Nafems Benchmark Aerospace
Nafems Benchmark Aerospace
Nafems Benchmark Aerospace
Aerospace issue . . .
Special Edition:
Engineering Analysis
& Simulation in the
Aerospace Industry
from your
David Quinn
Research on
the Rise
n the 70s, 80s, and into the 90s, there was a lot of research money spent on composite materials. It
started with polymeric composites but in the 90s, much of this went to metal-matrix and ceramicmatrix composites. Much of this research was funded by the US, European, and Japanese governments
and was directed towards aerospace applications of composites. By the end of the 90s, much of the
advanced materials government research funding went towards nanomaterials with the private sector
taking on the composite materials research effort. This led to the Boeing 787 and Airbus A350 which have
over 50% of their structure made from advanced composite materials. In the last few years, a resurgence
of interest in traditional composite materials has led to several government supported research initiatives
and consortiums in this area. Much of this interest is in the fields of non-aerospace composites which
dominated the research funding in the 70s, 80s, and 90s. A review of some of the higher profile initiatives
and consortiums is outlined here.
on the Rise
Dynamic Simulation of
Flight Test Manoeuvres
on the Diamond D-Jet
Residual Stress
Calculation Following
A Repair Process
Improving Structural
Modelling of High
Strain Rate Behaviour
of Composite Materials
Using High Speed
Duncan A. Crump, Janice M. Dulieu-Barton, and Stephen W. Boyd
University of Southampton
There is a drive towards producing lighter vehicles that are faster, more manoeuvrable
and more fuel efficient to improve the sustainability of transport systems. The excellent
specific stiffness/strength properties of fibre reinforced polymer composite, e.g. carbon
and glass fibres, make them an increasingly attractive option for structures in high-end
and military applications.
These complex materials are being used in applications where there is a real risk of
impact or high velocity loading, whether this is bird strike on passenger aircraft (Figure
1), slamming loads on marine vessels or explosions in the proximity of military vehicles.
For efficient structural design it is vital that accurate and pertinent material properties
are available for input into finite element (FE) models. While the quasi-static behaviour
of composite materials is generally well understood [1], there is a need to for further
analysis at high velocity loading [2, 3].
Fatigue in
Fatigue in Aluminium
Laurent Wahl, Arno Zrbes, Stefan Maas and Danile Waldmann, from the
University of Luxembourg, investigate the fatigue properties of the honeycomb
core of aluminium sandwich panels, as used throughout the aerospace and
automotive industries.
Composite Process
Reinforcing HighRate Composite
Improving the
Simulation of Bird
Strike on Plastic
Parts: Mecaplex Ltd, Grenchen, Switzerland
Simulation: Aerofem GmbH, Ennetburgen, Switzerland
Project: University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW / Institute
of Product and Production Engineering, Windisch, Switzerland
Dynamic Simulation
of Flight Test
Manoeuvres on the
Diamond D-Jet
This article, which won the Best Presented Paper award at the
2013 NAFEMS World Congress, presents a numerical study on the
dynamic simulation of flight test manoeuvres on the Diamond DJET, using the XFlow virtual wind tunnel. The pitch capture
manoeuvre is first simulated, studying the pitch oscillation response
of the aircraft. Dutch roll flight mode is then numerically
reproduced. Finally, the D-JET angle of attack is evaluated in the
post-stall regime under controlled movements of the elevator.
Residual Stress
Calculation Following
A Repair Process
Composite Process
Improving the
Simulation of Bird
Strike on Plastic
Rocket Science
At the recent Siemens NX CAE Symposium, held in Charlotte, NC, USA,
benchmark took some time to speak to Nathan Christensen of ATK
Launch Systems about their analysis processes, and use of simulation.
Nathan joined ATK as a design engineer in composite structures, designing and analyzing missiles and rockets. He
spent a significant portion of his 28-year career working with PLM/CAD/CAE and computational tools for design and
analysis. Christensen is one of the technical founders of ATKs PLM system, which now manages hundreds of thousands
of pieces of product and engineering information used at ATK facilities across the US. He has published numerous
technical articles and papers on rocket motor design and analysis, CAE tools and computational methods. He also holds
a patent for hybrid pressure vessels.
Christensen was first appointed manager of the CAE group in 1992, with responsibilities for engineering computational
tools and methods. In his current position as manager of Engineering Tools and Analysis group, his responsibilities
include PLM/CAD/CAE tools, trend analysis, rocket motor performance databases, analytical methods and software
development, reliability engineering and high-performance computing.
Improving Structural
Modelling of High
Strain Rate
Behaviour of
Composite Materials
Using High Speed
Rocket Science
Coupling 1D & 3D CFD
The Challenges and Rewards of
Research on
the Rise
n the 70s, 80s, and into the 90s, there was a lot of research money spent on composite materials. It
started with polymeric composites but in the 90s, much of this went to metal-matrix and ceramicmatrix composites. Much of this research was funded by the US, European, and Japanese governments
and was directed towards aerospace applications of composites. By the end of the 90s, much of the
advanced materials government research funding went towards nanomaterials with the private sector
taking on the composite materials research effort. This led to the Boeing 787 and Airbus A350 which have
over 50% of their structure made from advanced composite materials. In the last few years, a resurgence
of interest in traditional composite materials has led to several government supported research initiatives
and consortiums in this area. Much of this interest is in the fields of non-aerospace composites which
dominated the research funding in the 70s, 80s, and 90s. A review of some of the higher profile initiatives
and consortiums is outlined here.
Composite Process
Digitally Reinforcing High-Rate
Composite Manufacture
Dr. Peter Giddings CEng MIMechE
Research Engineer, Manufacturing Process Simulation, National Composites Centre UK
Figure 1: The NCC has two Coriolis Composites AFP machines (pictured with GKN composite winglet) and an
additional Accudyne machine with choice of laser, infrared and patented Xenon FlashLamp heat sources.
Figure 2: Simulation of critical features in AFP layup to determine maximum course width showing manufacturing
challenge and an example FE contact patch output with extraction of maximum course width
Resin flow
Many composite components begin as preforms of dry
reinforcing fibres before being impregnated with an
uncured liquid resin and heated to cure the resin. For
components requiring excellent surface finish and
increased mechanical performance, that impregnation
occurs in a closed metallic tool in a process called resin
transfer moulding (RTM). Prediction of how the resin
flows through the preform to fill the mould, whether any
areas will fail to be completely impregnated and the
optimisation of injection location and pressure are all
challenges that the NCC is working toward resolving.
Over the past two years NCC core research has
developed effective RTM simulation approaches as Dr.
Christian Lira explains: today, if a customer comes to us
with a problem in their infusion, even if it is thick or
highly curved, we can help. Tooling design, where you
inject the resin and how you adjust the pressure can all
be included to guide them to a solution.
These successes have been achieved using ESIs
software PAM-RTM which Dr. Lira says provides a finite
element solution to Darcys flow equation (flow through
porous media) and allows us to make useful simulations
within industrial timescales. With infusion, the process
has inherent variability, small but unavoidable changes in
material permeability cause big changes in flow rate so
any simulation is indicative, not perfectly predictive[4].
However, the simulations are still extremely valuable for
comparing the effects of various parameter changes on
process outcomes.
The understanding of material and process variation
built up at the NCC has made it clear that flow
simulations cannot predict the exact dimensions of a
defect but do indicate whether defects may occur
and their likely locations . Within these limits, Dr.
Liras infusion simulations are already guiding
engineers through more efficient test plans and
have made simulation-led process design for
traditional RTM a reality at the NCC.
Figure 4: Europes only open-access 3.4m 2.6m press installed and making parts at the NCC
The outlook for process simulation in composite
manufacture is incredibly bright. There is vibrant
academic research activity extending our fundamental
understanding and coupled with strong growth in
industrial demand for composites. Automation
technology is becoming established in a broader
range of industrial applications and simulation tools
from ESI, Dassault Systmes, MSC Software and
others offer suitable platforms in which to build
useable and powerful process simulations.
The simulation successes at the NCC are just the tip
of the iceberg for composite process simulation; there
are some fascinating challenges and tangible
commercial opportunities for simulation engineers
within composites. However, real progress is needed
in bringing these complex simulations into the supply
chain to aid in industrialisation of automated
composite manufacture.
The NCC aims to pave the way for the simulation
supply chain to effectively support the composites
sector and help demonstrate that the fascinating
multiphysics problems bring real returns on the shop
floor and also in the finished product.
[1] Helenon, F. D. H.-J. A. Lukaszewicz, Ivanov,D and Potter,
K. Modelling slit tape deposition during automated fibre
placement. 19th International Conference on
Composite Materials (ICCM19), Montreal, Canada, 2013
[2] Cogswell, F. N. Thermoplastic aromatic polymer
composites. 1st Edition, Elsevier Science and
Technology. 1992
[3] Stokes-Griffin, C.M. Compston, P. A combined opticalthermal model for near-infrared laser heating of
thermoplastic composites in an automated fibre
placement process. Composites Part A (In Press) .
[4] Arbter, R. Experimental determination of the
permeability of textiles: A benchmark exercise.
Composites: Part A 42: 1157-68, (2011)
[5] Moser, L. Experimental Analysis and Modelling of
Susceptorless Induction Welding of High Performance
Thermoplastic Polymer Composites, PhD Thesis,
Institut fur Verbundwerkstoffe (2012 )
[6] Rudolf, R. Mitschang, P. & Neitzel, M. Induction heating
of continuous carbon-fibre-reinforced thermoplastics,
Composites: Part A 31: 1191-1202 (2000)
Figure 1. A) Finite element mesh of part and tool; B) Calculated temperature profile during heat-up and cure;
C) Calculated dimensional change.
The composites process simulation technology and
methodology presented here is currently increasingly and
routinely used by the large aerospace OEMs. It is clear we
have reached the tipping point of convergence with
powerful and effective process simulation tools and
cheap and fast computational power. Increasingly,
composites processing should no longer be treated as an
art and should leave the domain of empiricism.
Processing can be approached with the same analytical
mindset and design and simulation tool sets as any other
aspect of engineering. This is critical for us to succeed in
designing and building large complex composite
structures that can compete with metal structures. The
era of simulation supported, knowledge-based
composites manufacturing is here, and there is no
turning back if we want to remain competitive.
Nelson, R. H., & Cairns, D. S. (1989). Prediction of dimensional changes in
composite laminates during cure. Tomorrow's Materials: Today., 34, 23972410.
Johnston, A., Vaziri, R., & Poursartip, A. (2001). A plane strain model for
process-induced deformation of laminated composite structures. Journal
of composite materials, 35(16), 1435-1469.
Fernlund, G., Floyd, A., Shewfelt, M., & Hudek, M. (2007, September).
Process analysis and tool compensation for a complex composite panel.
In Proceedings of the 22nd American society for composites technical
conference (ASC), Seattle, Washington, USA.
Residual Stress
Calculation Following
A Repair Process
Sderlund Harald, Shailesh Chillal,Asha Koshy & Sushovan Roychowdhury
GKN Aerospace
FE Modeling Approach
The typical FE model considered in the analysis is shown
in Figure 2. The model includes part of two flanges, bolts
Simulation of Repair
The FE model shown in Figure 2 corresponds to the final
design configuration. In order to simulate the repair
process, the affected flange has to be first deformed to
the NC configuration. This is achieved first by separating
out the flange component from the assembly by
numerically reducing the stiffness of the adjacent
components. The stiffness of components other than the
affected flange is made near zero using ANSYS EKILL
command. This helps in maintaining the element and
node numbering sequence in the model same throughout
the analysis and enables superposition of stresses at
later stages.
The overall process to numerically compute the residual
stress involves six major steps as shown schematically in
Figure 3. The steps 1 and 2 are carried out to obtain the
NC configuration before the repair process and steps 3
through 6 simulate the repair process. During these six
steps, only the affected flange is
considered from the whole assembly.
Nonlinear material model using
kinematic hardening (option KINH in
ANSYS) is used during all the steps.
This accounts for material behavior
under the reversed loads. Geometric
nonlinearity is included in the
Figure 5: Flange surface profile comparison between actual hardware and simulation
Simulation of Results
At the end of Step 6, the stresses resulting in the flange
configuration is considered to be the residual stress
generated due to the repair process. It is observed that
the residual stress is not uniform in the flange after
repairing the flange nonconformance. In the conventional
process used in the current industry, a uniform or
constant residual stress is added all across the
component for life computation. This value is normally
obtained from past residual stress measurement data or
by experience. From the present analysis it was observed
that the flange regions are subjected to varying residual
stress as shown in Figure 6. The normalized stress
distribution for one of the critical mission loads is shown
in Figure 7.
A sensitivity study was further performed to evaluate the
variation in residual stress with final surface profile
Figure 6: Residual stress distribution on the flange after the repair simulation (section view)
Figure 7: Flange stresses from the most critical mission load (section view)
Figure 9 shows the variation of life at bolt hole and flange fillet
using the conventional approach and the current approach. The
current approach is a more realistic way to compute the residual
stresses as compared to using a constant stress value. Using a
constant value across all the region could result in over or under
estimating the residual stresses and hence impacting the
computed life numbers.
Based on the observations of the current study, it is recommended
to perform FE simulation of repair process to compute the
distributed residual stress more accurately and use it for
estimation of component fatigue life. This would make the NC
evaluation process more robust and helps in making a realistic
justification on whether the part can be accepted or rejected after
Dynamic Simulation of
Flight Test Manoeuvres
on the Diamond D-Jet
This article, which won the Best Presented Paper award at the
2013 NAFEMS World Congress, presents a numerical study on the
dynamic simulation of flight test manoeuvres on the Diamond DJET, using the XFlow virtual wind tunnel. The pitch capture
manoeuvre is first simulated, studying the pitch oscillation response
of the aircraft. Dutch roll flight mode is then numerically
reproduced. Finally, the D-JET angle of attack is evaluated in the
post-stall regime under controlled movements of the elevator.
Numerical Approach
In the literature there are several particle-based
numerical approaches to solve the computational fluid
dynamics. They can be classified in three main
categories: algorithms modelling the behaviour of the
fluid at microscopic scale (e.g. Direct Simulation
Montecarlo); algorithms which solve the equations at a
macroscopic level, such as Smoothed Particle
Hydrodynamics (SPH) or Vortex Particle Method (VPM);
and finally, methods based on a mesoscopic framework,
such as the Lattice Gas Automata (LGA) and Lattice
Boltzmann Method (LBM).
The algorithms that work at molecular level have a
limited application, and they are used mainly in
theoretical analysis. The methods that solve macroscopic
continuum equations are employed most frequently, but
they also present several problems. SPH-like schemes
are computationally expensive and in their less
sophisticated implementations show lack of consistency
and have problems imposing accurate boundary
conditions. VPM schemes have also a high computational
cost and besides, they require additional solvers (e.g.
schemes based on boundary element method) to solve
the pressure field, since they only model the rotational
part of the flow.
Finally, LGA (Hardy et al. 1973) and LBM schemes have
been intensively studied in the last years being their
affinity to the computational calculation their main
advantage. Their main disadvantage is the complexity to
analyse theoretically the emergent behaviour of the
system from the laws imposed at mesoscopic scale.
By means of the Chapman-Enskog expansion the
resulting scheme can be shown to reproduce the
hydrodynamic regime for low Mach numbers (Ran & Xu,
2008; Qian et al. 1992; Higuera & Jimenez, 1989).
Turbulence Modelling
The approach used for turbulence modelling is the Large
Eddy Simulation (LES). This scheme introduces an
additional viscosity, called turbulent eddy viscosity t, in
order to model the sub-grid turbulence. The LES
scheme used is the Wall-Adapting Local Eddy viscosity
model, which provides a consistent local eddy-viscosity
and near wall behaviour (Ducros et al. 1998).
A generalized law of the wall that takes into account for
the effect of adverse and favorable pressure gradients is
used to model the boundary layer (Shih et al. 1999). The
interpolating functions f1 and f2 given by Shih et al. are
depicted in Figure 2.
Simulations Setup
The simulation of tests points by XFlow has been
conducted in the virtual wind tunnel featured by
the software, designed for external aerodynamics
simulations. The size of the wind tunnel is set to
40x30x20 m and periodic boundary conditions are
applied at the top and bottom boundaries, as well
as at the lateral boundaries.
The required inputs to run the simulation are:
D-JET model geometry (actual loft) with
flow through inlet
D-JET mass, centre of gravity and full
inertia tensor at the test point time
Test point airspeed, air density,
temperature and dynamic viscosity
Flight controls deflections corresponding
to the test point, slightly reduced by a
factor determined from static wind tunnel
data validation where applicable.
This section presents the XFlow numerical results for the Diamond DJET performing three types of flight test manoeuvres, namely: (i) pitch
capture; (ii) Dutch roll; and (iii) stall. The performance of the CFD tool
is evaluated by comparing its results with flight test data for the
corresponding manoeuvres. Additionally, the ability of XFlow to
simulate other kind of manoeuvres is illustrated with the D-JET
Pitch Capture
This maneuver involves flight at a predetermined speed in trimmed
conditions, aggressively pitching up five degrees for one or two seconds
without re- trimming, then return to the trimmed condition with flight
Dutch Roll
Dutch roll is initiated in level flight with a rudder input to
excite the Dutch roll motion, after which the flight
controls are held fixed. The resulting yaw causes the
aircraft to roll due to the dihedral effect, and subsequent
oscillations in roll and pitch are analysed for frequency
and damping. As with pitch capture, Dutch roll frequency
and damping must meet specific requirements for
acceptable flight handling characteristics.
Dutch roll is simulated by XFlow with three degrees of
freedom: pitch, roll, and yaw. The elevator is set for
trimmed conditions at 100 KIAS and 20500 ft. The
simulation starts when the rudder is centred (7.6
Figure 4 shows both the experimental and numerical
results of this test. The agreement between simulation
and flight test data is good, with a Dutch roll frequency
only 9% above flight test. Damping is a match for the
first oscillations. Similar results are obtained at higher
speeds (up to 200 KIAS) with a slightly higher
overestimate of the frequency, but still within 15%.
Simulations at coarser resolution have shown lower
damping. In this simulation, the resolution of XFlow
would need to be increased to improve the damping
match with flight test data for oscillations below 2
Spiral stability causes the bank angle to slowly diverge
during the Dutch Roll manoeuvre. To facilitate
comparison of the curves, this long period parameter
has been removed from flight test and XFlow bank
angles shown in Figure 4.
This 13 seconds simulation was computed in 32 hours
on a Dell Precision 7400 with dual quad-core E5440 Xeon
The test point simulated here involves stall and poststall behaviour at angle of attack approaching 30
degrees. When the angle of attack goes beyond 25
degrees, the pilot pushes the nose down as this
represents a flight test limit. The aircraft is in a clean
configuration (flaps and gear are retracted).
This simulation focuses on the evolution of the angle of
attack in the post-stall regime, and the effectiveness of
the elevator in bringing the nose of the aircraft down.
Elevator deflection and airspeed are simulation inputs,
the values of which are shown in Figure 6. The Angle of
Attack (AOA) is the simulation output and it is shown in
Figure 7.
From Figure 7 it can be stated that XFlow reasonably
predicts the elevator effectiveness while the aircraft is
fully stalled, though it underestimates the maximum
angle of attack by 4 degrees. The simulation may be
improved when feedback controls will be included in
XFlow, and allow the elevator to be scheduled to
maintain altitude up to the stall. This way, the Z axis can
be added as an additional degree of freedom for
additional realism.
Figures 8 and 9 show some images of the numerical
stall test. The one shown in Figure 9 corresponds to the
moment at which the D-JET reaches the maximum
angle of attack; it can be observed how the horizontal
tail is fully submerged in the turbulent wing wake.
Flight test data for the spin test of the D-JET is not
available. Nonetheless, spin simulations have been
conducted with D-Six, a Bihrle Applied Research 6- DOF
simulation software. The D-Six simulation uses dynamic
stability data obtained on a D-JET model at the Bihrle
Large-Amplitude-Multi-Purpose Wind Tunnel.
When setting up XFlow with mass properties and prospin flight controls deflections identical to the D-Six
simulation, it was found that XFlow reached the same
stabilized angle of attack of 47 degrees but the
The lattice Boltzmann method offers the potential of
evaluating the flight handling characteristics of any
aircraft configuration at the conceptual design stage,
and can complement wind tunnel data with dynamic
stability data including power or propeller slipstream
Indeed, a total of four flight manoeuvre simulations
have been conducted with the LBM-based software
XFlow on the Diamond D-JET developed by Diamond
Aircraft Industries in Canada: the pitch capture, the
Dutch roll, the stall and spin simulation. Except for spin
rate, overall accuracy is showing good potential: the
pitch capture has the correct frequency but too high
amplitude, the Dutch roll had a perfect match on initial
amplitudes but shorter frequency, and the stall shows
similar patterns to experiment but with lower
amplitudes in the aircraft incidence angle
demonstrating elevator control effectiveness.
Further validation studies will determine its domain of
validity and possibly allow applications beyond aircraft
design. For example, XFlow may eventually be
considered as a flight test risk mitigation tool by
simulating a range of flight test manoeuvres such as
deep stall and spins prior to actual testing.
Chen, H., Chen, S., & Matthaeus, W., 1992, Recovery of the
Navier-Stokes equations using a lattice-gas Boltzmann
method, Physical Review A, vol. 45, pp. 5339.
Ducros, F., Nicoud, F., & Poinsot, T., 1998, Wall-adapting
local eddy-viscosity models for simulations in complex
geometries, Proceedings of 6th ICFD Conference on
Numerical Methods for Fluid Dynamics, pp. 293-299.
Farhat, C., Pierson, K. & Degand, C., 2001, Multidisciplinary
Simulation of the Maneuvering of an Aircraft. Engineering
with Computers 17: 16-27.
Ghoreyshi, M., Vallespin, D., Da Ronch, A.,Badcockx, K. J.,
Vos, J. & Hitze, S., 2010, Simulation of Aircraft Manoeuvres
Based on Computational Fluid Dynamics. American
Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.
Hardy, J., Pomeau, Y., & de Pazzis, O., 1973, Time evolution
of a twodimensional model system. I. Invariant states and
time correlation functions. J. Math. Phys., 14(12):1746-1759.
Higuera, F.J., & Jimenez, J., 1989, Boltzmann approach to
lattice gas simulations, Europhysics Letters, vol. 9, pp. 663668.
Holman, D.M., Brionnaud, R.M., Martinez, F.J., & MierTorrecilla, M., 2012,
Advanced Aerodynamic Analysis of the NASA High-Lift Trap
Wing with a Moving Flap Configuration. 30th AIAA Applied
Aerodynamics Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana, 25 - 28
d'Humieres, D., 2002, Multiple-relaxation-time lattice
Boltzmann models in three dimensions, Philosophical
Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A:
Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, Vol. 360,
No. 1792, 2002, pp. 437-451.
Johnson, A.A., 2006, Dynamic-mesh CFD and its application
to flapping-wing micro-air vehicles, 25th Army Science
Conference, Orlando.
Lemon, K.A., 2011, Application of a six degrees of freedom
adaptive controller to a general aviation aircraft. MSc
Thesis, Wichita State University.
Premnath, K., & Banerjee, S., 2011, On the ThreeDimensional Central Moment Lattice Boltzmann Method,
Journal of Statistical Physics, 2011, pp. 1- 48.
Qian, Y.H., DHumieres, D., & Lallemand, P., 1992, Lattice
BGK models for Navier-Stokes equation. EPL (Europhysics
Letters), 17:479.
Ran, Z., & Xu, Y., 2008, Entropy and weak solutions in the
thermal model for the compressible Euler equations,
Shan, X., & Chen, H., 2007, A general multiple-relaxationtime Boltzmann models in three dimensions, International
Journal of Modern Physics C, Vol. 18, No. 4, 2007, pp. 635643.
Shih, T., Povinelli, L., Liu, N., Potapczuk, M., & Lumley,
1999, J., A generalized wall function, NASA Technical
Shishkin, A. & Wagner, C., 2010, Numerical modeling of
flow dynamics induced by fruit flies during free-flight, V
European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics,
ECCOMAS CFD 2010, Lisbon (Portugal), 14- 17 June.
Improving the
Simulation of Bird
Strike on Plastic
Parts: Mecaplex Ltd, Grenchen, Switzerland
Simulation: Aerofem GmbH, Ennetburgen, Switzerland
Project: University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland FHNW / Institute
of Product and Production Engineering, Windisch, Switzerland
ircraft and other vehicle windshields are exposed to a wide variety of loads, one of the most dangerous being the
impact of solid objects at high velocities. For aircraft of all kinds, a relevant load case is bird strike, happening
mostly during the landing and take off phase of flight. It is vital that such events do not completely destroy the
windshield, which can be made of different materials, for example glass, PMMA, polycarbonate and combinations of
these materials joined by rubbery interlayer materials (see Figure 1).
To ensure safety, such glazing needs to fulfil a wide variety of tests, one of which is a bird strike test where an impactor
(e.g. dead chicken or gelatine block) is shot onto the windshield using a large pneumatic cannon. These tests are time
consuming and expensive; therefore FEM is used to optimize parameters like material type and layer thickness. This
should result in only a final homologation test and no other costly test series.
In a government supported project, the Institute for product and production engineering (IPPE) at the University of
Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland (FHNW), Mecaplex Ltd as manufacturer of such aircraft structures
and Aerofem GmbH as design and calculation company, have joined forces to increase the prediction accuracy of such
simulations. To achieve this goal it was necessary to conduct extensive material testing as well as examine a variety of
FE material models.
Important issues
Adh. Interlayer
Adh. Interlayer
Figure 3: Arcan bulk shear test setup, test and simulation with stress comparison, force vs displacement curves for
different material models
was achieved. This data allowed to select the best material models and to identify their parameters to simulate bird impact
on these parts. It could be shown that the new models provide significantly enhanced prediction quality. This now allows a
further optimization of the glazings regarding thickness and material types to minimize weight. Furthermore the risk of
failure during the homologation tests is minimized, thereby giving a competitive advantage to the participating companies.
Further work on the topic will focus on the materials in a temperature range between 40 and 80C under high strain rate
loading. A facility under construction is an instrumented test rig allowing for small scale birdstrike tests by shooting a
birdlike material like ballistic gelatine at high velocities.
Fritzsche P. et al: A procedure for the simulation of failure in thermoplastic composites; Composite Structures 2007
Wyss I.: Bird Impact on Multilayer Aircraft Transparencies: Investigating the Interlayer Simulation; Master Thesis 2012
Ramakrishnan K.: Low Velocity Impact Behaviour of Unreinforced Bi layer Plastic Laminates; Master Thesis 2009
Rinaldi R. et al: Modeling of the mechanical behaviour of amorphous glassy polymer based on the quasi point defect
theory Part II: 3D formulation and finite element modeling ofpolycarbonate; Int. J. of Non Linear Mechanics 2011
university Hamburg-Harburg,
(Glzau and Carl 2007, 1), and with
partners within the EU project
VIVACE, (VIVACE Consortium
Members, 2007, 3).
As shown in Figure 2, virtual testing
activities has been expanded and
become more and more establishe,
e.g. by using it for risk mitigation
purposes or in contributing to
system certification.
The approach is based on the
strong coupling of physical and
virtual test to obtain highest
possible confidence in the
simulation results. Starting with a
model variant which represents the
physical test bench in all relevant
details (e.g. external load
application) as shown in Figure 3
the model will be validated using
results from the test bench and
then finally extended to a close
aircraft like variant. Main
differences between test bench like
models and aircraft like models are
the application of airloads (discrete
load cylinders vs. distributed
pressure loads), the interface
conditions (attaching the high lift
system to a rigid test bench vs. a
flexible wing) and the consideration
of load dependent wing deformation
(test bench without deformation vs.
The article shows, how the combination of
physical test and virtual test helps to
overcome the challenge of increasing
complexity of systems on one hand and
drastically reduced development times on
the other.
Definitions / Abbreviations
Virtual Test
Test Management System
Modal Neutral File
Center of Gravity
Adams Solver Dataset File
Adams Solver Command File
Requirements Based Engineering
Requirements Based Testing
Simulation Data Management
Multibody Simulation
Finite Element Method
Improving Structural
Modelling of High
Strain Rate Behaviour
of Composite Materials
Using High Speed
Duncan A. Crump, Janice M. Dulieu-Barton, and Stephen W. Boyd
University of Southampton
There is a drive towards producing lighter vehicles that are faster, more manoeuvrable
and more fuel efficient to improve the sustainability of transport systems. The excellent
specific stiffness/strength properties of fibre reinforced polymer composite, e.g. carbon
and glass fibres, make them an increasingly attractive option for structures in high-end
and military applications.
These complex materials are being used in applications where there is a real risk of
impact or high velocity loading, whether this is bird strike on passenger aircraft (Figure
1), slamming loads on marine vessels or explosions in the proximity of military vehicles.
For efficient structural design it is vital that accurate and pertinent material properties
are available for input into finite element (FE) models. While the quasi-static behaviour
of composite materials is generally well understood [1], there is a need to for further
analysis at high velocity loading [2, 3].
The research was funded by the
Engineering and Physical Sciences
Research Council (EPSRC) and the
Defence and Science Technology
Laboratories (DSTL). We would like
to thank the continuing support of
the numerous academic and
industrial collaborators who formed
the industrial advisory board during
the project as follows; Aalborg
University, Airbus, Arts et Mtiers
ParisTech, FLIR ATS, GE Aviation,
LaVision, Lloyds Register.
Figure 7: The Effect of Strain Rate on Failure Stress and Temperature Change
benchmark january13
Rocket Science
At the recent Siemens NX CAE Symposium, held in Charlotte, NC, USA,
benchmark took some time to speak to Nathan Christensen of ATK
Launch Systems about their analysis processes, and use of simulation.
Nathan joined ATK as a design engineer in composite structures, designing and analyzing missiles and rockets. He
spent a significant portion of his 28-year career working with PLM/CAD/CAE and computational tools for design and
analysis. Christensen is one of the technical founders of ATKs PLM system, which now manages hundreds of thousands
of pieces of product and engineering information used at ATK facilities across the US. He has published numerous
technical articles and papers on rocket motor design and analysis, CAE tools and computational methods. He also holds
a patent for hybrid pressure vessels.
Christensen was first appointed manager of the CAE group in 1992, with responsibilities for engineering computational
tools and methods. In his current position as manager of Engineering Tools and Analysis group, his responsibilities
include PLM/CAD/CAE tools, trend analysis, rocket motor performance databases, analytical methods and software
development, reliability engineering and high-performance computing.
So this cross-industry
cooperation and discussion
must really help you drive
your processes forward?
David Quinn
Fatigue in
Laurent Wahl, Arno Zrbes, Stefan Maas and Danile Waldmann, from the
University of Luxembourg, investigate the fatigue properties of the honeycomb
core of aluminium sandwich panels, as used throughout the aerospace and
automotive industries.
oneycomb composite
lightweight structures made
of aluminium or aramid
fibres are used in airplanes, railway
carriages and automobiles. These
structures are subjected to dynamic
loading but hardly any fatigue
properties of the honeycomb core
exist in current literature (A
summary of the state of the art:
The sandwich structure consists of
three different materials:
Aluminium alloy AlMg3 H44 (AW
5754) for the face sheets
Aluminium alloy AlMn1Cu H19
(AW3003) for the honeycomb
Test Methodology
Dynamic 3-point bending tests were
A model of the sandwich structure
was created using ANSYS. The
structure is modelled with shell281
elements, which have 8 nodes with 6
degrees of freedom each. Shell281
elements are also suitable for large
deformations and plastic behaviour.
The roll for the load application is
evenly ( <0.2)
Roll rotated around the z-axis
( <0.5)
Cells are not regular hexagons
(all the coordinates are moved by
a small random value)
( <0.3mm)
Cells not planar (Small forces
(Fi<0.5N) are inserted into the
simulation, which dent the walls)
Shear failure
After proving that no buckling is
occurring, a normal static analysis
can be accomplished. In this case,
the stress state in the core is quite
homogeneous and it will be possible
to do a fatigue prediction with this
analysis. Just under the load
application, the compression stress
dominates, and next to the load
application, the shear stress
dominates like shown in Figure 3.
When no buckling of the core is
Buckling loads
The buckling loads of different
specimens and different load
applications are shown in Table 3.
The buckling loads of the soft load
Two different failure modes of the
honeycomb core structure were
examined: core indentation and
shear failure. Core indentation
induces buckling of several
honeycomb cells. This results in
high tensile forces, which will
quickly initiate cracks. In practice,
components should be designed so
that no buckling occurs. The
buckling load can be calculated
easily with a Finite Element
The shear failure mode can be
analysed by doing a static Finite
Element Analysis. Afterwards a
lifetime analysis can be done using
the FKM-guideline. There were only
small differences between the
fatigue predictions and the
[1] Sharma, N.; Gibson, R.F.; Ayorinde, E.O.:
"Fatigue of Foam and Honeycomb Core
Composite Sandwich Structures: A
Tutorial", Journal of Sandwich Structures
and Materials 2006 8: pp 263-319
[2] Blitzer, T.: "Honeycomb Technology,
Materials, design, manufacturing,
applications and testing", first edition,
Chapman & Hall, 1997
[3] Bauer, J.: "Ermittlung von
Schwingfestigkeitseigenschaften fr
Leichtbaupaneele mit Wabenstruktur",
University of Luxembourg, Faculty of
Science, Technology and Communication,
PhD-FSTC-5-2008, 2008
[4] Hnel, B.; Haibach, E.; Seeger, T.:
"Rechnerischer Festigkeitsnachweis fr
Maschinenbauteile aus Stahl, Eisengussund Aluminiumwerkstoffen FKMRichtlinie", 5th edition, VDMA Verlag
GmbH, 2003
[5] Schijve, J.: "Fatigue of Structures and
Materials", first edition, Kluver Academic
Publishers, 2001
The links with 1D software are fully integrated in the STAR-CCM+ user interface
Concluding Remarks