Biomimicry in Architecture
Biomimicry in Architecture
Biomimicry in Architecture
Emina Zejnilovi 1, Erna Husuki1
Abstract:- This research aims to explore the latest holistic approach of one of the latest engineering
technology in architecture Biomimicry in reference to impact and influence it has on architecture as science
and the society in general. Investigation will be done by analyzing economic, environmental and scientific
changes that Biomimicry design may provoke. Methodology used in this article is comprised of previous
theories and models in other articles, and also implications of the model for social and economic aspect. This
study examines Biomimicry theory and presents a model which is most applicable to architecture. It is
expected that this research will provide information on extend of impact that architectural design will have on
mentioned areas and therefore create buildings that provide greater comfort to the inhabitants.
Keywords:- Biomimicry, sustainability, social inclusion,nature inspired design, smart materials.
The need for analyzing process of biomimicry is multiple because it is being applied in almost every
scientific and social field of work and research. Since architectural design is primarily done to satisfy basic human
need for shelter, the manner in which it is done has a great social impact and vice versa. But manner in which
biomimicry architectural approach will influence life of inhabitants of such architecture is still unknown. Trend of
returning back to the nature in the sense of creating more nature friendly buildings is gaining momentum, with
biomimicry being the most advanced in the line of holistic approaches to design.
It is important for architectural design to consider social aspects for it will ultimately influence people
and behaviour, relationships and influences between entities and its environment. It is crucial for architects who
follow biomimicry approach to have feedback from the users of products of architecture, in order to evaluate if
this kind of design satisfies its basic function to be used by the inhabitants. As some of us reflect upon the
challenge of creating more equitable life on earth, our focus is shifting; from artefacts to systems, from
transactions to relationships, from design as craft to design as thinking, from habits of destruction to awareness
of the need for resilience.
This research aims to summarize basic principles and advances in field of biomimicry architectural
design and examine all dimensions that it will inevitable influence, environment, economy and science, in order
to make a prediction on how will this kind of architecture affect the surrounding community or life of building
inhabitants in general.
Methodology of this paper will be examination of latest researches and estimations in the mentioned
areas. Each dimension, environment, economy and science, will be inspected in reference to the manner in
which it will influence human living.
It is expected that this research will provide information related to the magnitude of change that
biomimicry design will have on human living. Also it will identify areas of economy, science and environment
that architecture needs to take into consideration in order to improve its performance and create nature
responsible buildings. It will provide information on how biomimicry design can create architecture with
maximum comfort for the inhabitants with the least impact on the environment, while being economically
In order to define quality ideas we used qualitative descriptors in our data presenting. Using the method
of in-depth interview we didnt have any limitations. Our only goal was to explore new perspectives about
biomimicry in architecture. We conducted interviews successfully and rated all candidates. Review of all
candidates was done thoroughly and objectively.
Our questionnaire is made up of three sections, which are defined in variables. Questions aim to inspect relation
between defined variables and sub variables. The first to sections have five questions each while the last section
has four questions.
Since this is a new field of research in architecture and is still almost completely unfamiliar even to the local
professionals, each question is answered with a multiple choice of positive or negative (YES/NO). Survey
sample was done on 100 respondents. These answers are evaluated on a percentage basis for each question
indicating how many of which each question contains.
'living building', materials and machines that not only do not harm the nature but exists in perfect symbiosis
with it.
The best known biomimicry invention is the airplane which first took off in 1903. However, it was
Leonardo da Vinci in the 15th century who tried to imitate the bird flight and construct 'flying machine'. Though
the concept of imitating nature is quite old it is not until 1960s that the term biomimicry appeared in scientific
literature, especially being popularized in the 1980s in material science and production. In 1997 when Janine M.
Benyus published a book called "Biomimicry: Innovation Inspired by Nature", biomimicry became well known.
She devised a set of questions useful to measure our designs and innovations against in order to determine the
level of biomimicry (Bob & McLennan):
Today Biomimicry is widely studied in material science, in automotive industry in engineering and architectural
2.3. Fundamental theories and models about the topic
To understand the theory of biomimicry we must look at the other theories that had been developed
with similar objectives, such as nature based design. Natural processes and unity of eco-system is what
architecture should aspire. Basis for realization of the biomimicry theory are technological achievements,
biotechnology and nanotechnology. If we look at the biomimicry from sociological aspect we can say that is
absolutely inclined to nature and human needs. Biomimicry is not only "a new way of viewing and valuing
nature" it is also a new way of valuing human needs. It is based on following frameworks:
Sustainable Development and green design concepts is the foundation of biomimicry. Architectural
professional accepted the fact that as a societys economic status improves, its demand for architectural
resources land, buildings or building products, energy, and other resources will increase. This in turn
increases the combined impact of architecture on the global ecosystem, which is made up of inorganic elements,
living organisms, and humans. The goal of sustainabledesign is to find architectural solutions that guarantee the
well-being and coexistence of these three constituent groups. (Kim, 1998)
Theory of Natural Capitalism is a new business model that involves four major and synergistic
elements (P., Lovins, & Hunter Lovins, 2000)
Radical resource productivity - Radically increased resource productivity is the cornerstone of natural
capitalism because using resources more effectively has three significant benefits: It slows resource depletion at
one end of the value chain, lowers pollution at the other end, and provides a basis to increase worldwide
employment with meaningful jobs.
Ecological redesignReducing the wasteful throughput of materialsindeed, eliminating the very idea of
wastecan be accomplished by redesigning industrial systems on biological lines that change the nature of
industrial processes and materials, enabling the constant reuse of materials in continuous closed cycles, and
often the elimination of toxicity.
Service and flow. This calls for a fundamental change in the relationship between producer and consumer, a
shift from an economy of goods and purchases to one of service and flow. In essence, an economy that is based
on a flow of economic services can better protect the ecosystem services upon which it depends.
Reinvestment in natural capital. This works toward reversing worldwide planetary destruction through
reinvestments in sustaining, restoring, and expanding stocks of natural capital, so that the biosphere can produce
more abundant ecosystem services and natural resources.
Cradle to Cradle or Regenerative Design is a holistic economic, industrial and social framework that
seeks to create systems that are efficient and essentially waste free. It promoted the idea of industry protecting
and enriching ecosystems and nature's biological metabolism while also maintaining a safe, productive technical
metabolism. It is based on three fundamental ideas Waste Equals Food, Use Current Solar Income and Celebrate
Diversity. (Strandesen& Bjorn)
Biomimicry theory differs from other theories which are bio-oriented. Very often design approaches that are
bio-assisted are classified under the theory of biomimicry. Biomimicry in design is in many ways different from
what it is in other theories. What makes biomimicry different from other theories is quest for solutions in nature.
Biomimicry is natural symbiosis of form and process where nature is not only a source of aesthetic value.
2.4. Proposed Model
With the Industrial Revolutions mankind has alienated itself from nature and fully indulged in the
blessings of, at that time, emerging modern technologies. We are creatures of making and acquiring; most of the
lessons from Biomimicry pertain to the manufacture of physical things. We remember the conch shell, made as
strong as ceramic without heating the ocean. Spider silk tougher than nylon filament made without waste or
These examples and others have inspired designers and manufacturers to think differently. But stepping
away from physical things we realize that this type of design will have great impact on economy, environment,
science and technology, and consequently it will impact the lives of people social impact. However if, as our
study suggests, biological functions and processes are less reliant on energy, then the implications could be very
Sub variables
(Benyus, 1997)
(Pawlyn, 2011)
Human behaviour
Do you think that the context in which the building is designed affects biomimicry design?
Does biomimicry change the environment?
Does design approach need to be adapted to the immediate environment in which it is constructed?
Is biomimicry design architectural management of natural resources?
Is biomimicry design the best solution for protecting the environment?
Can biomimicry architectural design enhance sense of community and social belonging?
Do you think that human behaviour is in any way affected by the built environment?
Can biomimicry design improve communication within the inhabitants of such buildings?
Is biomimicry architecture available only for a certain social hierarchical group?
Do you think that biomimicry architectural design can be a positive motivator in social sense?
Is economy in any way affected by management of biomimicry architectural design?
Is interaction between science and biomimicry design influenced by the economy?
Is cost of the building affected by its function and therefore by the subject of imitation from the nature?
Are there any systems in the nature that can be used as models for building economy?
Process of interview was carried out by selecting the interviewees and conducting the interview. We
made in-depth interviews as a qualitative research technique with the focus group of people who have
professional background who work in the fields of sustainable and environmental architecture. We interviewed
architects, civil engineers and specialist for engineering material and technology.
We interviewed 10 people and collected data for seven days. On the very beginning we made selection of
interviewees by their professions. Despite of professional background we had two different types of
interviewees. First group of interviewees work in practice and they are constantly exposed with environmental
problems. Second group of interviewees are academicians and they based their knowledge through the
theoretical facts. We made selection inside of focus group because of better understanding of final datas.
Nature inspired design can be seen as a windows for the sustainable future. The environment in which we build
is our responsibility. Biomimicry has potential and can become new way of sustainability within design.
Environmental inspired design can support architecture of new generation through biomimicry.
(MajdaHodzic, architect in company, May 25, 2013)
Graph1.Survey results
Participants strongly felt that nature inspired design can enhance sense of community and social belonging.
It is necessary to provide more assistance in implementing sustainable way of life in society. Biomimicry is the
solution how we can improve society with this type of design. Biomimicry is positive motivator in social sense
and we should strive to implement not only natural process in design but also in our lifes. It cannot be neglected
that nature is perfect model for human comfort.
(VesnaHercegovac-Pasic, academicians, May 25, 2013)
Most participants agreed that biomimicry design is influenced by economy and that we should aspire for
sustainable models in building economy.
Economy has huge impact in every aspect in architectural design. It confirms our first steps in design process,
location for building, material selection and especially technique that we will use. Emulating natural process and
applying them in architecture, requires high technology and it is enormous challenge and huge economical
(Maja Halilhodzic, architect in company, May 20, 2013)
Survey Results
According to the results obtained from the first group of questions concerning environment and the impact of
biomimicry architectural design on environment and vice versa, from our questionnaire, the following graph
displays the results
In Graph 1. We notice that great majority of the architectural professionals circled the positive answers option,
from which we can conclude that it is believed that implementation of biomimicry design has great impact on
the environment and is one of the ways to improve sustainability in design and construction industry. The
negative response to the change that biomimicry design will have on nature is under 35 % of the total 100
According to the results obtained from the second group of questions concerning social aspect of
implementation of biomimicry design from our questionnaire, the following graph displays the results.
Series 1
Series 2
Series 1
Series 2
This paper, through literature review and results of our investigation, confirms the positive quest of
Biomimicry, to help humans evolve, learn to adapt to the natural rhythms and cycles of the earth, to become
sustainable in every aspect of human life.
The survey confirms that Biomimicry research is gaining momentum even among local professional in
architecture, when it comes to environmental sustainability. Our literature review has shown many examples of
scientist who are naming specific natural organisms that are able to perform in a way that is applicable to
building systems. This is in positive relation with the results of our surveys and interviews where large majority
of participants confirm that there are models in the nature that can be used as models for controlling certain
functional systems within the building and therefore decrease the level of pollution caused by the construction
When it comes to social effects that biomimicry has, our literature review indicates that learning about
positive solutions and ways to take meaningful action are powerful ways to rejuvenate optimism. The
integration of the concepts of biomimicry can accomplish these two goals simultaneously. Though biomimicry
is not a familiar term to many, and there has not been formal integration of this concept into education or
environmental science, this survey demonstrated the potential positive social impact of biomimicry. The
interviews, as well as literature review indicates the impact that built environment has on social masses.
Biomimicry designs are bringing us closer to our inborn habitat the nature, and that it helps us integrate closer
to nature has a positive social impact on the users of design.
In terms of Economy our literature has shown examples of businesses that are adapting the ideas of
eco-industrialism because it gives credit to those who are trying and hope to those who want to keep this trend
going. The survey confirms that nature has shown us that if you are not able to adapt then you will be edited out
of the gene pool; humans are not immune to the laws of nature. If our extracting and polluting industries do not
adapt, then there is no chance for human survival and no economy will flourish. When the resources are no
longer there, neither are the products. It is time to bring back the interconnectedness of the world and for people
to understand the earths cycles, the processes and our part in them. Only then will we learn to move forward.
Our Literature has shown that the direction of sustainable development is Biomimicry design due to its
positive implications not only on the environment but on economy and social development. Our survey and
interviews confirm that local professionals recognize this fact and do indeed give great notice to it.
This paper can be used by the local government to develop local strategies by a set of global strategies.
It can be used as guidelines for living well on this planet, drawn from deep patterns found in strategies across all
life forms on the planet. Analysis of biomimicry design principles and its impact can be used as the framework
for designing new cities, remodelling old ones, and in creating new systems based planning tools for
Local companies can contribute in the paper for it underlines two important challenges that arise from
this biomimicry analysis: (1) Recognizing the fields, problems and applications for which local biomimicry
design has or can have an impact; (2) Understanding the basic steps required for a successful and deep fusion of
biological and engineering knowledge.
Architectural and engineering professionals can understand from this paper that biologically inspired
design is typically thought of as being problem based, that is, motivated by the desire to generate an improved or
different solution to a particular technical challenge. The inversion of this approach is to take biological
'solutions' as a starting point and seek out particular technical challenges for which the system is appropriate.
The paper suggests that solution-based approaches are much less widely employed. It seems wise to ensure that
intellectual exchange between biology and engineering is bidirectional; we may be missing considerable
opportunities by inadequate support of both perspectives. Interestingly, solution-based approaches may
encourage the application of biological principles in ways that would not be immediately obvious when viewed
from a problem-based perspective.
A clear message of our paper is that translating biological principles into human devices or processes
requires considerable technical proficiency, which will inevitable have impact not only on science but as well as
on economy, environment and social development. However, the paper also shows that pure technical
achievements are not the sole arbiter of success, and in fact may not always be the most important factor. A
reasonable perspective is that the success of biomimicry design and the magnitude of its impact one
environment, economy and social development, depends most critically on establishing the appropriate analogy
between the problem to be solved and potential biological model systems. The strength of this analogy will in
large measure determine how appropriate the resulting principles are when extracted from biology, and this step
deserves at least as much analysis as the subsequent attempts to understand and implement principle.
Greatest limitation of our research is that Biomimicry is an emerging discipline and therefore still in
developmental faze. Though the field of architecture has consistently been the most intrigued by biomimicry,
and there are numerous commercial products and several individual buildings that have demonstrated lessons
from nature. Yet, within the built environment, biomimicry is still in its infancy. Also there are only a very small
number of building projects throughout the world that have truly integrated biomimicry at the macro scale.
When it comes to local level, number of research and the very awareness is not developed, but obviously there is
a positive attitude towards moving contemporary sustainable design towards biomimicry development.
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