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Building Regulations in India

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The document outlines various building code requirements related to elevators, fire safety, structural safety, and more.

Elevators must be provided based on the height and number of units in a building. At least two elevators are required for buildings over 21 meters tall.

High rise buildings must have a fire lift, fire staircase, large underground water tanks, internal fire hydrants, separate electrical circuits for safety systems, and more.



A lift shall be provided in all buildings as prescribed hereunder.
(i) In case of Building having height more than 13.0 Mts. lift shall be provided.
(ii) Lift shall be provided at the rate of one lift for 20 tenements of all the floors. or part
thereof for residential buildings and at the rate of one lift per 1000.00 sq.mts. or part
thereof of built-up area for non-residential buildings.
The tenement and built-up area on ground floor and two upper floors shall be excluded
in computing the above requirement.
Lift shall be provided from ground floor and shall have minimum capacity of six
persons. On the basis of detailed calculations based on the relevant provisions of
National Building Code. the number of lifts can be varied.
(iii) Not withstanding anything contained in the Development Control Regulations in case
of building with 21 meters or more in height. at least two lifts shall be provided.


In case of high rise buildings. the follwing provision shall be made for safety of buildings
from fire :-
(i) In addition to the requirement under Regulation No. 17.1 at least one lift designed
as fire-lift as defined in the National Building Code shall be installed.
(ii) At least one stair-case shall be provided as a fire staircase as defined in the National
Building Code. Provided that this shall not be applicable if any two sides of a staircase
are kept totally open to external open air space.
(iii) Water Supply: Underground tank of the capacity of one lakh liters and two lakh liters
for the buildings situated within the municipal limit and outside of the municipal
limit respectively be invariably provided in all the high rise buildings. Water in the
normal use tank should come only through the overflow of fire tank so provided.
(iv) In high rise buildings. the internal fire hydrants shall be installed as provided in the
National Building Code or as prescribed in the Indian Standard Code of practice for
installation of internal fire hydrants in high rise buildings. The detailed plan
showing the arrangement of pipe lines. booster pumps and water-tanks at various levels
shall be submitted for approval of the concerned authority along with the plans and
sections of the buildings.
(v) In case of high rise buildings. an external fire hydrant shall be provided within the
confines of the site of the building and shall be connected with Municipal Water mains
not less than 4" in diameter. In addition. fire hydrant shall be connected with Booster
Pump from the static supply maintained on site.
(vi) In case of high rise buildings separate electric ciecuits for lift installation. lighting
of passages. corridors and stairs and for internal fire hydrant system shall be provided.
(vii) All the requirements under the above regulations shall be clearly indicated on plans
duly signed by the owner and the person who has prepared the plans. The Competent
Authority may direct the owner to submit such further drawings as may be necessary.
to clarify the implementation of the provisions of the above regulations.
(viii) Every building having a height of more than 25 Mts. shall be provided with diesel
generators which can be utilized in case of failure of the electricity.

(ix) The standard of National Building Code must be adopted fully in providing
stair-case and alarm system.
(x) There should be Provision of dry-powder. fire extinguisher to the extent of two
on each floor with a capacity of 5 kgs. in all the high rise buildings.


(1) All external walls shall be as per the provisions of National Building code and
I.S. Specifications.
(2) The thickness of the load bearing walls in the case of masonary walled building
shall be as under.

Building with Thickness of wall

Ou G. F. Ou F. F. Ou S. F. Ou T. F.
(i) Ground + One floor 23 cm 23 cm
(ii) Ground + Two floor 23 cm 23 cm 23 cm
(iii) Ground + Three floor 35 cm 23 cm 23 cm 23 cm

In case of cellars the external walls shall be of R.C.C. only and it shall have minimum
thickness of 23 cms. or 45 cms. brickwork in case of brickwork.
(3) Subject to any of the above regulations every person who undertakes construction of
a building and/or who designs the structural member of the building shall comply
with the provisions of National Building Code prevailing at the relevant time or the
provisions of the Indian Standard Specifications published from time to time.
(4) Every person who undertakes the construction work on a building or directs or
supervises such works shall be responsible and shall ensure use of sound and good
quality building materials. properly put together for optimum safety He shall be
liable for all consequences arising out of breach of this regulations.

(a) Habitable rooms shall have minimum plinth height of 0.45mt. from ground level.
(b) Parking garage may have no plinth.
(c) Provided that the ground floor of a building may be permitted on stilts/pillars instead
of a solid plinth with a clear height of 2.4 Mts. in case of slabs with beams height should
not exceed 2.8 Mts. and further that this space shall at all times be kept free from any
enclosure except for genuine stair-case.
Provided further that a electric meter room. room for telephone D.B.: bath-room.
water-room. stair-case room. pump room. wate closet. servant room. security cabin may be
permitted subject to maximum built-up area of 15smt. allowed a minimum plinth 30cms
and this area shall not be considered towards computation of F.S.I.

16.5 CELLAR :
In a building unit. the cellar may be permitted on the following conditions:
(i) Area and extent: The total area of any cellar (basement) shall not exceed twice the
plinth area of the building. or the area of the plot whichever is less. It may be in on
level or two. No cellar be permitted in the required minimum marginal space.

(ii) Height of the cellar shall not be less than 2.8 Mts. clear from top of the flooring to the
bottom of the lowest structural member. The maximum depth of basement shall be 2.5
mts. below ground level. The maximumu height of the single cellar shall not be more than
3 mts.
(iii) Clear width of the stair leading to the cellar shall not be less than the width of the regular
staircase leading to upper floors.
(iv) No stairs to be constructed under these regulations shall consist of any wooden material.
(v) Adequat opening for ventilation should be provided as directed by Competent Authority.
The materials of the construction and fixtures of the cellar should be of fire resisting nature
and in no case wood shall be used as structural part of the cellar or any fixtures thereof.
The extent of ventilation shall be the same as required by the particular occupancy for
which the basement is used. Any deficiency must be made good by resort to a mechanical
system. viz. blowers. exhaust fans. air conditioning system. according to the standards in
Part VIII Building Services. Section-1 Lighting and Ventilation. National Building Code.
(vi) No water connection or drainage connection shall be permitted in the cellar.
(vii) In no case cellar shall be permitted to be connected with normal drainage line.
(viii) Uses permitted :- parking. safe deposit vault. A.C. Plant and store for individual
residential building.
(ix) In genuine requirement of parking. the competent authority may permit the second
cellar if the parking space available at ground level and in first cellar is not sufficient. for
the reasons stated in writing provided that the total depth of two cellars if provided shall
not exceed 4.20 mtr. below ground level.


Minimum height of floors in building at any point shall be 2.8 Mts. for residential and
commercial uses and 3 meters or as per Factory Act or other relevant Act in case ground floor and
upper-floors in abuilding used for office for ancillary uses of factories. workshops. godowns and
other industrial purposes.
Provided than in case of folded roof the minimum height of 3.0 Mts. shall be measured from the
lowest point of the fold.
Provided that in case of gabled or slopping roof the minimum height below the lowest part of
roof. shall not be less than 2.2 Mts. and an average height of the rooms shall not be less than the
minimum prescribed here above.
Provided further that in case of trussed-roof. the minimum height shall be measured from the
pavement to bottom of the tie beam.
Provided that for verandah, Bathroom, W.C. passages, puja room, stor room, stair cabin,
minimum height of 2.00 mts.

16.7 LOFT :
The loft at a minimum height of 2 mts. from floor level not exceeding 30% floor area of the room
may be allowed in any room.

The width of lobbies or corridors in building shall be as under:
(a)(i) In case of residential and non-residential building except individual detached building
minimum clear width of corridor shall be as under :

Length of Corridor (in Mts.) Width of Corridor

Residential Non-
Upto 6 1.0 1.2
Upto 9 1.2 1.5
Upto 15 1.2 2.0
Above 15 1.5 2.5


(i) For every additional 3.00 mts. length or part there of the width of corridor shall be
increased by 0.15 mts. upto a maximum of 3.00 mts.

(ii) In case of starred hotels. the width of the corridor shall be as per the authorized
standards of the starred hotels.

(b) whereas in case of residential dwelling unit occupied by single family and constructed
upto three floors width of the stairs shall not be less than 1.0 mtr.

(c) In case of all non-residential and high rise residential buildings. the clear width of
stair and lending exclusive of parapet shall not be less than 1.5 Mts.

(d) Minimum stair width for more than 6 tenements on each floor shall be 1.5 Mts.
(e) The stair-case & lifts (elevators) shall be so located that it shall be within accessible
distance of not more than 25 Mts. from any entrance of tenement or an office provided
on each floor.

(f) The design of the lift & stair along with the tread and riser shall comply with the
provisions of the National Building Code for that class of building.

(g) No winders shall be allowed except in case of individual dwelling unit.


All the buildings when erected or re-erected from foundation or when additions to the floors
are made shall be provided with minimum sanitary accommodation.
(a) In the case of use of building as office and public building except cinemas. theatres.
meetings and lecture halls. minimum sanitary facilities should be provided as under.

(i) Every office building or public building shall be provided with at least one water
(ii) Water closets shall be provided for each sex and the number of such water closets
for each sex shall in every case be based upon the maximum number likely to
occupy such building at any one time.

(iii) One urinal shall be provided for every 25 males or part thereof and one water closet
for every 25 females or part thereof upto 100 persons. For any number exceeding
100. one urinal for every 50 persons shall be provided.
(iv) There shall be provided one water-closet for every 50 persons of each sex or part

thereo f upto 500 persons and for excess over 500. One water closet for every 100
persons of each sex of part thereof shall be provided However. if the total number
of employees in such a buildlng or the number of persons likely to use such building
does not exceed 20. one water-closet each for both sexes shall be sufficient and no
urinal may be provided.
(v) The building shall be deemed to be occupied by persons or employees at the rate of
one per every 5 square metres of the floor area and sanitary facilities shall be
provided according to the number of employees or occupants so worked out.
(vi) Such Water Clost and urinals shall be in accessoble location and shall be Provided
with Signs Plainly indicating thei purposes sex for which they are meant.

(b) Industrial Buildings and Warehouses :

All tupe industrial building shall provied with minium santitary facilities as under.
(i) Every such building shall be provided with at least one water closet to privy.
(ii) Water Closets of privies shall be provided for each sex and number of such closters or
privies for each sex shall in every case be based upon the maxmimum number or
persons of that sex emploed such building.
(iii) Water closets or privey accommodation shall be provided in every W.C. on the
following scale.
Where femails are employed there shall be least at least one closet or one privy for
every 25 females. Where males are emploed. there shall be at least one water closet
or one privy for every 25 males.
Provided that where the number of males emploed exceed 100. it shall be Sufficient if
there in one water closet or one privy for every 25 males up to the first 100. and one
water closet or one privy for every 50 there after.
In calculatting the number of water closets or privies requried under these
regulations any number workers less than 25 or 50 as the case may be shall be
reckoned as 25 or 50 and the number of workers to be considered shall be the
maximum number employed at any one time during the day.
(iv) In every such factory there shall be provided one urinal for every 100 person of each
sex or any less number thereof .
(v) In every such factory there shall be provided one washing place of 3.6 square metters
in area with sufficient number of taps as per standards laid down by down by rules in
respect of factories.
(vi) In every building of the warehouse class there shall be provied one water closet for
every 50 males or any less number thereof and one water closet for every 50 females or
any less number there of and one water closet for every 50 femals or any less number
thereof. after ater closet shall be providid at the rate of one closet for every 70 person.
(vii) In every building of the warehouse class. there shall be provided one urinal for every
100 personse of each sex or any less number thereof.
(viii) For the purpose of determining the number of water-closets and urinals each 30 sq.mts.
of the gross floor space of such building shall be deemed to be occupied by one person.
(ix) Such water-closets and urinals shall be accessible in location and shall be provided
with signs plainly indicating their purpose and the sex for which they are meant.

(c) Educational Buildings :
Any buuilding used for educational purpose shall be provided with minimum sanitar
facilities as follows :
(i) Subject to minimum provisions of two water-closets and five urinals. there shall be one
water-closet and four urinals for every 200 students or part thereof.
(ii) Competent Authority may enforce the distribution of the above sanitary facilities to be
provided at each floor of the building.
(iii) The building shall be deemed to be occupied by students at the rate of one student per
every 1.00 sq.mt. of the floor area of all the class-rooms and sanitary facilities shall be
provided according to the number of students so worked out.

(d) Residential Building or Residential Tenements :

Each residential building or residential tenement shall be provided with atleast one

(a) Ventilation of rooms: Every such room whether it is living room or a kitchen shall be
constructed that the same have for the purpose of ventilation :
A Window or windows and /or ventilators clear of the Such frames, opeing directly
into an interior or exterior open air space or into an open verandah or gallery abutting
on such open air sapces having an opeing of not less than one tenth of the floor area of
the room of an aggregate opening of doors. Window amd ventilaors of not less than
one seventh of the floor area of the room.
Such aggregate opening in respect of setting room or dining room of three or more
room tennements may be provided eighter by window ventliators or doors. if such room
abuts on an open verandah or gallery
(b) Factories and buildings of the warehouse :- Every room in such building shall be lighted
and ventilated by sufficent number of window, ventilators and sky lights exclusive of
doors having clear opening not less than 1/7 th of the floor area abutting on open air
space of width not less than 1/3rd of height of the part of the building abutting such
open space.
Provided that this requirment may be relaxed if artificial lighting and ventilation are
installed to the satisfacation of the Competent Authority.
(c) Ventilation of stair - cases :- Every stair case provided under the foregoing clauses
shall be light and ventilated to the satisfaction of the Authority from an open air space
not less than 1 sq.m.t.
(d) Window in stair case bay: There shall be provided a window or window of an aggregate
area of atleast 1.2 sq. meters on each story in such of the wall of the stair -Case room
which abuts on such 1 sq.mt. open air space to light and ventilate such staircase.
(e) Ventiation from the top and skylight etc : Where an open well an open well for light
and ventilation within the space enclosed by a stairway and its landings is proposed
to be provided. the least horizontal dimensions of which are equal to two times the
width of the staircase then the requirements of clause(c) and (d) may be dispensed
with provided that there shall be in the roof directly over each such stair well, a
ventilating skylight with provided fixed or movable louvers to the satisfaction of the
compitant Authority. The glazed roof of the skylight shall not be less than 3.7 sq. Mts.
in area. No lift or any other fixture shall be erected in such staircase well.
Every person who undertakes construction work on a building shall so locate every
opening abutting on any open space that the sill of such opening shall not be less
than 90 cms. above the level of the floor from which such opening is accessible.
Provided that if such opening is to be constructed flush with floor level its lower
portion for a height of 90 cms. shall be protected by bars or grill or similar other
devices to the satisfaction of the Competent Authority.

16.12 STAIRWAY :
Stairway shall confirm to the following provisions in addition to items (i) to (vii)
below. In addition. in order to satisfy fire fighting requirements any stairway
identified as an ex it stairw ay shall confirm to requir eme nt stippled in fire
protection regulations provided in these regulations.
(i) Width :- The minimum width of a staircase other than a fire escape shall be as
given in Table here under.


Minimum width of common Stairway/Corridors for occupancies

Sr. Type Of occupancy Minimum width of stairecase/

No. Stairway/Corridor (in meters)
(1) (2) (3)
1 Residential building
(a) Low rise 1.2
(b) Hotels and High rise 1.5
2 Educational building
(a) Upto 24 m. high 1.5
(b) Over 24 m. high 2.0
3 Institutional buildings
(i.e. hospital)
(a) Upto 10 beds 1.5
(b) Over 10 beds 2.0
4 Assembly buildings 2.0
5 Mercantile. business.
industrial storge. hazardous.
(a) Low Rise 1.5

(b) High Rise 2.0

(ii) Flight :- No flight shall contain more than 14 risers. but in residential buildings. in
narrow plots and in high density Housing a single flight staircase may be permitted.
(iii) Risers :- The maximum height of a riser shall be 19 cm. in a residential building and 16

cm. in any other occupancy. However. on an internal stairway within a dwelling unit
a riser may be 25 cm. high.
(iv) Treads :- The minimum width of the tread without nosing shall be 25 cm. for
staircase of a residential building. other than fire escapes. In other occupancies the
minimum width of the tread shall be 30cm. It shall have a non-slippery finish and
shall be maintained in that fashion.
(v) Head room :- The minimum head room in a passage under the landing of a staircase
under the staircase shall be 2.1 m.
(vi)Floor indicator :- The number of each floor shall be conspicuously painted in figures
at least 15 cm. large on the wall facing the fight of a stairway or at such suitable place
as is distinctly visible from the fights.
(vii) Hand Rail :- Hand rail a minimum height of 0.9 m. from the centre of the tread shall
be provided.

16.13 RAMPS :
(1) Ramps for pedestrians :
(a) General :- The provisions applicable to stairway shall generally apply to ramps.
A ramp in a hospital shall not be less than 2.25 Mts. wide in addition to satisfy
the fire fighting requirements.
(b) Slope :- A ramp shall have slope of not mo re than 1:10. it shall be of
non- slippery material.
(c) Handrail :- A handrail shall be provided on both the sides of the ramp.
(2) Ramps for handicapped people :- The provision of the ramp with a handrail to every
public building on ground floor only as compulsory for handicapped people. as per
the revised National Building Code.
(3) Ramp for basement or storied parking :- For parking spaces in a basement and
upper at least two ramps of adequate width and slope shall be provided preferably at
the opposite and such ramps may be permitted in the side and rear marginal open
spaces. after leaving sufficient space for movement of firefighting equipments.

16.14 ROOFS :

(i)Effective drainage of rain water :- The roof a building shall be so constructed or framed
as to permit effectual drainage of the rain water there from by means of ram water pipes
at the scale of at least one pipe of 10 cm. diameter for every 40 sq.m. of roof area. Such
pipes shall be so arranged. jointed and fixed as to ensure that the rain water is carried
away from the building without causing dampness in any part of the walls or found
ations of the building or those of adjacent buildings.
(ii) Manner of fixing rain water pipes :- Rain water pipes shall be affixed to the outside
of the walls of the building or in recesses or chases cut or formed in such walls or in such
other manner as may be approved by the Competent Authority.

16.15 TERRACE :
Terraces shall be free from partitions of any kind and accessible by a common staircase

16.16 PARAPET :
Parapet walls and handrails provided on the edges of the roof. terrace. balcony. etc. shall

not be less than 1.15 Mts. from the finishing floor level and not more than 1.3 Mts. beight
above the unfinished floor level Parapet construction shall be made of material and design.
such that it ensure optimum safety to the user/occupants of the building.


Water storage tank shall be maintained that perfectly mosquto-proof condition. by

providing a properly fitting hinged cover and every tank more than 1.50 Mts. in height
shall be provided with a permanently fixed iron ladder to enable inspection by
anti-malaria staff.


Wherever a property is developed or redeveloped a space for community-Bin for disposal

of Solid Waste shall be provided in the road-side front marginal open space. The owners/
occupants shall be required to provide the community-Bin with air-tight cover on top
at the standards prescribed as follows :

(i) The size of community bin (container) shall be calculated at the rate of 10 liters
capacity per tenement dwelling unit. for Residential use of building: provided that
the maximum capacity of container shall be 80 liters. The numbers of bins shall be
calculated on the basis of total no. of dwelling units/tenements.

(ii) The size of community-Bin (container) shall be calculated at the rate of the 20 liters
capacity for each 100 SMT of floor-area. in case of non-residential use of building.
provided that the maximum capacity of container shall be 80 liters. The number of
bins shall be calculated on the basis of total no. of dwelling units/ tenements.
(iii) Provided that in case of Hospitals, Hotels, Restaurants like uses the disposal of Solid
Waste shall be carried out as per the norms decided by the authority from time to


No roof or terrace abutting on a public street shall be constructed without providing
sufficient of downtake pipes and such pipes shall be so fixed as to discharge the rain
water at a level not higher than 0.6 metre above the street level.



No development or redevelopment or change of use or engineering operations or

additions. alterations. repairs. renovations including the painting of buildings.
replacement of special features or demolition of the whole or part thereof or
plastering of heritage buildings and/or heritage precinets and pols shall be allowed
except with the written permission of the competent authority.


In all case of building having more than two floors including ground floor a letter boxes
for each.

separate unit shall be provided at ground floor level in such a way that post man can
easily deliver the posts in them.


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