage limit.
12 hrs
2. Density Tests- In situ density by core cutter and sand replacement methods.
- Standard Proctor Compaction Test and Modified Proctor Compaction Test.
- Relative Density test

6 hrs

3. Permeability Test
- Coefficient of permeability by constant head and variable head methods.
- Horizontal permeability test

6 hrs

4. Strength Tests
a. Unconfined Compression Test
b. Direct Shear Test
c. Triaxial Compression Test (UU, CU, CD test)

15 hrs

5. Consolidation Test- Determination of compression index and coefficient of consolidation

9 hrs
1. BIS Codes of Practice: IS 2720(Part-3/Sec. 1) 1987; IS 2720 (Part 2)- 1973; IS 2720 (Part
4) 1985; IS 2720 (Part 5) 1985; IS 2720 (Part 6) 1972; IS 2720 (Part 7) 1980; IS
2720 (Part 8) 1983; IS 2720 (Part 17) 1986; IS 2720 (Part - 10) 1973; IS 2720 (Part
13) 1986; IS2720 (Part 11) 1971; IS2720 (Part 15) 1986; IS 2720 (Part 30) 1987; IS 2720
(Part 14) 1977; IS 2720 (Part 14) 1983; IS 2720 (Part 28) 1974; IS 2720 (Part 29)
1966, IS 2720 (Part-60) 1965 and SP-36 (part-1 & 2)
2. Soil testing for engineers by William Lambe, John Wiley & sons
3. Soil Mechanics laboratory manual by Joesph Bowles, Mcgrawhill

Subject Code
No. of Lecture Hrs./ Week
Total No. of Lecture Hrs.

: 14CGT21
: 04
: 50

IA Marks
Exam Hrs
Exam Marks

: 50
: 03
: 100

1.Introduction, Historical background, Approximate method of structural analysis, Principles of virtual displacement and
minimum potential energy, Concept of Rayleigh-Ritz method and Galerkin method, Advantages and disadvantages of FEM,
Basic procedure of FEM for structural problems.
Finite elements for 1-D, 2-D and 3-D problems, Natural coordinates, Displacement and Shape functions for standard elements
Bar elements, Beam elements, Truss elements, Triangular elements, Rectangular elements, Quadrilateral elements Basic and
Higher order Elements. Degree of continuity of shape functions C0 and C1 Continuous functions, Lagrangean, Serendipity,
Hermitian Polynomials, Pascals triangle, Convergence and compatibility requirements, Patch test, Static condensation. Concept
of Isoparametric elements, sub and super parametric elements, Convergence requirements for Isoparametric elements.
2.Derivation of element stiffness matrices for Bar, Beam, Truss and Frame elements (planar), Linear static analysis of one
dimensional problems using Linear and Quadratic bar elements, Treatment of boundary conditions Elimination approach and
Penalty approach. Linear static analysis of continuous beams using beam elements. Linear static analysis of pin jointed plane
Two dimensional problems, Derivation of element stiffness matrices and equivalent nodal force vectors for CST elements,
Analysis of plate problems using CST element, Derivation of element stiffness matrices for 4-noded quadrilateral elements,
Problems on 4-noded quadrilateral elements, Numerical Integration Gauss quadrature.
Dynamic analysis, Consistent and Lumped mass matrices in local and global coordinate systems, Evaluation of Eigenvalues and
Eigenvectors, Free vibration analysis.
3.Elastic buckling of columns Basic equations, Variational formulations, Solution of one-dimensional column stability problems
using finite element technique.
4.Modelling considerations and Use of software Physical behaviour versus element behaviour, Element shapes and
interconnection, Test cases and pilot studies, Material properties, Loads and reactions, Connections in structures, Boundary
conditions, Repetitive symmetry, Stress concentrations, Submodels, Substructures, Common mistakes, Checking the model, Auto
mesh generation, Computer Program for FEM Organisation basic flowcharts, Desired features of Pre and Post Processors. Use
of Software to analyse Bar, Beam, Frame and Plane stress/Strain problems
5.Geomechanics - Seepage analysis, Plane strain analysis of spread footing, retaining wall, earthen embankment, axisymmetric
analysis of circular tunnel structure
Text Books:
1. Chandraputala, T.R. and Belegundu, A.D., Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.,
New Delhi, 1997.
2. Debasis Deb, Finite Element Methods Concepts and Applications in Geomechanics, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.,
New Delhi, 2nd Edition, 2012.
References Books:
1. Cook, R.D., Malkus, D.S., and Plesha, M.E., Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis, 4th Edition Wiley,
Singapore Edition, New York, 2001.
2. Desai, C.S. and Abel, J.F., Introduction to Finite Element Method, CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi, 1972.
3. Krishnamurthy C.S., Finite Element Analysis Theory and Programming II Edition, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 1994.
4. Rajashekaran S., Finite Element Analysis in Engineering Design, S. Chand and Co., New Delhi, 2003.
5. Singirsu S. Rao, The finite element method in Engineering, Fourth edition, Elsevier Inc., New Delhi, 2005.
6. Yang T.Y., Finite Element Structural Analysis, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1986.
7. Zienkiewicz, O.C., The Finite Element Method, 6th Edition, Butterworth Heinemann, India, 1979.
8. Iyengar N.G.R., Structural stability of columns and plates, Affiliated East-West Press Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore, 1986.

Subject Code
No. of Lecture Hrs./ Week
Total No. of Lecture Hrs.

: 14CGT22
: 04
: 50

IA Marks
Exam Hrs
Exam Marks

: 50
: 03
: 100

1. Theory of vibration Single degree, Two degree and Multi degree of freedom system, Free and forced
vibration, Transient response, Resonance and its effects, wave propagation theory and application to
dynamic problems.
2. Dynamic soil properties General, laboratory and field methods, factors affecting different properties,
vibration inducing and measuring instruments
3. Shear strength and Liquefaction of soils Stress Strain and Strength characteristics of soils under
dynamic loads, factors affecting, Resonance column test, Triaxial tests under dynamic loads,
Liquefaction of soils and factors influencing liquefaction, Dynamic earth pressure, retaining wall
problems under dynamic loads.
4. General principles of Machine foundation design Introduction, Design criterion, types and
requirements of Machine foundation.
Foundation for Reciprocating Machines
Foundations for forge hammers
Foundations for Turbogenerators
5. Vibration Isolation Introduction, Mechanical Isolators, isolation by artificial barriers, active and
passive isolation, Case histories of foundation isolation.
1. D DBarkan, Vibration of soils and foundations.
2. F E Richart Jr., J R Hall Jr. and R D Woods, Vibrations of soils and foundations, Prentice Hall Inc. NJ.
3. AA Major, Vibration analysis and design of foundation for machines and turbines, London Collects
Holding Ltd. 1962.
4. IS Codes of Practice.
5. Swami Saran Soil dynamics and Machine foundation Golgotia (1999)
6. P. Srinivasalu and C.V. Vydyanathan Hand book of Machine foundation Tata Mc Graw Hill (1976)


Subject Code
No. of Lecture Hrs./ Week
Total No. of Lecture Hrs.

: 14CGT23
: 04
: 50

IA Marks
Exam Hrs
Exam Marks

: 50
: 03
: 100

1. Historical back ground - Introduction to reinforced soil structures, comparison with reinforced cement
concrete structures.
2. Principles, concepts and mechanisms of reinforced earth.
3. Materials used, properties, laboratory testing and constructional details, metallic strips, metallic grids,
geotextiles, geogrids, geomembranes and geocomposites, their functions and design principles.
4. Design applications of reinforced soil structures in pavements. Embankments, slopes, retaining walls and
foundations. Reinforced soil structures for soil erosion control problems.
5. Case studies of reinforced soil structures, discussion on current literature.

1. Koerner, R.H. Designing with geosythetics, Prentice Hall Inc, 1994.
2. Jones, C.J.E.P. Reinforcement and soil structures, Butterworth Publications, 1996.
3. Jewel, R.A. Soil reinforcement with geotextiles, CIRIA, 1996.
4. Ingold, J.S. and Miller, K.S., Geotextiles hand book, Thomas Telford Ltd, 1988
5. Rankilor, P.R., Membranes in ground engineering, John Wiley & Sons, 1985.
Current literature


Subject Code
No. of Lecture Hrs./ Week
Total No. of Lecture Hrs.

: 14CGT24
: 04
: 50

IA Marks
Exam Hrs
Exam Marks

: 50
: 03
: 100


1. Single pile Static capacity and lateral loads

Introduction, Timber, Concrete, Steel piles, Corrosion of steel piles, Soil properties for static pile
capacity, Ultimate static pile point capacity, Skin resistance, Static load capacity using Load transfer,
load test data.

Tension piles Piles for resisting uplift. Laterally loaded piles, Buckling of fully and partially
embedded piles and poles

4. Single pile Dynamic analysis and load tests

Dynamic analysis, Pile driving, rational pile formula, other Dynamic formulae and general
considerations.Reliability of dynamic pile driving formulae. The wave equation, pile load tests, Pile
driving stresses, General comments on pile driving.
5. Pile foundations - Group.
Single pile Vs Pile group, Pile group considerations, efficiency of pile groups, stresses on underlying
strata from piles, settlements of pile groups, Pile caps, Batter piles, Negative skin friction, Matrix
analysis for pile groups, Pile cap design by Computer.
6. Types of Caissons, Bearing capacity, stress distribution and settlement, Design of drilled caissons
elements, forces in drilled Caissons, design of elements of Caissons, Constructional aspects of a drilled
caissons, Construction of Caissons, problems associated with installation, advantages and disadvantages
of Caissons foundation, Comparison of Caisson types.

1. Joseph.E . Bowles Foundation analysis and Design McGraw Hill, International edition
2. S.P. Brahma Foundation Engineering Tata McGraw Hill publishing company Ltd, New Delhi.
3. Narayana M. Nayak Foundation design Manual DhanpatRai Publications
4. Purushotham Raj Geotechnical Engineering Tata McGraw Hill publishing company Ltd, New Delhi.



Subject Code
No. of Lecture Hrs./ Week
Total No. of Lecture Hrs.

: 14CGT251
: 04
: 50

IA Marks
Exam Hrs
Exam Marks

: 50
: 03
: 100

1. Introduction: Fields of application of rock mechanics, rock forming minerals, classification of rock geological, petrographic and engineering, index properties - porosity, density, permeability, strength,
slaking and durability, rock quality designation for engineering purposes.
2. Strength and crack phenomenon: Stress - strain behavior, modes of failure of rock, theories of failure Mohr's hypothesis, Griffiths criterion - Murrel's extension. Elementary theory of crack propagation,
Failure of rock by crack propagation, effect of cracks on elastic properties.
3. Testing of rocks: Laboratory testing - uniaxial compression, tension - hollow cylinder, torsion, diametric
compression, field testing - flat jack test, plate bearing test etc. Rock foundations: Introduction, types shallow, deep, foundation investigation, design and construction.
4. Rock slope stability: Modes of slope failure in rocks, engineered slopes, slid mechanism, slope design,
excavation and stabilization. Underground mining: Introduction, mining methods, mine planning and
design, mining procedure and equipment, subsidence.
5. Tunnels: History and application, site investigation, excavating methods, support and stabilization,
control of ground water and gas, construction control, tunnel maintenance. Strengthening of rocks:
Foundation treatment for dams and heavy structures, Rock bolts design, other methods like grouting etc.
1. John A. Franklin and Maurice B. Dusseault, Rock engineering application, McGraw Hill Inc., New
2. J. C. Jeager and N.G.W. Cook, Fundamentals of rock mechanics, Chapman and Hall Ltd., London, 1976.
3. R.E. Godman, Introduction to rock mechanics, John Wiley & Sons, NY, 1976.
4. Roberts, A., Geotechnology, Pergamon Press Ltd, Oxford.

Subject Code
No. of Lecture Hrs./ Week
Total No. of Lecture Hrs.

: 14GT252
: 04
: 50

IA Marks
Exam Hrs
Exam Marks

: 50
: 03
: 100

1. Production and classification of wastes.General environmental effects on geotechnical problems.

Mitigative measures and soil pollutant interaction, waste disposal facilities.
2. Liners, basic concepts, design and construction. Transport phenomena, contaminated ground water and
3. Stabilization/ solidification, reuse of waste materials.
4. Monitoring of subsurface contamination, special application and case studies.
5. Environmental significance of geotechnical processes and their consequences.
1. Thick, S.G., Planning and analysis of tailing dams, Wiley (1979).
2. Daniel, D.E. (1993) Geotechnical practice for waste disposal, Chapman and Hall, London.
3. Proceedings of International Symposium on Environmental Geotechnology (1986).

Subject Code
No. of Lecture Hrs./ Week
Total No. of Lecture Hrs.

: 14CGT253
: 04
: 50

IA Marks
Exam Hrs
Exam Marks

: 50
: 03
: 100

1.STRESSES AND STRAINS IN FLEXIBLE PAVEMENTS: Homogeneous mass, layered system, visco elastic solutions
STRESSES AND DEFLECTIONS IN RIGID PAVEMENTS: Stresses due to curling, stresses and deflection due to loading,
stresses due to friction
2.TRAFFIC LOADING: Equivalent single wheel load, equivalent axle load factors
3.MATERIAL CHARACTERIZATION: Resilient modulus, fatigue characteristics, permanent deformation
4.PAVEMENT PERFORMANCE: Distress, serviceability, performance evaluation
5.PAVEMENT PERFORMANCE PREDICTION: Concepts, modeling techniques, structural and functional condition
deterioration models, mechanistic and empirical models, HDM-4
References Books:
1. Pavement Analysis and Design by Yang H. Huang, Prentice Hall publications, 2nd Edition, 2003
2. Modern Pavement management by Haas, R., W. R. Hudson, and J. P. Zaniewski, Krieger Publishing Company. Malabar,
Florida, 1994.
3. Proceedings of International Conference on Structural Design of Asphaltic pavements
4. Pavement Analysis by Per Ulitz, Elsevier Publications, Amsterdam


IA Marks
: 25
Subject Code
: 14CGT 26
No. of Lecture Hrs./ Week
: 03
Exam Hrs
: 03
Total No. of Lecture Hrs.
: 48
Exam Marks
: 50
1. To evaluate the bearing capacity and settlement of the foundation
-- by conducting Plate load test
-- Standard penetration test
-- Cone penetration test (static and dynamic)
-- Dynamic cone penetration test

15 hrs

2. California bearing ratio test

9 hrs

3. To evaluate the thickness of the strata and ground water table

-- using Electrical resistivity method
-- seismic refraction method

12 hrs

4. Determination of Cation Exchange Capacity of soil

3 hrs

5. Determination of shear modulus & Damping ratio in torsion or flexure by Resonant Column
9 hrs
1. BIS Codes of Practice: IS 2720(Part-3/Sec. 1) 1987; IS 2720 (Part 2)- 1973; IS 2720 (Part
4) 1985; IS 2720 (Part 5) 1985; IS 2720 (Part 6) 1972; IS 2720 (Part 7) 1980; IS
2720 (Part 8) 1983; IS 2720 (Part 17) 1986; IS 2720 (Part - 10) 1973; IS 2720 (Part
13) 1986; IS2720 (Part 11) 1971; IS2720 (Part 15) 1986; IS 2720 (Part 30) 1987; IS 2720
(Part 14) 1977; IS 2720 (Part 14) 1983; IS 2720 (Part 28) 1974; IS 2720 (Part 29)
1966, IS 2720 (Part-60) 1965 and SP-36 (part-1 & 2)
2. Soil testing for engineers by William Lambe, John Wiley & sons
3. Soil Mechanics laboratory manual by Joesph Bowles, Mcgrawhill


Subject Code
No. of Lecture Hrs./ Week
Total No. of Lecture Hrs.

: 14CGT41
: 04
: 50

IA Marks
Exam Hrs
Exam Marks

: 50
: 03
: 100

1. Introduction: Why earth and earth-rockfill dams, homogeneous earth dams, zoned earth and earthrockfill dams, typical embankment dam sections.Site selection and exploration: Influence of topography
and subsoil conditions on location and alignment of the dam, foundation subsurface exploration and
studies of embankment construction material.
2. Factors influencing design: Material available for embankment construction, character of the foundation,
climate, shape and size of the valley, river diversion, probable wave action, time available for
construction, function of the reservoir and earthquake activity.Design details: Material, location and
inclination of earth core, shell materials and embankment side slopes, free board, crest width and
camber. Filter zones, curving embankment for arch action and raising earth dams. Design provisions to
control construction and draw down pore pressures. Berms, upstream and down stream slope protection,
internal drainage systems.
3. Treatment of rock foundations and abutments: Types of rock, foundation object of grouting, evaluation
of necessity of grouting, planning grouting details, blanket grouting, drilling equipment, size and
direction of holes, washing and pressure testing of holes, grouting equipment, procedures for grouting,
pressure and consistency of grout, stopping surface leakage, surface treatment of rock foundation and
abutments. Earth compaction against rock foundations and abutments, grouting through completed
earthernemabankments, drainage holes, grouting and drainage galleries.Earth dams on pervious soil
foundations: Methods of foundation treatment, preventing under seepage with complete vertical barriers
and grouting, reducing under seepage with partial vertical cutoffs and horizontal upstream impervious
blankets, controlling under seepage by regulation of leaks and relief wells.
4. Stability analysis: Zones of planes of weakness in foundation, linear failure, plastic failure, composite
failure, bearing capacity failure, stability analysis of embankment by Taylor's modified method
suggested by Sherard et al., Wedge method, stability analysis in three dimension, stability during
construction, full resevoir and drawdown, settlement and horizontal movements.Special design problems
and details: Design considerations in earthquake, ground movements, earthquake intensity scales,
periods and amplitudes of ground motion, influence of foundation material, earthquake waves, seiches,
slope stability analysis during earthquake as per ISI, problems in loose sand, soft clay and silt
5. Measurements of pore water pressure and movements: Purposes and types of instruments, piezometer,
devices for measuring movements, USBR measurements of pore water pressure and embankments
compression, compression of rock fill embankment sections, during construction and post construction
foundation settlement, foundation spreading, observation and measurement of leakage.Embankment
construction: Equipment for excavating, hauling, spreading, blending, compacting and separating
oversized rocks and cobbles, construction procedures and quality control of impervious and
semiperviousemabankment sections, handling dry and wet materials, construction problems caused by
fines, construction procedures of hard and soft rockfillemabankments, field test on rock fill
embankments, slope treatment and riprap.
1. Sherard, J.L., Woodward, R.J., Gizienski, S.F. and Clevenger, W.A. Earth and earth-rock dams, John
Wiley & Sons, NY.
2. Sowers, G.P. and Sally, H.L. Earth and rockfill dam engineering, Aisa Publishing House, New Delhi.
3. Creager, W.P., Justin, J.D. and Hinds, J. Engineering for dams, John Wiley & Sons, NY.
4. Strange, W.L. Indian storage resources with earthen dams, R & FN Spon Ltd., London.



Subject Code
No. of Lecture Hrs./ Week
Total No. of Lecture Hrs.

: 14CGT421
: 04
: 50

IA Marks
Exam Hrs
Exam Marks

: 50
: 03
: 100

1. Introduction: Classification, swelling and shrinkage, sensitivity, settlement and bearing capacity of clays,
fissures in clay, glacial deposits, and difficult rocks. Site investigation in difficult ground: Objectives,
difficulties in determining the characteristics of the ground, remedial measures.
2. In-situ testing and geophysical surveying: Introduction, penetrometers, SPT, CPT, Plate bearing tests,
pressure meters, seismic surveying, Resistivity surveying. Ground water and foundations: Introduction,
effective stress theory, Oil tanks on poor ground, effect of raising the ground water level - Reclaimed
land, Foundation on the sea bed.
3. Foundations and earth movements: Introduction, creep of rock masses, landslides, earthquake - primary
and secondary effects, earthquake resistant design. Design of foundations: Introduction, General
principles, strip and pad foundations, Building on shrinkable soils, Building on fill, Raft foundation variable soil and make up ground, pile foundation - choice, type construction problems.
4. Stability of slopes in difficult ground: Introduction, mechanism of stability, strength of distorted clay,
factor of safety, analysis, remedial measures.
5. Ground treatment: Introduction, ground water lowering techniques, electro-osmosis and electro-chemical
stabilization, thermal techniques, grouts and grouting, reinforcements, other stabilization techniques,
Dynamic consolidation, pre loading, vibroflotation, stone columns.

1. Foundation in difficult ground, F.G. Bell, Butterworths& Co.
2. Foundation design and analysis, J.E. Bowles.


Subject Code
No. of Lecture Hrs./ Week
Total No. of Lecture Hrs.

: 14CGT422
: 04
: 50

IA Marks
Exam Hrs
Exam Marks

: 50
: 03
: 100

1. Introduction: Origin, distribution of expansive soils, recognition and identification of expansive soils clay mineral, x-ray diffraction, DTA, electron microscopy, classification, free swell, shrinkage index,
swelling potential and swelling pressure - methods of determination, factors influencing.Heave
prediction: Introduction, soil suction, measurement of soil suction - tensiometers, axis translation, filter
paper method, psychrometers, osmotic method. Heave prediction based on oedometer tests, based on soil
suction tests.
2. Design alternatives: Introduction, drilled pier and beam foundation, mat foundation, under-reamed pile
foundation, general conditions for under reamed piles, design and construction.Design for highway and
air-field pavements: Introduction, general principles of pavement design, design features and treatment
methods for expansive soil subgrades, air-field procedures.
3. Treatment of expansive soils: Introduction, removal and replacement, remoulding and compaction, preloading, pre-wetting, stablization - lime, cement, fly ash, application methods, moisture control, electro
chemical treatments.Remedial measures: Introduction, remedial measures for buildings and pavements,
case histories.
4. Methods of construction on expansive soils: Introduction, sub-base preparation, constructional and water
- protection measures, maintenance and rehabilitation of structures founded on expansive soils.
5. Swell - shrink behaviour of expansive soils: Introduction, investigation of foundation movements, cyclic
behaviour, factors affecting cyclic behaviour, case histories.

1. Foundations on expansive soil, F H Chen, Elsevier Science Publishing Company, NY.
2. Construction of buildings on expansive soils, E ASorochan, Oxford & IBH Publications.
3. Expansive soils - Problems and practice in foundation and pavement engineering - John D. Nelson and
Debora J. Miller, John Wiley & Sons.


Subject Code
No. of Lecture Hrs./ Week
Total No. of Lecture Hrs.

: 14CGT423
: 04
: 50

IA Marks
Exam Hrs
Exam Marks

: 50
: 03
: 100

1. Remote Sensing Introduction Historical sketch of Remote Sensing Idealized remote sensing
Basic principles of remote sensing Electromagnetic energy Electromagnetic spectrum- Wave length
regions and their application in remote sensing characteristics of solar radiation Basic radiation law
EM radiation and atmosphere Interaction of EM radiation with earth surface Remote sensing
observation platforms sensors Application of Remote Sensing.
2. Geographic Information system concepts and spatial models. Introduction, Spatial information, temporal
information, conceptual models of spatial information, representation of geographic information. GIS
Functionality Introduction, data acquisition, preliminary data processing, data storage and retrieval,
spatial search and analysis, graphics and interaction.
3. Computer Fundamentals of GIS and Data storage, Fundamentals of computers vector/raster storage
character files and binary files, file organization, linked lists, chains, trees. Coordinate systems and map
projection : Rectangular polar and spherical coordinates, types of map projections, choosing a map
4. GIS Data Models and Structures Cartographic map model, Geo-relation model, vector/raster methods,
non-spatial data base structure viz., hierarchal network, relational structures.
5. Digitizing Editing and Structuring Map Data Entering the spatial data (digitizing), the non-spatial,
associated attributes, linking spatial and non-spatial data, use of digitizers and scanners of different
6. Data Quality and Sources of Error Sources of errors in GIS data, obvious sources, natural variations
and the processing errors and accuracy. Principles of Spatial data access and search, regular and object
oriented decomposition, introduction to spatial data analysis, and overlay analysis, raster analysis,
network analysis in GIS.
7. GIS and remote sensing data integration techniques in spatial decision support system land suitability
and multioriteria evaluation, role based systems, network analysis, special interaction modeling, Virtual
8. Data base positioning systems, desirable characteristics of data base management systems, components
of a data base management system, understanding the data conceptual modeling.
9. Global positioning system, hyper spectral remote sensing, DIP techniques, hardware and software
requirements for GIS, overview of GIS software.
Text books:
1. Principles of GIS by Peter A BurroughReachael A Mc. Donnel, Oxford Publications.
2. GIS and Computer cartography by Christopher Jones, Longman Publications.
3. Remote Sensing & Interpretation by Lille Sand, Wiley Publications.
Reference Books:
1. Remote sensing and image interpretation by Lillesand,John Wiley and Sons, New York.
2. Geographical Information system by Bemhard Sen, Wiley Publications.
3. Remote Sensing Principles and Interpretation by Floyd F. Sabins, W.H. Freeman and Co., (NY).
4. Natural Resource Management A New Perspective, NNRMS DOS, Govt. of India, Bangalore.

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