The Ottoman Empire Timeline
The Ottoman Empire Timeline
The Ottoman Empire Timeline
1100 Event
1299 Battle
1299 Event
1300 Person
1326 people
1326 capture
1384 Battle
1400 battle
1402 battle
1451 Person
1453 people
1453 Battle
1453 people
1500 people
1500 people
1517 Baltte
1517 power
1519 battle
1520 battle
1520 Baltte
1520 Economics
1529 Baltte
1529 Politics
1533 Battle
1551 Battle
1566 battle
1566 Person
1569 Person
1571 battle
1577 Technology
1595 Economics
1600 Economics
1600 Economics
1600 people
1606 battle
1612 Politics
1630 Economics
1637 Technology
1662 Politics
1675 Technology
1683 politics
1683 Battle
1687 Politics
1699 Event
1700 Politics
1718 Beginning
The quagadougou was founded in 1100.
Osman founded the ottoman empire
The Ottoman was founded by Osman.
Boys go to the mosques.
Ottomans conquered most of serbia
capture city of Bursa
The Ottoman took most of Serbia.
End of Byzantize empire
Ottomans conquered Egypt
Mehmed II Began ruling
Suleiman became ruler of the ottoman empire
The Mehamed II captures Constantinople putting an end to the Byzantine Empir
ottaman joins
Ottoman Empire was the most powerful empire
People of the Ottoman Epire , in addition to turks,included many Arabs ,Aremen
Ottoman took over Egypt then they brought Egypt into the Empire.
reaches power
Alegria is conquored
The siege of Vienna
Then Suleiman became the ruler of the Ottoman Empire.
The Sultani is one of the Ottoman empiers coins that they use.
Suleyman begins
The Ottoman did a Siege of Vienna.
First stage of Vienna
The Ottoman took over Iraq.
The Ottoman took over Libya.
Conquered Iraq
Suleiman dies.
Alot of Istanbul was burned in a great fire.
try to destroy ottaman
Short-lived obsevatory
The Akce is one of the Ottoman Empire used.
Most people of the Ottoman Empire worked as farmers.
The Ottoman Empiregained great wealth through trade.
Almost all the women lived restricted lives
Conquered Libya
Treaty of Nasuh Pasha
The oldest suessous suriving male of the family members.
Discorse on the method
Royal society
Royal Obsevatory
Suleiman dies
Ottoman lost at the Battle Of Vienna.That mean the beginning of the decline of
Pivotat Defeat
Then they gave up there control of Hungary to Austria.
This is the Beginning of the Tulip period.
1740 Technology
1752 Politics
1754 Person
1789 Battle
1800 Economics
1803 Person
1821 battle
1821 Event
1828 battle
1914 Battle
1914 battle
Academic decline
Precise Artilley
Sultan Osman III
French Revolution
Girls started elementary in the mid 1800.
Shrapnel Shells
Most of Istanbul dies in a great fire
After that the Greek War of Independence begins.
Ottomans are deafeted by the battle of Vienna
Ottoman join sides of Central Power in World War 1.
Consisted of Asia Minor