Graphene and Its Application
Graphene and Its Application
Graphene and Its Application
28 DECEMBER 2015
Graphene and its applications
Siti Nor Zaimah binti Zaini
Master in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Multimedia University
Graphene is an amazing material that has a new impact on modern technology for human. It is by
far the slimmest material in the world yet the strongest. It exhibits the properties from carbon,
therefore capable of carrying electrons without scattering at room temperature. It is also a better
material than copper for its conductivity and against weaknesses such as ductility and fragility.
Graphene research has developed at a very fast pace and amount of papers produced on graphene
increases every day. Although it is still green in the market, the applications of graphene grow
exponential and diversity from light to aviation. This literature review analyses the recent graphene
application and identify the graphene future compatibility in every application with human daily life.
1. Introduction
The average man is usually unaware that graphene is quite common that it might be on the surfaces
of their pencils lead. It is the simplest example to describe graphene which is the graphite layer on
surfaces drawn by pencil. Graphene is a single layer of carbon atom in the form of repeating
hexagons which is also considered two dimensional [1]. It is commonly found in pencils. Graphene
is used to described the graphite layers which contain compounds between them. Besides that, it is
the thinnest material in the world for future applications. Studies on graphene started during early
1947 and the word graphene was first mentioned in 1987 [2].
Carbon is the most adjustable element and can be made into soft graphite (i.e Pencil leads) or
diamonds depending on the molecular arrangements. As graphene comes from carbon, it inherits the
properties of carbon especially its durability. No scientists were able to isolate carbon in a single
layer form, not until early 2000, therefore the usage was limited to rolled up of graphene in carbon
nanotubes [1].
Although scientists are fascinated by the properties and the potential future applications, the
discovery and extraction of graphene was only found in 2004 by two Russian migr scientists,
Professor Kostva Novoselov and Professor Andre Geim from The University of Manchester. They
found the method of isolating graphene through sticky tape. By removing some flakes from bulk
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graphite using the stick tape, and realizing some flakes were thinner than others, they managed to
create flakes which were just one atom thick, graphene [3].
From the graphene discovery, Novoselov and Geim remarked that graphene is composed of layers of
carbon by one atom thick in a lattice structure. Mono layer graphene was tested under the microscope
to discover the extraction and explore the unusual electronic properties of graphene. From the result,
graphene is extremely stronger such that 207 times than steel [4], lightweight, nearly transparent and
almost-perfect conductor of electricity.
Through the ground breaking experiments on two-dimensional material graphene, graphene acquired
extraordinary set of properties and has potential across many applications. The market booming on
graphene is huge as the analysts projected in 2026, graphene market will reach nearly $200m at the
material level covering up to more than 17 specific application sectors [5].
The atomic number of Carbon is six, therefore it has four valence electrons at the outermost shell.
The electronic structure of an isolated Carbon atom is (1s)2(2s)2(2p)4.
Wave functions for carbon
Where e (2s) is the (2s) wave function for carbon and e (i2p) are the (2p) wave functions of which
axes are in the directions i joining the graphite atom to its three neighbours in the plane. The fourth
electron is in the 2pz state. Its nodal plane is the lattice plane and its axis of symmetry perpendicular
to it [6].
Three electrons form covalent bonds with neighbouring atoms in the plane and do not take part in the
conductivity. Hence, graphene can be considered to have one conduction electron in the 2pz state.
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Graphene is a mono atom layer allotrope of carbon shown in figure 2-2 resembling the honeycomb
lattice of carbon atom [7]. Two-dimensional graphene was obtained in liquid suspension and also be
obtained on top of non-crystalline substrates. It is made out of two interpenetrating triangular lattices
such in figure 2-2 below.
a1 and a2 are the lattice unit vectors and i are the nearest neighbour vectors.
Electrons and holes are known as Dirac fermions and the six corners of the Brillouin zone are known
as the Dirac points. The first Brillouin zone of graphene has 2N electron states and the second zone is
empty. Corresponding to Brillouin zone.
It is a lattice which also have a great entrance in the honeycomb structure which has two dimensional
Dirac-like excitations [7] and exhibits the Dirac-like spectrum of free-standing graphene shown in
figure below. Dirac-like equations described that electron waves propagating through a honeycomb
lattice completely lose their effective mass. Due to the composition, it is little doping and
exceptionally high electronic quality ( ~250,000 cm2 /Vs at room T) [8]. The low energy electronic
states in graphene are described by the Dirac equation for particles with
Mass: m=0
Speed of light : c=Vf
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It manifests high crystal quality whereby charge carriers be able to travel thousands of interatomic
distances and still intact [6] and electronic quality led to the emergence of relativistic condensed
matter physics. Graphene is also extremely strong and light. Graphene properties can be further
discussed into electronic, mechanical and optical properties.
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can cover the submicron distance without scattering at room temperature. Due to properties
mentioned, graphene is generally robust even it is placed in room temperature.
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Transmittance for an increasing number of layers. Inset, showing a thick metal support structure with
several apertures, on top of which graphene flakes are placed.
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Since its first discovery and development at the University of Manchester, graphene has made a great
remark of being the most promising to the next future material. It revolutionise all fields including
medical, electronics and aircraft manufacture. The progress has been extremely productive, whereby
countries such as United Kingdom, Russia and China are participating actively in discovering the
properties to be used for the revolution in industries.
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5. Conclusion
Graphene can be revolutionary in various fields. It is a rapidly rising star on the materials science and
technology innovation. It has the potential to increasing the power storage, effective cancer treatment
and even space exploration. Graphene is now part of human evolutionary as numerous researchers
are conducting experiments for the greater innovations. Big companies started investing in the mass
productions of graphene, soon it will be in daily life of human kind.
It is not harmful as certain material could be to human. Due to the antibacterial properties, scientists
even begin to imagine inventing graphene based drinkware that could detect bacteria for hygienic
purposes. The growing market in wearable technology devices such as smartwatches has taken
advantages on the innovation of using graphene. Consumers are predicted to wear flexible wearable
technology at affordable and realistic price. In this case, thanks to the abundancy of
carbon(graphene), the manufacturing will be cheaper.
Yet, the discovering of Graphene to near perfect usefulness has limitations. It has a bandgap issue
whereby most applications in electronics requires small bandgap. Without the ability of easily switch
between on and off current flow, the energy contained in photon is not enough to activate a graphene
transistor. It would be difficult for graphene to be an alternative to transistor in standard digital
computing. Aside that, the bandgap issues also induced in graphenes low electrical resistance.
Nonetheless, the recent innovations based on graphene is promising to the future technology. It has
inspired a new generation of two dimensional materials science and incredibility important in
shaping the face of modern technology.
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[18] University of Pennsylvania, "Lecture notes Physics," 2014. [Online]. Available: