Acids and Bases Lab
Acids and Bases Lab
Acids and Bases Lab
Purpose: To test the pH level of many common household object by use of the juice
from a red cabbage.
Background: pH is the measure of the acidity or basicity of a solution. The pH scale
ranges from 1 to 14 with 1 through 6 being acidic and 8 through 14 being basic; 7 is
considered neutral. The use of the red cabbage, or red cabbage juice is because red
cabbage can be used as an acid/base indicator.
• Fresh red cabbage
• Hot plate
• Beaker, 500 mL or larger
• Beakers, 50 mL
• Spatula
• Tap water
• Tongs
• Dishwashing liquid
• Dishwasher detergent
• Laundry detergent
• Laundry stain remover
• Fabric softener
• Bleach
• Mayonnaise/Miracle Whip
• Baking powder
• White vinegar
• Cider vinegar
• Lemon juice
• Soft drinks
• Mineral water
• Milk
1. To make an acidbase indicator, extract juice from red cabbage. First, cut
up some red cabbage and place it in a large beaker. Add enough water so
that the beaker is half full. Then bring the mixture to a boil. Let it cool,
and pour off the cabbage juice. Save the solution.
2. Assemble food, beverages, and cleaning products to be tested.
Jessica Hillis 5/15/2008
Acids and Bases Cabbage Lab!
3. If the substance being tested is a liquid, pour about 5 mL into a small
beaker. If it is a solid, place a small amount into a beaker and moisten it
with about 5 mL of water.
4. Add a drop or two of the red cabbage juice to the solution being tested,
and note the color. The solution will turn red if it is acidic and green if it is
Solution Result
Dishwashing Liquid Basic
Dishwashing Detergent N/A
Laundry Detergent Basic
Laundry Stain Remover Basic
Fabric Softener N/A
Bleach Acid
Solution Result
Mayonnaise/Miracle Whip Acid
Baking Powder Base
White Vinegar Acid
Cider Vinegar Acid
Lemon Juice Acid
Soft Drinks N/A
Mineral Water N/A
Milk Acid
Conclusion: Upon testing these household objects I discovered some things that I
already knew; vinegar is extremely acidic, while baking powder is a base, and some
things that I didn’t know; milk is acidic and laundry detergent is a base. Any solution that
has an N/A as a result I either could not find or did not own. I had the most trouble with
bleach because at first, when I added the cabbage juice, it didn’t change color. I emptied
the beaker because it had a bit of baking powder in it, and then upon my second try it still
didn’t do anything. I had to add a large amount of the juice to the bleach before it actually
began to change color.