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Lesson Plan: 5-PS1-3. Make Observations and Measurements To Identify Materials Based On Their Properties

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Lesson Plan

Grade Level: 5th Grade

Subject: Science
Lesson Title: Space Matter!
Materials Needed:
Meteoroid/Meteor/Meteorite Video (Embedded in presentation)
Interactive notebooks
Writing utensil
6 Mystery space matter
Lab Book
5-PS1-3. Make observations and measurements to identify materials based on their properties.

Lesson Objective(s): Students will be able to describe the differences between a comet, asteroid and
meteoroid (meteor/meteorite)
Students will be able to explore the different properties in space matter and analyze and reflect on the
data in lab books.

1. Provide objectives: (What are students going to learn?)

Time: 5 minutes

Today we are going to we are going to being to discuss some different objects in space. We will learn
about Meteoroids/meteors/meteorites and what cause the various stages. We are also go to take part in a
hands on activity and investigate space matter and its properties.

2. Demonstrate knowledge or skill and build up to investigation (Input/Modeling by the teacher)

Time:15-20 minutes.
Before we begin on our investigation we need to have some background knowledge. Does anyone know
how we might obtain matter from space here on Earth? Allow for Discussion time and begin presentation
on Meteoroids. Using the presentation and embedded videos build students knowledge on
meteors/meteoroids/meteorites and how they can result in new matter from space being found here on
earth. Allow time for questioning and discussion during the short presentation.

Next accept an urgent phone call from a lab that new matter has been obtained from a meteorite that has
recently struck Earth. Bring out the space matter and explained to the students they have been select to
explore the new material and investigate its properties.

3. Provide guided practice: (Guided practice with the teacher) Time:5-10 minutes
Show students the different forms of space matter as a class choose one bag of matter to investigate as a
team. Pass out a small piece to each student and guide them in a few observations with the matter. Some
examples are does it change shape? Will it hold a new shape? Does it glow in the dark? How could we
measure it? Does it react to a magnet.

4. Provide extended practice and transfer and Check for understanding and provide student
feedback: (How will you know students understand the skill or concept? How will they know they get
it?)? Time 20-25 minutes
Once students are starting to show understanding of the observations allow the students to explore the
matter on their own while engaging in discussion with peers. Have them take notes on their observations.
Allow the students to pick 2 more kids of space matter to investigate and record observations on. After
the students have had time to explore and observe the matter they will show their finding through
analyzing their data in the form of a lab book. They will pick one matter they found the most interesting
to focus on. Students are to record their data in the book and give ideas of how the matter could be used
here on Earth. The last page in the book is left for any unique observations and for student reflection. The
Students will turn in their lab book at the end of the lesson.

6. Assessment / Closure: (How do you evaluate student progress or provide closure to this lesson?)
Time:10 minutes
Once students have all completed their books we will have a closing class discussion about their findings
and to share their reflections. Students will be given the opportunity to compare their data with other
students to choose to focus on their same matter as them and will also be able to learn more about the
matter they didnt investigate. Students will turn in their lab books at the end to check for competition and
most importantly the reflection of the process.

7. Plans for differentiation:

Students who need extra assistance will be provided with more time for their investigation. They can also
work with peers to help guide their investigation. Students can also be provided with additional ideas for
the investigation process.
For advanced learners students can choose to investigate more samples of the matter. They can also have
the opportunity to come before the class and independently present their findings.

TOTAL LESSON TIME: 45-55 minutes

8. References Consulted (Curriculum books in Drake SOE curriculum lab, teacher resources, websites,
Iowa Core

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