Reminder 4.12.10
Reminder 4.12.10
Reminder 4.12.10
Umar (ra) said, “The one who abandons excessive speech will be given wisdom; the one who abandons ex-
cessive looking will be given the tranquility of the heart; the one who abandons excessive food will be given
delight in worship; the one who abandons excessive laughter will be given veneration; the one who
abandons excessive joking will be given a beautiful appearance; the one who abandons the love of the dunya
will be granted the love of the hereafter; the one who abandons busying himself with the faults of others will
be given the ability to rectify his own faults; and the one who abandons questioning the essence of Allah the
Exalted will be given security from hypocrisy.”
Utman (ra) said, “Signs of a person who really know Allah are eight; his heart is in a state of fear and hope,
his tongue is in a state of praise and gratitude, his eyes are in a state of shame and tears, and his will is
leaving the dunya and seeking the pleasure of his Lord.”
Ali said, “Knowledge is the best inheritance, good manners are the best craft, piety is the best provision,
worship is the best baggage, righteous action is the best guide, good character is the best companion, gen-
tleness is the best adviser, contentment is the best wealth, (divine) assistance is the best ally, and death is the
best teacher.”