Sustainable Construction Is A Technical Elective For Seniors and Graduate Students (Primarily Civil
Sustainable Construction Is A Technical Elective For Seniors and Graduate Students (Primarily Civil
Sustainable Construction Is A Technical Elective For Seniors and Graduate Students (Primarily Civil
(c) The ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within
realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and
safety, manufacturability, and sustainability with the mindset of using nature as a design
(d) The ability to function on multidisciplinary teams by using resources and references
from biology, life sciences, and multiple engineering disciplines.
(e) The ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems by using nature as a
mentor for design concepts.
(g) The ability to communicate effectively by presenting their biomimetic designs in
group and class discussions.
(h) The broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a
global, economic, environmental, and societal context by realizing that biomimetic
design has the potential to influence all four of these sectors.
(i) A recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning by
understanding that biomimetic design, like nature, is an evolving concept that
continuously improves as design standards advance.
(j) A knowledge of contemporary issues by using a biomimicry search engine as a
reference tool for their biomimetic design concepts.
Biomimicry shifts our present day ideology closer to nature by using nature as a design
inspiration to sustainably solve human problems. As opposed to humans, nature solves its
problems using methods that do not require high temperatures, high pressures, and chemical
treatments. Additionally, nature solves problems with locally available resources and without
generating unusable waste (Benyus, 1997). Biomimicry links the built environment to the
natural world by striving to use Mother Nature as a model, a standard of measure, and a mentor
(Figure 1). The rationale for this approach is that the more our world looks and functions like
this natural world, the more likely we are to be accepted on this home that is ours, but not ours
alone (Benyus, 1997).
Figure 1. Viewing nature as a design model, measure, and mentor (Curricula, 2009)
Nature as a Model
Biomimicry studies nature then imitates its designs and processes to identify potential solutions
to human problems. Through close study of how nature functions, it appears that many of
mankinds inventions are present in nature; however, they exist in more elegant forms that are
less harmful to the planet (Benyus, 1997). For example, in order to heat and cool a building,
humans invented the central heating and air-conditioning systems. In contrast, West African
termites solve this same problem without technology that expends energy and natural resources.
These insects create mounds that passively maintain a consistent temperature of 86 degrees
Fahrenheit despite a dynamic non-equilibrium African climate (Doan, 2007). A vertical chimney
cuts through the center of the termite mound and leads to a large air space called the cellar where
cool air is stored. As hot air rises through the chimney, cool air is pulled in via porous ridges
found in the interior and exterior walls (John et al., 2005).
Using nature as an inspiration, the Eastgate Centre building located in Harare, Zimbabwe,
introduced a design similar to African termite mounds that uses passive cooling instead of the
conventional air-conditioning methods (Figure 2). The energy and cost savings from this design
are outstanding. The building uses less than ten percent the energy of a comparable building; the
owners initially saved 3.5 million dollars simply from eliminating the need for central air-
conditioning (not including annual energy savings); and because the building cost less to
construct, the tenant rent is twenty percent lower than those in the surrounding buildings (Doan,
Figure 2. The Eastgate Centre building design inspired by African termite mounds (Doan, 2007)
Nature as a Measure
Life on Earth has evolved throughout its 3.8 billion years of existence. In comparison, humans
have been present for only a tiny fraction of this time period. Excluding humans, Earths
inhabitants have endured billions of years of life without consuming their ecological resources.
Species alive today hold the secret to survival. These species have learned how to survive,
evolve, and adapt to their surroundings throughout time. Creating a built environment that
functions more like the natural world may address human caused problems such as the depletion
of natural resources, global warming, pollution, overpopulation, starvation, etc. (Benyus, 1997).
To achieve a sustainable ecosystem, nature lives by several vital principles. Lifes Principles
(Figure 3) are interrelated and various species of plants and animals depend on each other for
survival. This is how nature operates; waste from one organism is used as resource for another,
ultimately forming an efficient, self-sustained ecosystem. In Kalundborg, Denmark, engineers
designed an industrial ecosystem inspired by how nature integrates waste from one system as a
resource for another. In essence, a series of businesses consisting of a coal fired power station,
an oil refinery, a pharmaceuticals plant, a plasterboard manufacturer, a water, electric, and heat
distributor, and a farm all use by-products from one process as a low cost input for another
process. For example, Figure 4 demonstrates how treated wastewater from the oil refinery is
recycled as cooling water for the power station. Meanwhile the refinery and the pharmaceuticals
plant both purchase steam produced as waste from the coal fired power station to run their
engines. In addition, excess heat from the power station contributes to the warming of 3,500
homes in the neighboring area, as well as 57 local fish ponds (Reed, 2004; Kalundborg, 2007).
Figure 3. Lifes Principles illustration (Curricula, 2009)
Figure 4. Schematic diagram of the industrial ecopark located in Kalundborg, Denmark (Allenby
& Graedel, 1994)
Nature as a Mentor
Biomimicry is an innovative way of viewing nature. It repositions the mindset of designers from
what can we extract from the natural world?, to what can we learn from it? By examining
natures materials and processes, humans can formulate new ideas and methods with the
potential to affect the way crops are harvested, materials are made, energy is harnessed,
medications are produced, information is stored, business is conducted, building are constructed,
and much more (Benyus, 1997). Biomimicry teaches engineers that, there is more to discover
than to invent nature, imaginative by necessity, has already solved the problems we are
struggling to solve. Our challenge is to take these time-tested ideas and echo them in our own
lives (Benyus, 1997).
One of the learning objectives addressed in this module is students will practice applying
biomimicry to arrive at sustainable design solutions. To accomplish this objective, students must
understand that utilizing biomimicry as an instrument is more complex than simply viewing one
aspect of nature as a design model, measure, and mentor. Since nature functions as a whole
structure with many different interconnected elements, biomimetic designs must use an
integrated systems thinking approach to include disciplines such as biology, biophysics, and
material science (John et al., 2005). Systems thinking, as opposed to siloed thinking, views a
complicated problem in terms of the components and their relationship to the problem as a whole
(Nikou and Klotz, 2009).
Like systems thinking, the biomimetic design process is a continuous progression towards an
ultimate goal; once one challenge is accomplished, a new one arises, therefore beginning another
round of the design. This repetition of design stages continues until new challenges cease to
occur and the final goal of the project is met. The application of biomimicry in the design
process can be simplified into eight useful steps which serve as a thought rubric:
1. Identify a real world challenge
2. Interpret the design brief
3. Discover natures models
4. Abstract design principles
5. Brainstorm potential applications
6. Emulate natures strategies
7. Evaluate against Lifes Principles
8. Repeat steps 1-7
First, innovators must identify the basic functions of a real world challenge by asking What do
you want your design to do? For example, I want my design to produce energy at a low cost.
The next step is to interpret the design brief from natures prospective. This step asks the
question How does nature do this function? Specifically, one must determine how nature
performs the function within its climate, nutrient, social, and temporal conditions. Building on
the previous example, nature produces energy through the plant process of photosynthesis which
captures solar energy and converts it into chemical energy (Photosynthesis: Cookes kokio,
2009). After interpreting the design brief, one must discover natures models by determining
which species perform this function the best. This step asks the question, Whose survival in
nature depends on this function? If the function is common throughout many species, such as
photosynthesis, the designer must search for the species that executes this function in the most
extreme living conditions, yet is unaffected by the variables (Biomimicry: A tool for
innovation, 2009). For example, penguins are a group of aquatic birds that must survive in the
extreme climate of the Antarctic. Their ability to withstand variables such as the cold climate
and scarcity of food proves that their survival relies on their thermal insulation and energy
consumption. The penguins thick, air-filled, windproof coat consists of two layers of evenly
packed overlapping feathers that help reduce heat loss and moderate the external environment
(John et al., 2005). Biomimetic designs inspired by the penguins dynamic coat may lead to
innovative building and pipe insulation techniques.
The next step is to abstract design principles from the species then find any repeating patterns or
processes within nature that are successful. In this stage, the intention is to select the principles
from nature that are most relevant to the original design challenge. Then, brainstorm potential
applications of natures models in an engineering mindset. The designer must search for
multiple solutions by researching literature, studying nature, and consulting biologists for a more
distinct perspective. Then, step six requires the designer to emulate natures strategies and
develop design solutions based on natures models; the principal concept is to mimic natures
form, function, and ecosystem (Biomimicry: A tool for innovation, 2009). Continuing on the
photosynthesis example and applying it to step six, conventional silicon-based solar panels
capture, separate, and transport light energy and have a high solar energy conversion ratio
inspired from how nature produces energy through photosynthesis (Photosynthesis: Cookes
kokio, 2009). Although the creation of solar panels is an innovative idea inspired by nature, it
can still be improved on through the final steps of the rubric.
After natures strategies are emulated, the next step is to evaluate the design against Lifes
Principles (Figure 3). Questions the designer must answer are: Does your design adapt and
evolve?, Does your design create conditions conducive to life?, and How can you improve
your design? This step is meant to identify further ways to advance the design and develop new
questions to explore, essentially adapting and evolving the design similar to how nature would
function. Upon answering these questions for the solar panel example, one would determine
that, solar panels are manufactured from one material that requires large amounts of energy,
toxic solvents, and bulky infrastructure (Photosynthesis: Cookes kokio, 2009).
Although photovoltaic solar panels are a revolutionary method of generating renewable energy,
their design can still be improved. This illustrates why biomimetic design is portrayed as a
continuous loop and why the last stage of the rubric is to repeat steps 1-7. The repetition of
these steps allows improvement and expansion of the design. By repeating steps 1-7 for the solar
panel example, one would discover that, dye-sensitive solar cells use photosensitive dyes and
flexible materials that are less harmful to the environment and can be incorporated into
architectural elements such as window panes, building paints, and textiles. Also, they have a
higher overall power collection potential due to low-cost operability under a wider range of light
and temperature conditions (Photosynthesis: Cookes kokio, 2009). A biomimetic design
concept experiences multiple iterations of the thought process to adapt, evolve, and develop into
a sustainable solution for a human problem.
F. Lesson Plan
This lesson plan extends throughout two class periods and covers the introduction, overview, and
application of biomimicry as an engineering design approach. The first class begins with the
instructor briefly introducing the learning objectives for the class. This introduction is followed
by a presentation describing biomimicry that elaborates on background information provided in
the preceding sections. At the end of the presentation, the instructor assigns homework to be
included in the next class as an interactive learning task.
The second class period begins with a brief review of the previous class. Then, students are
engaged in an in-class activity that allows them to share and receive knowledge about
biomimetic design in a short period of time.
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environment. The leaves of the lotus plant use a combination of papillose epidermal cells
(microstructures that create a roughened surface) and wax crystals that reduce adhesive
forces on water and dirt particles (Hydrophobic surface allows, 2011).
3. How could you draw on the example from nature to better perform these functions?
Integrate the micro-topographical features that allow the lotus plant to repel water and
self clean into modern day exterior finishing surfaces such as vinyl siding.
4. Use the 8-Step rubric introduced in class in order to formulate a sustainable design
inspired by nature for your basic function.
1. Identify a real world challenge. Typical exterior finishing surfaces constantly collect
organic dirt particles, grime, and moss. Such surfaces require maintenance and
cleaning that expend energy, water, and may use environmentally harmful chemicals.
Consider a design that eliminates the need for maintenance of exterior surfaces
through self cleaning techniques.
2. Interpret the design brief. Many of natures leaves have hydrophobic surfaces that are
rinsed clean from organic dirt particles by raindrops running across their surface.
3. Discover natures models. Although most plants with leaves repel water and self-
clean, the lotus plant is recognized as a superhydrophobic plant because of its high
contact angle with water. Since the lotus plant demonstrates impressive water
repellent traits, particles that contaminate the leaves of the lotus plant are completely
removed by water droplets that roll off the surface, otherwise known as the Lotus
Effect. The combination of surface roughness, reduced particle adhesion, and water
repellency is the key to the lotus self-cleaning abilities (Barthlott and Neinhuis,
4. Abstract design principles. The design principles that make the lotus plant
hydrophobic and self-cleaning are a combination of micro-topographical features.
According to Neinhuis and Barthlott (1997), water-repellency is based on surface
roughness caused by different microstructures (trichomes, cuticular folds and wax
crystals), together with the hydrophobic properties of the epicuticular wax rough,
waxy leaves are not only water-repellent but anti-adhesive with respect to particulate
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5. Brainstorm potential applications. The AskNature website provides a few example of
how the lotus plants hydrophobic surface inspired biomimetic designs for self-
cleaning textiles, clay roofing tiles, fabrics, and paints (Hydrophobic surface
allows, 2011). Given vinyl siding as the engineering material, the new design will
incorporate a roughened microscopic surface to vinyl siding (similar to the lotus
plants microstructures) that will reduce the adhesive force of water droplets and dirt
particles. Ultimately, this technology will eliminate the need for power washing
houses with potentially harmful chemicals.
6. Emulate natures strategies. Figures 5a and 5b illustrate how the new design will
emulate natures strategies. Figure 5a shows the smooth surface of typical vinyl
siding and how particles are only redistributed by water droplets rolling across the
surface. However, Figure 5b depicts the surface of the new proposed vinyl siding
design and how the microstructures prevent water and particles from adhering to the
Figure 5a, b. Depiction of how the Lotus-Effect occurs on rough surfaces (Barthlott and
Neinhuis 1997)
7. Evaluate against Lifes Principles. This is a multi-functional design yet it does not
adapt, evolve, or create conditions conductive to life. The new design can be
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improved by using benign manufacturing techniques that utilize sustainable life-
friendly materials.
Class Activity: Student-Group Presentations (2-minute)
Each student is responsible for describing their design (from the homework assignment) in a
two-minute presentation to a small group of students. The students must explain how their design
is inspired by nature, how it qualifies as a sustainable solution to a human problem, and how it
would impact the field of civil engineering as well as society as a whole. The class is divided
into groups of four to five students and each student presents their design to their group in a two-
minute time period. Each group member takes notes and evaluates their peers (see Figure 6).
Once every student has presented to their group, each group will determine a champion from
their group who has the most fascinating and innovative design. This activity will take
approximately 20-25 minutes.
For the second half of this activity, each individual group champion presents their biomimetic
design concept to the entire class. Depending on the size of the class, 4-10 students will present
in this second round. Finally, the entire class will vote on which student presented the best
overall biomimetic design concept. The winner, and the other members of their group, will win
a prize the instructor decides on. This round should take approximately 10 minutes depending
on the size of the class. At the end of the interactive activity, the entire class participates in a 10-
minute discussion led by the instructor on the lessons learned from participating in the
biomimicry activity. After the discussion period, final remarks will be presented (see the
following section) and students will reflect individually through two minutes of low-stakes
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In-Class Activity: 2 Minute Student-Group Presentations
Student Name:________________________ Date:____________
Content Presenter 1:_________ Presenter 2:_________ Presenter 3:________
inspired by
solution to a
Impact to Civil
and society
Peer evaluation:
Please evaluate each presenter on the criteria below from 1 to 3, with 1 being a poor delivery and 3 being an
excellent delivery.
Criteria Presenter 1:_________ Presenter 2:_________ Presenter 3:________
Clarity of the
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Final Remarks
As this class activity will reveal, many of the human inventions throughout time already exist in
nature, yet in a more fascinating form and at less cost to the planet. Students will realize that
there is a lot to learn from nature. By the end of the two class periods, students should
understand the fundamental concepts of biomimetic design and the potential of biomimicry to
introduce sustainable engineering design solutions. This module is meant to inspire students to
consider biomimetic designs in their future professional and personal endeavors.
Activity Learning Styles Addressed
- Global: present an outline where this topic fits into the course and
Introduction 4-5
relate biomimetic design to previous topics covered in class
- Reflective: convey different resources to present the topic
- Visual: show pictures and diagrams
lecture and
- Verbal: provide concrete examples of biomimetic designs 30 - 40
presentation on
- Active: involve effective communication in a short period of time
- Intuitive: biomimicry is a new design tool that requires innovation
Conclusion - Verbal: summarize the lesson and provide time for Q & A 5 - 10
- Reflective: promote students to think through a problem
- Intuitive: allow students to use to real world problems Varies
- Active: encourage students to apply concepts learned in class
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Table 2: Learning Styles Addressed in Class II
Activity Learning Styles Addressed
Introduction - Verbal: quickly review the concepts covered in the previous class 4-5
Two-minute - Reflective: convey different resources to present the topic
student-group - Active: discuss and explain biomimetic designs to peers 20 - 25
presentations - Verbal: converse with peer groups about biomimicry
- Reflective, active, and verbal: same as above 10 - 15
- Global: summarize the implications of different perspectives
- Verbal: discuss opinions and lessons learned 10 - 15
- Inductive: build concepts based on students research and designs
- Reflective: allow students to revise their notes after the discussion
Reflection time 6 to 8
- Active: allow students to converse about final thoughts
G. Assessment Tools
Two different areas are evaluated after this class period. The first area is the effectiveness of
various teaching methods. Depending on the creativity, excitement, and interest portrayed by
students during their presentations, the instructor can judge how well students responded to
various teaching methods. By collecting and reviewing the one-page written assignments from
students, the instructor can document and assess each students ability to understand the main
concepts of the lecture and the assignment. This assessment will help the instructor determine
which concepts need reinforcement during future class periods.
The second area for assessment is students ability to verbally communicate and present their
design topics to classmates. For this area, the instructor will use peer evaluations provided at the
bottom of the handout for note-taking. Using a scale from 1-3, with 1 being poor and 3 being
excellent, students will anonymously grade their peers on performance during the two-minute
student-group presentations. These evaluations allow each student to receive feedback from
peers in four different fields: content, verbal communication, clarity of the concepts, and time
management (see Figure 6). The instructor will collect these evaluations and use the results to
count participation and, if desired, to provide constructive feedback for each individual student
on how to improve their presentation skills.
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Significance of this Lesson Plan
This module introduces biomimicry to help students add the concept of using nature as a design
model to their problem-solving approach. Introducing this topic in the undergraduate engineering
curriculum may teach students a useful method to generate sustainable engineering design
The written homework assignment, two-minute student-group presentations, and class discussion
all promote active learning. In particular, the concept of peers teaching other peers is a proven
effective active learning method for both the students doing the teaching and the students being
taught (McKeachie & Svinicki, 2006). Concluding the lesson with a class discussion allows the
instructor to cover unmentioned material, administer a holistic conversation by asking questions
to the entire class, and bring the lesson to a close with any final remarks. The ultimate goal of
this module is for students to value, apply, and share biomimetic concepts during their life-long
approach to learning.
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peer learning. In Teaching tips (12th ed., pp. 213-219). Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company.
15. Neinhuis, C., and Barthlott, W. (1997). Characterization and distribution of water-repellent,
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16. Nikou, T., and Klotz, L. (2010). Systems thinking in sustainable engineering and
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17. Photosynthesis: Cookes kokio. (2009). Retrieved September 4, 2010, from The Biomimicry
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18. Reed, P. A. (2004, December/January). A paradigm shift: Biomimicry. The Technology
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