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Smart Irrigation System A Water Management Procedu PDF

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Agricultural Sciences, 2019, 10, 25-31

ISSN Online: 2156-8561
ISSN Print: 2156-8553

Smart Irrigation System: A Water Management


Olugbenga Kayode Ogidan, Abiodun Emmanuel Onile, Oluwabukola Grace Adegboro

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Elizade University, Ilara Mokin, Nigeria

How to cite this paper: Ogidan, O.K., Abstract

Onile, A.E. and Adegboro, O.G. (2019)
Smart Irrigation System: A Water Man- This paper presents a smart irrigation system suitable for use in places where
agement Procedure. Agricultural Sciences, water scarcity is a challenge. In many parts of Africa, even when irrigation is
10, 25-31.
practiced, it is manually operated. Smart irrigation system is thereby believed
to be a major solution. The paper therefore presents a smart irrigation system
Received: October 22, 2018 that optimizes the available water in the water reservoir thus providing an ef-
Accepted: January 5, 2019 ficient and effective water usage solution for the irrigation system. The irriga-
Published: January 8, 2019
tion system is able to automatically start/stop water pumps on the irrigation
Copyright © 2019 by author(s) and site based on the soil moisture content acquired from the moisture content
Scientific Research Publishing Inc. sensor as well as the ultrasonic sensor measuring the water level in the reser-
This work is licensed under the Creative
voir. The measured sensor values are sent to the Arduino microcontroller for
Commons Attribution-NonCommercial
International License (CC BY-NC 4.0). configuring the control algorithm. The system prioritizes irrigation operation
http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/ by determining the number of pumps to be operated at any instance as well as
Open Access their locations. In this way, different crops can be watered depending on their
varying water requirements. In order to implement the design, a laboratory
scale architectural model depicting a farm setting with reservoir, direct cur-
rent (DC) pumps and the control unit was constructed. Experimental results
revealed good performance which makes the developed system a suitable tool
for studies on irrigation.

Smart Irrigation, Arduino, Water Management, Water Level,
Moisture Content

1. Introduction
In [1], the authors developed an Arduino-based drip irrigation system using the
Internet of Things (IoT). This system allows irrigation to take place more effi-
ciently, based on soil humidity, temperature and pH values sent to the micro-

DOI: 10.4236/as.2019.101003 Jan. 8, 2019 25 Agricultural Sciences

O. K. Ogidan et al.

controller (Arduino UNO) which drives the solenoid valve via the driver circuit
transistor (BC547). Based on the sensor measurements, at pre-determined thre-
sholds, automatic irrigation is accomplished. The buzzer comes on, based on
sensor values and these values are updated on the web as well as on an Android
mobile device. Using the temperature and pH level measurements, climatic and
soil conditions from the field, the required fertilizers for the crops are suggested
by the system. This improves the method of cultivation and leads to better
In [2], a web-based automatic irrigation system using Raspberry-Pi processor
on embedded Linux was developed. Using this system, the direction of the water
flow in the pipes is automatically determined by means of a DC motor. It makes
use of a soil moisture sensor, temperature sensor, humidity sensor, Raspberry Pi
microcontroller and a DC motor. The temperature sensor monitors the temper-
ature continuously and compares this with the set temperature pre-programmed
in the microcontroller after it has been read and fed to the microcontroller. The
humidity sensor is used to measure the amount of water vapour in the air. Fi-
nally the information about the motor operation and direction of water on the
farm field are sent to the mobile message and Google mail account of the user.
In [3], the authors designed a smart irrigation system using a PROTEUS soft-
ware and implemented it using the Arduino microcontroller. The system pro-
grammed in C programming language operates automatically by sensing the
moisture level of soil via the soil moisture sensor and turns ON/OFF the pump
using a relay without the intervention of the farmer. In this way, it is made more
convenient and water wastage is reduced. The sensing arrangement and the mi-
crocontroller are interfaced via an Op-Amp which acts as a comparator. When
the microcontroller receives the signal, an output that drives the relay is pro-
duced and the water pump is operated. A Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) also in-
terfaces with the microcontroller and it is used to display the soil moisture con-
tent as well as the status of the water pump.
In an attempt to develop a smart irrigation system, the authors use different
types of controllers such as Programmable Logic Controller [4] [5] and Rasp-
berry Pi [6] [7], 16F877 PIC micro-controller [4], Atmega 382 on the Arduino
Uno [1] [3]. There have been some attempt to address the issue of water man-
agement in irrigation system. For example, in [8], the authors use 8052 micro-
controller, ADC and sensors for irrigation purpose. The system is designed such
that during operation, the wet zones are bye-passed while dry zones are irri-
gated. The zone detection is carried out using soil moisture content sensors. This
is an attempt to ensure adequate water management. In many of the previous
studies, the problem of water scarcity is not adequately addressed.
This paper therefore seeks to address this challenge by implementing a new
approach that ensures prioritizing of irrigation pumps to ascertain that the crops
are watered in line with their varying water needs and based on the amount of
water in reservoir. This system also ensures the reuse (recycling) of water during
irrigation and that the health of irrigation pumps is preserved.

DOI: 10.4236/as.2019.101003 26 Agricultural Sciences

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2. Methodology
2.1. Sensor and Data Acquisition
This stage consists of the moisture content sensor and the ultrasonic sensor as
shown in Figure 1. The moisture content sensor measures the amount of water
in the soil, converts this soil moisture content into electronic signal and sends
the signal to the microcontroller. The ultrasonic sensor used is positioned on the
reservoir. It functions as a transducer, converting water depth in the reservoir
(distance of water surface from sensor) into electronic signals sent to the micro
controller. It must be noted however that the electronic signals from the two
sensors are analog signals.

2.2. Control
The controller used in this study is an Atmega 382 microcontroller on Arduino
Uno. Its work is to coordinate all the activities of the smart irrigation system.
The micro-controller receives measured values from the two sensors in form of
analog voltages and digitizes them. It then computes the appropriate control
scheme meant to implement the irrigation based on the soil moisture content
and level of water in the reservoir. The controller output is sent as a digital con-
trol to the irrigation pumps via the relays. The status of the system including the
water level, moisture content and the pumps activated for irrigation are dis-
played on a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) connected to the micro-controller.
The controller derives its power from a 12 volts DC source. This is illustrated by
the in Figure 2. In this work, algorithm was developed in the Arduino Inte-
grated Development Environment (IDE) using the Arduino script programming
language and uploaded to the microcontroller. The algorithm enables the system
to automatically start/stop pumps when the moisture content reaches present
thresholds; determine the number of pumps to be activated at any instant and
prioritize the location to be irrigated based on water level in the reservoir.

2.3. Water Optimization

This stage ensures that water is adequately managed in the process of irrigation.
It uses the ultrasonic sensor to measure the level of water in the reservoir and
sends this to the microcontroller. Based on this the microcontroller decides
which of the pumps to be deployed for irrigation at a particular time. As shown
in Figure 1, it comprises of relays, pumps, sprinklers that release water on the
irrigation site. Pumps 1, 2 and 3 are designed to be feed forward pumps while
pump 4 is a feedback pump. This means pumps 1, 2 and 3 pump water through
the sprinklers to the irrigation site comprising of farm A, farm B and farm C re-
spectively. The feedback pump recycles excess water from farm A, farm B and
farm C back to the reservoir. This is illustrated in Figure 1. This is a way of
avoiding water wastage and maintaining continuous availability of water for ir-
rigation purposes. The power for the relay and the pumps are derived from a 12
volts DC supply.

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Figure 1. Block diagram of the smart irrigation system.

Figure 2. Component arrangement of the developed laboratory-scale model of smart ir-

rigation system.

In order to implement the design, a laboratory-scale architectural model of a

smart irrigation system was constructed as shown in Figure 3, while the flow
chart of the developed algorithm is shown in Figure 4.
The model comprises of sensors, control unit, a farm house, reservoir, three
feed forward pumps 1, 2, 3 and a feedback pump 4. The flow chart of the control
algorithm is shown in Figure 4.

3. Results
In order to test the developed system, it was tested with different soil samples
(dry, moist, and wet) with a moisture content of 6%, 84% and 96% respectively.

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Figure 3. Labelled diagram of the developed laboratory-scale model of smart irrigation


Figure 4. Flow chart of the developed irrigation system.

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It was also tested at different water levels of between 5 cm and 7 cm, 8 cm and
10 cm and 11 cm and 15 cm. It should be noted that the laboratory scale reser-
voir used in this study has a depth of 15 cm at full capacity. When the moisture
content sensor is inserted into dry soil, it senses the need to switch on the pumps
but goes to first check the level of water in the reservoir. If the reservoir is empty
or water is very low (0 and ≤5), none of the pumps is activated. This is illustrated
in Table 1 row 1.
When the water level was increased but still low, between 5 cm and 7 cm (≥5
and ≤7) pump 1 and the feedback pump 4 are ON. When the water level is me-
dium, between 8 cm and 10 cm (>7 and ≤10) pump 1, 2 and the feedback pump
4 are ON. When water level is high, between 11 cm and 15 cm (>10 and ≤15)
pump 1, 2, 3 and the feedback pump 4 are ON.
These cases are outlined as shown in Table 1.

4. Discussion
It could be observed that the developed algorithm bears into consideration the
health of irrigation pumps by deactivating all pumps when there is no water to
pump thereby saving cost and downtime due to pump damages. It could also be
seen that operation of the pumps are prioritized in relation to water availability.
For instance, pump 1 is highest in priority (3) as shown in Table 1. It is ON
most of the time and so farm A would be best suitable for crops requiring large
amount of water. Pump 2 is started not so often. It has medium priority (2) and
so would be best located in farm B where crops requiring medium amount of
water would be planted. Pump 3 is rarely started, only when the reservoir is at
high level or full. It has low priority (1). As such, it would be best located in parts
of the irrigation site known as farm C where crops requiring very low amount of
water are planted.
The feedback pump used for recycling water back to the water reservoir is
another merit of this work. Water collected through rain water harvesting or
excess water from the irrigation site that would have been wasted as run-off are
harvested and feedback into the system. The developed system would be useful
in settings where water scarcity is a challenge to the practice of irrigation.

Table 1. Prioritization of pumps based on the level of water inreservoir.

Varying Pump 4
Pump 1 Pump 2 Pump 3 Farm section
S/N Parameter water (feedback)
Status status status irrigated
levels (cm) status
Empty Water
1 0 & ≤5 0 0 0 0 None
2 Low ≥5 & ≤7 1 0 0 1 A
3 Mid-Level >7 & ≤10 1 1 0 1 A and B
4 Full >10 & ≤15 1 1 1 1 A, B and C
- 3 2 1 3 -
A, B and C represent different farm sections on the laboratory scale architectural model. Pump status: 0 =
pump is OFF. 1 = pump is ON.

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O. K. Ogidan et al.

5. Conclusion
A smart irrigation system that optimises water usage is developed. This system
guarantees the longevity of irrigation pumps; prevents water wastage through
water recycling and prioritizes pump operations based on the level of water in
reservoir. This way, it ensures that different plants are irrigated in relation to
their varying water needs for effective growth. It would be useful in places where
water scarcity is a challenge to the practice of irrigation.

Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest regarding the publication of this paper.

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