Pfs PPT 3
Pfs PPT 3
Pfs PPT 3
SEMBODAI 614809.
Disuniting of structures,
Design of cross section based on efficiency of
material used
Problems in design because of joint flexibility,
Allowance for joint deformation.
The solution of problem connected with the transportation and
placing of structures into smaller members.
Based on function:
System consisting of linear member disunited at joints
System for prefabricates of entire rigid frame
System consisting of I,T,U of straight members disunited at
points of minimum moment.
Two hinged and three hinged arches
The steel bars & In-situ-concrete for joints cannot quality of precast
structures.Because some codal provisions of RC is Available.
Not justified in certain cases; when column-footing joining.
MNOSZ 15022 of 1952 Dimensioning of RC structures.
Design of joints the neccessity for the reduction of the limit stress depends
on the designer judgement.
To avoid tensioned steel bars.To take steel bars in 80 % of C/S area.
Lengthening itself should be carried out by welding & Overlapping.
Overlapping is not to be permitted in suspension members & tie roads.
The most suitable weld in lenhthening in an Arc-weld.It have Four welds &
2 laps. Tle length of lap = 2x3.5 = 7d, diameter 0.7 d.
Lap joint
Weld joint
Accessibility & Sufficient tolerance for site jointing works are key to
success in practical design.
Compressive joint
Tensile joint
Shear joint
Flexural and torsion joint
Compressive joint:
Use direct with mortar.
Tensile joint:
Use of steel splice connection,welding,lapping & Grout.
Shear joint:
Transmit of low shear force, performed shear key (Grouting
cementing materials under compression)
For high shear force, use of welded plate or shear friction design in
composite concrete.Other than bolt connection.
Flexural & Torsion joint:
Moment joint connection can be achieved with force coupling splice,
bolt,weld & composite joint casting with bars.