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ME 360 Final+Exam+Solution

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BI pk THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN 3] ee al 3 DEPARTMENT OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERING +52 — 760 6 46 ME360: Modeling, Analysis and Control of Dynamic Systems “SC, { b Prof. Jeffrey L. Stein saa Final Exam, December 15, 2014 eee eee This exam is Closed Book. ONLY three pages of personally prepared notes are permitted along with Laplace Transforms tables. No copies of homework, exams or textbook materials are allowed. Please: Return exam directly to the exam proctor, Do not leave the exam anywhere for any reason, Do not assume we will find your exam. READ each question carefully. BUDGET your time. SHOW all work in the space provided. PRESENT your work clearly. E.g., make bond graphs that are big enough to read! CIRCLE your answers. Credit for answers not circled will be given at my discretion. Good Li your family, treasure it! Pledge: "I have neither given nor received aid during this exam nor have I concealed any violation of the Honor Code" Signature; ‘Name:, Umich ID: Number of pages added to exam booklet (enter 0 if none): Room number: Problem 1 (15%) For the following figure: (a) Determine a suitable set of state variables. (3%) (b) Obtain the state equations. (9%) (©) Obtain the output equation if the output is the voltage across Las a function of states and inputs. (3%) ( [stodes b) For the left op “Wit It, te 20 For the rig ht lop “Ver, te 2. for node op, ie lotig Page 2 Problem 2 (20%) Match the following Bode plots to the corresponding transfer functions: H 1 z 1 O.ls+1 10s+1 Fa, a oS 01 1" s+10 Wes 100 100 5s? +2s+100 5° +205+100 - +100 sol 5 +20s+100 s+10 Page 4 Problem 3 (34%) The state equation given below represents a boat being propelled by an effective propulsive force F(t) through the water that against current V(t). The motor exerts an effective propulsion force F(t) which accelerates the inertia of the boat and its occupants against the drag of the water. In this problem the drag is assumed to have a linear relationship with the sum of the boat speed, v, and the water current velocity, V(t), Le, Drag Force = R(v + Vq(t)), where R is the water drag coeflicient. Note that the boat velocity, v, is absolute. It is measured with respect to a stationary reference frame. d(vyidt = -[R/M] v + F(t/M -R Vw (tM. where v is the boat velocity in m/sec Ris the water drag coefficient M___ is the mass of the boat and its occupants F()__ is the effective propulsion force in Newtons (an input) Va(t) is the water velocity (current) in m/see (positive current direction is opposite in direction to the positive boat velocity) (an input) Please answer the following a) Identify the state variables. Identify the inputs to the system. (2%) b) Convert this equation into the s-domain and derive (showing all your work) the function V(s). (3%) ©) Find the transfer functions V(s)/ F(s), and V(s)/ Vw(s). (4%) d) Make a block diagram of this system showing F(s) as the disturbance input and V(s) as the output. (3%) ©) Find an expression for the step response of vt) due to a positive step change of magnitude Vivo in the water current velocity (i.e., it is moving in the opposite direction of the boat) assuming zero initial conditions. (3%) nut, Va(s) as a second or Suppose you are hired to develop a cruise control system for this boat! The idea is that you set the motor to maintain a desired velocity and the motor automatically adds the extra power needed to accommodate any changes in the water current. You decide to make the propulsion force F(t) be controlled by the boat speed, v(t), ic. let F(t) = Ke(vref- v) where Vrer is the boat speed that you want to maintain (ie., if you want to keep your speed at 10 then make Vier= 10), 1) Add this control function to the system by adding it to the block diagram found in part d). Make Vyeras the input and V(s) as the output. If you did not get an answer to part d) then assume the block diagram is of the form shown in the diagram (Figure P-3) at the end of this problem. (4%) For all the following questions, 5 points will be deducted if you use the diagram in Figure P-3 Page 5 2) Find the closed loop transfer function V(s)/Vse(s) of this system when the input Va(t) is zero. (3%) h) Find the closed loop transfer function V(s)/V4(s) of this system when the input Vie(t) is zero. (3%) i) What are the poles (or roots) of the closed loop system? (2%) j) Are their values affected by the control gain K:? If so show how you would change Ke in order to make the system reach its steady-state speed in response to a step change in Vea(t) more quickly. (2%) k) Find the steady-state speed of the boat due to a step change in the reference speed, Vra(t), of magnitude, Vee. Can you control the steady-state speed by your choice of K.? (3%) 1) Find the steady-state speed of the to a step change in the water current velocity, V(t) of magnitude Vyo. Does the steady-state speed return to its nominal value of zero? Can you control how close the steady-state speed gets to zero by your choice of K.? If so show how you would change K, to make the system get closer to the nominal speed of zero? (3%) Fs) | |_p as) | bv) i G(s) = 1s +0) t Vw(s) Figure P-3: Block diagram. ¢ is a positive constant. tay stote vanioble: ycts lnputs > Feb» cat Yu tt Voss - Ereepps - Fw > Vir= aaah fires ASR eg fe ie 3) Mist. Yots> MStR ob Fes) + — Vs Page 6 Fique T-3 + ch —— Fee Yep HH ; ‘ g) vo. kewtae ke Vag (5) eked Fe Fie p-3, Ws: 2 hoger _ ake Weg) It kyaghy | Stet ake thy Wes) Re aie Pree whe wa” Tatton st RFK MSR Ee a Fiqute P= 3 ae ie ee Tigbxkee "Bei, ay poles - a Fawe tS: ~e-ake, M Ps Ge Yes, make Ke loge 20 that tine octane, jeg, , will be small. ) %& = lin 2 eke Gore 64> Sieg SS" tg Ves, ee can be controlleg! by ohoice of ky. Fie P35 fy = lin ¢ —— ake Wars tile Veg. x Ast ork, $ CHO, fl Me le ie 5 OI = ait ke bes prvitle omtrl . Steuuly ctate speed cm go te zero only when keen, Figae P38 Woe di 5% ~ atop sb. At, save eenclasion . Sone crclusion Page 7 Problem 4 (10%) 2%. Given the scalar nonlinear equation of motion Z = Z — 42” , calculate the equilibriums, Z, . %) Then for each of these equilibrium values obtain a linearized equation in the incremental variable 6Z (ie.,let Z = Z, + 5Z) by using a Taylor Series approximation, (4%) For the linearized equation, for each equilibrium, determine if that equilibrium is stable or unstable. (4%) Gli B= B42 O=2-43* Feo of 0.0 Thete fete, Ze=0 or mort! dh iaetereaehe-4[2e422 62] HA bee = Fisher 4A S060 > $= (bee) fe O Ft zero > Geshe poles Wictable Eguilibrivan @ Fr zer0.28 > §2=-fe jake Stable Equilibrium Page 9 Problem 5 (12%) Obtain the transfer function for the following systems: (box your transfer function, no partial credit) = os (a) Inputis v,, output is v, Fre By, wBeLs R ope ae W—=-? tfz.14— Us) Bre te + i . i al (eee ” %, * :—— ®) a Ki Yar eeez tls ss Ley i’ 1 TOT o -————— L les*+ Pest) g x * % i Pr Pr P (b) Input is y, output is x fw ve Fe heme cc%o am) off hayienod oe | Se Yo “csth | 2 x P x (©) Input is y, output is x Fe —w— oh ae, ce ‘ fo, hry PI jAo| ne Slop k MX <- F,- Fe {aii —| [ck cae Ls Farccx-4) 7 > markers co yyze est > Yor mst cork Page 10 (4) Armature controlled motor. Input is v, , output is @. v, is the back emf that is related to the motor speed and the motor torque Tis relate to the current i,: v, = K,@,T = Kyi, R a T | Ae) Was)” TTS URI + CLa) 54 Rat Erk see bok Par By. ASU Page 11 Problem 6 (9%) Match the following step response to the corresponding transfer functions: Choice: s¥105+25 Page 12

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