BIG Plan 2 - Planet Brochure
BIG Plan 2 - Planet Brochure
BIG Plan 2 - Planet Brochure
Description of Classroom: Same as previous lesson Background: This is the end of a unit on the solar system and the planets. Students have learned about all 8 planets +Pluto, the sun and the moon. This activity should take 3-4 days plus a day for presentations at the end. Content Objective(s): Students will use their newly learned knowledge of the Various planets to create a travel brochure for a planet of their choice. Students Will include a variety of components in their brochure to describe the planet they Choose and sell why it would be a good planet to visit. Language Objective(s): Students will review notes, worksheets, and KWL charts From earlier in the unit. They will research various websites on the computer And use books from the classroom and library to create their brochures. Students Will write valuable information in their brochure about the planet they choose. Students will also draw and illustrate carious pictures that depict their planet for Creativity. Nevada Standards: M.D.3 (a)- See previous lesson plan W.4.7- Conduct short research projects that build knowledge through investigation of different aspects of a topic. SL.4.4- Report on a topic or text, tell a story, or recount an experience in an organized manner, using appropriate facts and relevant, descriptive details to support main ideas or themes; speak clearly at an understandable pace. Key Vocabulary: Pull various and appropriate key words from worksheets Best Practices: (put an X next to those that you address in your lesson)
Preparation Adaptation of content Links to background Links to past learning Strategies incorporated Integration of Processes Listening Speaking Reading Writing Scaffolding Modeling Guided practice Independent practice Verbal scaffolds Procedural scaffolds Application Hands-on Authentic (Meaningful) Linked to objectives Promotes engagement Grouping Options Whole Class Small groups Partners Independent Assessment Individual Group Written Oral
Teaching Strategies: Whole group for instructions and expectations. Small group work with students who need additional assistance with project, independent work compiling information and creating the brochure. Warm Up Activity: Teacher will show students some examples of actual brochures from various places. Ask students if they know what a brochure is, what its purpose Is and how they are used. Discuss the importance of a brochure and how they can Be used for traveling. Lesson Sequence: Teacher will hand out brochure activity worksheet, explain the Directions and expectations. Give students a few moments to think about what Planet they want to report on. Students should look through past notes, work Sheets, and KWL charts in the classroom for ideas. *Earth cannot be used for this Activity* Students are expected to to be completely imaginative. We know that We cannot actually travel to a lot of the planets for various reasons, but in a Creative world, anything is possible and traveling to all planets can happen. The Students will just have to be creative in the way they describe how to get there, What humans will do on the planet, where they will stay, etc. Students can begin research in the classroom on the planet they chose. Students Should use the classroom computer, library and classroom books, previous work And KWL charts. Students can also reference the videos that were shown in class. (Students should be given about 2 days for research and should complete the Prompted questions on the worksheet, and look at the brochure template for a Guideline on research information.) When students are done with research, they can begin constructing their actual Brochure. Construction paper, colored pencils, etc should be used for creativity. Students should use the brochure template as a guideline. Students will transfer research information onto a tri-fold brochure in a create but neat display manner. (Students should be given about a day and a half to create their brochures in class) On the final day (5), students will present their brochures to the class. They will Describe the planet they chose, why they chose that planet and showcase the Brochure they created. Students will praise each other for good work and all brochures will be displayed On the science bulletin board. Accommodations: Same as previous lesson Supplementary Materials: research tools (science notebooks, books, videos, Precious worksheets on the planets that were completed in class), computers for Research, materials to make a brochure (construction paper, colored pencils, etc.), Brochure worksheet, template, blank template and grading rubric.
Review/Assessment: Students will be informally assessed while creating their Brochures based on progress and packet completion. Completed brochures will be evaluated based on the attached rubric for completeness, information, grammar, Detail and creativity. Reflection: This is the most fun part of the entire lesson unit. I will enjoy seeing the Students becoming so creative and using their imaginations. I think that starting the brochure might be difficult for some students, but I am hoping that the worksheets Will be a good guideline for them to start their research. More than 5 days might Be needed, but that can always be adjusted. Some of the planet lessons might be Able to be combined allowing more time for the brochure project. 5 days might Not be enough time for the actual research and creating the brochure in a neat And creative manner.
Form: 005 JDC 4/22/08