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Nature-Based Framework For Sustainable Architectural Design - Biomimetic Design and Biophilic Design

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Architecture Research 2019, 9(3): 74-81

DOI: 10.5923/j.arch.20190903.03

Nature-Based Framework for Sustainable Architectural

Design - Biomimetic Design and Biophilic Design
Abeer Makram

Department of Architecture, Delta University for Science and Technology, Gamasa, Egypt

Abstract Sustainable architectural design is the design of the age. It is based on the solution of environmental, social and
economic problems of architectural design for providing resources and improving the quality of life for mankind. Sustainable
solutions of architectural design result mainly from the principle of sustainability which is derived from natural systems and
what they offer to humans. The main objective of this paper is to highlight the natural strategies of solving the problems of
sustainable architectural design as an integrated approach for the knowledge of the secrets of sustainability. These strategies
of sustainable architectural design derived from nature and interacting with it. The first strategy is inspired from nature by
implementing the Biomimetic design which mimics the performance of nature and provides clean technologies. The second
strategy is integrated into nature by using Biophilic design and its role in achieving human well-being and improving their
performance. This research follows the deductive approach that analyzes the design strategies and methods taken from nature
to contribute to the development of a comprehensive nature-based framework for sustainable architectural design to benefit
the designers, innovators and decision makers that nature is the main source for achieving sustainability in architectural
Keywords Sustainable architectural design, Natural strategies, Biomimetic Design, Biophilic Design, Nature-based

the copying or imitation of the phenomena of nature or

1. Introduction mechanisms of survival and environmental efficiency in
manufacturing processes [2] act as the sustainability concept
Sustainable architectural design is a set of rules and in the architectural design, which is called the biomimic
principles that are stronger than strict laws. It gives a great design. The human instinctively tends to nature and so do all
conception of the whole-building as an approach to design, the other organisms. Therefore, the integration of design
construction, maintenance and operations. It is a vast and with nature is called biophilic design that has physiological
complex concept. The concept of sustainability reflects the benefits focused on human health and well-being and
quality of life and allows people to live in a healthy improve their performance. Thus, the application of biophia
environment while improving social, environmental and and biomimicry concepts in design, construction and
economic conditions. [1] This concept is formed from the maintenance of buildings achieves the principles of
idea of sustainability, sustainable development and the sustainability in the project.
framework for sustainable design based on the sustainable
triple bottom line principles which are the conservation of
resources, cost efficiency and design for the human. Each 2. Sustainability as Learning from
principle has strategies and methods throughout the life cycle Natural
of construction projects.
Since nature is based on the principle of sustainability, the Sustainability is the endurance and derivative of the Latin
accuracy of the human will never match the beauty, term sustinere. It describes how biological systems remain
simplicity or directness of nature; where there is nothing diverse and always productive. It improves human life and
missing or is not necessary as it is the optimal design. Thus, well-being and thus natural world preserve the natural
resources over a long time. [3].
* Corresponding author: Sustainable design is a part of the sustainability movement.
elmakram_abeer@yaho.com (Abeer Makram) It is the philosophical basis for changing the definition of
Published online at http://journal.sapub.org/arch
how building design, construction and operation becomes
Copyright © 2019 The Author(s). Published by Scientific & Academic Publishing
This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International more environmentally responsible and responsive to people.
License (CC BY). http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/ [4]
Architecture Research 2019, 9(3): 74-81 75

The philosophy of learning from nature published in a inspired from nature using Biomimetic design
book called Biomimicry by the biologist Janine Benyus in ■ Application of methods of improvement, health and
1996. Biomimicry has taken the term from the Greek word well-being of human engaged with nature using
“Bio-mimesis” meaning life and imitation. It described this Biophilic design.
science in three main aspects: There are three principles in sustainable architecture
- The Inspiration from nature as a model. ■ Resource efficiency - Reduction and preservation of the
- The Measurement from nature as judgment natural resources
- The Mentor from nature as a valuation. ■ Life Cycle Design - Methodology for the impact of the
Benyus describes that all natural innovations have nine building process on the environment.
common things: ■ Humane Design - Human interaction with the natural
1. Nature is based on sunlight. world. [8]
2. Nature only uses the energy it needs. The most important part of the principles of sustainability
3. In nature, the shape matches the function. existed in nature through the biomimetic principles [4] which
4. Nature recycles everything. is a principle based on the direct learning from nature. Thus,
5. Nature is based on participation. the primary principles of Economy of Resources and Life
6. Nature is full of diversity. Cycle Design have strategy inspired by nature. Moreover,
7. Nature requires local experience. the most important principle to enhance human health and
8. Nature does not have excesses or excessiveness. wellbeing is the principle of human design which existed in
9. Nature taps the power of limits. [4] Biophilic design principles and its strategy to apply the
Thus, learning from nature provides us with the methods Positive experience of nature in the built environment. [7]
that must be implemented in daily design solutions through
Biomimetic design to create sustainable societies as nature 3.1. Nature-Inspired Design Strategy
does. [5] In order to achieve comprehensive sustainability, This strategy focuses on eco-efficiency which is based on
these societies must be provided with restorative the use of the least resources, waste and pollution. It consists
environments. In the literature of environmental psychology, of some aspects that have a common characteristic of
the potential therapeutic benefits and positive effects on learning from the nature which use nature design principles
human health and wellbeing by exposure to nature to develop sustainable solutions. This strategy is based
environments were studied by Stephen Kellert and Elizabeth mainly on the principle of "Learning from nature "and
Calabrese in document “The Practice of Biophilic Design”. looking at nature as a model of sustainability. [9]
It focuses on nature positive experience in the built Biomimicry uses principles that exist in nature as a basis
environment to reach restorative environments that act as a for human-based design, which shows how important it is to
basis for Biophilic design. [6] learn from the natural world. [10]. The approach of
biomimicry as a design process is divided into two parts:
First: determining the human needs or design problem.
3. Nature-based Sustainable Second: searching for ways to solve this problem by
Architecture Design Framework organisms or ecosystems. The Biomimetic design which
mutates the creative nature designs has managed to produce
Sustainability requires a holistic approach to
design technology which developed new materials and
conceptualize all issues, understand principles and deal with
them. Nature is an auxiliary device for thinking rationally
and applying the principles of design in a visual, easy to 3.1.1. Aspects Based on the Principle of Resource Efficiency
understand and easily accessible method. Thus, nature as a
source of holistic creativity acts as a mentor helping to These aspects are derived from simulating living
understand the principles of sustainable design. [7] organisms to access different design methods to conserve
To achieve sustainability in architectural design by natural resources (energy, water and materials). These methods may
design two strategies are used: simulate nature in terms of form, material, construction,
process and function. First, (Table 1) illustrates the reduction
■ First, nature-inspired design strategies based on the
of energy consumption by ventilation and natural lighting
principle of learning from nature.
methods and keeping comfortable temperature levels by way
■ Second, nature into the built-environment strategies
of insulation methods and using natural forms to interact
which integrate nature into the built environment.
with the surrounding environment [11]. Second, it illustrates
This research is concerned with the development of a preserving materials by using localized materials,
conceptual framework consisting of three levels of principles, environment friendly forms, and long lasting materials
strategies and methods, all of which are compatible with two which simulates natural materials in terms of being more
objectives: durable, require less maintenance and deal with the
■ Creating an integrated environmental awareness surrounding environment. Third, it shows how water
76 Abeer Makram: Nature-Based Framework for Sustainable Architectural
Design - Biomimetic Design and Biophilic Design

conservation is carried out by simulating nature methods of methods. (Table. 2.)

manufacturing surfaces, harvesting, collecting water, or First: The Optimum Consumption of Resources: The large
designing water collecting devices. number of organisms form an industrial network that mimics
the systems of nature and produces a large amount of useful
3.1.2. Aspects based on the Principle of Life Cycle Design outputs as inputs where the resources move to zero waste
These aspects mimic natural systems with a completely ways.
closed loop of waste management. It is done over the life of Second: Resource Management: It is the prevention of
the building to achieve the optimum consumption of environmental pollution through application of surfaces to
resources and site where the resources move to zero waste prevent pollution, anti-bacterial, anti-fogging and
ways. It is the use of resources for the largest possible period anti-corrosion, reducing CO2 emissions, preventing harmful
so that they can be recovered and refurbished to dispose of emissions by simulating plants, insects and birds.
waste. It consists of two aspects and some optimization
Table 1. Natural methods to conserve resources

Natural methods of Energy conservation

Natural ventilation and Natural lighting. Regulate heat and avoid sunlight.
Thermal regulation methods and avoided sunlight
Simulate the outside structure to Venus Basket Simulate the form and shading process to
Simulate physiological strategies of lizard skin [11]
sponge Cactus plant

S.C.A.L.E.S.project, [13]
Gherkin tower, [12] MMAA Building, [13]

Natural lighting: Simulate the form of Natural alternatives of power generation

soapbubbles and use the fluoropolymer as a Get the highest energy from the sun, Geothermal cooling: Simulate the jackrabbit's ears in
transparent plastic material. Simulate The sunflower plant [14] conveying the warmth to the rest of the body.

Moving photovoltaic panels [16] SolarThermal Panel jackrabbit's ears [16]

Water cube‘ National Swimming Centre. [15]
Natural methods of Preserving materials
Environment friendly forms: (Organic Materials, self-healing Material efficiency, durability and light-weight construction:
material). Simulate the process of adapting the building to Simulate the fiber morphology of arthropods [17] and simulation of strongly
external conditions. anisotropic materials as fibre reinforced polymers.

Bird’s Nest stadium [18] like the Bird’s Nest [19] ICD / ITKE - Research Pavilion 2012 [20] (a high-quality construction).

Natural methods of Water conservation

A water collection system: Simulate the Nano scale surface:Simulate the surface of the
Fog harvesting: Simulate the Namibian desert
structural of the spider web, and the shape and lotusof leaf in collecting water in the middle of the
beetle in collecting fog to quench thirst
function of a local plant leaf as the high water repellence material

Chaac Ha [21] Lotusan Paint. [22]

Namibia Hydrology Center [21] Surfaces Collection of rainwater
Device collects water from rain and dew
Architecture Research 2019, 9(3): 74-81 77

Table 2. Natural systems to Resource and Waste performance methods (optimization Methods)

The Optimum Consumption of Resources

Self Optimising Systems: Flexibility a dynamic form:
Minimize Waste streams:Process Zero Energy Systems:Techniques to
by using bio-based raw materials. Vital constructions to achieve Inspired by coral reefs. A great
produce enough energy: Simulate the
efficiency in the use of resources. living structure to accommodate
.Ex. creating free form sheets made seven mountains in Azerbaijan and
Ex. Simulate giant Amazon water more than one thousand Haitian
of Bioplastic façade [20] the ecosystem of the island. [23]
lilies. [20] families [23]

Zira Island Master Plan The Olympic Games Arena

Research Project [24] Coral Reef Project Haiti
Resource Management
Self-cleaning material: simulate Management and reduction of Zero-Waste Systems:
Anti-bacterial surfaces: These
super biological hydrophobicity CO2:Nano vent-skin:simulate the The city Kalundborg simulates
surfaces mimic the surface of the
which mimic the lotus paper as the human and animal skin have environmental systems Where a
Galapogos shark's skin(patterns on
best model for self-cleaning in turbines which act as filters that network of companies integrates
the outside skin )in Jalabos [26]
nature. [25] absorbs CO2. [16] waste products of each other [27]

Lotus Leaf has ability of Pattern Galapagos Shark Skin [26] The Nano Vent-Skin [28]
self-cleaning The city Kalundborg in Denmark

3.2. Nature into the Built-Environment Strategy (Table 4) show natural environment protection methods.
Human beings have a biological attractiveness to the 3.2.2. Natural Design for Human Wellbeing
natural environment, which helps to achieve well-being
which is the Hypothesis of Biophila. Therefore, the buildings Biophilic helps to clarify how individuals interact with
and living spaces of biophilic design include the basic their environment through the link of health to nature in the
elements from natural ventilation and natural lighting to built environment. Generally, there are 3 responses to health
natural shapes, products and landscapes and all that makes in biophila; cognitive, psychological and physiological.
people feel that they are in a natural environment. [29] The These responses which are reflected by nature on the human
relationship between man and nature is divided into three are important to the designer and planner. The theories of the
categories: Nature in the Space, Natural Analogues, and relationships state that the landscape is a priority because it
Nature of the Space that are reflected in the biophilic design has an impact on the development of humanity, as its innate
features through 14 patterns. These patterns are used as a tool quality reflects the survival of humanity over time. [35]
to improve well-being in the built environment. [30] (Table 3) The Biophilic design achieves comfort for the inhabitants
shows their different types. of buildings in addition to restorative and Well-Being
The strategy of human design focuses on peaceful methods by providing its elements of natural ventilation
coexistence between the buildings and the best environment, and natural lighting and the connection to the natural
and between the buildings and their occupants. This strategy environment through openings and surfaces that allow the
is implemented through three aspects: [8]. supply of fresh air and allow communication with the outside,
First: Natural Environmental Protection. achieving the psychological and biological comfort of man.
Second: Natural Design for human wellbeing. There are different responses to man during the three
Third: Integrating Nature into Urban Design and Planning. categories of his relationship by nature; support of reduces
stress, enhance cognitive performance in addition to better
3.2.1. Natural Environmental Protection the emotion and mood. As such the previous energy saving
The elements of the biophilic design; green areas, trees, methods of vegetated facades, shading, green roofing and
green roofs, green walls…etc, have an important role in others achieve thermal, visual and acoustic comfort, the
preserving the environment by energy saving, water provision of daylight, natural air and presence the indoor
conservation and filtration, Phytroremediation, Carbon plants, and good landscape are all elements that achieve high
Reduction and Biodiversity / Environmental Biodiversity quality internal environment. [29]
78 Abeer Makram: Nature-Based Framework for Sustainable Architectural
Design - Biomimetic Design and Biophilic Design

Table 3. Patterns of biophilic design. [30] [31]

1. Visual relationship with nature: green roofs, living walls, vegetation

Nature Integration of plants, 2. Non- Visual relationship with nature: climate, sun spots,rough materials
water, and animals into 3. Non-rhythmic eccentric drive:nature noises,water,clouds,shadows.
in the
space the built environment, 4. Access to heat and air current changeability: shade, radiant heat.
particularly with
5. Presence of water surfaces: rivers, fountains, water walls, pond..
6. Vibrant and diffuse light—light from vrious angles,, circadian lighting
7. Relationship with natural systems,wildlife environments, daytime patterns

Natural One point away from 8. Biomorphic designs and forms—organic forms, structural systems
analogues real nature; designs, 9. Material integration with nature—organic forms, structural systems
patterns and materials
10. Difficulty and arrangment—fractal designs, sky lines, choice of plants
that bringabout nature

Psychological and 11. Prospect:views, balconies, 6 m and above focal lengths, open floor plans
physiological human 12. Refuge:protected spaces, overhead canopies or lowered ceilings
of the
reaction to spatial 13. Mystery—curving routes, concealed characteristics, unbroken designs
formations 14. Risk/peril—floor to ceiling windows, water walks, high pathways.

Table 4. Natural Environmental Protection methods

Protection of the natural environment

Energy Saving
Biophilic elements in the built environment reduces the urban heat island effect, adjusts the local urban climate and improves the thermal behavior of
the building skin.( provide insulation, filtration, absorption retention of rain water and protection of the the building skin [29].
Vegetation and Shading Trees Green roofing Green wall (vertical gardens)

The tree planting in the urban areas. Green roof adjacent to High Park, The new Healey Family Student
Patrick Blanc’s green walls,
[30] Toronto. [31] Center at Georgetown University
Paris [33]
Water conservation and filtration [29]
The green cover and green roofing have the ability to reduce the flow of rainwater. The living wall system works as a bio-filter for the water used and
works to purify the water efficiently through plant treatment in the processes of plant filtration and root filtering.
Phytoremediation and Carbon Reduction
Phytoremediation: It is the ability of the plant to clean or treat the surrounding air, soil or water. Carbon Reduction: Green tree leaves help reduce
carbon through phytosanitary processes and carbon sequestration in the roots and stems. [29]
Biodiversity / Environmental Biodiversity

Biodiversity is essentially the protection and preservation of fauna, flora and

habitats [34] Green roofs and walls with the choice of appropriate plant
species have the potential to mitigate the loss of ecosystem services in urban
areas. For example, in Toronto City some types of birds began to colonize the
Swiss green roofs. The difference in topography of the depth of the green roof [31]
works to increase the biodiversity. [31] Green roof designed with many Example of hybrid meadow
different depths /grassland communit,Toronto
Architecture Research 2019, 9(3): 74-81 79

Table 5. Biophilic Urban Design Elements across Scales [35]

Scale Biophilic Design Elements Scale Biophilic Design Elements

Green rooftops -Sky gardens- green atria Stream daylighting -stream restoration -Urban forests
Building Rooftop garden- Green walls - Daylight Neighborhood Ecology parks -Community gardens-Neighborhood parks and
interior space pocket parks -Greening gray fields
Green courtyards Urban creeks and riparian areas- Urban ecological networks-
Block Clustered housing around green areas Community Green Schools-City Tree Canopy-Community forest and
Native species yards and spaces Greening utility corridors

Green streets- Sidewalk gardens-Urban River systems and floodplains- Riparian systems
Street trees-Low-Vegetated swales - skinny streets- Region Regional greenspace systems
Edible landscaping. Greening major transport corridors

Figure 1. Conceptual nature-based framework for sustainable architectural design

3.2.3. Integrating Nature into Urban Design and Planning 4. Results and Conclusions
All the elements of Biophilic are used at the level of Sustainability is a principle of life and is derived from
regions, cites, neighborhoods, and building [35] to reach the nature. Consequently, the principles of sustainable
natural, easily accessible, close daily contact and for all the architectural design require strategies that have a common
people to achieve a peaceful and happy life. (Table 5) shows characteristic, which is the link to nature. Hence the research
the different levels of the elements of Biophilic Urban proposes a framework (Fig. 1) that links these principles with
Design across Scales. The types of natural elements in each two strategies,the first is based on the principle of learning
part vary depending on the scale of attention. Urban nature from nature to develop sustainable solutions by looking at
has been used as a key strategy for building viability and nature as a model. This strategy is based on biomimic design.
flexibility in urban design and development. For example, However, the second strategy is based on the principle of
the use of urban nature in Berlin (Germany), Toronto integrating nature in buildings and living spaces to make
(Canada) and Chicago) USA) has turned each city towards the people feel themselves in a natural environment. This
the strategy of “Biophilic Urbanism”. It works to integrate strategy are based on the biophilic design. Hence, these
nature in urban areas to provide people with regular strategies are implemented by a set of methods based on
experiences and useful nature. [38] nature to form this framework. The proposed framework is
80 Abeer Makram: Nature-Based Framework for Sustainable Architectural
Design - Biomimetic Design and Biophilic Design

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