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Nebraska State College System Policy 4141: A. Instructor: B. Office

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EDCI 635 Curriculum Development

3 Credit Hours
Summer (June & July), 2015
EDCI 635 Curriculum Development examines the K-12 school curriculum including pupil needs
in everyday life situations, the curriculum writing process including standards based on research,
objectives/skills, assessments and evaluation along with an appraisal of new curriculum practices.
Emphasis placed on the process of staff-developed curriculum. (Chadron State College 20142015 Graduate Catalog, p. 61).
Nebraska State College System Policy 4141
In traditional face-to-face course settings, this policy requires "One (1) hour of classroom or direct faculty
instruction and a minimum of two (2) hours of out-of-class student work each week." This course has been
planned according to this formula. This course requires 45 hours of direct instruction and student
engagement. Additionally, students can expect to spend approximately 135 hours in individual study,
research, and assignment preparation. See tentative course schedule for listing of reading and written
assignments, forum postings, and performance-based projects.
Disclaimer: Grades are not determined according to time spent on task although research indicates this is
very important. The work you turn in must meet established criteria to pass the course. Completing
minimum time requirements will not automatically result in a passing grade.



Dr. Patti Blundell, Professor of Education





Prerequisite: Graduate status


Purpose: Students will understand the foundations, design, development,

implementation, alignment, and evaluation components of curriculum; students will
examine issues of curriculum including current trends and future directions.


Method of Instruction: A combination of lecture (study notes), video presentations

(dvds in Sakai Resources or embedded in lessons), discussions, small group interactions,
and individual reading and presentations/postings will be used. Within the class
cooperative learning will be emphasized.

Old Admin 115

As posted and by appointment
(308) 432-6469
(308) 432-6383 for Dept. of Education Office


Objectives: The student will be able to:

Develop a philosophy for curriculum development.
Explain the historical background for curriculum development.
Identify the psychological implications of the curriculum.
Describe the social and political foundations with regard to curriculum.
Discuss the principles of curriculum including aims, goals, and objectives.
Formulate a design for curriculum development.
Describe the process of developing a curriculum.
Decide how to implement curriculum.
Determine how to evaluate the curriculum and use the evaluation data to increase
student learning.
Describe how curriculum development, design, implementation, and evaluation
processes impact school improvement.
Discuss the issues of theory, trends, and future directions in relation to curriculum
Continue in their development as visionary leaders.

This course is a required core course in both the Education Administration and Curriculum and
Instruction masters programs. The Program Outcomes are cross-referenced with Chadron State
Colleges Conceptual Framework for the Education Unit. Intended Program Outcomes for both
programs follow:
Education Administration Program Outcomes:
1. Lead and organize the collaborative development, articulation, implementation, and stewardship of a
school or district vision of learning supported by the school community. (Communication, Thinking
Skills, Inclusive Learning Environments)
2. Lead and promote a positive school culture, providing an effective standards based instructional program,
applying best practice to student learning, and designing comprehensive professional growth plans for
staff based on identified needs. (Methodology, Professionalism, Assessment, Thinking Skills, Inclusive
Learning Environments)
3. Lead and promote the success of all students by managing the organization, operations, and resources in a
way that promotes a safe, efficient, and effective learning environment. (Communication, Thinking
Skills, Methodology, Professionalism)
4. Demonstrate the knowledge, ability and dispositions to promote the success of all students by
collaborating with families and other community members, responding to diverse community interests and
needs, and mobilizing community resources. (Communication, Methodology, Inclusive Learning
5. Demonstrate the skill, knowledge, and ability to promote the success of all students by acting fairly, with
integrity, and in an ethical manner. (Inclusive Learning Environments, Communication, Professionalism)
6. Demonstrate the skill, knowledge, and ability to respond to, and influence the larger political, social,
economic, legal, and cultural context. (Professionalism, Thinking Skills, Inclusive Learning
7. Demonstrate the ability to accept genuine responsibility for leading, facilitating, and making decisions
typical of those made by educational leaders. (Communication, Thinking Skills, Methodology,
Professionalism, Assessment, and Inclusive Learning Environments)
Curriculum & Instruction Program Outcomes
1. Develop and implement curriculum based on central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the
discipline(s) he or she teaches; diverse learner needs and abilities; cognitive and developmental levels;
and community and curricular goals. (Methodology, Inclusive Learning Environments)
2. Develop and implement curriculum using a variety of instructional strategies to encourage students
development of critical thinking, problem solving, and performance skills. (Methodology, Thinking Skills)
3. Design and facilitate a learning environment that encourages individual and group motivation, positive
social interaction, and active engagement in learning. (Methodology, Professionalism, Assessment)
4. Demonstrate cultural awareness, gender sensitivity, and racial and ethnic appreciation in fostering an
inclusive learning environment. (Inclusive Learning Environments, Methodology)


Communicate clearly using listening, writing, speaking, and media skills in a manner that is consistent
with and responsive to the specific audience. (Communication, Professionalism)
Utilize assessment strategies and data to improve student learning and social development at the
individual and program level. (Assessment, Methodology)
Improve instruction based on reflective practice and research-based best practices. The candidate will
continuously seek to grow as a professional educator. (Professionalism, (Methodology)
Foster relationships with school colleagues, parents, and agencies of the larger community based on an
understanding of the impacts of philosophy, sociology, political, and legal forces on public education.
(Professionalism, Communication, Inclusive Learning Environments)

Visionary Leader Conceptual Framework

Thinking Skills

Understand the elements of reasoning through role
playing and simulations. Analyzing the merits of
competing curriculum approaches.
Inclusive Learning Environments
Recognize the diversity of the population and how
that diversity relates to curriculum.
Use various tools to evaluate the curriculum and the
teaching/learning process.
Comprehend the importance of communications in
the curriculum development process.


Demonstrate knowledge of the curriculum

development process. Understand the role of
curriculum development in improving instruction.
Interpret the ethical and moral issues in the
curriculum development process. Appreciate the role
of the leader in the curriculum development and
implementation process.
Develop the concepts and skills necessary to lead the
process of developing, implementing, and evaluating
a curriculum.

G. Topics:
Curriculum processes and productsrole of the change process
Curriculum decision makingdevelopment
Curriculum organization - designs
Foundations - subject matter
Foundations - history & philosophy
Foundations - society & culture
Foundations - psychology & brain research
Developing educational statements for curriculum projects
Developing aims, goals, objectives & outcomes
Selecting content
Utilizing needs assessment in curriculum projects
Selecting learning experiences in technical & non-technical curriculum projects
Implementing/Enacting curriculum
Evaluating curriculum


Curriculum development in relation to school improvement

Curriculum issues, trends and future directions

H. Texts:
Armstrong, D.G. (2003). Curriculum today. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education,
Glatthorn, A.A., Boschee, F., & Whitehead, B.M. (2009). Curriculum leadership: Strategies
of development and implementation (3rd edition). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Wiggins, G., & McTighe, J. (2005). Understanding by design: Expanded 2nd edition.
Alexandria, VA: ASCD (optional)
Tentative Schedule: Changes may be made based on the class' interests and the instructor's
judgment. The schedule is based on 8 weeks, beginning Monday, June 8 and ending
Friday, July 31. The following schedule is the suggested pacing guide for each unit; you may
work ahead, but please dont fall behind. Firm due dates are given as specific dates. Its
important to submit assignments in a timely manner as the final project is designed to work
through a process and needs to be completed in stages with feedback at each stage. Feedback on
assignments is usually given on the returned assignment document. Please download returned
assignment to see comments. Please note that some units require less than one week and other
units overlap or require more than one week.
Week 1 June 8
Introduction/ Unit 1
Unit 1 Discussion Forum June 8
Curriculum Product Review June 10
Week 1 June 10
Unit 2
Unit 2 Discussion Forum June 12
Week 2 June 15
Unit 3
Project Rationale & Proposal
Due June 15
Unit 3 Discussion Forum June 18
Week 3 June 22
Unit 4
Unit 4 Discussion Forum June 25
Check out Special Topics Report
Assignmentnot due until
July 16
Week 4 June 29
Unit 5
Unit 5 Discussion Forum July 2
Project Philosophy Draft Due
June 30
Week 4 June 29
Unit 6
Final Project Philosophy Due
July 7
Week 5 July 6
Curriculum project
Project Scope & Sequence Due July 9
Week 6 July 13

Unit 6
Curriculum project

Week 7 July 20

Unit 7
Curriculum project

Project Aims, Goals & Objectives Due

July 14
Special Topics Report submitted and
posted on Unit 7 Discussion Forum
Special Topics Report July 16
Curriculum Project Draft (Peer Review
by either a class member or a
professional colleague)
July 21
Unit 7 Discussion Forum July 23

Week 7 July 20 and

Week 8 July 27

Unit 8

Week 8 July 27

Unit 8 & Future


Curriculum Projects Due in my office or

by Sakai drop box
Friday July 24 by noon MDT
Data Analysis July 28
Submit Final Reflection on or before July
30 by noon MDT This assignment is
hidden until 7-27-15

J. Course Requirements and Evaluation

1. Complete the readings and assignments described in each unit.
2. Prepare and present material concerning a special topic relating to curriculum
development. Material will be presented to the instructor in the Special Topic Report
assignment drop box) and to the class through the Unit 6 Discussion Forum. Presentation
guidelines, topic ideas will be posted on the Announcements and in Unit 4.
3. Develop a curriculum project (DUE 7/24). Project guidelines and evaluation criteria are
posted in the Curriculum Project Folder (Unit 2).
4. All papers will be word processed with spacing and margins appropriate to the assignment.
Composition, grammar, and spelling appropriate to graduate course work are expected.
Papers must be submitted as Word attachments, except for the Curriculum Project. The
Curriculum Project may be submitted by mail, hand delivered, or by attachment the Unit 2
Curriculum Project drop box. The Curriculum Project may contain other materials that
make electronic transfer less desirable.
Special Topic Report & presentation (drop box & discussion forum)
Curriculum Project (submitted/mailed/delivered)
Discussion Forums
Other assignments and discussions
Final reflection
25 pts.

100 pts.
200 pts.
90 pts.
60 pts.

Grading Scale: 93-100=A; 86-92=B; 78-85=C


Attendance: Attendance is required. Your presence online is important for your own
learning and well as your contribution to the work of the class. If an absence is
unavoidable, please arrange ahead of time to discuss options for making-up work. Full
credit can be earned on work submitted on or before the due date. Late assignments will
result in lower grades.


Assignments: Assignments are due on or before the specified date. If you anticipate
being absent, arrange to have the assignment turned in before the due date.


Make-up Exams/Assignments: Exams/assignments that are missed due to an excused

absence may be made-up before the next class meeting by arrangement with the instructor


Selected Bibliography:
Brandt, R.S. (Ed.) (1992). Readings from Educational Leadership on performance
assessment. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.

Carr, J.F., & Harris, D.E. (2001). Succeeding with Standards: Linking curriculum,
assessment, and action planning. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Fenstermacher, G.D., & Soltis, J.F. (1992). Approaches to teaching. New York:
Teachers College Press.
Fullan, M.G. (1991). The new meaning of educational change. New York: Teachers
College Press.
Jacobs, H.H. (1997). Mapping the big picture: Integrating curriculum & assessment K12. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Jensen, E. (1998). Teaching with the brain in mind. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Lazear, D. (1991). Seven ways of knowing: Teaching for multiple intelligences (2nd ed.).
Palatine, IL: Skylight.
Lazear, D. (1994). Seven ways of teaching: The artistry of teaching with multiple
intelligences (2nd ed.). Palatine, IL: Skylight.
Marzano, R.J., Pickering, D.J., & Pollock J.E. (2001). Classroom Instruction that
works: Research-based strategies for increasing student achievement. Alexandria,
Mathews, D. (1997). The lack of a public for public schools. Phi Delta Kappan, 78(10),
Meister, C., & Rosenshine, B. (1992). The use of scaffolds for teaching higher-level
cognitive strategies. Educational Leadership, 49, 26-33.
Popham, W.J. (1993). Educational testing in America: Whats right, whats wrong? A
criterion-referenced perspective. Educational Measurement, Issues and Practice,
12(1), 11-14.
Posner, G.J., & Rudnitsky A.H. (2001). A guide to curriculum development for teachers
(6th ed.). New York: Addison, Wesley & Longman.
Reeves, D.B. (2006). The learning leader: How to focus school improvement for better
results. Alexandria, VA : ASCD.
Schere, M.M. (Ed.). (1998). How the brain learns. [special issue]. Educational
Leadership, 58(1).
Schere, M.M. (Ed.). (2000). How to differentiate instruction. [special issue].
Educational Leadership, 56(3).
Schere, M.M. (Ed.). (2000). Sustaining change. [special issue]. Educational
Leadership, 57(7).

Schere, M.M. (Ed.). (2003). Using data to improve student achievement. [special issue].
Educational Leadership, 60(5).
Schere, M.M. (Ed.). (2004). Closing achievement gaps. [special issue]. Educational
Leadership, 62(3).
Schere, M.M. (Ed.). (2005). Education language learners. [special issue]. Educational
Leadership, 62(4).
Schere, M.M. (Ed.). (2005). How schools improve. [special issue]. Educational
Leadership, 62(5).
Schere, M.M. (Ed.). (2005). The adolescent learner. [special issue]. Educational
Leadership, 62(7).
Schere, M.M. (Ed.). (2006). Learning in the Digital Age. [special issue]. Educational
Leadership, 63(4).
Schere, M.M. (Ed.). (2006). Helping struggling students. [special issue]. Educational
Leadership, 63(5).
Schweinhart, L. J., & Hohmann, C. F. (May, 1992). The high-scope K-3 curriculum: A
new approach. Principal,71(5), 16, 18-19. Also may be retrieved as an ERIC
document #EJ444285.
Tomlinson, C.A. (1999). The differentiated classroom: Responding to the needs of all
learners. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Tomlinson, C.A., Kaplan, S.N., Renzulli, J.S., Purcell, J., Leppien, J., & Burns, D.
(2002). The Parallel curriculum: A design to develop high potential and
challenge high-ability learners. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.
Tomlinson, C.A., & McTighe, J. (2006). Integrating differentiated instruction and
understanding by design. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Van Slyke, S. (1997). Building community for public schools: Challenges and strategies.
Phi Delta Kappan, 78(10), 753-755.
Weil, R. (1997). The view from between a rock and a hard place: A classroom teacher's
perspective. Phi Delta Kappan, 78(10), 760-764.
Wolfe, P. (2001). Brain matters: Translating research into classroom practice.
Alexandria, VA : ASCD.
Zmuda, A., Kuklis, R., & Kline, E. (2004). Transforming schools: Creating a culture of
continuous improvement. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
Student Behavior:
Academic Honesty - Students are expected to conduct themselves in conformity with the highest standards
with regard to academic honesty. Violation of college, state, or federal standards with regard to plagiarism,
cheating or falsification of official records will not be tolerated. Students violating such standards will be

subject to discipline, as per campus policies articulated in the Student Handbook. Please request a copy of
the student handbook from the Dean of Students (Crites 308.432.6280). The full copy of the student
handbook can be found at http://www.csc.edu/publications/csc_student_handbook.pdf. Academic Policies,
including academic dishonesty, can be found between pages 32-34.
Attendance Policy - The College assumes that students will seek to profit from the instructional program
and will recognize the importance of attending every class meeting of courses for which credit is expected.
Responsibility for notifying faculty of absences, and for arranging potential make-up rests with the
Civility - Civil behavior enhances the academic setting, and is expected at all times. The academic
environment welcomes a difference of opinion, discourse, and debate within a civil environment.
Nondiscrimination Policy/Equal Educational Opportunity Policy: Chadron State College is committed
to an affirmative action program to encourage admission of minority and female students and to provide
environment for all students that is consistent with nondiscriminatory policy. To that end, it is the policy of
Chadron State College to administer its academic employment programs and related supporting services in
a manner which does not discriminate on the basis of gender, race, color, national origin, age, religion,
disability, or marital status. Student requests for reasonable accommodation based upon documented
disabilities should be presented within the first two weeks of the semester, or within two weeks of the
diagnosis, to the Disabilities Counselor (308.432.6461; CRITES 338).
Disclaimer: This syllabus and schedule is articulated as an expectation of class topics, learning activities,
and expected student learning. However, the instructor reserves the right to make changes in this schedule
that, within my professional judgment, would result in enhanced or more effective learning on the part of
the students. These modifications will not substantially change the intent or objectives of this course and
will be done within the policies and procedures of Chadron State College.

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