This-World-Is-The-Worst-Of-All-Worlds 1
This-World-Is-The-Worst-Of-All-Worlds 1
This-World-Is-The-Worst-Of-All-Worlds 1
accepted death and only blamed his accusers for not wanting to
do him good, saying they caused him no harm. The world would
be much better today if people didn't care about what others
thought as much as they do. Of course we shouldn't give in to our
impulses and do whatever we want without considering the
consequences, but we should also not let others effect our
In my opinion, it's much worse today because technology has
gone much further. We are being brainwashed thanks to a
minority of people who have monopolized everything. They used
whatever means to gain political and economical power and have
rooted themselves deep into the dark shadows of humanity. They
use the media to avert our attention away from important things
going on around the world and misinform people whenever they
deem necessary. How did it get so out of hand? Not many realize
how their smart phones and computers work that they may be
exposed to constant surveillance by the numerous satellites flying
around the orbit. Another downside of technology is that people
communicate in real life less than before. We now have Facebook,
Twitter, Instagram or similar social networks and hardly spend
quality time with each other. Even when people do go out, most of
them just spend the evening on their phone. It's kind of funny that
even those who know this still can't resist the temptations of
instant messaging and photo sharing. It is just too convenient for
the lazy new generations.
I feel kind of bad saying this, but due to a lack of a word that
could put it much more nicely, people are stupid. Most of them at
least. Why would anyone believe something they read in the news
or see online? Don't they think it may be false? That it's not
showing what actually happened? I have just recently turned 18,
but I can't believe some things 'adults' around me do. I hate how
someone can let greed take over them and cheat others for
personal gains. Why? Would it not be better for everyone to live
equally and have the exact same opportunities in life? To not have
a corrupt government, but one that works for the benefit of a
country and its people. Everyone seems to accept bribes too
easily. It's like in their minds, it's just easy money and there are
no moral dilemmas when doing it. It is present in every single
field and not much is being done to stop it. Of course, not only the
people who accept it are to blame. They are often against a wall
due to financial crisis in their country. They need the money, and
fast. If a country lets that happen to its residents, it is most likely
not a happy one.
A lot of politicians don't care about their country, nor its
people. It's all about securing themselves, even at the cost of
thousands of others. Is it just because they are cowards or
uneducated people being manipulated by others? There are many
other things I don't understand. How can someone suddenly take
another's life? How can someone rob a person of their entire life,
just because of personal feelings? Is this what the twenty-first
century is supposed to be like? It's like we are moving backwards
with our evolution. What the majority of people can rely on to
support themselves and their families is barely enough. They are
driven into corners, but shouldn't they try and do something
about it? Taking it out on others is the worst possible solution,
followed by self-punishment. An individual should give it their best
to productively get rid of all the daily frustration, no matter how
hard it may be.
A thing I can't leave out while talking about the worst sides
of today's society is religion. While I won't go deep into the topic, I
have to say that religion is, to me, only another means of
controlling people. Those people are either too weak to fight for
themselves or just too blinded to notice that no greater power will
come save them or solve their problems without them doing
anything. I am not even an atheist. I believe in a greater power, or