Fiji Itinerary
Fiji Itinerary
Fiji Itinerary
Day 1 Friday
November 25, 2016
Day 2 Saturday
November 26, 2016
Day 3 Sunday
November 27, 2016
Arrival in Nadi
Overnight in Nadi
Arrival in Nadi
Days 4 Monday
November 28, 2016
Welcome and orientation
Day 5-8
November 29-December 2, 2016
Work days
Day 9-10
December 3-4, 2016
Free days
Day 11-13
December 5-7, 2016
Work Days
Day 14-Thursday
December 8, 2016
Breakfast at hotel
Free time in Nadi
Drive by bus to build location if outside of Nadi area
Orientation and welcome dinner
Cultural activities
Team activity time: daily evaluation, and reflections
Note: The arrival and departure days may vary based on each volunteers flight schedule.
Your GV trip cost includes donations to Habitat for Humanity Nepal and Habitat for Humanity International; meals;
accommodations; transport, excluding airfare; cultural activities; health, accident, and emergency evacuation insurance; and team
coordination from HFHI and the host program.
The trip cost does not include airfare, R&R activities, and visa and exit fees (where applicable). All R&R arrangements should be
made independently by the team and directly with tour operators.
Team members arriving earlier or staying later than this itinerary are responsible for their own transport, hotel arrangements, and