All You Need To Know About Vectors and Forces
All You Need To Know About Vectors and Forces
All You Need To Know About Vectors and Forces
Cartesian vectors
For this purpose, the first step in almost any vector problem will be to write
the vector in terms of its Cartesian components. For example, the vector F
in Cartesian coordinates x, y, z can be written
F = {Fx , Fy , Fz } .
This notation is easy to write and has the added advantage that it is similar
to the notation used for vectors in linear algebra classes.
The sum of two vectors is obtained by summing the respective Cartesian
components. For example
F + G = {Fx , Fy , Fz } + {Gx , Gy , Gz }
= {(Fx + Gx ), (Fy + Gy ), (Fz + Gz )} .
Unit vectors
A unit vector is a vector with unit magnitude. Here we shall denote it by the
e = {ex , ey , ez } .
It follows from the definition that
|e|2 = e2x + e2y + e2z = 1 .
However, we use the special notation i, j, k for unit vectors aligned with the
x, y, or z coordinate axes respectively. Notice that with this notation
i = {1, 0, 0} ; j = {0, 1, 0} ;
k = {0, 0, 1} .
Position vectors
A point in space P with Cartesian coordinates (x, y, z) can be defined by a
position vector
r P = {x, y, z} .
This is a vector with dimensions of length representing a line drawn from
the origin O to P . If another point Q has coordinates (x , y , z ), we can
construct the relative position vector r P Q representing the line drawn from
P to Q, as shown in Figure 1. From this figure, it is clear that
rQ = rP + rP Q .
Figure 1
Dot product
The dot product of two vectors F , G is defined as
F G = Fx Gx + Fy Gy + Fz Gz .
This defines a scalar quantity and hence is also known as the scalar product.
An alternative form is
F G = |F ||G| cos() ,
where x is the angle between the unit vector e and the x-axis. Also, since
e i = {ex , ey , ez } {1, 0, 0} = ex ,
For this reason, the components ex , ey , ez of the unit vector are sometimes
referred to as direction cosines. Notice that from (5),
cos2 (x ) + cos2 (y ) + cos2 (z ) = 1 ,
The magnitudes of the two vectors are easily found using (3) after which
equation (20) can be solved for .
Another important use of the dot product is to find the component of a
vector F in a specified direction. If the direction is specified by a known unit
vector e, then the component of F along e is simply
F e.
1. A straight bar AB extends from the point A(3, 7, 10) to B(2, 5, 3),
where the coordinates are in meters. Find the coordinates of the
point C on the bar if C is 2 meters from A.
The coordinates of C can be combined in a position vector r C . We can also
r C = r A + r AC ,
r A = {3, 7, 10} .
We can also write
r AC = |r AC |eAC ,
where the magnitude |r AC | = 2 meters and that the direction eAC is the
same as that of r AB . In other words, eAC = eAB . For the latter, we have
r AB = r B r A = {2, 5, 3} {3, 7, 10} = {5, 2, 13} ,
so the magnitude
|r AB | =
{5, 2, 13}
r AB
= {0.355, 0.142, 0.924} = eAC .
|r AB |
r AC = 2 , eAC = 2{0.355, 0.142, 0.924} = {0.710, 0.282, 1.848} m
r C = r A + r AC = {3, 7, 10} + {0.710, 0.282, 1.848}
= {2.290, 6.718, 8.152} m.
2. A rope is attached to the wall at the point P (3, 10, 0), where
coordinates are in meters and the y-direction is vertically upwards.
A man standing at the point Q(5, 0, 8) holds the other end of the
rope. If he pulls on the rope with a force of 100 N, find a vector
description of the force F applied by the rope to the wall. Also,
if the man weighs 600 N, find the component of his weight in the
direction P Q.
Here, we know the magnitude of F . All we have to do is to find its direction.
As in the first example, we can find a position vector describing the whole
length P Q of the taut rope and hence find a unit vector in the same direction.
We have
r P Q = r Q r P = {5, 0, 8} {3, 10, 0} = {2, 10, 8} .
The magnitude of this vector is
|r P Q | =
22 + (10)2 + 82 = 12.96 m
{2, 10, 8}
rP Q
= {0.154, 0.772, 0.617} .
|r P Q |
F = 100 eP Q = {15.4, 77.2, 61.7} N.
The mans weight is defined by the vector
W = {0, 600, 0} N,
so its component in the direction P Q is obtained from the dot product
W eP Q = {0, 600, 0} {0.154, 0.772, 0.617} = (600)(0.772) = 463.2 N.
The other terms in the dot product are zero.